El Departamento de Investigación en Alimentos de la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas de la Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila (UADEC), a través de la Coordinación de la Maestría y Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos invita a estudiantes a inscribirse a la Maestría y Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos 2015/2016.
Estos programas pertenecen al Padrón Nacional de Posgrados de Calidad (PNPC) del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Conacyt).
El plan de la Maestría tiene una duración de cuatro semestres y el de Doctorado de seis semestres.
La investigación de estos dos planes abarcan diferentes áreas del conocimiento:
1. Fermentaciones
2. Enzimología
3. Biología Molecular
4. Microbiología
5. Evaluación Sensorial
6. Tecnología de los Alimentos
7. Química de los Alimentos
8.I ngeniería de Alimentos
9.I ngeniería de las Biorrefinerías
10. Ingeniería de Bioprocesos
11. Toxicología de Alimentos
12. Desarrollo y aplicación de películas y empaques para alimentos
13. Fisicoquímica de Alimentos
14. Nanotecnología de los Alimentos
Fecha límite de registro de candidatos: 29 de mayo de 2015, hasta las 14:00 horas, tiempo del centro de México.
Para más información acerca de los programas esta disponible en la página www.dia-uadec.mx
Empleo para biologos. Bolsa de trabajo ciencias de la vida. ¿En que puede trabajar un biólogo?
lunes, 25 de mayo de 2015
Beca Postdoctoral de CONICET 2015.
Búsqueda de candidato/a para presentación a Beca Postdoctoral de CONICET 2015. Lugar de trabajo: Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia (Conicet).
Investigadores responsables: Dra. Ileana GarcÌa e Ing. Agr. Rodolfo Mendoza
. Tema a desarrollar: Este proyecto tiene como objetivo general generar pautas tendientes a potenciar los recursos forrajeros en áreas consideradas marginales de la Cuenca del río Salado, las cuales se caracterizan por presentar suelos deficientes en P, salinos, con períodos que alternan entre el exceso y déficit hídrico, y además, estrés antrópico generado principalmente por la cría de ganado vacuno. Particularmente, se estudiará la asociación entre especies forrajeras y microorganismos del suelo, con especial énfasis en aquellas comunidades vinculadas a la nutrición vegetal, como una posible alternativa económica y ecológicamente sustentable en comparación con la fertilización fosforada a fin de incrementar la oferta y adquisición de nutrientes en plantas que crecen ante condiciones de estrés biótico y abiótico. Requisitos: poseer título de Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas, Agrarias o carreras afines. Poseer vocación para la actividad científica, autonomía de trabajo y capacidad para trabajar en grupo. Edad hasta: hasta 35 años. Enviar CV detallando cursos de postgrado, tema de tesis doctoral e intereses particulares en el tema propuesto para la presentación a beca. Incluir dos referencistas. Contacto: Dra. Ileana García.
STELLA Junior 2015
If you are interested in applying for any of the training placement offers below, please read carefully the Guidelines of the programme, check if your University is involved in the STELLA Junior programme (List of involved institutions and coordinators) and contact your institutions' coordinator with:
This application form fully completed and signed.
Your Europass CV in English (or in the language of the host institution if it is the same of your institutions'; e.g. a student from Spain willing to go to a Mexican University).
The documentation required by the offer/s that you are applying for.
Please, do not forget to visit this webpage often, as it will be constantly updated with new offers. You can receive information on new offers by liking our Facebook page for Students: https://www.facebook.com/compostelagroupforstudents
For any doubts on the organization of this activity, do not hesitate to contact us at lara.dopazo@usc.es.
This application form fully completed and signed.
Your Europass CV in English (or in the language of the host institution if it is the same of your institutions'; e.g. a student from Spain willing to go to a Mexican University).
The documentation required by the offer/s that you are applying for.
Please, do not forget to visit this webpage often, as it will be constantly updated with new offers. You can receive information on new offers by liking our Facebook page for Students: https://www.facebook.com/compostelagroupforstudents
For any doubts on the organization of this activity, do not hesitate to contact us at lara.dopazo@usc.es.
