Becas para certificado de posgrado, diploma de posgrado y maestrías
Apoyo financiero para la matricula, colegiatura y gastos de manutención, pasaje aéreo de ida y vuelta, seguro de viajero y médico.
Empleo para biologos. Bolsa de trabajo ciencias de la vida. ¿En que puede trabajar un biólogo?
martes, 31 de marzo de 2015
Programa de Movilidad Estudiantil de Alianza del Pacífico - Colombia
Programa de Movilidad Estudiantil de Alianza del Pacífico
» Transporte Internacional ida y vuelta.
» Asignación mensual para manutención.
» Seguro de vida, salud y accidentes, por hechos o siniestros que le afecten dentro del territorio colombiano mientras la beca se encuentre vigente.
Primera Convocatoria del año:
» Transporte Internacional ida y vuelta.
» Asignación mensual para manutención.
» Seguro de vida, salud y accidentes, por hechos o siniestros que le afecten dentro del territorio colombiano mientras la beca se encuentre vigente.
Primera Convocatoria del año:
Coordinador de Conservación en la costa de Oaxaca.
COSTASALVAJE, A.C. busca Coordinador de Conservación en la costa de Oaxaca. Fecha límite 15 de abril.
Descripción del puesto
Descripción del puesto
Maestría, doctorado e investigación doctoral en Grecia
Maestría, doctorado e investigación doctoral
Asignación mensual (5 a 10 meses con prorroga/extensión), asignación única para gastos de alojamiento para quienes estudien en el interior del país, asignación única anual para gastos de transporte en el país, los becarios de estudios de posgrado o investigación que también quieran tomar los cursos de idioma griego, deberán pagar colegiatura. Además, se deben seleccionar los programas de posgrado que se imparten de manera gratuita en el listado que se encuentra en la página web del Ministerio. En caso de que su elección no se encuentre en los programas gratuitos, los estudiantes deben pagar la colegiatura por su cuenta. Tratamiento médico gratuito en caso de emergencia, únicamente en hospitales públicos.
Asignación mensual (5 a 10 meses con prorroga/extensión), asignación única para gastos de alojamiento para quienes estudien en el interior del país, asignación única anual para gastos de transporte en el país, los becarios de estudios de posgrado o investigación que también quieran tomar los cursos de idioma griego, deberán pagar colegiatura. Además, se deben seleccionar los programas de posgrado que se imparten de manera gratuita en el listado que se encuentra en la página web del Ministerio. En caso de que su elección no se encuentre en los programas gratuitos, los estudiantes deben pagar la colegiatura por su cuenta. Tratamiento médico gratuito en caso de emergencia, únicamente en hospitales públicos.
Research Assistants needed at SWMRP in Bunbury, Western Australia
The South West Marine Research program is a long-term, multi-faceted project on the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins of South West Australia. This program is based in Bunbury (south of Perth) and is a collaboration between Murdoch University Cetacean Research Unit ( and numerous industry and non-profit partners. The research focuses on dolphin population dynamics, abundance, social structure and behaviour, habitat use, conservation genetics, effects of human activity and foraging ecology.
Here, I am specifically seeking research volunteers to assist with data
collection and processing. Long-term data will be used to investigate effects of human activity on the population of bottlenose dolphin in this area, in order to aid in future conservation and management efforts. Fieldwork is conducted from Busselton to Binningup within a 540 km2 area consisting of coastal beaches, inshore bays, estuarine inlets and a river. Using a rigid sampling design, this research is conducted year round via standardised line transect surveys (up to 5 nm offshore) from a small research vessel. For further information on the boat-based photo-identification procedure, see the following open-access publication:
Additionally, land based data collection of vessel usage within the study area is conducted using distance sampling methods from a land based station in Bunbury. This experience will be most useful to students or anyone hoping to pursue a career in behavioural ecology, population biology, marine conservation or marine science.
Office: Murdoch University Cetacean Research Unit, South West Marine Research Program office is based at the Dolphin Discovery Center in Bunbury.
Field: spotting wildlife, data collection, boat driving, photo identification.
Office: Data entry, fin matching, project organisation.
Land based: Use of binoculars with bearing and reticles for distance sampling of vessel traffic within the study area.
