Taller de Teledetección
Del 31 de enero al 4 de febrero de 2011
Ciudad de México
Atenta invitación a nuestro próximo taller de capacitación.
Está dirigido a usuarios de imágenes aéreas o satelitales,
se desarrollará en entorno del software PCI Geomatica 10.
Se cubrirán distintas aplicaciones de la percepción remota como recursos naturales, agricultura, medio ambiente, ordenamientos, infraestructura y exploración geológica.
Modelaje espacial, clasificaciones, fusión, uso de filtros y ortorectificación,
entre otros temas
Para mayores informes:
L. C. Lourdes Ocegueda
Directora General
(33) 3824-5253 / sin costo: 01-800-831-2323
Empleo para biologos. Bolsa de trabajo ciencias de la vida. ¿En que puede trabajar un biólogo?
miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011
Becas para extranjeros para estudios de postgrado e investigación en España para el curso académico 2011-2012
Becas para extranjeros para estudios de postgrado e investigación en España para el curso académico 2011-2012
Dirigido a
Egresados titulados, investigadores.
Tipo de actividad
Estudios de postgrado (doctorado, tesis doctoral, estudios postdoctorales, investigación, maestría, especialización, experto, y otros).
Organismo financiador
Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación (MAEC) / Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID).
Área del conocimiento
Todas las áreas.
Duración del programa
Hasta 1 año, prorrogable hasta un 2do. año para estudios de maestría e investigación, y hasta un 3er. año final, exclusivamente para estudios de doctorado y con carácter improrrogable.
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
· Una dotación mensual, que variará según el programa elegido ( entre 700 euros y hasta 1,200 euros).
· Matrícula: hasta 2,000 euros de ayuda individual si lo requieren los estudios para los que se concede la beca.
· Seguro médico no farmacéutico y seguro de accidentes.
· Ayuda de viaje según región de procedencia o destino del becario.
Requisitos mínimos
· No superar los 35 años de edad al momento de presentar la postulación.
· No tener nacionalidad española.
· Tramitar a la vez que la solicitud de la beca, la solicitud de preadmisión del centro de destino.
Documentación requerida
Los solicitantes no deben presentar la documentación en el momento de cumplimentar la solicitud en línea, sino enviar el formulario por vía electrónica.
Una vez que hayan sido seleccionados, deberán presentar la siguiente documentación:
· Copia en papel del formulario de solicitud, cumplimentada por vía electrónica.
· Declaración responsable firmada relativa a la no residencia en España del candidato extranjero, que aparece como anexo II.
· Copia compulsada del documento de identidad personal (pasaporte) o del que reglamentariamente lo sustituya.
· Copia compulsada de la certificación académica personal y del título universitario alcanzado expedido por la universidad.
· Currículum vitae desarrollado en una página como máximo.
· Certificado de convalidación por las autoridades educativas competentes del título o estudios cursados, si lo requieren los estudios a realizar.
· Originales de las dos cartas de recomendación de profesores, profesionales o personalidades en el país de origen, de fecha anterior no superior a un año, relevantes por su relación académica o profesional con el solicitante, cuyo texto previamente habrá sido introducido en el apartado correspondiente de la solicitud en línea.
· Una fotografía reciente tamaño pasaporte con el nombre y apellidos al reverso.
· Copia de la carta o comunicación de admisión del Centro de destino donde se pretenda realizar la actividad para el curso 2011-2012.
Esta documentación deberá presentarse en los servicios competentes de las Embajadas de España en su lugar de origen, en un plazo de 20 días naturales desde la fecha de comunicación de su selección por la AECID.
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente
Master Oficial yTítulos Propios: 1º de febrero de 2011
Doctorado e investigación: 26 de enero de 2011
Dónde realizar el registro en línea
Dirigido a
Egresados titulados, investigadores.
Tipo de actividad
Estudios de postgrado (doctorado, tesis doctoral, estudios postdoctorales, investigación, maestría, especialización, experto, y otros).
Organismo financiador
Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación (MAEC) / Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID).
Área del conocimiento
Todas las áreas.
Duración del programa
Hasta 1 año, prorrogable hasta un 2do. año para estudios de maestría e investigación, y hasta un 3er. año final, exclusivamente para estudios de doctorado y con carácter improrrogable.
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
· Una dotación mensual, que variará según el programa elegido ( entre 700 euros y hasta 1,200 euros).
· Matrícula: hasta 2,000 euros de ayuda individual si lo requieren los estudios para los que se concede la beca.
· Seguro médico no farmacéutico y seguro de accidentes.
· Ayuda de viaje según región de procedencia o destino del becario.
Requisitos mínimos
· No superar los 35 años de edad al momento de presentar la postulación.
· No tener nacionalidad española.
· Tramitar a la vez que la solicitud de la beca, la solicitud de preadmisión del centro de destino.
Documentación requerida
Los solicitantes no deben presentar la documentación en el momento de cumplimentar la solicitud en línea, sino enviar el formulario por vía electrónica.
Una vez que hayan sido seleccionados, deberán presentar la siguiente documentación:
· Copia en papel del formulario de solicitud, cumplimentada por vía electrónica.
· Declaración responsable firmada relativa a la no residencia en España del candidato extranjero, que aparece como anexo II.
· Copia compulsada del documento de identidad personal (pasaporte) o del que reglamentariamente lo sustituya.
· Copia compulsada de la certificación académica personal y del título universitario alcanzado expedido por la universidad.
· Currículum vitae desarrollado en una página como máximo.
· Certificado de convalidación por las autoridades educativas competentes del título o estudios cursados, si lo requieren los estudios a realizar.
· Originales de las dos cartas de recomendación de profesores, profesionales o personalidades en el país de origen, de fecha anterior no superior a un año, relevantes por su relación académica o profesional con el solicitante, cuyo texto previamente habrá sido introducido en el apartado correspondiente de la solicitud en línea.
· Una fotografía reciente tamaño pasaporte con el nombre y apellidos al reverso.
· Copia de la carta o comunicación de admisión del Centro de destino donde se pretenda realizar la actividad para el curso 2011-2012.
Esta documentación deberá presentarse en los servicios competentes de las Embajadas de España en su lugar de origen, en un plazo de 20 días naturales desde la fecha de comunicación de su selección por la AECID.
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente
Master Oficial yTítulos Propios: 1º de febrero de 2011
Doctorado e investigación: 26 de enero de 2011
Dónde realizar el registro en línea
Orange Tulip Scholarship para estudiantes mexicanos 2011-2012
Orange Tulip Scholarship para estudiantes mexicanos 2011-2012
Dirigido a
Egresados mexicanos de excelencia.
Tipo de actividad
Estudios de maestría en las universidades holandesas que participan en el programa.
Organismo financiador
Nuffic Neso México y las universidades participantes.
Instituciones participantes
* Amsterdam Business School
* Delft University of Technology
* Eindhoven University of Technology
* Leiden University
* Maastricht School of Management
* Nyenrode Business University
* Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam (RSM)
* Saxion University of Applied Sciences
* TiasNimbas Business School
* Tilburg University
* University of Groningen
* University of Twente
Área del conocimiento
Las de las universidades participantes.
Duración del programa
Variable de acuerdo al programa de maestría elegido.
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
Variable de acuerdo al programa de maestría elegido.
Requisitos mínimos
· Ser ciudadano mexicano y tener residencia permanente en México.
· Tener entre 18 y 35 años en el momento de la solicitud.
· No estar estudiando o trabajando en Holanda actualmente.
· Tener un buen dominio del inglés hablado y escrito (mínimo de 6,0 en el IELTS o 80 en el TOEFL iBT).
· Estar actualmente en proceso de admisión o haber sido aceptado por una institución de educación superior holandesa.
Además de estos requisitos generales, cada universidad participante en el programa de becas Orange Tulip tiene sus propios requisitos adicionales. Favor de leer cuidadosamente la información proporcionada en cada una de las páginas de las universidades.
Documentación requerida
Los documentos deben estar escritos en inglés, o acompañados de una traducción oficial al inglés:
* Solicitud de beca del “Orange Tulip” .
* Curriculum Vitae.
* Carta de motivación (que expresa por qué se solicita la Beca de Orange Tulip y por qué merece ganarla; máximo 1 cuartilla).
* Dos cartas de recomendación (preferentemente una referencia académica y una profesional).
* Copia certificada del título de la licenciatura. Si aún no se está en posesión del mismo, se deberá presentar una carta escrita por una autoridad de la universidad de origen indicando que el título está en proceso.
* Copia certificada de constancia de calificaciones.
* Copia certificada del resultado obtenido en el examen TOEFL o IELTS que compruebe el nivel de inglés.
* Copia del pasaporte.
* Carta de aceptación de una institución de educación superior Holandesa.
Nota: Además de estos documentos, cada uno de los patrocinadores del Orange Tulip Programme puede requerir documentación adicional. La documentación enviada a Nuffic Neso México sólo se utilizará para el proceso de asignación de becas del Orange Tulip Programme.
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente en Nuffic Neso México
1 de abril de 2011
Fechas límite para solicitar la admisión a algún programa de maestría
1 de febrero
Eindhoven University of Techology
1 de marzo
Leiden University
Delft University of Technology
1 de abril
Amsterdam Business School
Leiden University
Maastricht School of Management
Nyenrode Business University
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
TiasNimbas Business School
Tilburg University
University of Groningen
15 de mayo
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM)
Orange Tulip Scholarship
Martha Márquez Oropeza
Consejera estudiantil
Nuffic Neso México
Correo electrónico ots@nesomexico.org
Teléfonos 55 5254-4013
01-800-HOLANDA / 01-800-465-2632 (lada sin costo)
Homero 407, piso 11
Col. Chapultepec Morales
Ciudad de México, D.F. 11570
Información IMPORTANTE
Los resultados de becas se anunciarán en mayo/junio del 2011. La lista de ganadores se publicará en la página web de Nuffic Neso México en junio de 2011. Al mismo tiempo, los ganadores de las becas recibirán un correo electrónico de Nuffic Neso México.
Dirigido a
Egresados mexicanos de excelencia.
Tipo de actividad
Estudios de maestría en las universidades holandesas que participan en el programa.
Organismo financiador
Nuffic Neso México y las universidades participantes.
Instituciones participantes
* Amsterdam Business School
* Delft University of Technology
* Eindhoven University of Technology
* Leiden University
* Maastricht School of Management
* Nyenrode Business University
* Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam (RSM)
* Saxion University of Applied Sciences
* TiasNimbas Business School
* Tilburg University
* University of Groningen
* University of Twente
Área del conocimiento
Las de las universidades participantes.
Duración del programa
Variable de acuerdo al programa de maestría elegido.
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
Variable de acuerdo al programa de maestría elegido.
Requisitos mínimos
· Ser ciudadano mexicano y tener residencia permanente en México.
· Tener entre 18 y 35 años en el momento de la solicitud.
· No estar estudiando o trabajando en Holanda actualmente.
· Tener un buen dominio del inglés hablado y escrito (mínimo de 6,0 en el IELTS o 80 en el TOEFL iBT).
· Estar actualmente en proceso de admisión o haber sido aceptado por una institución de educación superior holandesa.
Además de estos requisitos generales, cada universidad participante en el programa de becas Orange Tulip tiene sus propios requisitos adicionales. Favor de leer cuidadosamente la información proporcionada en cada una de las páginas de las universidades.
Documentación requerida
Los documentos deben estar escritos en inglés, o acompañados de una traducción oficial al inglés:
* Solicitud de beca del “Orange Tulip” .
* Curriculum Vitae.
* Carta de motivación (que expresa por qué se solicita la Beca de Orange Tulip y por qué merece ganarla; máximo 1 cuartilla).
* Dos cartas de recomendación (preferentemente una referencia académica y una profesional).
* Copia certificada del título de la licenciatura. Si aún no se está en posesión del mismo, se deberá presentar una carta escrita por una autoridad de la universidad de origen indicando que el título está en proceso.
* Copia certificada de constancia de calificaciones.
* Copia certificada del resultado obtenido en el examen TOEFL o IELTS que compruebe el nivel de inglés.
* Copia del pasaporte.
* Carta de aceptación de una institución de educación superior Holandesa.
Nota: Además de estos documentos, cada uno de los patrocinadores del Orange Tulip Programme puede requerir documentación adicional. La documentación enviada a Nuffic Neso México sólo se utilizará para el proceso de asignación de becas del Orange Tulip Programme.
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente en Nuffic Neso México
1 de abril de 2011
Fechas límite para solicitar la admisión a algún programa de maestría
1 de febrero
Eindhoven University of Techology
1 de marzo
Leiden University
Delft University of Technology
1 de abril
Amsterdam Business School
Leiden University
Maastricht School of Management
Nyenrode Business University
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
TiasNimbas Business School
Tilburg University
University of Groningen
15 de mayo
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM)
Orange Tulip Scholarship
Martha Márquez Oropeza
Consejera estudiantil
Nuffic Neso México
Correo electrónico ots@nesomexico.org
Teléfonos 55 5254-4013
01-800-HOLANDA / 01-800-465-2632 (lada sin costo)
Homero 407, piso 11
Col. Chapultepec Morales
Ciudad de México, D.F. 11570
Información IMPORTANTE
Los resultados de becas se anunciarán en mayo/junio del 2011. La lista de ganadores se publicará en la página web de Nuffic Neso México en junio de 2011. Al mismo tiempo, los ganadores de las becas recibirán un correo electrónico de Nuffic Neso México.