Country | University | Placements | Department | Language | Offer Form |
Brazil | UNESP |
2 |
Materials and Technology | EN, ES, PT | Offer nº4 |
Czech Republic | Masaryk University |
1 |
Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment | EN | Offer nº1 |
Italy | U. of Foggia |
2 |
International Office | EN, ES, IT | Offer nº20 |
Italy | Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO |
2 |
ICT Department | IT, EN | Offer nº23 |
Italy | Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO |
1 |
International Office | IT, EN | Offer nº24 |
Italy | Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO |
2 |
Video Production Department | IT, EN | Offer nº25 |
Mexico | U. of Guadalajara |
1 |
International Office | ES, EN | Offer nº9 |
Mexico | U. Anáhuac Xalapa |
2 |
International Office | ES or EN or FR | Offer nº34 |
Poland | Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan |
1-2 |
Careers Office | PL, EN | Offer nº15 |
Portugal | U. of Évora |
1 |
International Office | PT, EN or ES | Offer nº18 |
Portugal | U. of Évora |
1 |
International Office (PR) | PT, EN or ES | Offer nº19 |
Spain | U. of Jaén |
1 |
International Office | ES, EN | Offer nº2 |
Spain | U. of Lleida |
1 |
International Office | ES, EN | Offer nº3 |
Spain | Politechnical U. of Cartagena |
2 |
International Office | ES, EN | Offer nº8 |
Spain | Technical University of Madrid |
1 |
International Relations -
ES, EN | Offer nº5 |
Spain | Technical University of Madrid |
4 |
International Office | ES, EN | Offer nº6 |
Spain | Technical University of Madrid |
2 |
International Relations - ETSEM | ES, EN | Offer nº7 |
Spain | U. of Oviedo |
2 |
EMundus Office and Center for International Postgraduates | ES, EN | Offer nº10 |
Spain | U. of Burgos |
1 |
Center for Cooperation & Solidary Action | ES | Offer nº11 |
Spain | U. of Burgos |
1 |
International Courses-Spanish | ES | Offer nº12 |
Spain | U. of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria |
2 |
International Office | ES, EN | Offer nº13 |
Spain | U. Jaume I |
2 |
Careers Service | ES | Offer nº14 |
Spain | U. of A Coruña |
1 |
International Office | ES, EN | Offer nº16 |
Spain | U. of A Coruña |
2 |
Library Service | ES, EN, FR | Offer nº17 |
Spain | U. of A Coruña |
1 |
Earth Sciences Section | EN, ES, PT or GL | Offer nº29 |
Spain | U. of A Coruña |
3 |
Soil Sciences Group | EN, FR, PT, ES | Offer nº30 |
Spain | U. of A Coruña |
1 |
Analytical Chemistry | EN or ES | Offer nº31 |
Spain | U. of A Coruña |
1 |
Analytical Chemistry | EN or ES | Offer nº32 |
Spain | U. of León |
1 |
Management | ES | Offer nº21 |
Spain | U. of León |
4 |
Library Service | ES, EN, FR | Offer nº22 |
Spain | U. of León |
1 |
Vice Deanship for International Rel. (Business Fac.) | ES, EN, FR | Offer nº27 |
Spain | U. of León |
2 |
Vice Deanship for International Rel. (Business Fac.) | ES, EN, FR | Offer nº28 |
Spain | U. Rovira i Virgili |
1 |
International Center | EN, CT, ES | Offer nº26 |
Spain | U. Rovira i Virgili |
1 |
Learning Resources Service | CT, ES | Offer nº33 |
División Ictiología del Instituto Antártico Argentino
Se busca candidato para presentación a Beca de Doctorado de CONICET con lugar de trabajo en la División Ictiología del Instituto Antártico Argentino (IAA), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tema de investigación: Biología reproductiva de Notothenioidei (Pisces, Perciformes) del área de las Islas Shetland del Sur, Antártida. Varios aspectos de la ecología de la ictiofauna de Caleta Potter (Isla 25 de Mayo) han sido estudiados; sin embargo, los estudios sobre reproducción se han limitado a la identificación macroscópica de los estadíos gonadales de algunos nototénidos y a la descripción del cuidado parental del dragón P. charcoti . Estudios de reproducción que incluyan la descripción histológica de la gametogénesis en las especies que habitan Caleta Potter son escasos y se refieren a peces de otras regiones antárticas donde las épocas de desove, fecundidad y otros parámetros de la reproducción pueden ser diferentes a los del área de las Islas Shetland del Sur/oeste de la Península Antártica, en el sector Atlántico Antártico. Requisitos del postulante: Licenciado en Biología, Zoología, Ciencias Naturales. Se valorarán conocimientos de idiomas, experiencia en trabajo de laboratorio afines, así como predisposición y disponibilidad para realizar campañas Antárticas. Interesados enviar antes del 10 de Junio de 2015, el CV completo incluyendo certificado analítico con aplazos y carta de interés por email (asunto “Beca”), explicando motivaciones y experiencias previas relevantes a Eugenia Moreira.
Volunteer research and field assistants for in-water surveying in southern Mexican Caribbean
The Costa Maya Turtle Project operates in the southern Mexican Caribbean. Research is conducted within three nationally protected areas that include the Banco Chinchorro Biosphere Reserve, Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve and Xcalak National Marine Park.
In January of 2014, Littlefeet Environmental developed the Costa Maya Turtle Project partnering with El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), a national university in Mexico. As Littlefeet Environmental's very first grassroots, conservation project, we will be working with three different species of sea turtle within the Costa Maya including Hawksbills, Greens and Loggerheads with potential for opportunistic sightings of Leatherbacks.
We will be conducting snorkel, scuba and boating surveys utilising popular capture methods such as ‘Sea Turtle Rodeo’ and one of our newly developed methods ‘Diver-Snorkeler Pass Off. Our three targeted areas are currently data deficient and our objective is to start building a picture of population size and dynamics, habitat use and behaviour, along with mapping important foraging and nesting areas.
You will get a hands on experience working with these critically endangered species, conducting research in previously unstudied areas while obtaining your PADI Scuba Diving qualifications to Rescue Diver along with a healthy dose of Mexican culture and Spanish language.
1) Data collection and input
2) Participation in scuba diving (if qualified), snorkeling and boating surveys
3) Participation in nesting surveys, where applicable
4) Working hands on with sea turtles and collecting data (tagging, biopsies, measurements)
5) Camp maintenance (cooking and cleaning schedules)
6) Spanish speaking beneficial, but not mandatory (You’ll surprised how fast you pick it up!)