Computer programs used for data are: FinBase, ACDSee, Logger, Microsoft Access, Excel, and Word.
Assistants should:
Be adaptable, patient, and enthusiastic as fieldwork is highly weather
dependent. Fieldwork will vary between weekdays and weekends. When the weather permits fieldwork could be long and on consecutive days. Land based components of the research may be conducted in poor weather conditions including wind and rain. Due to the training required, applicants must be willing to the project full-time for a minimum of two months. Applicants willing to participate for an extended duration will be given preference.
Preferred skills/traits:
1. Enrolled in or completed a degree in biology, marine science, animal behaviour or a related field.
2. Previous field experience with wildlife (field data collection, photo-identification, boat handling skills).
3. Be enthusiastic, team oriented and have a positive attitude as well as a genuine interest in wildlife science.
4. No history of debilitating seasickness.
Time Period:
Seeking skilled research assistants for periods beginning in August 2015 through January 2015 with a commitment greater than 2 months preferred. I have one position on the team available from April 2015. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide monetary compensation or living provisions and research assistants will be responsible for their own travel to Western Australia and living expenses. Please note that the Bunbury backpackers provide good discounts for assistants of the Dolphin Discovery Center.
If you are interested in volunteering or interning, please provide a cover letter including your time of availability, a short CV and contact information for at least 2 references to the attention of John Symons ( Short-listed candidates will be contacted to schedule an interview.
John SymonsPhD University Cetacean Research UnitSchool of Veterinary and Life SciencesMurdoch UniversitySouth StreetMurdoch WA 6150 Australia
Here, I am specifically seeking research volunteers to assist with data
collection and processing. Long-term data will be used to investigate effects of human activity on the population of bottlenose dolphin in this area, in order to aid in future conservation and management efforts. Fieldwork is conducted from Busselton to Binningup within a 540 km2 area consisting of coastal beaches, inshore bays, estuarine inlets and a river. Using a rigid sampling design, this research is conducted year round via standardised line transect surveys (up to 5 nm offshore) from a small research vessel. For further information on the boat-based photo-identification procedure, see the following open-access publication:
Additionally, land based data collection of vessel usage within the study area is conducted using distance sampling methods from a land based station in Bunbury. This experience will be most useful to students or anyone hoping to pursue a career in behavioural ecology, population biology, marine conservation or marine science.
Office: Murdoch University Cetacean Research Unit, South West Marine Research Program office is based at the Dolphin Discovery Center in Bunbury.
Field: spotting wildlife, data collection, boat driving, photo identification.
Office: Data entry, fin matching, project organisation.
Land based: Use of binoculars with bearing and reticles for distance sampling of vessel traffic within the study area.
Computer programs used for data are: FinBase, ACDSee, Logger, Microsoft Access, Excel, and Word.
Assistants should:
Be adaptable, patient, and enthusiastic as fieldwork is highly weather
dependent. Fieldwork will vary between weekdays and weekends. When the weather permits fieldwork could be long and on consecutive days. Land based components of the research may be conducted in poor weather conditions including wind and rain. Due to the training required, applicants must be willing to the project full-time for a minimum of two months. Applicants willing to participate for an extended duration will be given preference.
Preferred skills/traits:
1. Enrolled in or completed a degree in biology, marine science, animal behaviour or a related field.
2. Previous field experience with wildlife (field data collection, photo-identification, boat handling skills).
3. Be enthusiastic, team oriented and have a positive attitude as well as a genuine interest in wildlife science.
4. No history of debilitating seasickness.
Time Period:
Seeking skilled research assistants for periods beginning in August 2015 through January 2015 with a commitment greater than 2 months preferred. I have one position on the team available from April 2015. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide monetary compensation or living provisions and research assistants will be responsible for their own travel to Western Australia and living expenses. Please note that the Bunbury backpackers provide good discounts for assistants of the Dolphin Discovery Center.
If you are interested in volunteering or interning, please provide a cover letter including your time of availability, a short CV and contact information for at least 2 references to the attention of John Symons ( Short-listed candidates will be contacted to schedule an interview.