Becas del Gobierno de Finlandia, 2011
Becas del Gobierno de Finlandia, 2011
Dirigido a
Tipo de actividad
Doctorado e investigación a nivel doctoral
Organismo financiador
Gobierno de Finlandia
Área del conocimiento
Duración del programa
De tres a nueve meses, sin posibilidad de prórroga, para dar inicio en septiembre de 2011.
Finés, sueco y/o inglés.
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
Asignación mensual para manutención de 1,200 euros.
Se recomienda a los beneficiarios de la beca contar con un seguro internacional médico para su estancia en Finlandia.
El pasaje aéreo México – Finlandia - México correrá por cuenta del becario, así como cualquier gasto adicional.
Requisitos mínimos
· Tener nacionalidad mexicana.
· Promedio general mínimo de 80.
Documentación requerida
Nota: Presentar la documentación en dos expedientes, en el orden indicado a continuación.
· Hoja de registro de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, debidamente llenada y firmada, con fotografía a color y Carta compromiso. La hoja de registro se encuentra en http://www.sre.gob.mx/becas/ en la sección de formatos y requisitos.
· Cuestionario relativo al plan de trabajo y la exposición de motivos de la SRE. Este se encuentra en http://www.sre.gob.mx/becas/ en la sección de formatos y requisitos.
· Original y copia del formulario del CIMO (Centro de Movilidad Internacional) del gobierno de Finlandia (solicitud de beca) debidamente llenado y con fotografía. El formulario se puede obtener en: http://studyinfinland.fi/scholarships/cimo_scholarships/ finnish_government_scholarship_pool
· Copia del título de maestría o, en su caso, constancia de haber presentado el examen de grado y de que se obtendrá el título antes de la fecha de inicio de la beca.
· Constancia de materias y calificaciones obtenidas en la licenciatura y en los estudios de postgrado, indicando promedio general. Este debe estar firmado por la autoridad competente de la universidad. Si el doctorado está en desarrollo, incluir constancia de que está matriculado.
· Currículum vitae (máximo 2 cuartillas). En caso de tener trabajos de investigación y/o publicaciones, señalar los más relevantes o aquellos que estén relacionados con el programa de estudios a seguir.
· Dos cartas de recomendación en original. Las cartas deben referirse a la ética del candidato, a su habilidad de investigación y a sus atributos personales y sobre el potencial del candidato en el campo de estudio elegido, en español con traducción simple al finés, o sueco o inglés.
· Certificado que acredite un buen dominio del idioma finés, o sueco o inglés, extendido por alguna institución reconocida a nivel internacional. En caso del inglés se requiere el TOEFL con un puntaje mínimo de 550 o su equivalente.
· Plan de estudios o investigación (1 ó 2 cuartillas máximo).
· Invitación del supervisor académico en Finlandia, acompañada del calendario de actividades.
· Certificado médico de buen estado de salud (original y copia).
· Copia del acta de nacimiento o pasaporte.
Las candidaturas incompletas o recibidas después de la fecha límite señalada no serán consideradas en los procesos de selección.
No se recibirán originales del acta de nacimiento, títulos académicos, certificados de estudios, diplomas obtenidos y/o cualquier otro documento. La documentación para postular deberá entregarse perforada, en el orden mencionado, con broche tipo “bacco” y separadores en cada uno de los incisos. No se aceptarán carpetas de ningún otro tipo.
No se devolverá la documentación presentada por los aspirantes a este programa, por lo que, de no ser seleccionados, se solicita abstenerse de reclamar sus expedientes.
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente
Delegaciones Foráneas de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores
21 de enero de 2011
Centro de Promoción y Difusión de Becas de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores
28 de enero de 2011
Dónde entregar o enviar expediente
Centro de Promoción y Difusión de Becas
Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores
Av. Juárez No 20, P.B.
Col. Centro, Deleg. Cuauhtémoc
C.P. 06010
México, D.F
En Guadalajara, Palacio Federal:
Alcalde no. 500, Col. El santuario
Coordinación General de Cooperación e Internacionalización
López Cotilla 1043, entre Argentina y Prado.
Col. Centro
Guadalajara, Jal.
Página web
Dirigido a
Tipo de actividad
Doctorado e investigación a nivel doctoral
Organismo financiador
Gobierno de Finlandia
Área del conocimiento
Duración del programa
De tres a nueve meses, sin posibilidad de prórroga, para dar inicio en septiembre de 2011.
Finés, sueco y/o inglés.
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
Asignación mensual para manutención de 1,200 euros.
Se recomienda a los beneficiarios de la beca contar con un seguro internacional médico para su estancia en Finlandia.
El pasaje aéreo México – Finlandia - México correrá por cuenta del becario, así como cualquier gasto adicional.
Requisitos mínimos
· Tener nacionalidad mexicana.
· Promedio general mínimo de 80.
Documentación requerida
Nota: Presentar la documentación en dos expedientes, en el orden indicado a continuación.
· Hoja de registro de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, debidamente llenada y firmada, con fotografía a color y Carta compromiso. La hoja de registro se encuentra en http://www.sre.gob.mx/becas/ en la sección de formatos y requisitos.
· Cuestionario relativo al plan de trabajo y la exposición de motivos de la SRE. Este se encuentra en http://www.sre.gob.mx/becas/ en la sección de formatos y requisitos.
· Original y copia del formulario del CIMO (Centro de Movilidad Internacional) del gobierno de Finlandia (solicitud de beca) debidamente llenado y con fotografía. El formulario se puede obtener en: http://studyinfinland.fi/scholarships/cimo_scholarships/ finnish_government_scholarship_pool
· Copia del título de maestría o, en su caso, constancia de haber presentado el examen de grado y de que se obtendrá el título antes de la fecha de inicio de la beca.
· Constancia de materias y calificaciones obtenidas en la licenciatura y en los estudios de postgrado, indicando promedio general. Este debe estar firmado por la autoridad competente de la universidad. Si el doctorado está en desarrollo, incluir constancia de que está matriculado.
· Currículum vitae (máximo 2 cuartillas). En caso de tener trabajos de investigación y/o publicaciones, señalar los más relevantes o aquellos que estén relacionados con el programa de estudios a seguir.
· Dos cartas de recomendación en original. Las cartas deben referirse a la ética del candidato, a su habilidad de investigación y a sus atributos personales y sobre el potencial del candidato en el campo de estudio elegido, en español con traducción simple al finés, o sueco o inglés.
· Certificado que acredite un buen dominio del idioma finés, o sueco o inglés, extendido por alguna institución reconocida a nivel internacional. En caso del inglés se requiere el TOEFL con un puntaje mínimo de 550 o su equivalente.
· Plan de estudios o investigación (1 ó 2 cuartillas máximo).
· Invitación del supervisor académico en Finlandia, acompañada del calendario de actividades.
· Certificado médico de buen estado de salud (original y copia).
· Copia del acta de nacimiento o pasaporte.
Las candidaturas incompletas o recibidas después de la fecha límite señalada no serán consideradas en los procesos de selección.
No se recibirán originales del acta de nacimiento, títulos académicos, certificados de estudios, diplomas obtenidos y/o cualquier otro documento. La documentación para postular deberá entregarse perforada, en el orden mencionado, con broche tipo “bacco” y separadores en cada uno de los incisos. No se aceptarán carpetas de ningún otro tipo.
No se devolverá la documentación presentada por los aspirantes a este programa, por lo que, de no ser seleccionados, se solicita abstenerse de reclamar sus expedientes.
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente
Delegaciones Foráneas de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores
21 de enero de 2011
Centro de Promoción y Difusión de Becas de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores
28 de enero de 2011
Dónde entregar o enviar expediente
Centro de Promoción y Difusión de Becas
Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores
Av. Juárez No 20, P.B.
Col. Centro, Deleg. Cuauhtémoc
C.P. 06010
México, D.F
En Guadalajara, Palacio Federal:
Alcalde no. 500, Col. El santuario
Coordinación General de Cooperación e Internacionalización
López Cotilla 1043, entre Argentina y Prado.
Col. Centro
Guadalajara, Jal.
Página web
Concurso Dell Social Innovation Competition 2011
Estados Unidos
Dirigido a
Estudiantes de licenciatura y de postgrado.
Nombre del programa
Dell Social Innovation Competition 2011
Organismo financiador
The University of Texas at Austin, RGK Center for Philanthropy y Community Service and Dell.
Área del conocimiento
Todas las áreas
Se deberá desarrollar una idea innovadora para resolver un problema social o medioambiental en cualquier parte del mundo.
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
Primer lugar: $50,000 USD
Segundo lugar: $20,000 USD
Tercer lugar: $10,000 USD
Además de apoyo económico, cada equipo recibirá 2 (dos) Dell Laptop.
Más información:
Requisitos mínimos
Para el equipo:
Ser estudiante de licenciatura o postgrado. El comprobante de inscripción a la universidad será solicitado a todos los participantes semifinalistas y finalistas.
· Los estudiantes que terminaron la carrera en diciembre de 2010 son elegibles para participar.
· Los concursantes deben participar activamente en el desarrollo de la idea.
· El tamaño del grupo no está restringido. Los equipos pueden solicitar el asesoramiento de mentores o expertos externos, pero el desarrollo de la idea debe ser totalmente dirigida por los estudiantes.
· Todos los miembros del equipo que aparecen en el desarrollo de la idea final han de considerarse miembros con partes iguales de la empresa, a menos que se estipule lo contrario.
· Los equipos que previamente han llegado a la ronda de presentación final anterior del Concurso de Innovación Social de Dell no puede volver a participar en la competencia de este año con la misma idea.
Para el desarrollo de la idea:
· La idea debe ser desarrollada principalmente para hacer frente a un problema social significativo.
· La misión y las prácticas de la idea deben disponer de un rendimiento social cuantificable.
· La idea debe ser financieramente viable.
· El desarrollo de la idea debe ser escalable y tener en cuenta el potencial de crecimiento.
· Si la idea ya existe, no debe haber estado en práctica en los últimos tres años. El inicio de la idea se caracteriza por el ingreso que recibió por primera vez. Los proyectos de estudiantes inscritos en nombre de un negocio o sin fines de lucro no son elegibles.
· La idea propuesta no puede ser una filial de propiedad total de una ya existente con fines de lucro o una entidad sin fines de lucro.
· La idea no puede volver a entrar en la competencia más allá de dos años consecutivos.
· El desarrollo de la idea debe estar escrita en inglés.
Documentación requerida
Para participar basta con presentar un resumen de la idea de 500 palabras (máximo) en la siguiente página:
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente
14 de febrero de 2011
Dónde entregar o enviar expediente
Dell Social Innovation Competition
El registro es en línea
Se recomienda leer la convocatoria completa:
Estados Unidos
Dirigido a
Estudiantes de licenciatura y de postgrado.
Nombre del programa
Dell Social Innovation Competition 2011
Organismo financiador
The University of Texas at Austin, RGK Center for Philanthropy y Community Service and Dell.
Área del conocimiento
Todas las áreas
Se deberá desarrollar una idea innovadora para resolver un problema social o medioambiental en cualquier parte del mundo.
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
Primer lugar: $50,000 USD
Segundo lugar: $20,000 USD
Tercer lugar: $10,000 USD
Además de apoyo económico, cada equipo recibirá 2 (dos) Dell Laptop.
Más información:
Requisitos mínimos
Para el equipo:
Ser estudiante de licenciatura o postgrado. El comprobante de inscripción a la universidad será solicitado a todos los participantes semifinalistas y finalistas.
· Los estudiantes que terminaron la carrera en diciembre de 2010 son elegibles para participar.
· Los concursantes deben participar activamente en el desarrollo de la idea.
· El tamaño del grupo no está restringido. Los equipos pueden solicitar el asesoramiento de mentores o expertos externos, pero el desarrollo de la idea debe ser totalmente dirigida por los estudiantes.
· Todos los miembros del equipo que aparecen en el desarrollo de la idea final han de considerarse miembros con partes iguales de la empresa, a menos que se estipule lo contrario.
· Los equipos que previamente han llegado a la ronda de presentación final anterior del Concurso de Innovación Social de Dell no puede volver a participar en la competencia de este año con la misma idea.
Para el desarrollo de la idea:
· La idea debe ser desarrollada principalmente para hacer frente a un problema social significativo.
· La misión y las prácticas de la idea deben disponer de un rendimiento social cuantificable.
· La idea debe ser financieramente viable.
· El desarrollo de la idea debe ser escalable y tener en cuenta el potencial de crecimiento.
· Si la idea ya existe, no debe haber estado en práctica en los últimos tres años. El inicio de la idea se caracteriza por el ingreso que recibió por primera vez. Los proyectos de estudiantes inscritos en nombre de un negocio o sin fines de lucro no son elegibles.
· La idea propuesta no puede ser una filial de propiedad total de una ya existente con fines de lucro o una entidad sin fines de lucro.