A passion for adventure, conservation and of course, marine turtles!
*Our projects are run in highly remote areas, good fitness an asset but not required.
Prices will vary depending on the length of time you choose to volunteer. Please email Courtney (courtney@littlefeet.org.uk) for further details and pricing lists.
*Volunteer fees include all ground transportation, accommodation, food and project training. International flights, personal insurance/visas and PADI Scuba Diving courses are not included.
Additional Contact Information
For more information or to answer any questions/concerns please contact Littlefeet Environmental Project Coordinator, Courtney Huisman at (courtney@littlefeet.org.uk) or our Director, Andy Farmer at (andy@littlefeet.org.uk).
Ecorana Environmental ltd. still has 3 Tropical Avian Internship positions left for their summer internship program at the Toucan Ridge Ecology and Education Society field station in the Maya Mountains of Belize. Interns will be taught local bird calls and will work on conducting point-count surveys. Interns will work on a existing long-term monitoring project on diet in Belizean resident birds and neotropical migrants. In addition interns can run a small project from a variety of pre-existing projects done at the field station in their choice of interest. Our team of professional ornithologists will train interns in a variety of avian monitoring techniques, how to run a project, proper data entry, etc. The internship cost is $25.00 US/day. Fees include lodging, use of all facilities and equipment as well as tutorship. Our interns have a high rate of securing future employment positions after completing terms at T.R.E.E.S.
To Apply:
For registration contact us at (EM: info@ecorana.ca) or visit http://www.ecorana.ca and http://www.treesociety.org Application deadline June 15th, 2015
To Apply:
For registration contact us at (EM: info@ecorana.ca) or visit http://www.ecorana.ca and http://www.treesociety.org Application deadline June 15th, 2015
Marine Science Divemaster- South Africa
Operation Wallacea is a network of academics from European and North American universities, who design and implement biodiversity and conservation management research programmes at 10 research sites worldwide.
We are currently recruiting for PADI qualified divemasters with marine biology backgrounds to assist in the marine element of our South African project. The role is based out of Sodwana Bay in KwaZulu Natal, and is for an eight week period from early June onwards. Smaller length contracts are also available.
This post will involve working with school and university students on a reef ecology course, doing in-water activities to supplement the course lectures. This can include a variety of tasks, from leading mock surveys underwater to helping with other learning activities. While we ask that all applicants are qualified PADI DM’s, all dives are accompanied by dive staff from our partner dive centre so this role is not one of direct in-water supervision, but is more of a teaching and education role.
The ideal candidate would have a BSc or above in marine biology or associated subject,
In return, successful applicants receive full accommodation and food onsite for the duration of their contract. More experienced candidates may also receive flight bursaries.
If you would like to apply for one of these positions, please fill in our online application form at www.opwall.com/jobs and send a CV or resume to Rachel Palfrey at rachel.palfrey@opwall.com
We are currently recruiting for PADI qualified divemasters with marine biology backgrounds to assist in the marine element of our South African project. The role is based out of Sodwana Bay in KwaZulu Natal, and is for an eight week period from early June onwards. Smaller length contracts are also available.
This post will involve working with school and university students on a reef ecology course, doing in-water activities to supplement the course lectures. This can include a variety of tasks, from leading mock surveys underwater to helping with other learning activities. While we ask that all applicants are qualified PADI DM’s, all dives are accompanied by dive staff from our partner dive centre so this role is not one of direct in-water supervision, but is more of a teaching and education role.
The ideal candidate would have a BSc or above in marine biology or associated subject,
In return, successful applicants receive full accommodation and food onsite for the duration of their contract. More experienced candidates may also receive flight bursaries.
If you would like to apply for one of these positions, please fill in our online application form at www.opwall.com/jobs and send a CV or resume to Rachel Palfrey at rachel.palfrey@opwall.com
MSc or PhD Position: fish population dynamics. Canada.
A graduate student position (either at the MSc or PhD level) is available at Trent University (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada) in collaboration with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. Potential projects could focus on prey fish population dynamics in Lake Simcoe and involve analysis of hydroacoustic data and/or the building of life history models. The exact project details can be developed according to the student’s background and interests. Candidates with excellent quantitative skills are encouraged to apply.
For initial screening and to receive more information about the project, interested students should send a letter expressing their qualifications and interests, a CV, and unofficial transcripts to Erin Dunlop (erin.dunlop@ontario.ca). For more information on the Environmental and Life Sciences graduate program at Trent, please visit http://www.trentu.ca/els/. Candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible but the position will remain open until filled.
For initial screening and to receive more information about the project, interested students should send a letter expressing their qualifications and interests, a CV, and unofficial transcripts to Erin Dunlop (erin.dunlop@ontario.ca). For more information on the Environmental and Life Sciences graduate program at Trent, please visit http://www.trentu.ca/els/. Candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible but the position will remain open until filled.
Tesis de licenciatura o posgrado en Innovación Biotecnológica. Yucatán.
Invitación para estudiantes egresados de las carreras de Biología, Medicina, Química y áreas afines, Ing. Bioquímica a tesis de Licenciatura o incorporarse a realizar sus estudios de Posgrado (Maestría o Doctorado). Para los estudiantes de Licenciatura contamos con una beca de apoyo. En el caso de los estudiantes de posgrado se incorporarían al Posgrado de Innovación Biotecnológica de reciente creación (http://ciatej.mx/posgrados/).
