Opportunity location: GREAT SEA REEF
Closing date (if specified): No date specified (will remain here for 90 days from posting date)
Opportunity Description:
From 2011, C3 has three vacancies for well-qualified graduates to work as field-based interns on the C3 Fiji and South Pacific Islands Programme. We will be working with a remote island community on the Great Sea Reef, the third largest barrier reef in the world, to implement locally-driven marine resource management activities.
The first phase of this work will be the documentation of traditional knowledge of the reef and its fishery resources (with an emphasis on threatened species such as Cheilinus undulatus and Epinephalus lanceolatus) from village elders to ensure that this valuable information is not lost forever.
Candidates should send in a CV and brief cover letter to Melissa Hauzer : vacancies@c-3.org.uk
A limited number of 3-month positions will be available from January 2011 until September 2011. See www.c-3.org.uk/internships.php for more details and please read the Internship Brief before applying.
For more info, contact:
Melissa Hauzer : vacancies@c-3.org.uk