Empleo para biologos. Bolsa de trabajo ciencias de la vida. ¿En que puede trabajar un biólogo?
domingo, 30 de julio de 2017
Oficial de campo acciones de manejo de Águila Real, así como para la conservación de sus hábitats en APFF Maderas del Carmen
El Águila real (Aquila chrysaetos) (preocupación menor por la UICN) se encuentra actualmente en veinte estados de México y hay poblaciones reproductoras en Durango, Zacatecas, Jalisco, San Luis Potosí, Chihuahua, Nuevo León, Coahuila, Aguascalientes y la península de Baja California. Y es probable que existan nidos activos en Guanajuato y Sonora, Sinaloa y Nayarit. En 2011, gracias al PACE: Águila Real se registraron 81 parejas reproductoras y 145 nidos en siete estados mexicanos. El águila real tiene un gran valor cultural en México, que data de las culturas prehispánicas.
La principal amenaza para esta especie es la destrucción de su hábitat que para finales del siglo XIX ya había causado que las águilas reales abandonaran algunas regiones en las que solían habitar. En el siglo XX, las intoxicaciones por organoclorados y metales pesados también eran comunes, pero éstas han disminuido como consecuencia de las regulaciones más estrictas en materia de contaminación; en la actualidad, los principales factores que limitan el tamaño de su población son la disponibilidad de hábitat y alimentos. Las colisiones con líneas eléctricas se han vuelto una causa cada vez más importante de su mortalidad desde principios del siglo XX. El águila real tiene un gran valor cultural en México, que data de las culturas prehispánicas.
El objetivo del proyecto es aumentar la efectividad de las Áreas Protegidas en México para contribuir a la conservación de especies en riesgo. Para lograr esto, el proyecto perseguirá dos resultados principales:
1. Marcos consolidados a nivel de sistema para apoyar la conservación de especies en riesgo; y
2. Las Áreas Protegidas se manejan de forma eficaz para la conservación de las especies en riesgo seleccionadas.
El proyecto será ejecutado, mediante la Modalidad de Implementación Nacional (NIM por sus siglas en inglés) junto con la CONANP quien fungirá como asociado en la implementación.
Tecnico Murcielagos Tamaulipas.
Oportunidad laboral para trabajo de campo en Reynosa, Tamaulipas. Buscamos 3 personas con formación en biología (o carreras afines) especializados en aves, murciélagos y lepidópteros, para llevar a cabo monitoreos de dichos grupos dentro de un predio destinado a construcción en Reynosa. Las labores incluirán (pero no se limitan a): llevar a cabo los monitoreos en campo, la elaboración y revisión de reportes de resultados. Dada la naturaleza de los monitoreos, se requiere que los postulantes estén disponibles para cambiar de residencia a Reynosa y sepan conducir. El sueldo se define con base en la experiencia trabajando con el grupo taxonómico en cuestión, con una oferta inicial de $8,000 mensuales, además de contar con viáticos para viajar a Reynosa. Interesados por favor de enviar su CV a rsalazar.tecoatl ARROBA gmail.com.
domingo, 23 de julio de 2017
Ecología reproductiva de las aves que nidifican en cavidades de árboles en el Chaco Húmedo Argentino.
Voluntarios para trabajar en proyecto de investigación: Ecología reproductiva de las aves que nidifican en cavidades de árboles en el Chaco Húmedo Argentino. Lugar: Parque Nacional Chaco, Chaco, Argentina. Período: 1/10/2017 al 31/01/2018. Estadía mínima: 30 días. Tareas: toma de datos en relación al estudio de nidificación de las aves. Búsqueda y monitoreo de nidos en cavidades. Estudio de comportamientos de nidificación. Colocación de cámaras time lapse, análisis de videos. Toma de variables ambientales. Requisitos: personas predispuestas al trabajo de campo y a la convivencia dentro de un grupo de trabajo (incluye cocinar y mantener en orden el alojamiento), responsables, de buen humor, con estado físico para largas caminatas y una jornada extensa (5:30 -11:30 hs y 15:30-19:30 hs), tolerantes al calor y a los mosquitos. Se otorga alojamiento, comida, seguro, certificado de participación, pasajes ida y vuelta al Parque Nacional según la cantidad de días de estadía. Interesados: enviar a Facundo Di Sallo carta de intención (¿Por qué te gustaría trabajar en el proyecto?) y comentarios sobre tu experiencia en otros proyectos de investigación. Cartas de recomendación serán bienvenidas.