John SymonsPhD University Cetacean Research UnitSchool of Veterinary and Life SciencesMurdoch UniversitySouth StreetMurdoch WA 6150 Australia
Beca para Mexicanos: Perú
Programa de Movilidad Estudiantil de la Alianza del Pacífico
» Transporte Internacional ida y vuelta.
» Asignación mensual para manutención.
» Seguro de vida, salud y accidentes, por hechos o siniestros que le afecten dentro del territorio chileno mientras la beca se encuentre vigente.
Primera Convocatoria del año:
» Transporte Internacional ida y vuelta.
» Asignación mensual para manutención.
» Seguro de vida, salud y accidentes, por hechos o siniestros que le afecten dentro del territorio chileno mientras la beca se encuentre vigente.
Primera Convocatoria del año:
Director(a) del Proyecto en la Región Centro México
Director(a) del Proyecto en la Región Centro
00071603: Transformar el manejo de bosques de producción comunitarios ricos en biodiversidad mediante la creación de capacidades nacionales para el uso de instrumentos basados en el mercado 03/04/2015
El/La Director (a) de la Unidad Regional del Proyecto (URP) en el Centro de México, comprendida por los estados de Michoacán y Jalisco será supervisado(a) de manera directa por el Director de la Unidad Coordinadora del Proyecto (UCP) y se responsabilizará de enviar los informes y reportes regionales a dicha Unidad, acorde al programa de trabajo en esa región.
Ver convocatoria completa.
00071603: Transformar el manejo de bosques de producción comunitarios ricos en biodiversidad mediante la creación de capacidades nacionales para el uso de instrumentos basados en el mercado 03/04/2015
El/La Director (a) de la Unidad Regional del Proyecto (URP) en el Centro de México, comprendida por los estados de Michoacán y Jalisco será supervisado(a) de manera directa por el Director de la Unidad Coordinadora del Proyecto (UCP) y se responsabilizará de enviar los informes y reportes regionales a dicha Unidad, acorde al programa de trabajo en esa región.
Ver convocatoria completa.
Curador Colección de Sonidos Ambientales- Colombia
El Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt está interesado en recibir hojas de vida con el siguiente perfil:
Formación: Título profesional en Ciencias Naturales, ingeniería de sonidos, música, preferiblemente con especialización en temas relacionados al manejo bioacústico.
Experiencia: Con experiencia profesional certificada mínima de un año en el manejo de especímenes bioacústicos, o en manejo de colecciones bioacústicas.
Experiencia especifica en algunos de los siguientes temas: Identificación y actualización taxonómica de ejemplares bioacústicos. Curaduría básica y mantenimiento del material análogo original. Edición de las grabaciones, selección y catalogación de los nuevos especímenes biacústicos. Sistematización, y actualización de la base de datos de la colección de sonidos ambientales. Revisión y actualización de protocolos de procedimientos y administración de la colección de sonidos ambientales
Conocimientos: en bioacústica primordialmente en técnicas de grabación e identificación de especies a través de sus sonidos; conocimiento en manejo de hardware y software especializado en la toma, edición y remasterización de audio.
Quienes consideren tener el perfil señalado enviar hoja de vida al correo electrónico
La fecha límite para la recepción de hojas de vida será el 13 de Abril de 2015.
PhD project Norwegian University of Life Science, Oslo, Norway
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Oslo, Norway
This PhD project will focus on developing new hatchery techniques
for rearing Atlantic salmon for stock enhancement, resulting in improved
fitness through increased cognitive ability and increased post-release
survival. New hatchery paradigms will be designed to increase important
life-fitness behaviours including foraging behavior and anti-predator
Main supervisor:
Professor Ian Mayer (
Main methods:
a) Evaluation of cognitive ability and behavioural studies; b)
Swimming physiology; c) Histology and image analysis techniques to study
brain development.