La línea de investigación es sobre: Actividad antifúngica de metabolitos secundarios producidos por Actinobacterias, en particular sobre el desarrollo de formulaciones con la capacidad de controlar hongos patógenos que de plantas ( campo y postcosecha). El segundo tema es sobre la identificación química y estructural de metabolitos secundarios bioactivos contra Candida albicans. El tercer tema en el que trabajamos es sobre la búsqueda de nuevas enzimas hidrolíticas extracelulares con actividad de naringinasa, asparaginasa y quitinasa.
Interesados contactar a:
Dr. Zahaed Evangelista Martínez (zevangelista@ciatej.mx o zahaedem@gmail.com)
CIATEJ Unidad Sureste
Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Yucatán. Tel. (999)-9202671.
La línea de investigación es sobre: Actividad antifúngica de metabolitos secundarios producidos por Actinobacterias, en particular sobre el desarrollo de formulaciones con la capacidad de controlar hongos patógenos que de plantas ( campo y postcosecha). El segundo tema es sobre la identificación química y estructural de metabolitos secundarios bioactivos contra Candida albicans. El tercer tema en el que trabajamos es sobre la búsqueda de nuevas enzimas hidrolíticas extracelulares con actividad de naringinasa, asparaginasa y quitinasa.
Interesados contactar a:
Dr. Zahaed Evangelista Martínez (zevangelista@ciatej.mx o zahaedem@gmail.com)
CIATEJ Unidad Sureste
Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Yucatán. Tel. (999)-9202671.
Field Volunteers for Hawksbill Turtle Monitoring Programme in Barbados
Volunteer Opportunity
2 Month Volunteer Period:
May 15-July 14, 2015 (Applications close 31 March)
July 15-September 14, 2015 (Applications close 31 May)
September 15-November 14, 2015 (Applications close 31 July)
1-1.5 Month Volunteer Period:
June 5-July 14, 2015 (Applications close 31 March)
July 15-August 31, 2015 (Applications close 31 May)
September 15-October 31, 2015 (Applications close 31 July)
Applicants for 2-month volunteer periods will be considered first, with shorter periods considered if 2-month periods cannot be filled. Please note that each applicant can apply for only one of the specified periods. Period dates indicate expected arrival and departure dates.
University of the West Indies
Cave Hill Campus
St. Michael
West Indies
Background Information
The Barbados Sea Turtle Project is based at the University of the West Indies (Cave Hill Campus). For more than 20 years, we have been involved in conservation of the critically endangered marine turtle species that forage around and nest on Barbados, through monitoring and conservation of nesting females and hatchlings, research, education and public outreach. Barbados is currently home to the second-largest hawksbill turtle nesting population in the Wider Caribbean, with up to 500 females nesting per year.
Turtle nesting occurs on most of the beaches around the island, many of which are heavily developed with tourism infrastructure. The Barbados Sea Turtle Project monitors an index nesting beach nightly and operates two mobile patrol groups that monitor up to 15 other nesting beaches per night. The mobile groups also respond to public reports of turtle activity and turtle emergencies made through our 24-hour Sea Turtle Hotline.
Professor Julia Horrocks, the director of the Barbados Sea Turtle Project, is the Country Coordinator for the Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network (WIDECAST) in Barbados, and coordinator of the regional WIDECAST Marine Turtle Tagging Centre.
The duties of volunteers vary based on their assignment to either Night or Day Patrol teams.
Night Patrol Duties:
You will be required to patrol beaches along the south and west coasts of Barbados from 7:30 pm to 4:30 am, six nights per week (i.e. one night off per week) for the duration of your time as a volunteer. During beach patrols, you will be required to record nesting and hatchling emergence events, tag nesting females, and to collect morphometric data and environmental data with a high degree of accuracy and reliability.
You may also be required to rescue disoriented hatchlings and adult turtles, undertake relocations of nests laid in unsuitable locations and educate the public and tourists about marine turtles. Sea turtles often nest in front of hotels, and therefore are highly visible to the public. Ensuring the safety of the nesting female, collecting data, and answering questions are all aspects of a BSTP patrol.
Day Patrol Duties:
You will be required to patrol beaches along the south and west coasts of Barbados from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, six days per week (i.e. one day off) for the duration of your time as a volunteer. During beach patrols, you will be required to record tracks from the previous night’s activities, nests, hatchling emergence events and to collect environmental data with a high degree of accuracy and reliability. There is a reduced likelihood of seeing nesting females during Day Patrol, though female turtles will occasionally nest during the early morning or late afternoon.
You may also be required to rescue disoriented hatchlings which have moved toward well-lit properties during the night, to deal with nesting females that have become trapped in drains or within the boundaries of beachfront properties and to deal with turtle stranding events. There is a much greater emphasis on public interaction and education during the daytime and this, therefore, is a larger part of the day patrol responsibility than that of the night patrol.
Volunteers will be assigned patrol duties (day or night with potential rotation between the two) during the nesting season depending on the Project’s needs. However, volunteers will be assigned primarily to either day or night patrol.
Other Responsibilities:
Volunteers have several other responsibilities outside of their beach monitoring obligations. Completed data sheets must be carefully reviewed then entered into the project database before being filed for long-term storage.