Beca Doctoral CONICET - 2017. Tema: Arañas
Beca Doctoral CONICET - 2017. Tema: Arañas en su rol como enemigos naturales de insectos plaga y como bioindicadores ambientales en el Cinturón Frutihortícola de La Plata. Lugar: Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores (www.cepave.edu.ar). Interesados enviar CV a: Alda González ó Sergio Gustavo Rodriguez Gil.
Tecnico de investigacion Peru
El Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) se encuentra en la búsqueda de un Técnico de Investigación I, con alto nivel de compromiso para trabajar en el Banco de Germoplasma.
Beca Doctoral en Ecología Aplicada de Insectos.
Beca Doctoral en Ecología Aplicada de Insectos. Titulo: Ecología de la invasión de plagas forestales en plantaciones de pino de Argentina: riesgos y mecanismos asociados con la introducción, establecimiento y propagación geográfica. Lugar: Grupo de Ecología de Poblaciones de Insectos, INTA Bariloche. Investigador Responsable: Dr. Juan Corley. Requisitos: biólogo o carrera afin; buen conocimiento del inglés; interés en realizar trabajos de campo y laboratorio abarcando multiples disciplinas como la ecología de poblaciones, ecología de invasiones, y modelado de distribución de especies; disposición a trabajar en grupo, autonomía de trabajo y proactividad; edad límite: 32 años. Interesados enviar CV, carta de intención y certificado analítico a: vlantschner@gmail.com.
Beca Doctoral de CONICET 2017. Patogenos de la abeja.
Beca Doctoral de CONICET 2017. Tema: Desarrollo y aplicación de herramientas moleculares para la detección y tipificación genómica de los patógenos de la abeja Nosema ceranae y N. apis. Lugar: Laboratorio de Protozoos patógenos, Instituto de Patobiología, Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas (CICVyA), INTA-Castelar. Director: Dr. Leonhard Schnittger, Investigador Independiente, CONICET. Co-directora: Dra. Monica Jacobsen, Investigadora Principal, CONICET. Requisitos: Graduados en carreras afines (Bioquímica, Microbiología, Genética, Biología, Biotecnología, Veterinaria, etc.) o no graduados que adeuden un máximo de siete (7) materias de la carrera de grado al momento de realizar su solicitud de beca. Capacidad de trabajo en equipo, compañerismo y vocación científica. Promedio igual o superior al promedio histórico de la carrera. Límite de edad es hasta 32 años a la fecha del cierre del concurso. Preferentemente experiencia en el laboratorio y/o en investigación. Buen manejo del idioma inglés. Los interesados pueden enviar sus CVs con las calificaciones (incluyendo aplazos), carta de interés explicando motivaciones para cubrir la Beca a jacobsen.monica@inta.gob.ar y/o schnittger.leonhard@inta.gob. ar y como asunto: Convocatoria Beca CONICET.
Concurso Día mundial del Medio Ambiente

El Tecnológico de Monterrey y Aprendizaje Verde quiere reconocer tu iniciativa a través del concurso Día mundial del Medio Ambiente: “Conectando personas y naturaleza”. Si tienes una iniciativa novedosa de educación ambiental ¡esta es tu oportunidad!
Informes: http://bit.ly/2sZl7bX
Convocatoria de Becas de Investigación
Nueva Generación de Investigadores del Desierto Sonorense
––– Convocatoria de Becas de Investigación –––
Fecha límite: 31 de agosto de 2017
Las becas de investigación N-Gen están diseñadas par brindar apoyo económico a miembros de la comunidad N-Gen que realizan investigaciones en el desierto sonorense. N-Gen convoca a propuestas de investigaciones originales, tanto colaborativas como estudiantiles, brindando siempre la preferencia a propuestas que tomen una aproximación sinténtica y transdisciplinaria (incorporando perspectivas que busquen trascender los límites de disciplinas individuales) hacia diversos temas en la región amplia del desierto sonorense y las zonas costeras y marinas asociadas. Son bienvenidas las propuestas que incorporen la investigación multinacional, la fusión de arte y ciencia o el periodismo científico, así como perspectivas académicas tradicionales. Invitamos propuestas de investigadores en temas que abordan los recursos naturales, sociología, conservación, ciencias naturales y biológicas, temas de la frontera México-E.U., antropología, arte y humanidades y otros temas que se alinean con la visión y las metas de la comunidad N-Gen. Esta convocatoria engloba el programa de becas pequeñas de la fundación JiJi, y toda propuesta relacionada debe someterse aquí.