· La idea no puede volver a entrar en la competencia más allá de dos años consecutivos.
· El desarrollo de la idea debe estar escrita en inglés.
Documentación requerida
Para participar basta con presentar un resumen de la idea de 500 palabras (máximo) en la siguiente página:
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente
14 de febrero de 2011
Dónde entregar o enviar expediente
Dell Social Innovation Competition
El registro es en línea
Se recomienda leer la convocatoria completa:
Ayuda de movilidad del Centro Universitario de Baviera para América Latina (BAYLAT).
Ayuda de movilidad del Centro Universitario de Baviera para América Latina (BAYLAT).
Dirigido a
Estudiantes latinoamericanos que desean realizar una estancia de investigación en el marco de su tesis de licenciatura o maestría.
Tipo de actividad
Estancias de investigación.
Organismo financiador
Centro Universitario de Baviera para América Latina (BAYLAT).
Duración del programa
De 1 a 3 meses.
Alemán nivel A2 (aproximadamente 200 horas clase).
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
· 680 euros mensuales.
· 150 euros como monto único para seguro médico.
Requisitos mínimos
· Contar con carta de aceptación previo a la solicitud de beca.
· Solicitar la estancia de investigación en una universidad de la región de Baviera con la cual la Universidad de Guadalajara tenga un convenio vigente.
Documentación requerida
· Formulario de solicitud (adjunto).
· Currículum vitae de acuerdo al formato adjunto.
· Exposición del proyecto científico indicando la duración del mismo.
· Certificado de las materias cursadas hasta el momento, expedido por Control Escolar del Centro Universitario al que se encuentre adscrito.
· Certificado de conocimiento del idioma alemán, equivalente a las exigencias del examen DaF (Deutsch als Fremdsprache), nivel A2 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia (aproximadamente 200 horas clase).
· Carta de aceptación por parte del profesor o asesor del Centro de Enseñanza Superior asociado en Baviera.
· Carta de postulación del Centro Universitario al que se encuentre adscrito (formato FIE-6).
· Formato FIE-4 (sólo la primera hoja).
· Carta de postulación institucional expedida por la CGCI.
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente
11 de marzo de 2011 para que la CGCI emita la carta de postulación.
31 de marzo de 2011 para enviar el expediente completo a BAYLAT.
Dónde entregar o enviar expediente
Centro Universitario de Baviera para América Latina (BAYLAT)
Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum für Lateinamerika
Hugenottenplatz 1ª, Raum 004/005
D-91054 Erlangen
Adicionalmente, favor de notificar de su participación, por medio de la carta de postulación del Rector de su Centro (formato FIE-6), a cambio de la cual se entregará una carta de postulación institucional expedida por la CGCI, y hacer entrega de una copia de la solicitud (ver fecha de entrega en el apartado anterior) en:
Coordinación General de Cooperación e Internacionalización
López Cotilla 1043, entre Argentina y Prado.
Col. Centro
Guadalajara, Jal.
Información IMPORTANTE
Los solicitantes recibirán respuesta en un plazo de dos meses después de la entrega de la solicitud. La estadía de investigación deberá comenzar en 2011.
Ursula Arning, M.A. mobilitaet@baylat.org
Dirigido a
Estudiantes latinoamericanos que desean realizar una estancia de investigación en el marco de su tesis de licenciatura o maestría.
Tipo de actividad
Estancias de investigación.
Organismo financiador
Centro Universitario de Baviera para América Latina (BAYLAT).
Duración del programa
De 1 a 3 meses.
Alemán nivel A2 (aproximadamente 200 horas clase).
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
· 680 euros mensuales.
· 150 euros como monto único para seguro médico.
Requisitos mínimos
· Contar con carta de aceptación previo a la solicitud de beca.
· Solicitar la estancia de investigación en una universidad de la región de Baviera con la cual la Universidad de Guadalajara tenga un convenio vigente.
Documentación requerida
· Formulario de solicitud (adjunto).
· Currículum vitae de acuerdo al formato adjunto.
· Exposición del proyecto científico indicando la duración del mismo.
· Certificado de las materias cursadas hasta el momento, expedido por Control Escolar del Centro Universitario al que se encuentre adscrito.
· Certificado de conocimiento del idioma alemán, equivalente a las exigencias del examen DaF (Deutsch als Fremdsprache), nivel A2 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia (aproximadamente 200 horas clase).
· Carta de aceptación por parte del profesor o asesor del Centro de Enseñanza Superior asociado en Baviera.
· Carta de postulación del Centro Universitario al que se encuentre adscrito (formato FIE-6).
· Formato FIE-4 (sólo la primera hoja).
· Carta de postulación institucional expedida por la CGCI.
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente
11 de marzo de 2011 para que la CGCI emita la carta de postulación.
31 de marzo de 2011 para enviar el expediente completo a BAYLAT.
Dónde entregar o enviar expediente
Centro Universitario de Baviera para América Latina (BAYLAT)
Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum für Lateinamerika
Hugenottenplatz 1ª, Raum 004/005
D-91054 Erlangen
Adicionalmente, favor de notificar de su participación, por medio de la carta de postulación del Rector de su Centro (formato FIE-6), a cambio de la cual se entregará una carta de postulación institucional expedida por la CGCI, y hacer entrega de una copia de la solicitud (ver fecha de entrega en el apartado anterior) en:
Coordinación General de Cooperación e Internacionalización
López Cotilla 1043, entre Argentina y Prado.
Col. Centro
Guadalajara, Jal.
Información IMPORTANTE
Los solicitantes recibirán respuesta en un plazo de dos meses después de la entrega de la solicitud. La estadía de investigación deberá comenzar en 2011.
Ursula Arning, M.A. mobilitaet@baylat.org
Programas de doctorado en Medicina Molecular y/o Neurociencias en la Universidad de Graz
Programas de doctorado en Medicina Molecular y/o Neurociencias en la Universidad de Graz
Dirigido a
Egresados de maestría.
Tipo de actividad
Estudios de doctorado.
Organismo financiador
Universidad de Graz
Tres años.
Área del conocimiento
Ciencias naturales
Ciencias de la vida
Inicio de los estudios
Otoño de 2011 (aproximadamente 1º de octubre).
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
Apoyo económico (la convocatoria no especifica montos).
Requisitos mínimos
Contar con un título de maestría o equivalente en cualquier área relacionada con las ciencias naturales, ciencias de la vida y medicina.
Interés por la ciencia (documentado).
Experiencia comprobable en investigación.
Excelentes recomendaciones.
Conocimiento avanzado del idioma inglés.
Nota: Los candidatos que se encuentren actualmente estudiando una maestría pueden ser elegibles siempre y cuando finalicen sus estudios antes de julio de 2011.
Documentación requerida
Nota: toda la documentación deberá estar escrita en inglés o deberá acompañarse de una traducción. Favor de solicitar los formatos a maritzafm@cgci.udg.mx
· Formato de solicitud de la Universidad Médica de Granz.
· Dos cartas de recomendación conforme al formato de la Universidad Médica de Granz. Las cartas deben estar firmadas y tener el sello de la institución en la que labora el recomendante. Las cartas deben ser enviadas vía correo electrónico directamente por quien recomienda, quien deberá poner en el asunto PhD y el nombre del candidato.
· Títulos y certificados de calificaciones (licenciatura y maestría).
· Certificado de conocimiento del idioma inglés.
Información IMPORTANTE
Los estudiantes seleccionados tendrán la posibilidad de obtener un empleo por 3 años que incluiría beneficios sociales.
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente
6 de marzo de 2011 (24:00 hrs. tomar en cuenta el cambio de horario).
Dónde entregar o enviar expediente
Los documentos requeridos deben ser escaneados y enviados a las siguientes direcciones de correo electrónico, dependiendo el doctorado al cual se desee ingresar:
phd-molmed@medunigraz.at (para Medicina Molecular)
phd-brain@medunigraz.at (para Neurociencia)
Página web
Dirigido a
Egresados de maestría.
Tipo de actividad
Estudios de doctorado.
Organismo financiador
Universidad de Graz
Tres años.
Área del conocimiento
Ciencias naturales
Ciencias de la vida
Inicio de los estudios
Otoño de 2011 (aproximadamente 1º de octubre).
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
Apoyo económico (la convocatoria no especifica montos).
Requisitos mínimos
Contar con un título de maestría o equivalente en cualquier área relacionada con las ciencias naturales, ciencias de la vida y medicina.
Interés por la ciencia (documentado).
Experiencia comprobable en investigación.
Excelentes recomendaciones.
Conocimiento avanzado del idioma inglés.
Nota: Los candidatos que se encuentren actualmente estudiando una maestría pueden ser elegibles siempre y cuando finalicen sus estudios antes de julio de 2011.
Documentación requerida
Nota: toda la documentación deberá estar escrita en inglés o deberá acompañarse de una traducción. Favor de solicitar los formatos a maritzafm@cgci.udg.mx
· Formato de solicitud de la Universidad Médica de Granz.
· Dos cartas de recomendación conforme al formato de la Universidad Médica de Granz. Las cartas deben estar firmadas y tener el sello de la institución en la que labora el recomendante. Las cartas deben ser enviadas vía correo electrónico directamente por quien recomienda, quien deberá poner en el asunto PhD y el nombre del candidato.
· Títulos y certificados de calificaciones (licenciatura y maestría).
· Certificado de conocimiento del idioma inglés.
Información IMPORTANTE
Los estudiantes seleccionados tendrán la posibilidad de obtener un empleo por 3 años que incluiría beneficios sociales.
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente
6 de marzo de 2011 (24:00 hrs. tomar en cuenta el cambio de horario).
Dónde entregar o enviar expediente
Los documentos requeridos deben ser escaneados y enviados a las siguientes direcciones de correo electrónico, dependiendo el doctorado al cual se desee ingresar:
phd-molmed@medunigraz.at (para Medicina Molecular)
phd-brain@medunigraz.at (para Neurociencia)
Página web
martes, 25 de enero de 2011
Neurobiologia conductual y cognitiva.
El Instituto de Neurobiologia-UNAM localizado en Quertaro, Mexico busca candidatos para ocupar una plaza de investigador titular para el Departamento de Neurobiologia Conductual y Cognitiva. Buscamos cientificos cuya investigacion se centre en el uso de la Imagen por Resonancia Magnetica para estudiar el proceso de envejecimiento, desarrollo, enfermedades neurodegenerativa, neurologicas o procesos cognitivos
(memoria, pensamiento, lenguaje, atencion, toma de decisiones, percepcion, emocion).
Buscamos investigadores que posean entrenamiento tecnico y amplia experiencia en imagen por resonancia magnetica, que incluya pero no se limite a fMRI. Es deseable que conozca las tecnicas de difusion y otras modalidades de imagen. Se espera que el candidato establezca un programa de investigacion solido y que pueda atraer donativos externos; que participe en proyectos de colaboracien intramuros; que supervise estudiantes de posgrado y que imparta cursos basicos y avanzados en el rea
de la Neurobiologia. Los solicitantes deberan enviar su curriculum vitae, tres
cartas de recomendacion, un plan de trabajo para investigacion y docencia, asi como publicaciones selectas a Magda Giordano, giordano@servidor.unam.mx. La fecha limite es el 31 de agosto 2011. El Instituto de Neurobiologia (www.inb.unam.mx) cuenta con una Unidad de Resonancia Magnetica con dos equipos de 1.0 y 3.0 T que se usan para investigacin en neurobiologa, sobre todo en imagen cerebral funcional y uso clnico. El Instituto se localiza a 20 km del centro histrico de Quertaro y contribuye de manera importante a la descentralizacion de las actividades cientificas en Mexico.
Magda Giordano, Ph.D.
Instituto de Neurobiologa
Blvd. Juriquilla 3001
Juriquilla, Qro. 76230
(52)442.238.1061, 1005
(52)442.238.10.46. 1005 (FAX)
(memoria, pensamiento, lenguaje, atencion, toma de decisiones, percepcion, emocion).
Buscamos investigadores que posean entrenamiento tecnico y amplia experiencia en imagen por resonancia magnetica, que incluya pero no se limite a fMRI. Es deseable que conozca las tecnicas de difusion y otras modalidades de imagen. Se espera que el candidato establezca un programa de investigacion solido y que pueda atraer donativos externos; que participe en proyectos de colaboracien intramuros; que supervise estudiantes de posgrado y que imparta cursos basicos y avanzados en el rea
de la Neurobiologia. Los solicitantes deberan enviar su curriculum vitae, tres
cartas de recomendacion, un plan de trabajo para investigacion y docencia, asi como publicaciones selectas a Magda Giordano, giordano@servidor.unam.mx. La fecha limite es el 31 de agosto 2011. El Instituto de Neurobiologia (www.inb.unam.mx) cuenta con una Unidad de Resonancia Magnetica con dos equipos de 1.0 y 3.0 T que se usan para investigacin en neurobiologa, sobre todo en imagen cerebral funcional y uso clnico. El Instituto se localiza a 20 km del centro histrico de Quertaro y contribuye de manera importante a la descentralizacion de las actividades cientificas en Mexico.