Application deadline:
April 1, 2015 at
Start date:
July 1, 2015
Técnico Operativo del Programa Fortalecimiento del Capital Social
Técnico Operativo del Programa Fortalecimiento del Capital Social
Área: Educación/Comunicación
Antecedentes:Área: Educación/Comunicación
Conselva, Costas y Comunidades, A.C. es una organización de la sociedad civil sin fines de lucro con sede en Mazatlán, Sinaloa, que trabaja de manera profesional para lograr un balance entre la conservación de los servicios ambientales que ofrecen las cuencas hidrológicas con el desarrollo económico y social de las comunidades que habitan desde la sierra hasta la costa, con énfasis en el Sur de Sinaloa. Para llevar a cabo su misión, Conselva cuenta con cuatro Programas Estratégicos que operan de manera interdependiente, creando sinergias positivas y enriqueciendo los resultados de todos. Uno de estos Programas es el de Fortalecimiento del Capital Social, cuyo objetivo es fortalecer el capital social y humano de las comunidades rurales a través de la educación, capacitación, acceso de recursos materiales y humanos que permitan mejorar su calidad de vida y desarrollar sus capacidades de gestión para la conservación y el desarrollo sustentable de sus propias comunidades.
Conselva, Costas y Comunidades, A.C. busca una persona para el puesto de Técnico Operativo del Programa Fortalecimiento del Capital Social, con el fin de apoyar las actividades de educación y organización comunitaria, así como actividades de comunicación educativa que forman parte de los proyectos actualmente desarrollados dentro del programa estratégico.
Las actividades de las que será responsable el técnico operativo son las siguientes:
* Diseñar, preparar e impartir talleres participativos y cursos de capacitación en comunidades rurales
* Coordinar el desarrollo de actividades de educación ambiental, organización social e intercambios de experiencias en comunidades rurales, así como en las ciudades de Mazatlán y Rosario, Sinaloa
* Propiciar el apoyo y participación social de las comunidades donde se llevan a cabo los proyectos, mediante la asistencia a reuniones de asamblea ejidales, la facilitación de procesos de diálogo y concertación con las autoridades comunitarias y la gestión con los actores civiles y gubernamentales en las diversas estrategias,
* Elaboración puntual de los informes de trabajo parciales y finales de los diversos proyectos que desarrolla, asegurando una alta calidad de contenido técnico y de sistematización de los procesos sociales y de gestión que se desarrollaron para cumplir los objetivos del proyecto.
* Coordinar actividades diversas que forman parte de una Campaña de Comunicación sobre los Servicios Ambientales de las Cuencas y la situación del agua en las ciudades de Mazatlán y Rosario, Sinaloa, entre las que están:
- Diseñar, preparar e impartir cursos de capacitación con docentes y alumnos
- Coordinar brigadas de estudiantes voluntarios, de prácticas profesionales y servicio social que prestan sus servicios en CONSELVA
- Dar seguimiento a la campaña a través de medios de comunicación electrónicos (redes sociales), impresos (distribución de carteles, trípticos, manuales, etc.) y masivos
- Apoyo en la gestión y celebración de eventos de difusión, como reuniones informativas y espacios de participación ciudadana sobre los temas de campaña
* Licenciatura o Maestría en Educación y/o Comunicación
* Manejo de contenidos de educación ambiental y desarrollo sustentable,
principalmente de temas sobre servicios ambientales de las cuencas y cambio
* Habilidades para la enseñanza y capacitación en el ámbito rural y urbano
* Manejo demostrado de herramientas para el diseño, impartición y evaluación de cursos de capacitación y talleres participativos.
* Conocimientos sobre el manejo de campañas de comunicación, principalmente en temas ambientales.
* Capacidad para trabajar en varios proyectos de manera simultánea y para
desarrollar trabajo de calidad bajo presión.
* Experiencia demostrada en las áreas siguientes: Facilitación Grupal, Planeación Participativa, Organización comunitaria, Comunicación social/educativa y/o ambiental.
* Compromiso social y respeto hacia las comunidades rurales
* Excelente redacción y ortografía
* Habilidad para las relaciones públicas y coordinación interinstitucional
* Capacidad para la coordinación y trabajo intergrupal
* Alto nivel de responsabilidad y compromiso con el trabajo
* Iniciativa y creatividad
* Disponibilidad para residir en Mazatlán, Sinaloa.
Las personas interesadas en aplicar para el puesto deberán enviar su Currículum vítae, dos cartas de recomendación con sus respectivos datos de referencia y un ensayo de dos páginas en el que exponga los motivos por los cuales se considera apto para el puesto, al Coordinador del Programa Fortalecimiento del Capital Social, Lic. Luis Bojórquez ( /
La convocatoria permanecerá abierta hasta el 15 de Abril de 2015.