El programa de becas incluirá dos fondos independientes. Los proyectos tendrá un año de duración, sin restricciones a la afiliación de los postulantes:
(A) Becas de investigación estudiantiles (hasta $1,500 USD cada una)
(B) Becas de investigación colaborativa (hasta $5,000 USD cada una)
––– Convocatoria de Becas de Investigación –––
Fecha límite: 31 de agosto de 2017
Las becas de investigación N-Gen están diseñadas par brindar apoyo económico a miembros de la comunidad N-Gen que realizan investigaciones en el desierto sonorense. N-Gen convoca a propuestas de investigaciones originales, tanto colaborativas como estudiantiles, brindando siempre la preferencia a propuestas que tomen una aproximación sinténtica y transdisciplinaria (incorporando perspectivas que busquen trascender los límites de disciplinas individuales) hacia diversos temas en la región amplia del desierto sonorense y las zonas costeras y marinas asociadas. Son bienvenidas las propuestas que incorporen la investigación multinacional, la fusión de arte y ciencia o el periodismo científico, así como perspectivas académicas tradicionales. Invitamos propuestas de investigadores en temas que abordan los recursos naturales, sociología, conservación, ciencias naturales y biológicas, temas de la frontera México-E.U., antropología, arte y humanidades y otros temas que se alinean con la visión y las metas de la comunidad N-Gen. Esta convocatoria engloba el programa de becas pequeñas de la fundación JiJi, y toda propuesta relacionada debe someterse aquí.
El programa de becas incluirá dos fondos independientes. Los proyectos tendrá un año de duración, sin restricciones a la afiliación de los postulantes:
(A) Becas de investigación estudiantiles (hasta $1,500 USD cada una)
(B) Becas de investigación colaborativa (hasta $5,000 USD cada una)
Postdoctoral Position Opening (Pelican Movement Ecology)
Postdoctoral Position Opening (Pelican Movement Ecology)
Job Description
We are seeking applicants for an 18-month postdoctoral position to join our project in fall 2017.
The successful applicant will lead a project examining the movement patterns of brown pelicans in the Bahía Grande Wetland Complex, Texas. The goal of the project is to mitigate pelican mortality events associated with roadways in the region by identifying individual and population level risk factors. The postdoctoral candidate will be based out of Texas A&M University and will be part of a dynamic team of cross-disciplinary researchers spanning the fields of behavioral ecology, ecophysiology, ecological modelling, and transportation sciences.
Applicants should possess a strong understanding of basic principles of animal behavior, urban and movement ecology, and avian physiology. The ideal candidate will have experience analyzing movement data (including but not limited to: GPS, satellite, accelerometer, GLS data), handling/banding birds and deploying transmitters, and collecting avian physiological data (e.g.,
morphometrics, blood sampling, feather sampling). Experience with large water/seabirds is a plus but not required.
Please send a cover letter (including a discussion of relevant movement ecology, physiology, and bird handling/banding experience as well as when you are available to start), CV, and contact information for three references to Drs. Grace (jkgrace arroba exchange.tamu.edu) and Yorzinski (jyorzinski@tamu.edu). Review of applications will begin immediately and continue on a rolling
Job Description
We are seeking applicants for an 18-month postdoctoral position to join our project in fall 2017.
The successful applicant will lead a project examining the movement patterns of brown pelicans in the Bahía Grande Wetland Complex, Texas. The goal of the project is to mitigate pelican mortality events associated with roadways in the region by identifying individual and population level risk factors. The postdoctoral candidate will be based out of Texas A&M University and will be part of a dynamic team of cross-disciplinary researchers spanning the fields of behavioral ecology, ecophysiology, ecological modelling, and transportation sciences.
Applicants should possess a strong understanding of basic principles of animal behavior, urban and movement ecology, and avian physiology. The ideal candidate will have experience analyzing movement data (including but not limited to: GPS, satellite, accelerometer, GLS data), handling/banding birds and deploying transmitters, and collecting avian physiological data (e.g.,
morphometrics, blood sampling, feather sampling). Experience with large water/seabirds is a plus but not required.