Magda Giordano, Ph.D.
Instituto de Neurobiologa
Blvd. Juriquilla 3001
Juriquilla, Qro. 76230
(52)442.238.1061, 1005
(52)442.238.10.46. 1005 (FAX)
Lineas polinizadoras
La empresa Koppert Mexico Biological Systems ofrece el puesto de analista de investigacion y desarrollo de las lineas polinizadoreas y beneficos donde realizara las funciones de Apoyo a Gerenica Tcnica para la elaboracon, implentacion analisis de proyectos de investigacion y desarrollo de diseo de estadisticos manejo de base de datos dey elaboracion de reportes elaboracion de proyectos de investigacion y desarrollo para el desarrollo de tecnologias de crianza de insectos desarrollo y optimizacion de metodos para la produccion de insectos taxonomia y analisis de
insectos beneficos elaboracion de publiaciones tecnicas sobre resultados los requisitos
son licenciatura en biologiaingeniero agronomo parasitologo deseable posgrado en ciencias y dominio del idioma ingles interesados contactar a Alfonso Torres Ruiz atorres@koppert.com.mx y Marcela Bueno Partida mbueno@kopert.com.mx al telefono 442 2216149
Melissa Pamela Monroy Romo
insectos beneficos elaboracion de publiaciones tecnicas sobre resultados los requisitos
son licenciatura en biologiaingeniero agronomo parasitologo deseable posgrado en ciencias y dominio del idioma ingles interesados contactar a Alfonso Torres Ruiz atorres@koppert.com.mx y Marcela Bueno Partida mbueno@kopert.com.mx al telefono 442 2216149
Melissa Pamela Monroy Romo
Control de Plagas, Culiacan.
a los interesados en ocupar una plaza de trabajo en culiacan sinaloa en control de plagas en hortalisas favor de comunicarse con lic. mariela peñuelas al tel. 667 760 04 57 y 667 760 04 58
para cualquier aclaracion comunicate con MC Fco. Javier Carabez Torres o fcarabez@cucba.udg.mx
para cualquier aclaracion comunicate con MC Fco. Javier Carabez Torres o fcarabez@cucba.udg.mx
domingo, 16 de enero de 2011
VOLUNTEER RESEARCH ASSISTANTS (4 positions available) needed for February 1, 2011 to June 1, 2011 to assist with a study on the foraging behavior of the tropical frog-eating bat, Trachops cirrhosus. Work will be conducted at Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute facilities in PANAMA, both in the mainland town of Gamboa, and for the month of March on Barro Colorado Island in the Panama canal. No prior experience is required, but applicants should be comfortable working late at night in hot, humid, and buggy conditions. Work will include mistnetting bats, recording frog and insect calls in the field, ecological surveys, and behavioral experiments. As the position is unpaid, volunteers are expected to work only 4 days a week with 3 days off. Volunteers must cover all their own expenses including airfare to Panama City, housing and food. Housing in Gamboa is $300-$400 per month and we will make regular trips to the grocery store in Panama City. On Barro Colorado Island combined room and board is $980. If interested, please send a resume and contact information for three references to PATRICIA JONES (email: patricia.jones@mail.utexas.edu).
Teacher of ecological education
We are building a sustainable settlement in the rainforest of coastal
Ecuador and we need help. A few years ago, a few of us – ecology, economics,
and business graduates – founded a nonprofit organization called Third
Millennium Alliance. We raised some money and bought a lot of land in one of
the most endangered tropical forests in the world and established an
ecological reserve. There was a small patch of previously-degraded land
right in the middle, where we have built an innovative and surprisingly
comfortable research station out of bamboo, by hand. Immediately surrounding
the house we are designing/growing/building a living laboratory of
sustainable resource management (i.e. permaculture). Our goal is 100% food
self-sufficiency within 10 years. So far, we’re maybe 15% of the way there.
This is also a testing ground for appropriate technology, such as off-the-
grid renewable energy, water treatment and management, organic pesticide
production, etc. With the nearby community, we are experimenting with
reforestation of ex-cattle pasture, eco-tourism alternatives, and ecological
education for children. OUR GREATEST NEED right now is people who want to
teach ecological education and/or English language to both children and
adults in the adjacent community of Camarones. You will also be responsible
with organizing “movie night” once a week, in which we show ecology-related
movies (documentaries as well as major motion pictures) to the community at
large. You will need to have at least some Spanish-speaking ability – the
more, the better. To learn more, please visit www.3malliance.org. If you are
interested in applying, please email jerry@3malliance.org. We really hope to
get a chance to work with you.
Ecuador and we need help. A few years ago, a few of us – ecology, economics,
and business graduates – founded a nonprofit organization called Third
Millennium Alliance. We raised some money and bought a lot of land in one of
the most endangered tropical forests in the world and established an
ecological reserve. There was a small patch of previously-degraded land
right in the middle, where we have built an innovative and surprisingly
comfortable research station out of bamboo, by hand. Immediately surrounding
the house we are designing/growing/building a living laboratory of
sustainable resource management (i.e. permaculture). Our goal is 100% food
self-sufficiency within 10 years. So far, we’re maybe 15% of the way there.
This is also a testing ground for appropriate technology, such as off-the-
grid renewable energy, water treatment and management, organic pesticide
production, etc. With the nearby community, we are experimenting with
reforestation of ex-cattle pasture, eco-tourism alternatives, and ecological
education for children. OUR GREATEST NEED right now is people who want to
teach ecological education and/or English language to both children and
adults in the adjacent community of Camarones. You will also be responsible
with organizing “movie night” once a week, in which we show ecology-related
movies (documentaries as well as major motion pictures) to the community at
large. You will need to have at least some Spanish-speaking ability – the
more, the better. To learn more, please visit www.3malliance.org. If you are
interested in applying, please email jerry@3malliance.org. We really hope to
get a chance to work with you.
2011 Kathryn Fuller Science for Nature Fellowships to support doctoral and postdoctoral research on marine protected areas (MPAs)
World Wildlife Fund is announcing the 2011 Kathryn Fuller Science for
Nature Fellowships to support doctoral and postdoctoral research on
marine protected areas (MPAs) that shows promise to enhance scientific
understanding of their ecological and social impacts and that will
strengthen science-based conservation and policy in the following
WWF-US priority marine regions:
Bering Sea;
Gulf of California;
Mesoamerican Reef;
Coastal East Africa
(coastal and marine areas of Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania); and
Coral Triangle
(Bismarck-Solomon Sea
s, Banda-Flores Seas, Sulu-Sulawesi Seas).
Fuller Postdoctoral Fellows receive $140,000 to cover a stipend and
research expenses over a period of up to two years. In addition, up to
$17,500 will be granted to cover indirect costs at the host
institution over the two-year fellowship period. Doctoral Fellows
receive either $15,000 or $20,000, depending on the location of their
research and home universities, allocated over a period of up to 2
years to cover research expenses.
The deadline for application submission is January 31, 2011.
For more information on the Fuller Doctoral Fellowship, please visit:
For more information on the Fuller Postdoctoral Fellowship, please visit:
For questions or further information, please contact fullerfund@wwfus.org
Nature Fellowships to support doctoral and postdoctoral research on
marine protected areas (MPAs) that shows promise to enhance scientific
understanding of their ecological and social impacts and that will
strengthen science-based conservation and policy in the following
WWF-US priority marine regions:
Bering Sea
Gulf of California
Mesoamerican Reef
Coastal East Africa
(coastal and marine areas of Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania); and
Coral Triangle
(Bismarck-Solomon Sea
s, Banda-Flores Seas, Sulu-Sulawesi Seas).
Fuller Postdoctoral Fellows receive $140,000 to cover a stipend and
research expenses over a period of up to two years. In addition, up to
$17,500 will be granted to cover indirect costs at the host
institution over the two-year fellowship period. Doctoral Fellows
receive either $15,000 or $20,000, depending on the location of their
research and home universities, allocated over a period of up to 2
years to cover research expenses.
The deadline for application submission is January 31, 2011.
For more information on the Fuller Doctoral Fellowship, please visit:
For more information on the Fuller Postdoctoral Fellowship, please visit:
For questions or further information, please contact fullerfund@wwfus.org
Postdoctoral Fellow in Conservation ecology
POSITION: Postdoctoral Fellow in Conservation ecology
DEGREE REQUIREMENTS: Candidates must have obtained their doctorate after 31
December 2004 or obtain it 30 days prior to the initiation of their contract.
LOCATION:Puerto Williams, Chilean Antarctic Province (Cape Horn Biosphere
Reserve) Chile
CONTRACTING INSTITUTION: University of Magallanes (UMAG)
ASSOCIATED INSTITUTIONS: Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity & University
of North Texas
WORK CONDITIONS: One year contract – with possible permanent contract
POTENTIAL PROJECTIONS: After PBCT project funding ends, potential full-time
contract in the UMAG & interaction with centers of research excellence in
Chile and internationally
DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin on 25 November 2010 and continue
until position is filled
BEGINNING OF ACTIVITIES: As early as November 2010 and no later than January
NATIONALITY: Preference for Chilean nationals/residents
CONTEXT OF THE POSITION: The Omora Ethnobotanical Park is a Long-Term
Socio-Ecological Research (LTSER) site, coordinated by the University of
Magallanes in conjunction with the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity and
the Omora Foundation in Chile, and with the University of North Texas, the
Center for Environmental Philosophy and OSARA in the US. This is the first
explicitly marine-terrestrial study site in Chile and in addition
constitutes the research, education and conservation center for the Cape
Horn Biosphere Reserve (CHBR).
This location will provide the selected postdoctoral fellow with a unique
opportunity to participate in a project that allows for constant
collaboration with world-class researchers and academic intuitions and in
addition is a part of one of eight Centers of Scientific Excellence in
Chile, supported by the Millennium Scientific Initiative (Ministry of
Planning) and the Bicentennial & Basal Financing Program (Chilean Science
Commission). In 2008, the Omora Park received the Science and Practice of
Ecology and Society Award, and in 2010 won 2nd prize in the Raanan Weitz
Competition for Innovation in Sustainable Development.
The postdoctoral appointment is being made available as part of a national
initiative, called the “Bicentennial Program,” and aims to insert
Ph.D.-level scientists in academia. The position entails a year postdoctoral
term with a subsequent possible commitment of a full-time contract from the
university, pending successful completion of fellowship.
JOB DESCRIPTION: The person selected for this position will have the
position of postdoctoral fellow and should collaborate in one or more of the
following areas:
1. Conduct research in priority lines for the Omora Park:
a) ornithology
b) socio-ecological studies
c) impacts of invasive exotic species
2. Integrate research with ongoing education initiatives led by the Omora
Park in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve
3. Link research to broader approaches to conservation of biological and
cultural diversity, specifically conducting and implementing conservation
and ecotourism activities in the context of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve,
and the Omora Park as a site of the Chilean Long-Term Socio-Ecological
Research Network (LTSER-Chile).
General research objective:
Develop studies that integrate ecological research into the implementation
of conservation and ecotourism activities in the context of the Cape Horn
Biosphere Reserve, and the Omora Park as a site of the Chilean Long-Term
Socio-Ecological Research Network (LTSER-Chile).
The selected person should also fulfill the following research and outreach
related responsibilities:
1. Help supervise and manage volunteers and students from national and
international programs
2. Coordinate and collaborate with international postgraduate field courses
(UMAG-University of North Texas) with an interdisciplinary and biocultural
conservation focus (www.chile.unt.edu)
3. Provide site-based oversight of the development of associated projects
(student projects, monitoring programs and data bases)
4. Participate in the development of environmental education programs for
the local community
5. Link research with projects and initiatives in the area of ecotourism
6. Collaborate in the development of the graduate masters of science program
at UMAG, entitled “Management and Conservation of Subantarctic Natural
The specific expected results of this position include:
a. Expand the present research related to avian ecology, building on the
Omora Park’s status as the longest running forest bird monitoring program in
southern South America.
b. Re-enforcement of academic collaborations and joint publications based on
the long-term studies in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve
c) Developing scientific tourism in coordination with researchers, graduate
students, and private operators at the Omora Park
d. Collaborate in existing graduate courses at the UMAG and create a new
graduate course in the UMAG that focuses on the specialty of the selected
e. Consolidate avian (and/or invasive species) monitoring programs in the
Omora Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research Site, in collaboration with the
Chilean Agriculture Service, the Chilean Forestry Service, the Tourism
Service, and other agencies.
• Ph.D. with 2 years of experience in conservation and ecological field work
or equivalent combination of education and experience
• Proven ability to collaborate in interdisciplinary projects linked with
public and private sector
• Proficiency in English and Spanish is required and a good ability to
• Experience in conservation at Latin American field sites and ability to
relate well with the local community
• Demonstrated ability in development and management of field studies
• Experience leading teams and motivating groups of people to achieve goals
and manage complex projects and budgets
• Proven ability in interpersonal communication and conflict resolution
• Flexibility and adaptability
• Willingness to participate in diverse programs organized by the Omora Park
• Resolve problems involving multiple researchers and projects
• Anticipate, diagnose and resolve complex issues that require creative
• Interpret regulations and rules, evaluate information and modify processes
to adapt them to changing situations
• Project management, including coordination of teams of graduate students,
and volunteers
• Ability to perform multiple tasks involved in field work
• Work under pressure
• Capacity to resolve tension between students and colleagues
• Capacity to build cooperative relationships with diverse groups, including
the local community, government authorities, members of the board of
directors and the general public
• Drivers license
• Physical condition that permits working under variable climatic conditions
in a remote site
• Be able to work in difficult terrain and with a certain level of risk
• Ability to travel
• Work occasionally on weekends and extra hours
OPPORTUNITIES: The Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve is considered one of the
world’s last pristine wilderness areas, which is currently threatened by an
increase in connectivity and business opportunities related to tourism. The
person contracted for this position will have the opportunity to participate
directly in this initiative of global significance and world-class quality.