Equipment used on the beach, particularly electronics, must be well maintained and kept clear of sand, water and salt. The Project’s vehicles and the volunteer living quarters must also be kept clean and well-maintained.
Interested volunteers can learn to guide school and hotel presentations, as well as to lead public releases of disoriented hatchlings. At times, volunteers may be asked to design or maintain educational materials.
If a candidate has experience in public outreach or has art/craft experience, it is often beneficial. Please mention any skills, talents or previous experience in your cover letter or CV/résumé.
Dive-certified day patrol volunteers MAY also have the opportunity to participate in our long-running in-water tagging programme during the months of June-July, but this is entirely dependent on the Project’s needs at that time. This programme involves SCUBA diving and in-water capture of juvenile hawksbill/green turtles, followed by tagging, marking and the collection of morphometric data. Applicants who wish to be considered for opportunities to participate in the in-water programme should be dive certified (Advanced/Rescue Diver), have logged a minimum of 50 dives (i.e. must be very comfortable in open water, and at depth) and must have their own dive insurance (e.g. DAN insurance). Participants will be further assessed for capability in Barbados.
The position requires that candidates are
- 21 years of age or older
- Fluent English speakers
- Responsible, dedicated and hard-working
- Outgoing, with good people skills
- Able to maintain professional conduct under varied situations
All volunteers must understand the importance of accurate and thorough data collection, and be able to work and live closely with others as equally contributing members of a team. As the Barbados Sea Turtle Project is also a public outreach organization, candidates must have excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to relate to people of different nationalities and socio-economic backgrounds.
Candidates must be physically fit (potentially walking up to 20 km per shift in soft sand at night, in the heat of the day or in adverse weather) without health problems that could prevent sustained high levels of activity. Proven field experience is desirable.
Candidates who can drive should hold a valid, clean (preferably manual transmission) driving license.
Candidates should have their own health, travel and/or accident insurance.
Shared, basic accommodation with cooking facilities will be provided. A small stipend to cover food and incidentals will be paid on a monthly basis. Airfare to Barbados is NOT covered by the Project.
Additional Contact Information
If interested, please send an email to thebstp@yahoo.com with the subject line clearly indicating your selected volunteer period. The following format is suggested:
“Volunteer Application 2015: [Month,Day]-[Month,Day]”.
Please include the following:
- Letter of introduction
- Curriculum Vitae (Résumé)
- A list of three references (including email contact information)
- A clear statement of your age
Be sure to indicate which volunteer period you are applying for very clearly.
Please indicate where this volunteer advertisement was seen.
The application period will end on 31 July, 2015
2 Month Volunteer Period:
May 15-July 14, 2015 (Applications close 31 March)
July 15-September 14, 2015 (Applications close 31 May)
September 15-November 14, 2015 (Applications close 31 July)
1-1.5 Month Volunteer Period:
June 5-July 14, 2015 (Applications close 31 March)
July 15-August 31, 2015 (Applications close 31 May)
September 15-October 31, 2015 (Applications close 31 July)
Applicants for 2-month volunteer periods will be considered first, with shorter periods considered if 2-month periods cannot be filled. Please note that each applicant can apply for only one of the specified periods. Period dates indicate expected arrival and departure dates.
University of the West Indies
Cave Hill Campus
St. Michael
West Indies
Background Information
The Barbados Sea Turtle Project is based at the University of the West Indies (Cave Hill Campus). For more than 20 years, we have been involved in conservation of the critically endangered marine turtle species that forage around and nest on Barbados, through monitoring and conservation of nesting females and hatchlings, research, education and public outreach. Barbados is currently home to the second-largest hawksbill turtle nesting population in the Wider Caribbean, with up to 500 females nesting per year.
Turtle nesting occurs on most of the beaches around the island, many of which are heavily developed with tourism infrastructure. The Barbados Sea Turtle Project monitors an index nesting beach nightly and operates two mobile patrol groups that monitor up to 15 other nesting beaches per night. The mobile groups also respond to public reports of turtle activity and turtle emergencies made through our 24-hour Sea Turtle Hotline.
Professor Julia Horrocks, the director of the Barbados Sea Turtle Project, is the Country Coordinator for the Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network (WIDECAST) in Barbados, and coordinator of the regional WIDECAST Marine Turtle Tagging Centre.
The duties of volunteers vary based on their assignment to either Night or Day Patrol teams.
Night Patrol Duties:
You will be required to patrol beaches along the south and west coasts of Barbados from 7:30 pm to 4:30 am, six nights per week (i.e. one night off per week) for the duration of your time as a volunteer. During beach patrols, you will be required to record nesting and hatchling emergence events, tag nesting females, and to collect morphometric data and environmental data with a high degree of accuracy and reliability.
You may also be required to rescue disoriented hatchlings and adult turtles, undertake relocations of nests laid in unsuitable locations and educate the public and tourists about marine turtles. Sea turtles often nest in front of hotels, and therefore are highly visible to the public. Ensuring the safety of the nesting female, collecting data, and answering questions are all aspects of a BSTP patrol.
Day Patrol Duties:
You will be required to patrol beaches along the south and west coasts of Barbados from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, six days per week (i.e. one day off) for the duration of your time as a volunteer. During beach patrols, you will be required to record tracks from the previous night’s activities, nests, hatchling emergence events and to collect environmental data with a high degree of accuracy and reliability. There is a reduced likelihood of seeing nesting females during Day Patrol, though female turtles will occasionally nest during the early morning or late afternoon.