Please send a cover letter (including a discussion of relevant movement ecology, physiology, and bird handling/banding experience as well as when you are available to start), CV, and contact information for three references to Drs. Grace (jkgrace arroba exchange.tamu.edu) and Yorzinski (jyorzinski@tamu.edu). Review of applications will begin immediately and continue on a rolling
Beca doctoral cofinanciada INTA-CONICET 2017.
Beca doctoral cofinanciada INTA-CONICET 2017. Título: Incorporación de información genómica en modelos mixtos con efectos genéticos aditivos de competencia y/o heterogeneidad ambiental. Lugar: Bosques Cultivados, Instituto de Recursos Biológicos (IRB), Centro de Investigación en Recursos Naturales (CIRN). De Los Reseros y Dr. Nicolás Repetto s/n, Hurlingham, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Directores propuestos: Dr. Cappa Eduardo Pablo – Dra. Marcucci Poltri Susana. Requisitos: Graduados universitarios relacionados con las ciencias biológicas (Ing. Agrónomos, Forestales y Zootecnistas, Lic. en Genética, Biotecnología, Biólogos y afines) con un promedio mayor a 7. Se valorará positivamente alguna experiencia previa en investigación, como así también el dominio del inglés. Contacto: interesados/as deberán enviar un mail al Dr. Cappa Eduardo Pablo.
2017-2019 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program Overview.
2017-2019 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program Overview.
Mote Marine Laboratory (Mote), an independent nonprofit institution established in 1955, has recently adopted a 2020 Vision & Strategic Plan that includes as one of Mote’s four core priorities, “Ensure the long-term prosperity of the research enterprise through focused staff recruitment and nurturing programs.” In order to address this specific priority, a new Mote Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program began in 2011.
As an independent, nonprofit, mission-based organization, Mote’s greatest strength has been its ability to define its own agenda and research based on our communities’ needs and our scientists’ expertise. Mote is committed to being a leader in nationally and internationally respected research programs that are relevant to conservation and the sustainable use of marine biodiversity, healthy habitats, and natural resources. We envision a comprehensive and integrated Mote enterprise with research, innovation, and public education and outreach programs that are among the most creative and fruitful in the world. Postdoctoral Research Fellows are selected based on their ability to not only strengthen and diversify the Laboratory’s significant existing research expertise, but also the potential to establish their own innovative research initiatives as independent investigators. Exemplary Fellows may be invited to join Mote as Staff Scientists upon completion of their initial appointment.
Mote’s research extends throughout the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, and tropical to polar environments. The main 10 acre campus is headquartered on City Island in Sarasota, Florida, with a nearby 200 acre inland marine aquaculture research park; in Charlotte Harbor (Lee County- southwest Florida) with a fisheries research station, and on Summerland Key (Monroe County- Florida Keys) with a new Tropical Research Laboratory. Mote’s more than 30 doctoral-level scientists and more than 20 research programs are described at mote.org/research.
Especialista Técnico Pronatura
Pronatura México es una asociación sin fines de lucro cuya misión es la conservación de la flora, fauna y ecosistemas prioritarios, promoviendo un desarrollo de la sociedad en armonía con la naturaleza. Pronatura México busca un (a) especialista técnico en desarrollo de propuestas con experiencia en temas de conservación y cambio climático.
Objetivo General: Apoyar a la Dirección General con investigación y generación de propuestas para proyectos prioritarios de Pronatura México.
Objetivo General: Apoyar a la Dirección General con investigación y generación de propuestas para proyectos prioritarios de Pronatura México.
Ocean Specialist Chile
Ocean Specialist
Santiago, Chile
The Nature Conservancy is the leading conservation organization working to make a positive impact around the world in 69 countries, all 50 United States, and your backyard. Founded in 1951, the mission of The Nature Conservancy is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. Visit www.nature.org/about-us to learn more.
The Nature Conservancy offers competitive compensation, 401k or savings-plan matching for eligible employees, excellent benefits, flexible work policies and a collaborative work environment. We also provide professional development opportunities and promote from within. As a result, you will find a culture that supports and inspires conservation achievement and personal development, both within the workplace and beyond.