The selected candidate, for example, will contribute to the Scientific
Advisory Committee of the biosphere reserve, will develop and participate in
basic and applied science projects that support the holistic use and
management of the subantarctic archipelago, and will aide in the
socialization of these results in the broader community.
In addition, this location’s relevance to the globe is as significant as
that of the Galapagos Islands in terms of science, history and conservation.
Being selected for this position is a unique opportunity for the
postdoctoral fellow to develop professionally and personally in association
with one of eight Centers for Scientific Excellence in Chile, supported by
the Millennium Scientific Initiative (Ministry of Planning) and the
Bicentennial and Basal Financing Programs (Chilean Scientific Commission).
The home base of the position is Puerto Williams, which is the capital of
the Chilean Antarctic Province, located on the north coast of Navarino
Island (55°S). It has a population of 2,200 inhabitants and while it has all
basic services, it is still considered remote (accessible by a 1.5 hour
plane ride; 5 flights per week). The island is provisioned weekly by a ferry
from Punta Arenas, the regional capital and the location of the main campus
of the University of Magallanes. The region is known for its extraordinary
beauty and the world’s cleanest air and water. Heating of homes on the
island is done with wood stoves, and housing conditions are basic, but
For couples, there are opportunities for the partner to participate in
ecotourism and/or educational activities conducted by Omora Ethnobotanical
Dr. Andrés Mansilla (PI): andres.mansilla@umag.cl, telephone: 56-61-207089
With copy to: Dr. Christopher Anderson: christopher.anderson@umag.cl
www.umag.cl/williams, www.omora.org, www.ieb-chile.cl, www.osara.org,
www.chile.unt.edu, www.cep.unt.edu
DEGREE REQUIREMENTS: Candidates must have obtained their doctorate after 31
December 2004 or obtain it 30 days prior to the initiation of their contract.
LOCATION:Puerto Williams, Chilean Antarctic Province (Cape Horn Biosphere
Reserve) Chile
CONTRACTING INSTITUTION: University of Magallanes (UMAG)
ASSOCIATED INSTITUTIONS: Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity & University
of North Texas
WORK CONDITIONS: One year contract – with possible permanent contract
POTENTIAL PROJECTIONS: After PBCT project funding ends, potential full-time
contract in the UMAG & interaction with centers of research excellence in
Chile and internationally
DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin on 25 November 2010 and continue
until position is filled
BEGINNING OF ACTIVITIES: As early as November 2010 and no later than January
NATIONALITY: Preference for Chilean nationals/residents
CONTEXT OF THE POSITION: The Omora Ethnobotanical Park is a Long-Term
Socio-Ecological Research (LTSER) site, coordinated by the University of
Magallanes in conjunction with the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity and
the Omora Foundation in Chile, and with the University of North Texas, the
Center for Environmental Philosophy and OSARA in the US. This is the first
explicitly marine-terrestrial study site in Chile and in addition
constitutes the research, education and conservation center for the Cape
Horn Biosphere Reserve (CHBR).
This location will provide the selected postdoctoral fellow with a unique
opportunity to participate in a project that allows for constant
collaboration with world-class researchers and academic intuitions and in
addition is a part of one of eight Centers of Scientific Excellence in
Chile, supported by the Millennium Scientific Initiative (Ministry of
Planning) and the Bicentennial & Basal Financing Program (Chilean Science
Commission). In 2008, the Omora Park received the Science and Practice of
Ecology and Society Award, and in 2010 won 2nd prize in the Raanan Weitz
Competition for Innovation in Sustainable Development.
The postdoctoral appointment is being made available as part of a national
initiative, called the “Bicentennial Program,” and aims to insert
Ph.D.-level scientists in academia. The position entails a year postdoctoral
term with a subsequent possible commitment of a full-time contract from the
university, pending successful completion of fellowship.
JOB DESCRIPTION: The person selected for this position will have the
position of postdoctoral fellow and should collaborate in one or more of the
following areas:
1. Conduct research in priority lines for the Omora Park:
a) ornithology
b) socio-ecological studies
c) impacts of invasive exotic species
2. Integrate research with ongoing education initiatives led by the Omora
Park in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve
3. Link research to broader approaches to conservation of biological and
cultural diversity, specifically conducting and implementing conservation
and ecotourism activities in the context of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve,
and the Omora Park as a site of the Chilean Long-Term Socio-Ecological
Research Network (LTSER-Chile).
General research objective:
Develop studies that integrate ecological research into the implementation
of conservation and ecotourism activities in the context of the Cape Horn
Biosphere Reserve, and the Omora Park as a site of the Chilean Long-Term
Socio-Ecological Research Network (LTSER-Chile).
The selected person should also fulfill the following research and outreach
related responsibilities:
1. Help supervise and manage volunteers and students from national and
international programs
2. Coordinate and collaborate with international postgraduate field courses
(UMAG-University of North Texas) with an interdisciplinary and biocultural
conservation focus (www.chile.unt.edu)
3. Provide site-based oversight of the development of associated projects
(student projects, monitoring programs and data bases)
4. Participate in the development of environmental education programs for
the local community
5. Link research with projects and initiatives in the area of ecotourism
6. Collaborate in the development of the graduate masters of science program
at UMAG, entitled “Management and Conservation of Subantarctic Natural
The specific expected results of this position include:
a. Expand the present research related to avian ecology, building on the
Omora Park’s status as the longest running forest bird monitoring program in
southern South America.
b. Re-enforcement of academic collaborations and joint publications based on
the long-term studies in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve
c) Developing scientific tourism in coordination with researchers, graduate
students, and private operators at the Omora Park
d. Collaborate in existing graduate courses at the UMAG and create a new
graduate course in the UMAG that focuses on the specialty of the selected
e. Consolidate avian (and/or invasive species) monitoring programs in the
Omora Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research Site, in collaboration with the
Chilean Agriculture Service, the Chilean Forestry Service, the Tourism
Service, and other agencies.
• Ph.D. with 2 years of experience in conservation and ecological field work
or equivalent combination of education and experience
• Proven ability to collaborate in interdisciplinary projects linked with
public and private sector
• Proficiency in English and Spanish is required and a good ability to
• Experience in conservation at Latin American field sites and ability to
relate well with the local community
• Demonstrated ability in development and management of field studies
• Experience leading teams and motivating groups of people to achieve goals
and manage complex projects and budgets
• Proven ability in interpersonal communication and conflict resolution
• Flexibility and adaptability
• Willingness to participate in diverse programs organized by the Omora Park
• Resolve problems involving multiple researchers and projects
• Anticipate, diagnose and resolve complex issues that require creative
• Interpret regulations and rules, evaluate information and modify processes
to adapt them to changing situations
• Project management, including coordination of teams of graduate students,
and volunteers
• Ability to perform multiple tasks involved in field work
• Work under pressure
• Capacity to resolve tension between students and colleagues
• Capacity to build cooperative relationships with diverse groups, including
the local community, government authorities, members of the board of
directors and the general public
• Drivers license
• Physical condition that permits working under variable climatic conditions
in a remote site
• Be able to work in difficult terrain and with a certain level of risk
• Ability to travel
• Work occasionally on weekends and extra hours
OPPORTUNITIES: The Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve is considered one of the
world’s last pristine wilderness areas, which is currently threatened by an
increase in connectivity and business opportunities related to tourism. The
person contracted for this position will have the opportunity to participate
directly in this initiative of global significance and world-class quality.
The selected candidate, for example, will contribute to the Scientific
Advisory Committee of the biosphere reserve, will develop and participate in
basic and applied science projects that support the holistic use and
management of the subantarctic archipelago, and will aide in the
socialization of these results in the broader community.
In addition, this location’s relevance to the globe is as significant as
that of the Galapagos Islands in terms of science, history and conservation.
Being selected for this position is a unique opportunity for the
postdoctoral fellow to develop professionally and personally in association
with one of eight Centers for Scientific Excellence in Chile, supported by
the Millennium Scientific Initiative (Ministry of Planning) and the
Bicentennial and Basal Financing Programs (Chilean Scientific Commission).
The home base of the position is Puerto Williams, which is the capital of
the Chilean Antarctic Province, located on the north coast of Navarino
Island (55°S). It has a population of 2,200 inhabitants and while it has all
basic services, it is still considered remote (accessible by a 1.5 hour
plane ride; 5 flights per week). The island is provisioned weekly by a ferry
from Punta Arenas, the regional capital and the location of the main campus
of the University of Magallanes. The region is known for its extraordinary
beauty and the world’s cleanest air and water. Heating of homes on the
island is done with wood stoves, and housing conditions are basic, but
For couples, there are opportunities for the partner to participate in
ecotourism and/or educational activities conducted by Omora Ethnobotanical
Dr. Andrés Mansilla (PI): andres.mansilla@umag.cl, telephone: 56-61-207089
With copy to: Dr. Christopher Anderson: christopher.anderson@umag.cl
www.umag.cl/williams, www.omora.org, www.ieb-chile.cl, www.osara.org,
www.chile.unt.edu, www.cep.unt.edu
Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre -UK
Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre
New Quay, Wales, UK
Marine research volunteer opportunity
Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre (CBMWC) is recruiting volunteer visitor centre and bottlenose dolphin research assistants for the 2011 season (April to November).
The Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre is a non-profit organisation based in New Quay, west Wales , UK and since 1996 has been dedicated to raising awareness of the local marine environment through education and research. Through boat-based and land-based surveys we monitor bottlenose dolphin, harbour porpoise and Atlantic grey seal populations, with a focus on the photo-identification of the semi-resident population of bottlenose dolphins in the Cardigan Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC).
To learn more, please visit www.cbmwc.org
Volunteer positions are available for a minimum of four weeks from 6th April through to 1st November 2011 to help with our ongoing research, education and awareness-raising programmes concerning the marine wildlife of Cardigan Bay .
This is a fantastic opportunity for you to make a positive contribution to marine wildlife conservation and meet new people who share your interests. Learn about the species and habitats in Cardigan Bay , gain experience in field work, research methods, data processing, public awareness and education programmes. Contribute to long running studies on bottlenose dolphin site usage and abundance research, photo-identification studies and act as a research assistant for a PhD project being undertaken by CBMWC’s associate researcher.
We also welcome undergraduate and postgraduate students who need boat support and office space to conduct their research projects. Please contact us to discuss whether your project ideas are feasible.
Volunteers play a vital role in the Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre’s work. The centre relies on the generous help of volunteers to undertake its work and greatly appreciates your time. Please note enthusiasm for our work and the marine environment is as valued as experience, since full training in species identification, data collection/entry and visitor centre operation is provided.
Position description
Responsibilities/duties will include (but are not limited to):
· Visitor centre operation, including dealing with enquiries and taking boat bookings
· Land-based surveys in conjunction with Ceredigion County Council
· Boat-based surveys
· Data entry and checking
· Updating sightings information
· Beach cleans
· Educational activities with children and the general public
Please note that boat surveys are weather dependent and volunteers take turns to join trips to act as onboard researcher. During times of bad weather, you will spend more time doing data entry and visitor centre work. You will be expected to work up to 8 hours a days, six days a week. Field work can involve long periods outdoors, in often inclement Welsh weather. All volunteers are expected to contribute to all CBMWC activities, tasks and field work and to attend all training sessions provided. As such, if you are only looking to gain field experience, this is not the opportunity for you.
Essential skills
· An interest in wildlife and conservation
· Reliable, conscientious and mature attitude
· Ability to work as part of a small team
· Self-motivated with an ability to work unsupervised
· Adaptable and patient (particularly as boat work is weather dependent)
· Confident in dealing with the public both face to face and over the telephone
· Fluency in English
· Willing to ask for help if unsure and admit mistakes
Desirable skills
· Experience working with children, the public or in environmental interpretation or education
· Good verbal and written communication skills
· IT, design and fundraising skills are useful but not essential
Time commitment
Volunteers are needed from April 6th until 1st November 2011 for six separate four week blocks and one block of six weeks. Priority will be given to volunteers who are able to commit to more than one block. Volunteers living locally who are available on a part-time basis are also welcome year round and are greatly appreciated.
Volunteering dates 2011
· Block A: 6th April to 3rd May
· Block B: 4th May to 31st May
· Block C: 1st June to 28th June
· Block D: 29th June to 26th July
· Block E: 27th July to 6th September (6 weeks)
· Block F: 7th September to 4th October
· Block G: 5th October to 1st November
Accommodation and expense arrangements
Basic, shared accommodation can be arranged for committed volunteers (approx £55 per week). Volunteers are responsible for their own food, travel and accommodation costs.