Los candidatos seleccionados recibirán un mensaje electrónico informándoles de su situación y las fechas posibles para una entrevista, personal o electrónica.
El salario mensual y beneficios sociales se establecerán en función de la experiencia del candidato.
Ver enlace.
Location: Chichicaxtle and Cardel, Veracruz Mexico
Duration: August 18-November 22, 2015
Job Type: Seasonal
Application Deadline:
Seasonal (Ornithologist) – Short Term Position- Payed. Experience the greatest raptor migrations in the world in the well known project Veracruz River of Raptors. Travel to this spectacular site and enjoy the wonder of birds and insects migration. You will also be able to learn about other resident and local birds. Interact with local people and local biologist´s and naturalist´s. You will also have the opportunity to approach the culture and the Mexican food. We need raptor migration counters (5 positions) and assistants (3 positions) to work during 95 days at the most important migratory bird corridor lead by PRONATURA VERACRUZ in the central coast of Veracruz Mexico. We are hiring enthusiastic and hard-working people with skills to identify and estimate huge groups of raptors, song birds and water birds at the two PRONATURA´s count sites (on average we count UP to 4 million raptors each fall plus passerines and water birds). The work of both (counters and assistants) consists of 2 days work and 1 day off and so on during the 95 day´s period, starting 8am to 6pm (10 hours per day) from August 18 to November 22. Main responsibilities: ** Identify and estimate birds in the 2 sites (Cardel and Chichicaxtle) ** Record daily observations ** Support in data entry in databases ** Assist with reports and data analysis ** Interact professionally with visitors, conservation agency staff, and the general public. What is included: ** Accommodation ** Small support for food ** Insurance during working period ** Pick up in the airport ** Project orientation ** In country emergency support ** Free T – Shirt ** Diploma of Participation All selected applicants will also help setting the count sites, and will help to clean and maintain working and living facilities, capture data and write reports. They need to be comfortable working and sharing a room with other people, be flexible, very pro active, be comfortable working in small towns and rural conditions. Need to work in teams and be collaborative. Willing to help in other activities (like attending visitors or/in environmental education activities). Very hot temperatures and mosquitoes are expected. The positions will be based in Chichicaxtle and Cardel, small towns of Veracruz.. Accommodation in rural conditions will be provided, and a small economic food support. Salary for counter position: $8,000 pesos (around 540 USD) to $9,000 (600 USD) Mexican pesos, and for assistant’s $6,000 Mexican pesos or equivalent 400 USD to $8,000 Mexican Pesos or USD equivalent 540 USD (all according to experience and skills). Selected people will cover their own transportation to Veracruz.
Send letter of interest and your CV outlining relevant experience and three references (including email addresses and phone number if possible). Send to: (EM: and in subject : counter 2015 or assistant 2015. Once we review your papers and consider that you fulfill the requirements, we will set an interview. If you do not receive communication from us, it is because you were not selected. Pronatura México - Veracruz Ignacio Zaragoza 73, Col. Centro, Coatepec, Veracruz: CP 91500. +52. (228) 1865548.
FIVE COUNTER POSITIONS. Applicants should have a high background in identifying and estimating raptors and other groups in both long distance and close flights and have the responsibility of daily data entry in Pronatura data bases. Skills in raptor ID and other migrants will be used for the hiring process. FOR ASSISTANT POSITION (3 needed) they should be good at taking notes (especially numbers) and be very motivated to learn how to ID migratory birds and willing to explain to visitors about migration ecology and raptor migration. Spanish medium knowledge is required for both positions but not needed with a large amount of experience.
Ver enlace.