The Ocean Specialist directs all aspects of protection, science, stewardship and community relations for Chile´s Ocean Strategy, within Chile Conservation Program. Serves as first/preliminary contact to government agencies, other conservation organizations, foundations and the academic community,
The Ocean Specialist establishes the Conservancy as a major conservation partner within the area of responsibility, propose and implement defines conservation priorities and long-term conservation strategies, and implement scientific, and technical capacity in the field and develops key partnerships with public and private organizations to identify and resolve technical issues and to widely communicate solutions and best practices. S/he develops innovative scientific methods, analyses, tools and frameworks to address the natural system needs, engages local community support for local conservation efforts, and negotiates complex and innovative solutions with government agencies and to conserve and protect natural communities.
The work will include propose and implement the Ocean Strategy, management and leadership of related projects, implement and supervise conservation activities in field, supervise scientific analysis, and work on the development of institutional schemes for ocean conservation and support strategic relationships. He/she will work under the supervision of Chile Conservation Manager. The Oceans Coordinator will work closely with institutions related to marine, coast and oceans, academic and research institutions, local community, environmental governmental agencies, private sector and NGOs.
Propose and implement strategy for the Ocean Strategy in Chile, in coordination with Chile Conservation Program, the Latin-American Oceans and Coasts Strategy and the Global Oceans program of TNC.
Maintain coordination with the Latin-American Oceans and Coasts Strategy and the Global Oceans program of TNC, delivering information and support if needed.
Development, management, reporting and supervision of key project for the Ocean strategy in Chile.
Maintain strong contacts with governmental agencies responsible for marine conservation and fisheries management and related policies.
Maintain strong partnership with private sector, NGO, academy and other stakeholders.
In coordination other areas in TNC, developing material and carry out activities with partners and donors, making the case and promoting the projects and strategy.
Programmatic scope may require cross-boundary work and relationships.
May be responsible for leading or co-leading a whole system program.
Leads and manages team or project to support and improve conservation efforts.
Manage multi-disciplinary administrative and professional staff, with responsibility for performance management, training and career development.Establish clear directions and set stretch objectives.
Establish and maintain optimal standards of performance for the department or program while controlling costs and administering budgets.
Responsible for ensuring that public and private funds are raised to meet program needs.
Builds cooperation from outside parties to accomplish program goals.
Frequently makes independent decision based on analysis, experience, and judgment.
May require travel 25%-40% of time.
May work in variable weather conditions, at remote locations, on difficult and hazardous terrain and under physically demanding circumstances.
University degree in Marine Biology, Biology, Fisheries Engineering or related areas degree and 5 years’ experience in natural resource management, marine conservation or equivalent combination of education and experience.
Education, training, and/or experience with current political and practices that affect marine environment in Chile.
Experience working in critical coastal ecosystem, protection, restoration and marine conservation
Experience working with the fishing sector.
Experience negotiating complex agreements.
Communication skills via written, spoken and graphical means in English and Spanish.
Experience coordinating multiple projects with several variables, setting realistic deadlines and managing timeframe.
Experience managing complex or multiple projects, including staffing, workloads and finances under deadlines.
Supervisory experience, including motivating, leading, setting objectives and managing performance.
MS in Marine Biology, Biology, Fisheries Engineering or related areas degree
Demonstrated experience in fundraising or development of proposal for different funding.
Negotiation skills.
Proven capacity to work in team and influence without authority.
Ability to make sound decisions on legal, financial, conservation and reporting issues.
Experience developing partnerships and networks (partners, community, government)
Demonstrated experience influencing, developing and implementing conservation policy and plans.
Ability and willingness to apply science to decision-making and guide activities.
Managing time and diverse activities under deadlines while delivering quality results.
Experience communicating with the public and/or media both in writing and verbally.
Experience in training and curriculum design.
Knowledge of current trends and practices in relevant discipline(s) and regions.
Knowledge of methods and standards of biodiversity information systems and initiatives.
Politically savvy and experienced in partnership development (partners, community, government)
This position requires a valid driver's license and compliance with the Conservancy's Auto Safety Program. Employees may not drive Conservancy-owned/leased vehicles, rental cars, or personal vehicles on behalf of the Conservancy if considered "high risk drivers." Please see further details in the Auto Safety Program document available at www.nature.org/careers.
Employment in this position will be contingent upon completion of a Vehicle Use Agreement, which may include a review of the prospective employee's motor vehicle record.
To apply to position number 45609, submit resume and cover letter as one document. All applications must be submitted in the system prior to 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on August 8, 2017.
Click “submit” to apply for the position or “save for later” to create a draft application for future submission. Once submitted, applications cannot be revised or edited. Failure to complete required fields may result in your application being disqualified from consideration.