How to apply
It’s easy to get involved - simply download an application form from our website www.cbmwc.org/volunteer/become_vol.asp, complete it and email it to volunteer@cbmwc.org with ‘Volunteer application 2011’ in your subject line or alternatively post your application form.
Please make sure you fill in your availability.
The closing date for applications is Friday 25th February 2011
Postal address:
FAO: Laura Mears
Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre
Patent Slip Building
Glanmor Terrace
New Quay
SA45 9PS
For further information
Visit www.cbmwc.org/volunteer/become_vol.asp
If you have any questions please email volunteer@cbmwc.org with an appropriate subject line or call Laura on +44 (0)1545 560032.
New Quay, Wales, UK
Marine research volunteer opportunity
Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre (CBMWC) is recruiting volunteer visitor centre and bottlenose dolphin research assistants for the 2011 season (April to November).
The Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre is a non-profit organisation based in New Quay, west Wales , UK and since 1996 has been dedicated to raising awareness of the local marine environment through education and research. Through boat-based and land-based surveys we monitor bottlenose dolphin, harbour porpoise and Atlantic grey seal populations, with a focus on the photo-identification of the semi-resident population of bottlenose dolphins in the Cardigan Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC).
To learn more, please visit www.cbmwc.org
Volunteer positions are available for a minimum of four weeks from 6th April through to 1st November 2011 to help with our ongoing research, education and awareness-raising programmes concerning the marine wildlife of Cardigan Bay .
This is a fantastic opportunity for you to make a positive contribution to marine wildlife conservation and meet new people who share your interests. Learn about the species and habitats in Cardigan Bay , gain experience in field work, research methods, data processing, public awareness and education programmes. Contribute to long running studies on bottlenose dolphin site usage and abundance research, photo-identification studies and act as a research assistant for a PhD project being undertaken by CBMWC’s associate researcher.
We also welcome undergraduate and postgraduate students who need boat support and office space to conduct their research projects. Please contact us to discuss whether your project ideas are feasible.
Volunteers play a vital role in the Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre’s work. The centre relies on the generous help of volunteers to undertake its work and greatly appreciates your time. Please note enthusiasm for our work and the marine environment is as valued as experience, since full training in species identification, data collection/entry and visitor centre operation is provided.
Position description
Responsibilities/duties will include (but are not limited to):
· Visitor centre operation, including dealing with enquiries and taking boat bookings
· Land-based surveys in conjunction with Ceredigion County Council
· Boat-based surveys
· Data entry and checking
· Updating sightings information
· Beach cleans
· Educational activities with children and the general public
Please note that boat surveys are weather dependent and volunteers take turns to join trips to act as onboard researcher. During times of bad weather, you will spend more time doing data entry and visitor centre work. You will be expected to work up to 8 hours a days, six days a week. Field work can involve long periods outdoors, in often inclement Welsh weather. All volunteers are expected to contribute to all CBMWC activities, tasks and field work and to attend all training sessions provided. As such, if you are only looking to gain field experience, this is not the opportunity for you.
Essential skills
· An interest in wildlife and conservation
· Reliable, conscientious and mature attitude
· Ability to work as part of a small team
· Self-motivated with an ability to work unsupervised
· Adaptable and patient (particularly as boat work is weather dependent)
· Confident in dealing with the public both face to face and over the telephone
· Fluency in English
· Willing to ask for help if unsure and admit mistakes
Desirable skills
· Experience working with children, the public or in environmental interpretation or education
· Good verbal and written communication skills
· IT, design and fundraising skills are useful but not essential
Time commitment
Volunteers are needed from April 6th until 1st November 2011 for six separate four week blocks and one block of six weeks. Priority will be given to volunteers who are able to commit to more than one block. Volunteers living locally who are available on a part-time basis are also welcome year round and are greatly appreciated.
Volunteering dates 2011
· Block A: 6th April to 3rd May
· Block B: 4th May to 31st May
· Block C: 1st June to 28th June
· Block D: 29th June to 26th July
· Block E: 27th July to 6th September (6 weeks)
· Block F: 7th September to 4th October
· Block G: 5th October to 1st November
Accommodation and expense arrangements
Basic, shared accommodation can be arranged for committed volunteers (approx £55 per week). Volunteers are responsible for their own food, travel and accommodation costs.
How to apply
It’s easy to get involved - simply download an application form from our website www.cbmwc.org/volunteer/become_vol.asp, complete it and email it to volunteer@cbmwc.org with ‘Volunteer application 2011’ in your subject line or alternatively post your application form.
Please make sure you fill in your availability.
The closing date for applications is Friday 25th February 2011
Postal address:
FAO: Laura Mears
Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre
Patent Slip Building
Glanmor Terrace
New Quay
SA45 9PS
For further information
Visit www.cbmwc.org/volunteer/become_vol.asp
If you have any questions please email volunteer@cbmwc.org with an appropriate subject line or call Laura on +44 (0)1545 560032.
Técnicas en Anillamiento de Aves
El Centro de Ornitología y Biodiversidad (CORBIDI) y la Universidad Nacional de Piura (UNP), anuncian el curso “Técnicas en Anillamiento de Aves”, que se llevará a cabo este verano en el Estuario de Virrilá - Piura, del 01 al 07 de febrero del 2011.
El curso será dictado por instructores británicos y peruanos certificados en anillamiento de aves y abordará de manera intensiva diversos aspectos del anillamiento de aves. Se trabajará principalmente con aves migratorias costeras, pero también se anillará extensamente aves del bosque seco adyacente. Tiene como objetivos principales:
* Contribuir al fortalecimiento del naciente sistema de anillamiento en el Perú.
* Preparar personas capaces de anillar aves silvestres bajo estándares internacionales.
* Comenzar a formar personas que puedan iniciar esfuerzos de monitoreo de aves a largo plazo.
Será un curso intensivo de campo donde se espera que los participantes al final del curso tengan conceptos claros sobre el sistema de anillamiento, así como familiaridad con las técnicas mismas del anillamiento de aves. Las condiciones serán las típicas de este tipo de trabajo y los participantes acamparán por 6 días, en donde la arena, la sal, y especialmente el sol serán condiciones con las que se lidiará todos los días. Los candidatos deberán tener un nivel intermedio de inglés y demostrar interés en anillamiento de aves a largo plazo. Deberán mandar su currículo (con tres referencias), carta de intención y ficha de inscripción al correo anillamiento@corbidi.org.
Para mayor información visitar la página Web: http://www.corbidi.org/Institucion/TecnicasAnillamientoAves.html
Diego García Olaechea
Investigador Asociado
Lima, Peru
El curso será dictado por instructores británicos y peruanos certificados en anillamiento de aves y abordará de manera intensiva diversos aspectos del anillamiento de aves. Se trabajará principalmente con aves migratorias costeras, pero también se anillará extensamente aves del bosque seco adyacente. Tiene como objetivos principales:
* Contribuir al fortalecimiento del naciente sistema de anillamiento en el Perú.
* Preparar personas capaces de anillar aves silvestres bajo estándares internacionales.
* Comenzar a formar personas que puedan iniciar esfuerzos de monitoreo de aves a largo plazo.
Será un curso intensivo de campo donde se espera que los participantes al final del curso tengan conceptos claros sobre el sistema de anillamiento, así como familiaridad con las técnicas mismas del anillamiento de aves. Las condiciones serán las típicas de este tipo de trabajo y los participantes acamparán por 6 días, en donde la arena, la sal, y especialmente el sol serán condiciones con las que se lidiará todos los días. Los candidatos deberán tener un nivel intermedio de inglés y demostrar interés en anillamiento de aves a largo plazo. Deberán mandar su currículo (con tres referencias), carta de intención y ficha de inscripción al correo anillamiento@corbidi.org.
Para mayor información visitar la página Web: http://www.corbidi.org/Institucion/TecnicasAnillamientoAves.html
Diego García Olaechea
Investigador Asociado
Lima, Peru
Research Experiences for Undergraduates- Bermuda

The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences has received National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) funding to support 8 fellowships for undergraduate student research at BIOS during the 2011 fall* semester (DATES: arrive on August 30, 2011 - depart on November 23, 2011). Students will design and conduct independent projects under faculty supervision within several research areas including:
* Biology, chemistry and physics of the open ocean
* Biology, physiology and biochemistry of reef building corals and reef ecosystems
* Aspects of the molecular biology of marine organisms
* Environmental chemistry of Bermuda's atmosphere and inshore waters
* Effects and consequences of global environmental change
Eligibility and Terms of Fellowship
Students who have completed at least two years of undergraduate study and will still be undergraduates in the fall of 2011 are eligible to apply. Minorities and women are especially encouraged. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. We encourage all successful applicants to arrange for independent study credit through their home institutions.
Each successful REU applicant will receive a stipend of approximately $360 per week less the costs of room and board (a special REU rate of $250 per week). Students will reside on the BIOS campus. Travel expenses will be covered by the REU program.
Applications and Further Information
You can apply to BIOS's REU program by downloading an application form (in Word format) and e-mailing, faxing or mailing your completed application to the address listed on the form. If you have difficulty with the form, you can contact BIOS's Education Department at education@bios.edu or telephone (441) 297 1880.
If you have any other questions about the program or BIOS, please e-mail education@bios.edu
Applications will be accepted until the program is full.
Initial selection of participants will begin May 30.
Students will arrive on August 29 and will begin work on August 30. Work will end on November 23, with students departing on November 24.
* BIOS does not offer REU opportunities during any other season.
For more info, contact:
If you have difficulty with the form, you can contact BIOS's Education Department at education@bios.edu or telephone (441) 297 1880.
If you have any other questions about the program or BIOS, please e-mail education@bios.edu
Banding and Bird Survey Volunteers- Ecuador

Banding and Bird Survey Volunteers
August 7-20, 2011
Team meets in Quito, Ecuador
Help Life Net conservation biologist Dr. Dusti Becker and Ecuadorian biologist Carlos Morochz describe the avian community in Mashpi, Ecuador, a new protected area. Our volunteer team will meet in Quito and then travel to Mashpi in the Choco region of western Ecuador’s mid-elevation Andes.
For more information about the project and the contribution required to cover volunteers contact: Dr. Dusti Becker, dbecker@lifenetnature.org. or visit www.lifenetnature.org.
For more info, contact:
Dusti Becker, Ph.D. dbecker@lifenetnature.org

AVIAN FIELD BIOLOGIST (1-2) needed from mid March to mid July 2011 to sample breeding and migratory birds in Sonora, Mexico. In March and April, we will sample migratory birds in subtropical thornscrub and in riparian and oak woodlands on the Northern Jaguar Reserve in east-central Sonora. In May-July we will assess the distribution, abundance, and habitat of breeding birds in oak and pine-oak woodlands, conifer forest, and montane riparian woodland in numerous Sky Island mountain ranges in northern Sonora. Technicians will spend long days hiking, driving, and navigating in remote field settings in the mountains, begin work before dawn, and be rewarded by scenic landscapes and high bird diversity. To be considered, applicants must have relevant experience conducting point counts and a demonstrated ability to identify birds by both sight and sound. Experience with distance sampling, nest searching, and knowledge of birds of southeast Arizona and northwest Mexico is strongly preferred and ability to quickly learn new songs and calls is required. Technicians must have the ability to speak at least basic Spanish and be comfortable working and communicating with Mexican and American biologists and local landowners. This position demands excellent physical condition, a positive, can-do attitude, interest in living in the field for 5-10 days at a time, and the ability to supervise an assistant on occasion. Technicians may need to carry a backpack with 1-3 days of provisions on occasion. Potential applicants that are interested in this position yet available only from mid March to early May (for work on the Northern Jaguar Reserve) or late April to mid July (for work in the Sky Islands) are encouraged to apply and will be considered. Salary ranges from $2,100 to $2,500 per month depending on experience. To apply, send a brief cover letter that includes dates of availability and describes your relevant experience, a resume, and names, emails, and phone numbers of three references to Aaron D. Flesch at aaron.flesch AT umconnect.umt.edu or to Avian Science Center, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Montana, 32 Campus Drive, HS-104, Missoula, MT 59812. Please reference “avian position” in the subject heading of emails or call (406-243-2035) or email questions.
Volunteers wanted for Pantanal/Cerrado Conservation Expedition- BRAZIL

Volunteers wanted for Pantanal/Cerrado Conservation Expedition
July 19 - 30, 2011
Team meets in Campo Grande, Brazil
Join Life Net biologists Drs. Dusti Becker and Tony Povilitis on a conservation expedition in two spectacular Brazilian ecosystems: the Pantanal and its surrounding Cerrado Highalnds. Our team will assist a multi-disciplinary team of scientists monitoring wildlife in two study areas. We will be helping scientists monitor White-lipped Peccary, studying forest understory dynamics in the Pantanal to investigate impacts of cattle on native plant communities, monitoring aquatic communities, and assisting with herpetology research.