You may also be required to rescue disoriented hatchlings which have moved toward well-lit properties during the night, to deal with nesting females that have become trapped in drains or within the boundaries of beachfront properties and to deal with turtle stranding events. There is a much greater emphasis on public interaction and education during the daytime and this, therefore, is a larger part of the day patrol responsibility than that of the night patrol.
Volunteers will be assigned patrol duties (day or night with potential rotation between the two) during the nesting season depending on the Project’s needs. However, volunteers will be assigned primarily to either day or night patrol.
Other Responsibilities:
Volunteers have several other responsibilities outside of their beach monitoring obligations. Completed data sheets must be carefully reviewed then entered into the project database before being filed for long-term storage.
Equipment used on the beach, particularly electronics, must be well maintained and kept clear of sand, water and salt. The Project’s vehicles and the volunteer living quarters must also be kept clean and well-maintained.
Interested volunteers can learn to guide school and hotel presentations, as well as to lead public releases of disoriented hatchlings. At times, volunteers may be asked to design or maintain educational materials.
If a candidate has experience in public outreach or has art/craft experience, it is often beneficial. Please mention any skills, talents or previous experience in your cover letter or CV/résumé.
Dive-certified day patrol volunteers MAY also have the opportunity to participate in our long-running in-water tagging programme during the months of June-July, but this is entirely dependent on the Project’s needs at that time. This programme involves SCUBA diving and in-water capture of juvenile hawksbill/green turtles, followed by tagging, marking and the collection of morphometric data. Applicants who wish to be considered for opportunities to participate in the in-water programme should be dive certified (Advanced/Rescue Diver), have logged a minimum of 50 dives (i.e. must be very comfortable in open water, and at depth) and must have their own dive insurance (e.g. DAN insurance). Participants will be further assessed for capability in Barbados.
The position requires that candidates are
- 21 years of age or older
- Fluent English speakers
- Responsible, dedicated and hard-working
- Outgoing, with good people skills
- Able to maintain professional conduct under varied situations
All volunteers must understand the importance of accurate and thorough data collection, and be able to work and live closely with others as equally contributing members of a team. As the Barbados Sea Turtle Project is also a public outreach organization, candidates must have excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to relate to people of different nationalities and socio-economic backgrounds.
Candidates must be physically fit (potentially walking up to 20 km per shift in soft sand at night, in the heat of the day or in adverse weather) without health problems that could prevent sustained high levels of activity. Proven field experience is desirable.
Candidates who can drive should hold a valid, clean (preferably manual transmission) driving license.
Candidates should have their own health, travel and/or accident insurance.
Shared, basic accommodation with cooking facilities will be provided. A small stipend to cover food and incidentals will be paid on a monthly basis. Airfare to Barbados is NOT covered by the Project.
Additional Contact Information
If interested, please send an email to thebstp@yahoo.com with the subject line clearly indicating your selected volunteer period. The following format is suggested:
“Volunteer Application 2015: [Month,Day]-[Month,Day]”.
Please include the following:
- Letter of introduction
- Curriculum Vitae (Résumé)
- A list of three references (including email contact information)
- A clear statement of your age
Be sure to indicate which volunteer period you are applying for very clearly.
Please indicate where this volunteer advertisement was seen.
The application period will end on 31 July, 2015
Tesis doctoral en Argentina: Ensambles de aves terrestres y su asociación con los diferentes manejos ganaderos en la cuenca del salado, provincia de Buenos Aires
Se busca candidato para presentarse a la convocatoria de CONICET a beca interna para iniciar tesis doctoral en 2016. Proyecto: "Ensambles de aves terrestres y su asociación con los diferentes manejos ganaderos en la cuenca del salado, provincia de Buenos Aires”. Se trata de un estudio, a escala local y de paisaje, que intentará determinar y comparar en qué grado las características de la aplicación de diferentes prácticas ganaderas contribuye a favorecer la conservación de la avifauna asociada a los pastizales y pasturas. El lugar de trabajo es en el laboratorio del Grupo de Estudios sobre Biodiversidad en Agroecosistemas (GEBA) de la FCEN (UBA) y IEGEBA (CONICET). Interesados enviar un CV y una carta de referencia (no excluyente) a Mariano Codesido.
Becas del gobierno de Japón (Monbukagakusho) 2016
Becas del gobierno de Japón (Monbukagakusho) 2016
Maestría, Doctorado e Ingestigacion.
24 meses/18 meses. Incluye curso de idioma japonés 6 meses previo inicio de los estudios.
Convocatoria completa
Maestría, Doctorado e Ingestigacion.
24 meses/18 meses. Incluye curso de idioma japonés 6 meses previo inicio de los estudios.
Convocatoria completa
Tercer Taller de Ciencia para Jóvenes Campeche 2015
El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (Ecosur) Unidad Campeche, El Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas AC (CIMAT), La Fundación Pablo García, La Fundación Avanza Campeche, La Universidad Autónoma de Campeche (UAC), el Colegio de Postgraduados Campeche y el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Conacyt) invitan a jóvenes con interés en la ciencia a participar en el concurso de selección para asistir al Tercer Taller de Ciencia para Jóvenes Campeche 2015.