If you experience technical issues, please refer to our applicant user guide or contact applyhelp@tnc.org.
The nature conservation.
Santiago, Chile
The Nature Conservancy is the leading conservation organization working to make a positive impact around the world in 69 countries, all 50 United States, and your backyard. Founded in 1951, the mission of The Nature Conservancy is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. Visit www.nature.org/about-us to learn more.
The Nature Conservancy offers competitive compensation, 401k or savings-plan matching for eligible employees, excellent benefits, flexible work policies and a collaborative work environment. We also provide professional development opportunities and promote from within. As a result, you will find a culture that supports and inspires conservation achievement and personal development, both within the workplace and beyond.
The Ocean Specialist directs all aspects of protection, science, stewardship and community relations for Chile´s Ocean Strategy, within Chile Conservation Program. Serves as first/preliminary contact to government agencies, other conservation organizations, foundations and the academic community,
The Ocean Specialist establishes the Conservancy as a major conservation partner within the area of responsibility, propose and implement defines conservation priorities and long-term conservation strategies, and implement scientific, and technical capacity in the field and develops key partnerships with public and private organizations to identify and resolve technical issues and to widely communicate solutions and best practices. S/he develops innovative scientific methods, analyses, tools and frameworks to address the natural system needs, engages local community support for local conservation efforts, and negotiates complex and innovative solutions with government agencies and to conserve and protect natural communities.
The work will include propose and implement the Ocean Strategy, management and leadership of related projects, implement and supervise conservation activities in field, supervise scientific analysis, and work on the development of institutional schemes for ocean conservation and support strategic relationships. He/she will work under the supervision of Chile Conservation Manager. The Oceans Coordinator will work closely with institutions related to marine, coast and oceans, academic and research institutions, local community, environmental governmental agencies, private sector and NGOs.
Propose and implement strategy for the Ocean Strategy in Chile, in coordination with Chile Conservation Program, the Latin-American Oceans and Coasts Strategy and the Global Oceans program of TNC.
Maintain coordination with the Latin-American Oceans and Coasts Strategy and the Global Oceans program of TNC, delivering information and support if needed.
Development, management, reporting and supervision of key project for the Ocean strategy in Chile.
Maintain strong contacts with governmental agencies responsible for marine conservation and fisheries management and related policies.
Maintain strong partnership with private sector, NGO, academy and other stakeholders.
In coordination other areas in TNC, developing material and carry out activities with partners and donors, making the case and promoting the projects and strategy.
Programmatic scope may require cross-boundary work and relationships.
May be responsible for leading or co-leading a whole system program.
Leads and manages team or project to support and improve conservation efforts.
Manage multi-disciplinary administrative and professional staff, with responsibility for performance management, training and career development.Establish clear directions and set stretch objectives.
Establish and maintain optimal standards of performance for the department or program while controlling costs and administering budgets.
Responsible for ensuring that public and private funds are raised to meet program needs.
Builds cooperation from outside parties to accomplish program goals.
Frequently makes independent decision based on analysis, experience, and judgment.
May require travel 25%-40% of time.
May work in variable weather conditions, at remote locations, on difficult and hazardous terrain and under physically demanding circumstances.
University degree in Marine Biology, Biology, Fisheries Engineering or related areas degree and 5 years’ experience in natural resource management, marine conservation or equivalent combination of education and experience.
Education, training, and/or experience with current political and practices that affect marine environment in Chile.
Experience working in critical coastal ecosystem, protection, restoration and marine conservation
Experience working with the fishing sector.
Experience negotiating complex agreements.
Communication skills via written, spoken and graphical means in English and Spanish.
Experience coordinating multiple projects with several variables, setting realistic deadlines and managing timeframe.
Experience managing complex or multiple projects, including staffing, workloads and finances under deadlines.
Supervisory experience, including motivating, leading, setting objectives and managing performance.
MS in Marine Biology, Biology, Fisheries Engineering or related areas degree
Demonstrated experience in fundraising or development of proposal for different funding.
Negotiation skills.
Proven capacity to work in team and influence without authority.
Ability to make sound decisions on legal, financial, conservation and reporting issues.
Experience developing partnerships and networks (partners, community, government)
Demonstrated experience influencing, developing and implementing conservation policy and plans.
Ability and willingness to apply science to decision-making and guide activities.
Managing time and diverse activities under deadlines while delivering quality results.