Our volunteer work will start in the Taboco Cerrado Highlands working from a research station near Taboco Village a region with spectacular caves, waterfalls, orchids, and a diversity of native fruits and birds. Our second study area will be in the Pantanal, a vast wilderness area in the center of South America, famed for its abundant, diverse, and highly visible wildlife, like capybaras, marsh deer, caiman, jabiru storks, and hyacinth macaws. The Pantanal also has world’s highest concentrations of jaguar!
For more information about the project and the contribution required to cover volunteers contact: Dr. Dusti Becker, dbecker@lifenetnature.org.
For more info, contact:
Dr. Dusti Becker
Manager Reserva Las Tangaras- Costa Rica

Opportunity Description:
Reserve Manager, Las Tangaras, Mindo Ecuador. Life Net Nature, a non-profit conservation organization seeks a creative and responsible couple with a solid background in nature conservation and ecotourism. Applicants must have a genuine interest in wildlife and aptitude for stewarding a remote 50-hectare tropical forest property. The contract period is for March 25 to June 25, 2011. Life Net provides a cost-of-living stipend, rustic housing, and a horse. Manager duties include: maintaining and improving trails, care of research cabin, bridge, horse, and water system, receiving and encouraging nature and bird-watching visitors, maintaining hummingbird feeders (optional), keeping records of birds and wildlife seen, and other records. Manager(s) may make green improvements (organic gardening, native tree planting to attract wildlife), carry out field studies, and create volunteer projects. E-mail a letter of interest, resumes, & e-mail contact for 3 professional references to Dr. Dusti Becker - dbecker@lifenetnature.org.
For more info, contact:
Dr. Dusti Becker - dbecker@lifenetnature.org
Associate Professor/Assistant Professor - Singapore

Positions in Environmental Biology/Biodiversity Studies
Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
The Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore (NUS), invites applications for two tenure-track faculty positions at the Assistant/Associate Professorship level in Environmental Biology/Biodiversity Studies. Candidates with research background in relevant fields are invited to apply but we are particularly interested in applications from climate change biologists, environmental modellers, ecotoxicologists, urban ecologists, aquatic microbial and algal biodiversity/ecologists.
An interest in tropical environments will be an advantage. Candidates should have a PhD. with relevant postdoctoral experience, an outstanding publication record, and a strong commitment to both teaching and research. Successful applicants will join a growing Environmental Biology group within a diverse and highly successful Department of Biological Sciences. The Department has 60 full-time faculty members and over 260 graduate students from 16 countries. Facilities and research support are world-class. NUS currently ranks high in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. Please visit our website at www.dbs.nus.edu.sg/ for further details of the Department and its research and teaching programs. Competitive salary and perks will be offered.
Interested candidates should forward a letter of intent describing their career goals, research plans, teaching interests, curriculum vita and arrange for three reference letters directly sent to:
Chair, Environmental Biology Search Committee (c/o Ms Lisa Lau)
Department of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore
14 Science Drive 4
Singapore 117543
Fax: (65) 6779 5671; Email: dbsjobs@nus.edu.sg
Closing date of application: 15 March 2011
For more info, contact:
Chair, Environmental Biology Search Committee (c/o Ms Lisa Lau)
Department of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore
14 Science Drive 4
Singapore 117543
Fax: (65) 6779 5671; Email: dbsjobs@nus.edu.sg
Research in Avian Protection Project (RAPP)- CANADA

Research in Avian Protection Project (RAPP)
Tailings ponds produced by surface mining in the oil sands region of northeast Alberta can attract migratory birds, which sometimes experience fatal contact with bitumen on the surface of the ponds. I am coordinating a 3-year, multidisciplinary and multi-investigator project at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. Objectives include identifying the conditions under which fatalities are most likely to occur, determining the most effective means for preventing them, and recommending best practices for the future. Research will address bird behaviour, migratory patterns, monitoring methods, meteorological conditions, radar technology, computer programming, innovative equipment design, toxicology, deterrent types and deployment methods, statistical analyses, and predictive modeling. Together with several collaborators, I invite applications from excellent students who are interested in these themes.
Funding for both research and living expenses is available, but is expected to be supplemented with additional student-led grant applications
Preference will be given to students who have
• Research and independent project experience
• Quantitative aptitude and training in experimental design
• Evidence of excellent academic performance
• A strong background in ecology or interest in ecology with expertise in other areas identified above
• Excellent written and oral communication skills
• An ability to work effectively both independently and as part of a team
• An ability to work long hours in challenging physical conditions
• An interest in communicating research results in management and policy arenas
Please apply electronically with
• A C.V.
• Copies of transcripts
• Email contact information for 3 references
• A brief cover letter describing the reasons for interest in this project
• An email subject heading of “RAPP graduate studies”
For more info, contact:
Colleen Cassady St. Clair
Marine Science Intern- Belize

Marine Science Intern
Location: Belize, Belize City
Department: Science
Department: Science
Location: Belize City, Belize
Oceana in Belize seeks an intern who will work closely with the VP, Belize and the Science Division staff on researching seafood, illegal fishing, bottom trawling, gillnet fishing, and general fisheries topics. The intern will focus on preparing written materials directly relevant to marine policy, requesting and analyzing data from government agencies in the US, Belize, and other countries, conducting literature reviews related to marine ecology and the fishing industry.
Other duties may include conducting phone interviews, working with staff in other offices, managing photos, and assisting staff on other projects. Though not required, ideal candidates are fluent in Spanish, Economics, ArcGIS, or Adobe Illustrator. This position is directly involved in the application of research to develop conservation strategies and influence fisheries policy.
The ideal candidate will possess:
* Interest in fisheries and seafood
* Master’s or Bachelor’s degree plus work experience related to marine science and the environment
* Excellent writing and communications, ability to work in a team
* Skill in data analysis and statistics in Microsoft Excel
* Organized working style, attention to detail, and flexibility
The ideal candidate should be available to work full-time for 6 months. Interns receive a stipend and/or academic credit for their internship.
For more info, contact:
We are currently reviewing applicants for an internship to start as soon as possible. Please send your cover letter, a small writing sample and resume by e-mail to resumes@oceana.org, SUBJECT LINE: Marine Science Internship – Belize or fax 202-833-2070 (outside of US – 011-202-833-2070). No phone calls please.

When: April 2 – June 10, 2011
Stipend: $700/mo to offset living expenses during the internship plus housing at the Palomarin Field Station in West Marin County, Bolinas, CA.
Internship Description: The internship is part of a collaborative project between Environment for the Americas, The National Park Service, and PRBO Conservation Science. The Education Intern will promote PRBO’s bird education programs and events to Latino/Hispanic communities in the area. The intern will be part of a two-person team that works to improve awareness of PRBO’s programs and bird research, conducts outreach to increase Latino participation, and prepares flyers, media, and other information in English and Spanish. A special focus of the Internship will involve assisting with the organization of a bird festival and working to raise Latino/Hispanic participation in the event. Hours of work and program location will vary widely, depending on opportunities to work in communities and will require the intern to be comfortable in both a classroom and outdoor or field setting. Use of a personal vehicle will be required to drive to programs and events several days during the week including weekends and evenings.
Knowledge & Skills: We seek an outgoing person with an enthusiasm for working with the public, who is resourceful and self-directed, but also enjoys working as a part of a team. Must have excellent intercultural communication skills. Ability to speak Spanish is highly preferred, but not required. Experience delivering programs, organizing activities, and working with media are a bonus. The candidate must have a valid driver’s license, car insurance, and a vehicle that may be used for outreach in the Bay Area. Gas mileage will be reimbursed.
To Apply: Please send a resume and cover letter describing your interest (1 page max), contact information, and 3 references by January 25, 2011 to MISSY WIPF at mwipf AT prbo.org or PRBO Conservation Science, 3820 Cypress Drive, #11, Petaluma, CA 94954.
Organization descriptions:
Environment for the Americas (EFTA) is a non-profit organization that works throughout the Western Hemisphere to promote the conservation of birds. EFTA is conducting a 3-year study funded by the National Science Foundation to understand the barriers to participation in informal science education by Latinos. For more information please visit www.birdday.org.
PRBO Conservation Science (PRBO) is a non-profit organization founded in 1965 as Point Reyes Bird Observatory, dedicated to conserving birds, other wildlife and ecosystems through innovative scientific research and outreach. For more information please visit our home page, www.prbo.org.
The National Park Service Park Flight Migratory Bird Program is a cooperative program between the U.S. and Latin America that develops bird conservation and education projects and creates opportunities for technical exchange and cooperation. For more information please visit www.nps.gov/oia/topics/flight.htm.
VOLUNTEER SEABIRD RESEARCH ASSISTANTS (5-7) needed for spring/summer 2011 on Southeast Farallon Island, 28 miles west of San Francisco, California. Become part of the longest continuous study of seabird ecology in the Northern Hemisphere. Our studies examine upper trophic marine predators as bio-indicators of natural and anthropogenic variation in the marine ecosystem. RA duties include censusing and monitoring seabird and marine mammal populations, conducting demographic investigations on cormorants, gulls, and alcids, and conducting feeding ecology studies on alcids. RAs also contribute to the upkeep and maintenance of the research station. RAs will work full-time, 7 days a week, with a variable schedule that includes long days and night work. Long term RAs will receive some break time off the island. Some field work requires rigorous physical activity including strenuous hiking and climbing. Applicants should enjoy working independently with a high level of responsibility in field work and data entry as well as working frequently with a partner or team. Preference will be given to applicants with a degree in biology or related field and prior ecological research experience. Enthusiasm for intense field work in windy, cold conditions is essential. The ability to coexist on a small, isolated island with aggressive gulls and overworked humans is important. Positions are available 12 March through 10 September, 2011 with a minimum 8-week commitment. We provide great food and island housing. Transportation to boat in San Francisco not provided. More information can be found at www.prbo.org. Please send a cover letter explaining interests and dates of availability, resume, and names, email addresses, and phone numbers of 3 references to Russ Bradley (rbradley AT prbo.org), Farallon Program Manager, PRBO Conservation Science, 3820 Cypress Drive #11, Petaluma, CA, 94954. Email applications are preferred. Applications accepted until 21 January 2011 but early applications will be evaluated when they are received and positions may be filled long before the deadline.
Field volunteers required for nesting beach monitoring programme for hawksbill turtles

Field volunteers required for nesting beach monitoring programme for hawksbill turtles
Volunteer Opportunity
Submitted: 2011-01-03 18:03:14
Contact: Darren Browne thebstp@yahoo.com
WWW Link: http://www.barbadosseaturtles.org
May 15-July 14, 2011; June 5-July 14, 2011; July 15-September 14, 2011; September 15-November 14, 2011 (each applicant can apply for only one of the periods specified)
Barbados, West Indies
Background Information
The Barbados Sea Turtle Project is based at the University of the West Indies (Cave Hill Campus). For more than 20 years, we have been involved in conservation of the critically endangered marine turtle species that forage around and nest on Barbados, through monitoring and conservation of nesting females and hatchlings, research, education and public outreach. Barbados is currently home to the second-largest hawksbill turtle nesting population in the Wider Caribbean, with up to 500 females nesting per year.
Turtle nesting occurs on most of the beaches around the island, many of which are heavily developed with tourism infrastructure. The Barbados Sea Turtle Project monitors an index nesting beach nightly and operates two mobile patrol groups that monitor up to 15 other nesting beaches per night. The mobile groups also respond to public reports of turtle activity made through the 24-hour Sea Turtle Hotline.
Professor Julia Horrocks, the director of the Barbados Sea Turtle Project, is the Country Coordinator for the Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network (WIDECAST) in Barbados, and coordinator of the regional WIDECAST Marine Turtle Tagging Centre.
Night Patrol:
You will be required to patrol beaches along the south and west coasts of Barbados from 7:30 pm to 4:00 am, six nights per week (i.e. one night off) for the duration of your time as a volunteer. During beach patrols, you will be required to record nesting/hatching events, tag nesting females, and to collect morphometric data and environmental data with a high degree of accuracy and reliability. You may also be required to rescue disoriented hatchlings and adult turtles, undertake relocations of nests laid in unsuitable locations and educate the public and tourists about marine turtles. Sea turtles often nest in front of hotels, and therefore are highly visible to the public. Ensuring the safety of the nesting female, collecting data, and answering questions are all aspects of a BSTP patrol.
Day Patrol:
You will be required to patrol beaches along the south and west coasts of Barbados from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm, six days per week (with one day off) for the duration of your time as a volunteer. As part of beach patrols, you will be required to record tracks and nests and hatching events (there is a reduced likelihood of seeing nesting females) and rescue disoriented hatchlings. There is much more emphasis on public interaction and education during the daytime, and this therefore is a larger part of the day patrol responsibility than that of the night patrol.
Volunteers will be assigned patrol duties (day or night) during the nesting season depending on the Project’s needs, but primary responsibility will be assigned to either day or night patrol.
Other Responsibilities:
Other responsibilities may include data management, equipment maintenance, school and hotel presentations and designing educational materials. If the candidate has experience in any of these areas it will be a benefit (please mention previous skills or experience in your cover letter/resume).