¿Te gustan las ciencias? ¿Te has preguntado cómo es la vida de un científico? ¿Te interesa explorar la posibilidad de convertirte en un científico y dedicarte a la ciencia en tu vida profesional? Si estos temas te llaman la atención, tienes 16 o 17 años de edad, vives en México o Centroamérca y estudias el bachillerato (preparatoria o nivel medio superior), entonces esta convocatoria es para ti.
Atrévete a vivir este verano un Retiro Científico. Toda una semana realiza actividades científicas, del 26 de julio al 1 de agosto, y convive con científicos profesionales en un centro de investigación real y con compañeras y compañeros que compartan tus gustos e intereses.
Fecha límite de registro: 1 de junio de 2015.
Camp Manager on forest research site in Honduras.
Operation Wallacea is a network of academics from European and North American universities, who design and implement biodiversity and conservation management research programmes at 10 research sites worldwide.
We are currently recruiting for two camp managers for our forest research site in Honduras. Information on this site is available on our website.
Position one: Contract starts on 6th June and finishes on 29th July and requires a good level of Spanish as the camp operates within a local village.
Position two: Contract starts on 6th June and finishes on 29th July but requires a much more basic level of Spanish and experience and will be based within a forest camp.
Full or partial flight bursaries will be available depending on experience and onsite training will be provided at the beginning of both contracts.
Camp managers are responsible for the day to day running of field camps, including maintaining regular communications with the main base camp, ordering supplies and ensuring the science teams have the guides and equipment needed to run surveys. Applicants should have experience of working in the field, good communication and organisational skills and preferably a biological background.
In return, successful applicants receive full accommodation and food onsite, networking and skills development and of course the opportunity to contribute towards long-term conservation efforts.
If you would like to apply for the position of Camp Manager, please fill in our online application form at www.opwall.com/jobs and send a CV or resume to Rachel Palfrey at rachel.palfrey@opwall.com.
Becas CONACyT- Universidad de Manchester 2015.
Formación de recursos humanos de alto nivel en programas de doctorado de calidad en la EPS de la Universidad de Manchester.
Convocatoria completa
Convocatoria completa
Asociado en Educación ambiental-
Asociado en Educación ambiental.El Centro de Estudios Culturales y Ecológicos de Prescott College A. C. busca un asociado(a) para seguir implementando el Programa de Educación Ambiental y Liderazgo Comunitarios en la comunidad de Bahía de Kino, Sonora, México durante el ciclo escolar 2015-2016.
Duracion: 01 de Septiembre de 2015 a 15 de julio de 2015. Con posibilidad de extender beca según aptitudes)
Convocatoria completa
Duracion: 01 de Septiembre de 2015 a 15 de julio de 2015. Con posibilidad de extender beca según aptitudes)
Convocatoria completa
Beca del Gobierno de Nueva Zelandia para el Desarrollo.
Beca del Gobierno de Nueva Zelandia para el Desarrollo.
Desarrollo agricola y energias renovables.
Fecha limite: 31 de julio de 2015 (hora de Nueva Zelandia)
convocatoria completa
Desarrollo agricola y energias renovables.
Fecha limite: 31 de julio de 2015 (hora de Nueva Zelandia)
convocatoria completa
Central Coast of Veracruz
3 months
Application Deadline:
Experienced Raptor Counter needed to participate in the biggest migratory corridor of the globe, our seasonal count is 4.5 million Raptors average with peak days of 200,000 to 500,000 Raptors, divided in two count sites. Two counters and one assistant work in each lookout so the charge is divided. we also count waterfowl such pelicans, anhingas, ibises, and other land birds. We receive visitors from all around the world, so Counters also need to interact with them. The work is two days on and third day off and so on, from August 20th to November 20th, working 10 ours a day plus data entry.
Send cover letter and CV to rioderapaces@pronaturaveracruz.org, in subject line write: Raptor Counter2015
People with previous raptor counting experiences is highly required, but an excellent birder that has been in other count-sites are welcome to apply. Applicants should have at least 2 seasons counting migrating raptors in or proofing data such eBird lists that can confirm your ID and birding skills.
Central Coast of Veracruz
3 months
Application Deadline:
Experienced Raptor Counter needed to participate in the biggest migratory corridor of the globe, our seasonal count is 4.5 million Raptors average with peak days of 200,000 to 500,000 Raptors, divided in two count sites. Two counters and one assistant work in each lookout so the charge is divided. we also count waterfowl such pelicans, anhingas, ibises, and other land birds. We receive visitors from all around the world, so Counters also need to interact with them. The work is two days on and third day off and so on, from August 20th to November 20th, working 10 ours a day plus data entry.
Send cover letter and CV to rioderapaces@pronaturaveracruz.org, in subject line write: Raptor Counter2015
People with previous raptor counting experiences is highly required, but an excellent birder that has been in other count-sites are welcome to apply. Applicants should have at least 2 seasons counting migrating raptors in or proofing data such eBird lists that can confirm your ID and birding skills.
Beca para coordinador(a) de proyectos comunitarios.
El Centro de Estudios Culturales y Ecológicos Prescott College A.C. busca coordinador para Proyectos Comunitarios en Bahía de Kino, Sonora, México.
Prescott College es una institución privada de estudios universitarios localizada en Arizona con un enfoque en educación interdisciplinaria basada en la experiencia.