Experience communicating with the public and/or media both in writing and verbally.
Experience in training and curriculum design.
Knowledge of current trends and practices in relevant discipline(s) and regions.
Knowledge of methods and standards of biodiversity information systems and initiatives.
Politically savvy and experienced in partnership development (partners, community, government)
This position requires a valid driver's license and compliance with the Conservancy's Auto Safety Program. Employees may not drive Conservancy-owned/leased vehicles, rental cars, or personal vehicles on behalf of the Conservancy if considered "high risk drivers." Please see further details in the Auto Safety Program document available at www.nature.org/careers.
Employment in this position will be contingent upon completion of a Vehicle Use Agreement, which may include a review of the prospective employee's motor vehicle record.
To apply to position number 45609, submit resume and cover letter as one document. All applications must be submitted in the system prior to 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on August 8, 2017.
Click “submit” to apply for the position or “save for later” to create a draft application for future submission. Once submitted, applications cannot be revised or edited. Failure to complete required fields may result in your application being disqualified from consideration.
If you experience technical issues, please refer to our applicant user guide or contact applyhelp@tnc.org.
The nature conservation.
Investigador en: Cuantificación y modelaje de servicios hidrológicos y edáficos
Investigador en CUANTIFICACIÓN Y MODELAJE DE SERVICIOS HIDROLÓGICOS Y EDÁFICOS. Tiempo completo, 12 meses. El nombramiento es renovable anualmente en función del rendimiento y financiamiento. Descripción: La/el candidata/o seleccionada/o trabajará en la Red de Ecología Funcional (REF) de INECOL para realizar estudios de campo y desarrollar modelos sobre los impactos del cambio global sobre la provisión de servicios ecosistémicos, con particular énfasis en los servicios hidrológicos y edáficos. Requisitos: Doctorado en Ecología, Manejo de Recursos Naturales, Edafología, Hidrología o áreas afines. Una estancia postdoctoral de al menos seis meses en alguna institución nacional o internacional que no sea la misma institución donde obtuvo el doctorado. Más informacón: aquí. Las/os candidatas/os interesadas/os deberán enviar sus CV actualizados, así como su material de apoyo de valor particular para los miembros del Comité de Selección al Dr. Víctor M. Bandala, Secretario Académico al email, con copia al Director General del INECOL.
Voluntariado Ecuador.

Nuestro Programa Galápagos busca estudiantes para un voluntariado de 6 semanas de agosto a septiembre.
- Ser estudiante de últimos años o egresado de ciencias ambientales, biológicas o carreras afines.
-Sólidos conocimientos en materia ambiental
- Capacidad de síntesis y escritura
- Habilidad para trabajo en equipo
- Beca de viaje y subsistencia
- Certificado de voluntariado
Los interesados por favor enviar un correo con su CV a ci-ecuador@conservation.org
Seafood Manager WWF
WWF encourages business to see themselves as stewards of the natural world. Our corporate stewardship approach entails encouraging businesses to recognise the risks associated with sourcing natural assets, the need to collaborate with others in order to manage this risk, and the value of positively influencing public policy frameworks.
The WWF-UK seafood programme engages with companies to make the trade in seafood legal and sustainable. In the UK our focus is on the supply chains of 5 key species: tuna, cod, haddock, shrimp and salmon. We engage in different parts of these supply chains, from wild fish catch and fish farming sectors, through to the processors, retailers and consumers. In so doing, WWF-UK supports the work of other WWF offices around the world including China, India, Brazil and East Africa. The seafood programme also works closely with the Marine Policy Unit, and in particular the fisheries policy team, to integrate the markets and policy programmes.
The post holder will be responsible for leading, managing and implementing WWF-UK’s Seafood programme, including the management of up to 4 members of staff and reviewing and developing the programme strategy, in line with the overarching organisational goals.
This senior role sits within WWF-UK’s Sustainable Commodities Unit in the Corporate Stewardship team and is responsible for overseeing the strategic development and management of UK-based seafood markets work. The post holder will play a pivotal role in delivering WWF-UK’s seafood priorities as part of the wider Corporate Stewardship team’s engagement with business, as well as linking to the wider WWF network under the Oceans Practice. The role will entail working with key players within the UK seafood industry towards improving the sustainability of priority fisheries, increasing transparency and sustainability throughout the supply chain and improving uptake of MSC and ASC certified products. The post holder will also undertake targeted policy advocacy, where appropriate and be responsible for developing and implementing projects/partnerships which support the programme.