Location: Chichicaxtle and Cardel, Veracruz Mexico
Duration: August 18-November 22, 2015
Job Type: Seasonal
Application Deadline:
Seasonal (Ornithologist) – Short Term Position- Payed. Experience the greatest raptor migrations in the world in the well known project Veracruz River of Raptors. Travel to this spectacular site and enjoy the wonder of birds and insects migration. You will also be able to learn about other resident and local birds. Interact with local people and local biologist´s and naturalist´s. You will also have the opportunity to approach the culture and the Mexican food. We need raptor migration counters (5 positions) and assistants (3 positions) to work during 95 days at the most important migratory bird corridor lead by PRONATURA VERACRUZ in the central coast of Veracruz Mexico. We are hiring enthusiastic and hard-working people with skills to identify and estimate huge groups of raptors, song birds and water birds at the two PRONATURA´s count sites (on average we count UP to 4 million raptors each fall plus passerines and water birds). The work of both (counters and assistants) consists of 2 days work and 1 day off and so on during the 95 day´s period, starting 8am to 6pm (10 hours per day) from August 18 to November 22. Main responsibilities: ** Identify and estimate birds in the 2 sites (Cardel and Chichicaxtle) ** Record daily observations ** Support in data entry in databases ** Assist with reports and data analysis ** Interact professionally with visitors, conservation agency staff, and the general public. What is included: ** Accommodation ** Small support for food ** Insurance during working period ** Pick up in the airport ** Project orientation ** In country emergency support ** Free T – Shirt ** Diploma of Participation All selected applicants will also help setting the count sites, and will help to clean and maintain working and living facilities, capture data and write reports. They need to be comfortable working and sharing a room with other people, be flexible, very pro active, be comfortable working in small towns and rural conditions. Need to work in teams and be collaborative. Willing to help in other activities (like attending visitors or/in environmental education activities). Very hot temperatures and mosquitoes are expected. The positions will be based in Chichicaxtle and Cardel, small towns of Veracruz.. Accommodation in rural conditions will be provided, and a small economic food support. Salary for counter position: $8,000 pesos (around 540 USD) to $9,000 (600 USD) Mexican pesos, and for assistant’s $6,000 Mexican pesos or equivalent 400 USD to $8,000 Mexican Pesos or USD equivalent 540 USD (all according to experience and skills). Selected people will cover their own transportation to Veracruz.
Send letter of interest and your CV outlining relevant experience and three references (including email addresses and phone number if possible). Send to: (EM: and in subject : counter 2015 or assistant 2015. Once we review your papers and consider that you fulfill the requirements, we will set an interview. If you do not receive communication from us, it is because you were not selected. Pronatura México - Veracruz Ignacio Zaragoza 73, Col. Centro, Coatepec, Veracruz: CP 91500. +52. (228) 1865548.
FIVE COUNTER POSITIONS. Applicants should have a high background in identifying and estimating raptors and other groups in both long distance and close flights and have the responsibility of daily data entry in Pronatura data bases. Skills in raptor ID and other migrants will be used for the hiring process. FOR ASSISTANT POSITION (3 needed) they should be good at taking notes (especially numbers) and be very motivated to learn how to ID migratory birds and willing to explain to visitors about migration ecology and raptor migration. Spanish medium knowledge is required for both positions but not needed with a large amount of experience.
Universidad Veracruzana- Maestría en Ciencias en Ecología Forestal
El Programa Educativo Maestria en Ciencias en Ecologia Forestal está enfocado a la generación de conocimiento científico que contribuya a la solución de los problemas en materia de aprovechamiento, restauración y conservación de los recursos forestales, dentro del contexto económico, ecológico y cultural de la población que se beneficia del recurso forestal.
Beca posgrado Francia
Master 2
(No se otorgan becas para Master 1 o doctorado)
Asignación mensual, cobertura social anual e inscripción universitaria gratuita.
Beca posgrado Francia
(No se otorgan becas para Master 1 o doctorado)
Asignación mensual, cobertura social anual e inscripción universitaria gratuita.
Beca posgrado Francia
Coordinador(a) del Programa de Biodiversidad y Cuencas Hidrológicas
Coordinador(a) del Programa de Biodiversidad y Cuencas Hidrológicas
Antecedentes:Coordinador(a) del Programa de Biodiversidad y Cuencas Hidrológicas
Conselva es una organización de la sociedad civil sin fines de lucro que busca conservar la funcionalidad ecológica de los ecosistemas costeros del sur de Sinaloa e incrementar su resiliencia al cambio climático a través del manejo integrado de sus cuencas. Para llevar a cabo su misión, Conselva cuenta con cuatro Programas estratégicos que operan de manera interdependiente, creando sinergias positivas y enriqueciendo los resultados de todos. Uno de estos Programas es el de Biodiversidad y Cuencas hidrológicas, cuyo objetivo es asegurar el mantenimiento de los servicios ambientales que nos prestan los ecosistemas, en especial la conservación de la biodiversidad, el abastecimiento de mantos freáticos y la retención de suelo, para mejorar el presente y asegurar el futuro de las próximas generaciones.