El coordinador de Proyector Comunitarios debe ser alguien con experiencia en la implementación de proyectos y actividades comunitarias e interinstitucionales, capaz de desarrollar actividades por medio de planeación estratégica, acostumbrado(a) al trabajo interdisciplinario y la convivencia con grupos multiculturales, con facilidad de palabra y que le guste fomentar las relaciones interinstitucionales e interpersonales.
Coordinador de proyectos
Prescott College es una institución privada de estudios universitarios localizada en Arizona con un enfoque en educación interdisciplinaria basada en la experiencia.
El coordinador de Proyector Comunitarios debe ser alguien con experiencia en la implementación de proyectos y actividades comunitarias e interinstitucionales, capaz de desarrollar actividades por medio de planeación estratégica, acostumbrado(a) al trabajo interdisciplinario y la convivencia con grupos multiculturales, con facilidad de palabra y que le guste fomentar las relaciones interinstitucionales e interpersonales.
Coordinador de proyectos
Percepción, el uso y las valoraciones de la fauna- CONICET Mendoza
Posibilidad para postularse a Beca Doctoral de CONICET estudiando la percepción, el uso y las valoraciones de la fauna por diferentes actores relacionados con áreas protegidas del Monte de Mendoza. El lugar de trabajo será el IADIZA (CCT- Mendoza). Dirigido a biólogos, ingenieros en recursos naturales, ingenieros agrónomos y veterinarios interesados en trabajar utilizando metodologías propias de las ciencias sociales (encuestas y entrevistas) y de las ciencias biológicas (mediciones de fauna). Contacto: Claudia M. Campos y Laura Torres . Enviar CV (aclarando promedio de la carrera) y carta de intención.
Watch, handle, and interact with seabirds like you would at no other field camp in the world. Spend your summer assisting with a long term study of seabird population ecology on Middleton Island, Alaska. Located in the Gulf of Alaska, Middleton Island supports colonies of Pelagic Cormorants, Glaucous-winged gulls, Black-legged Kittiwakes, Common Murres, Rhinoceros Auklets, and Tufted Puffins. Work as part of an international crew monitoring the breeding biology of these species at this remote site. Positions begin in early May and continue through mid August. Expect to spend your time monitoring breeding parameters of colonial nesting birds on both an abandoned radar tower colony and on natural breeding habitat. Tower monitoring includes feeding, nest site attendance, weighing and measuring birds, and banding. Activities on natural breeding habitats include cliff productivity monitoring, burrow monitoring, walking plots, weighing and measuring chicks, banding, counts, and more. Expect to work long hours in inclement weather. Receive paid roundtrip airfare to Anchorage, Alaska (and to Middleton Island) from anywhere in the United States, food and lodging while volunteering for the project, $5/day per diem, and approximately one day off per week. Living arrangements are semi-primitive. First Aid/CPR certification required. Interested parties should send CV and at least two references to Scott Hatch (shatch@usgs.gov, USGS-Alaska Science Center, 1011 E. Tudor Rd., Anchorage, AK 99503. Email applications encouraged. Positions will be filled as qualified applicants are identified.
Curso-Taller Virtual Captación de Fondos Privados para Entidades del Sector No Lucrativo
En un panorama global de crisis económica, las entidades del sector no lucrativo de América Latina se enfrentan a la retracción de los estados occidentales, financiadores por antonomasia de sus proyectos de desarrollo. Asistimos a un proceso de trasformación del sector, que no solo afecta a la estrategia de financiación, sino que pasa por un cambio de paradigma que obliga a replantear las relaciones con sus bases sociales, tanto locales como internacionales.
Apoyar a las personas que desarrollan su quehacer profesional en la gestión de entidades del sector no lucrativo (ONG’s, fundaciones y otros) a:
Reflexionar sobre la estrategia de financiación de la entidad;
Establecer una planificación de captación de fondos desde la coherencia interna con su misión, viable y aterrizada en sus posibilidades y necesidades;
Identificar a posibles donantes, sus motivaciones para donar y las claves para una comunicación eficaz;
Estudiar las técnicas de captación y las herramientas que requieren para el logro de resultados positivos y duraderos;
Identificar las estrategias de generación de fondos propios.
Profesionales que llevan a cabo su desempeño en gestión de entidades del sector no lucrativo (técnicos y directivos);
Personas que forman parte del órgano de gobierno de una entidad del sector no lucrativo;
Nuevos colectivos sociales con causa que comienzan a materializar su iniciativa social dentro del mundo del sector no lucrativo;
A voluntarios, estudiantes, consultores,
Que tienen interés en:
Consolidar una visión estratégica de planificación financiera en su entidad u otras entidades;
Desarrollar sus competencias técnicas para la captación de fondos aterrizando los conceptos en acciones concretas;
Reflexionar sobre cuestiones de mercadeo social y captación de fondos privados con valores;
Colaborar con entidades en sus estrategias de financiación.
La tutora del curso es la Msc. Lucía García (España) profesional del área del medioambiente, con experiencia en la gestión de entidades del sector no lucrativo. Ha estado involucrada en diferentes procesos de captación de fondos, así como en la creación, consolidación o gestión de diferentes ONG y fundaciones en España, Holanda, Perú y Bolivia. Asimismo, ha estado vinculada a diferentes colectivos sociales donde ha desarrollado funciones educativas o de gestión de proyectos.
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