The position is based in WWF-UK headquarters in Surrey.
For more information please see the role insight.
To apply, please complete the online registration, highlighting why you are interested in this role and why you are a suitable candidate.
Closing date: 30 July 2017
Interview date: TBC
At WWF-UK we are committed to creating an inclusive working environment, where diversity is valued and there is equality of opportunity. We therefore welcome applications from all sections of the community and we offer a range of benefits to encourage a work life balance.
The WWF-UK seafood programme engages with companies to make the trade in seafood legal and sustainable. In the UK our focus is on the supply chains of 5 key species: tuna, cod, haddock, shrimp and salmon. We engage in different parts of these supply chains, from wild fish catch and fish farming sectors, through to the processors, retailers and consumers. In so doing, WWF-UK supports the work of other WWF offices around the world including China, India, Brazil and East Africa. The seafood programme also works closely with the Marine Policy Unit, and in particular the fisheries policy team, to integrate the markets and policy programmes.
The post holder will be responsible for leading, managing and implementing WWF-UK’s Seafood programme, including the management of up to 4 members of staff and reviewing and developing the programme strategy, in line with the overarching organisational goals.
This senior role sits within WWF-UK’s Sustainable Commodities Unit in the Corporate Stewardship team and is responsible for overseeing the strategic development and management of UK-based seafood markets work. The post holder will play a pivotal role in delivering WWF-UK’s seafood priorities as part of the wider Corporate Stewardship team’s engagement with business, as well as linking to the wider WWF network under the Oceans Practice. The role will entail working with key players within the UK seafood industry towards improving the sustainability of priority fisheries, increasing transparency and sustainability throughout the supply chain and improving uptake of MSC and ASC certified products. The post holder will also undertake targeted policy advocacy, where appropriate and be responsible for developing and implementing projects/partnerships which support the programme.
The position is based in WWF-UK headquarters in Surrey.
For more information please see the role insight.
To apply, please complete the online registration, highlighting why you are interested in this role and why you are a suitable candidate.
Closing date: 30 July 2017
Interview date: TBC
At WWF-UK we are committed to creating an inclusive working environment, where diversity is valued and there is equality of opportunity. We therefore welcome applications from all sections of the community and we offer a range of benefits to encourage a work life balance.
Vacante Sagarpa
Ciudad de México con posibles desplazamientos a los estados del país
Ciudad de México con posibles desplazamientos a los estados del país

El Instituto de Química y Metabolismo del Fármaco (IQUIMEFA-CONICET) de la Universidad de Buenos Aires busca estudiantes próximos a graduarse o recién graduados que deseen realizar el proyecto "Desarrollo y aplicación de materiales inteligentes a base de polímeros sustentables y nanotecnología" con BECA DOCTORAL CONICET.
Requisitos: Estudiante o graduado de las carreras de Biología, Biotecnología, Química, Bioquímica o carreras afines.
Los interesados deberán enviar su CV por email al correo gcopello@ffyb.uba.ar donde se incluya históricos de notas y conocimiento de ingles (no excluyente).
Investigador responsable: Dr. Guillermo J. Copello
Dos plazas son para el área de Genómica Microbiana y una plaza es para el área de Bioinformática.
El Centro de Ciencias Genómicas (CCG) de la UNAM (http://www.ccg.unam.mx), localizado en Cuernavaca, Morelos, esta buscando candidatos sobresalientes para ocupar tres posiciones como investigador, a nivel de Investigador Asociado C. Los solicitantes deberán tener un Doctorado y experiencia posdoctoral de al menos dos años. Dos plazas son para el área de Genómica Microbiana y una plaza es para el área de Bioinformática. Los solicitantes exitosos deberán poseer un historial con logros científicos de calidad. Las convocatorias completas se encuentran en la pagina del CCG. Este mensaje fue enviado por Christian Sohlenkamp, Director del Centro de Ciencias Genómicas de la UNAM, Tel. (01)777-3139877. Convocatorias: Español http://www.ccg.unam.mx/es/contrataciones/disponibles ; Inglés http://www.ccg.unam.mx/en/positions/available
Técnico Académico.

Forma parte del equipo del Departamento de Conservación de la Biodiversidad en la Unidad Ecosur Campeche. Participa para ocupar una plaza como Técnico Académico.
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