Dive-certified day patrol volunteers MAY also have the opportunity to participate in our long-running in-water tagging programme, but this is entirely dependent on the Project’s needs at that time. This programme involves SCUBA diving and in-water capture of juvenile hawksbill/green turtles, followed by tagging, marking and the collection of morphometric data. Applicants for day patrol positions who wish to be considered for opportunities to participate in the in-water programme should be dive certified and have logged a minimum of 50 dives (i.e. must be very comfortable in open water, and at depth) and possess their own dive insurance. Participants will be further assessed for capability in Barbados.
The position requires candidates to speak English fluently, be 21 yrs or older, responsible, dedicated and hardworking. Proven field experience is desirable. All volunteers must understand the importance of accurate and thorough data collection, and be able to work/live as a team member. As the Barbados Sea Turtle Project is also a public outreach organization, candidates must have excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to relate to people of different nationalities and social backgrounds.
Candidates must be physically fit (potentially walking up to 10 km per shift in soft sand in hot sun or adverse weather) without health problems that would prevent sustained high levels of activity, and hold a valid, clean (preferably manual transmission) driving license. Applicants should have their own health/accident insurance.
Shared, basic accommodation will be provided with cooking facilities and a small stipend to cover food and incidentals will be paid on a monthly basis. Transportation to Barbados is NOT covered by the Project.
Additional Contact Information
If interested, please send an email to thebstp@yahoo.com with the subject line “Volunteer application for the 2011 nesting season”.
Please and include the following:
- A letter of introduction
- Your CV and a list of three references (with email contacts)
Please be sure to state clearly which volunteer period you are applying for and indicate where this volunteer advertisement was seen. Applications will be accepted through the 31 July, 2011.
Senior Research Biologist

Overview: Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, the largest and oldest member-based raptor conservation organization in the world, seeks a team-playing, Ph. D.-level biologist with demonstrated statistical and technical-writing skills. This person works mainly during the week and occasionally on weekends and reports directly to the Director of Conservation Science.
* Two years experience as a Ph. D.-level biologist in the natural sciences, with demonstrated skills in the use of statistical, data management, graphical, and word-processing software, and writing skills commensurate with publishing papers in peer-reviewed journals.
* A solid working knowledge of field biology and research techniques in natural-resource management. Excellent interpersonal skills.
* A solid publication record in raptor biology.
* Must be capable of working with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures and be willing to teach Sanctuary interns in areas of expertise including statistics.
* Must have a strong commitment to the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary mission and be capable of working both as part of a team and alone, as necessary.
* Assisting the Director of Conservation Science in helping to protect populations of birds of prey worldwide and in maintaining Hawk Mountain's role as a global leader in raptor conservation through research, monitoring, and the dissemination of information about birds of prey in both technical and non-technical formats;
* Overseeing analysis aspects of the Sanctuary's databases, conducting Sanctuary research, on- and off-site, and publishing regularly.
* The person in this position manages, maintains, and develops the Sanctuary's long-term raptor-migration and American Kestrel nest-box databases, and is the lead person for the Sanctuary in providing these data to on- and off-site users.
Available February 1, 2011
Applications to:
* Dr. Keith L. Bildstein
Sarkis Acopian Director of Conservation Science
Acopian Center for Conservation Learning
at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary
410 Summer Valley Road
Orwigsburg, PA 17961
* bildstein@hawkmtn.org
* No telephone calls, please.
Se solicita persona para realizar diagnóstico molecular en el laboratorio de Virología del INP, licenciatura en QFB, Biología o afin, con experiencia en técnicas de extracción de ácidos nucleícos y PCR tiempo real, persona ordenada, cumplida y con disponibilidad de horario, inicio inmediato! Interesados comunicarse al 10840900 ext. 1517 y 1377 con el M. en C. Carlos Santiago o la Dra. Virginia Díaz. Correo. santiagolivares@yahoo.com.mx
Proyectos de investigación.
Estudiantes y egresados de las carreras de Biología, Química, Medicina y Biomédicas se les invita a participar en los proyectos de investigación: Estudio de diferentes subcepas de vacunas BCG y BCG recombinante diseada en nuestro laboratorio. Investigación de la infección por diversas micobacterias no tuberculosas aisladas de agua en la ciudad de México. Detección de biomarcadores asociados a cáncer gástrico temprano secundario a infección por Helicobacter pylori. Estudio de la respuesta inmune en enfermedad de Crohn y enfermedad celiaca. Estudiantes interesados en realizar servicio social, tesis de licenciatura, maestría, doctorado y postdoctorado podrán recibir beca financiada por conacyt. Contamos con colaboraciones en El Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias, Instituto Nacional de Pediatría, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología y el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y de Nutrición Salvador Zubirán. Iinformes con: Dra. Antonia Isabel Castillo Rodal, Programa de Inmunología Molecular Microbiana del Departamento de Microbiología y Parasitología Facultad de Medicina UNAM Tel (55) 56 23 21 48, castillorodal@gmail.com y con Sra. Maribel Gómez Quintana, Programa de Inmunología Molecular Microbiana, Facultad de Medicina UNAM pimmfacmed@hotmail.com Tel. +52 (55) 56 23 21 44/ 21 48 Fax + 52 (55) 56 16 08 44
Analisis de expresión de células troncales de ratas con síndrome metabólico
Estudiantes con formación en el área de Ciencias Biológicas interesados en realizar tesis de maestría/doctorado, se les invita a participar en un proyecto de Investigación Básica: Análisis de expresión de células troncales de ratas con síndrome metabólico. Iinteresados favor de comunicarse con la Dra. Laura del Bosque Plata del Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica en el Laboratorio de HapMap. Periférico Sur No. 4124, Torre Zafiro II, 6to. Piso, Col. Jardines del Pedregal. México D.F. 01900 México. Tel. +52 (55) 5350-1974/1975, Fax. +52 (55) 5350-1990, e-mail: ldelbosque@inmegen.gob.mx www.inmegen.gob.mx
Pride Program Manager, Guadalajara

Pride Program Manager, Guadalajara
Location: Guadalajara, Mexico
Reports to: Director, Pride Latin America
Last Updated: January, 2011
Travel: 50%
About Rare
Rare, a U.S.-based conservation organization, works globally to equip people in the world’s most threatened natural areas with the tools and motivation they need to care for their natural resources. For the last 30 years, at more than 90 sites and in more than 50 nations, Rare has addressed the underlying social and economic factors that create environmental threats. Rare’s approach has been to develop marketing and business development tools that motivate local communities to protect their natural surroundings. Rare has been recognized by Monitor Consulting and Fast Company magazine as one of the “Top 25 Social Capitalists” in America for 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008. Its conservation toolkit has been embraced by many large environmental organizations, including The Nature Conservancy, Conservation International, Wildlife Conservation Society, and the National Audubon Society.
Rare’s signature Pride campaign builds grassroots support for environmental protection by training local conservation leaders in the use of commercial marketing tactics to build awareness, influence attitudes, and enable meaningful change. Rare has more than twenty years of experience in building local Pride for biodiversity conservation and has trained over 120 locally-based conservationists. Over the next 5 years, Rare plans to triple in size, resulting in exponentially greater impact.
About the Position
Working in close collaboration with the Director of Pride Latin America and the Pride Program Team, the Pride Program Manager will provide one-on-one mentoring and technical support to local conservation leaders enrolled in the Rare Pride Leadership Development Program, offered at ITESO (Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara) in Guadalajara, Mexico. Each year Rare will initiate 12 new students who will receive 17 weeks of on-site training over a two year process.
The Rare Pride Program includes 17 weeks of training at the University in 5 subject areas: Conservation Theory and Practice, Research Methodologies, Social Marketing techniques, Project Management, and Leadership skills development; and 84 weeks in the field implementing social marketing-based Pride Campaigns in their communities.
The Pride Program Manager will provide comprehensive instruction, mentoring, and strategic support to the program participants throughout the training, implementation, and evaluation cycles of each Pride Campaign. This includes teaching course modules on conservation, leadership, and community engagement during the residency phases of training; periodic support visits to program sites around the world; financial management of program; and regular coaching, mentoring, and distance support to Campaign Managers.
Areas of Responsibility:
The Program Manager’s main responsibility will be to manage Pride training and campaigns run through Rare’s program at ITESO. Duties include:
• Provide classroom instruction and student evaluation at the university level.
• Design customized curriculum using specialized conservation knowledge to meet specific goals of Rare and Pride Campaign Manager cohorts
• Create new tools and training resources to assist Campaign Managers and reinforce the Pride curriculum and training
• Perform frequent language and cultural translation revisions to ensure materials are appropriate and effective
• Provide long distance support and mentoring to Pride Campaign Managers in the implementation of program in the field, maintaining contact via phone, internet, fax and monitoring / project support trips throughout the year.
• Assist Campaign Managers in overcoming barriers to implementation, including relationship management, technical skill gaps, and time management
• Provide general administrative and logistical support for course work, as needed
• Manage relationships with Pride campaign local partners, ensuring that Rare’s priorities of capacity building, constituency building, and conservation are met. This includes communicating regularly with senior members of the partner organization, and resolving any discrepancies or conflicts.
• Manage and facilitate the Campaign Manager production of required project deliverables, providing expert assistance and revision where necessary to meet Rare standards.
• Work as part of a team to review and provide coordinated feedback to Pride campaign products and assignments, campaign deliverables, project plans, materials in development, and final reports.
• Conduct week-long site support visits for personalized support to Pride programs and complete support trip reports.
• Manage and communicate monthly activities and progress, financial status and final outcomes of each program using RarePlanet (an internet-based project management tools and social networking). Utilize RarePlanet and conservation expertise to facilitate communications and collaboration between Campaign Managers around the world.
• Ensure Campaign Manager use of RarePlanet as required through online mentoring and support
• Work diligently to constantly improve and update course materials, Pride curriculum and tools for the Pride program, and promote cross-campaign learning and network building.
Qualifications, Skills & Knowledge Requirements
• Education and/or experience equivalent to a Master’s Degree in fields of biodiversity conservation, communications, or social marketing.
• Strong understanding of conservation, environment and/or biodiversity issues
• 5 years or more of work experience in conservation, communication or social marketing
• Proven success in project planning and management skills.
• Teaching, training, or coaching experience essential.
• Proven success in being able to thrive in team environments, having a strong understanding of diversity and other cultures, and having built relationships over long distances
• Fluent English and Spanish language skills – both written and oral
• Willingness to travel based on needs of the position (up to 50%).
• Experienced in using MS Office, databases, graphics or multimedia software
• Specialized interest or background in fisheries a plus
Benefits and Application Procedure
Rare not only inspires conservation, we also inspire our employees. In addition to fully covered health insurance, a retirement savings plan, and generous vacation/holiday leave time, Rare’s benefits include an annual training budget for continuous learning and growth, a bonus plan that ties to individual and organizational performance, and a flexible and fun work environment. And to make sure no one gets cabin fever, there’s an annual staff retreat that allows everyone to experience and support Rare’s work in the field.
To Apply: Please email a resume and thoughtful cover letter in English, outlining how your skills and experience meet the qualifications of the position and stating how you heard about this opportunity, both in Word format, to Deb Chamberlin, Senior Director of Human Resources at humres@rareconservation.org, subject line “Pride Program Manager, Guadalajara.” Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
Programa de Pimienta Gorda y Café en Puebla.
Buenas tardes por medio de la siguiente se esta solicitando URGENTEMENTE un Biológo o Ing. Agrónomo titulado, viva de preferencia en el estado de Puebla y que este dado de alta ante Hacienda ya que se piden recibos de honorarios o facturas.
Es para trabajar en un programa de Pimienta gorda y café en la Sierra norte de Puebla. Es necesario disponibilidad de tiempo para visitar a las comunidades y quedarse varios dias en las mismas, así como a Xalapa (Veracruz) o Chapingo (Edo. de Mex.). Se pagará de acorde a productos entregados (encuestas, reportes de elaboracion de talleres y cursos, entre otros).
Se necesita que sea trabajador, trabaje en equipo, proactivo, analista, manejo de programas de computadora.
Es importante que no esté como no habilitado ante la Secretaria de la Funcion Publica y/o ante SAGARPA.
Para envío de Curriculum Vitae y mayores informes favor de comunicarse con el Ing. William Garcia Garcia al cel (045)2223-575804 o a los correos wilgarcia_g@hotmail.com y acfos_sa@hotmail.com
Saludos cordiales
Biol. Oscar Flores M.
Es para trabajar en un programa de Pimienta gorda y café en la Sierra norte de Puebla. Es necesario disponibilidad de tiempo para visitar a las comunidades y quedarse varios dias en las mismas, así como a Xalapa (Veracruz) o Chapingo (Edo. de Mex.). Se pagará de acorde a productos entregados (encuestas, reportes de elaboracion de talleres y cursos, entre otros).
Se necesita que sea trabajador, trabaje en equipo, proactivo, analista, manejo de programas de computadora.
Es importante que no esté como no habilitado ante la Secretaria de la Funcion Publica y/o ante SAGARPA.
Para envío de Curriculum Vitae y mayores informes favor de comunicarse con el Ing. William Garcia Garcia al cel (045)2223-575804 o a los correos wilgarcia_g@hotmail.com y acfos_sa@hotmail.com
Saludos cordiales
Biol. Oscar Flores M.
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