Nuestro principal ámbito de acción son las cuencas de los ríos Presidio y Baluarte en el sur de Sinaloa, ambas cuencas forman parte de las cuencas prioritarias de México donde se implementa el programa de Cuencas y Ciudades, cuyo objetivo es contribuir a mantener y recuperar los procesos naturales de los cuales depende la disponibilidad del agua para los habitantes rurales y urbanos en las cuencas. En la porción media de ambas cuencas estamos impulsando la creación de un Área Natural Protegida denominada Monte Mojino, que tendrá una superficie de 200,000 ha y que alberga a la mitad de la biodiversidad terrestre del Estado. Los servicios ambientales que provee esta área, en particular la recarga de acuíferos, beneficiarán a los sectores productivos y pobladores de los cuatro Municipios del sur de del estado.
Conselva, Costas y Comunidades, A. C. busca una persona para el puesto de Coordinador del Programa de Biodiversidad y Cuencas hidrológicas con el siguiente perfil:
El/la Coordinador(a) del Programa de Biodiversidad y Cuencas hidrológicas, será el responsable de:
* Coordinar las actividades relacionadas con implementar modelos regionales demostrativos de protección, manejo y recuperación de las cuencas y sus servicios ambientales.
* Coordinar la operación de los proyectos forestales y de biodiversidad vigentes, que incluyen Programas de pago por servicios ambientales (PSA), obras de conservación de suelo y agua, obras de reforestación de la selva tropical seca, ordenamientos territoriales comunitarios y monitoreo de especies en peligro de extinción.
* Propiciar el apoyo y participación social de las comunidades donde se llevan a cabo los proyectos, mediante la asistencia a reuniones de asamblea ejidales, la facilitación de procesos de diálogo y concertación con las autoridades comunitarias y la gestión con los actores civiles y gubernamentales en las diversas estrategias.
* Promover la coordinación inter-institucional y los acuerdos con instituciones susceptibles de apoyar los objetivos del proyecto.
* Coordinar las actividades de consultores que colaborarán en los proyectos y su correcta integración a las actividades operativas de los mismos.
* Apoyar a la Directiva y otras áreas de Conselva en la gestión de financiamiento mediante la elaboración de propuestas y su gestión ante las instancias financiadoras.
* Elaboración puntual de los informes de trabajo de los diversos proyectos, asegurando una alta calidad de contenido técnico y de sistematización de los procesos sociales y de gestión que se desarrollaron para cumplir los objetivos del proyecto.
* Maestría en Gestión Integrada de Cuencas; Manejo de Recursos Naturales, Eco-hidrología o posgrado en temáticas afines
* Manejo de Sistemas de Información Geográfica y excelente manejo del software (Argis10.1 o superiores)
* Experiencia en temas relativos a volúmenes de agua superficial, subterránea, y procesos erosivos.
* Capacidad para trabajar en varios proyectos de manera simultánea y para desarrollar trabajo de calidad bajo presión.
* Experiencia demostrada en las áreas siguientes: manejo forestal, manejo de cuencas,
planeación participativa, gestión y administración de proyectos
* Tener experiencia y el gusto por el trabajo en campo
* Compromiso social y respeto hacia las comunidades rurales
* Experiencia demostrada en el análisis y sistematización de información
* Excelente redacción y ortografía en español y nivel mayor al 70% de inglés hablado y escrito
* Excelente capacidad para la coordinación y planeación de proyectos
* Habilidad para las relaciones públicas y coordinación interinstitucional
* Capacidad para la coordinación y trabajo en equipo
* Alto nivel de responsabilidad y compromiso con el trabajo
* Iniciativa y creatividad
* Disponibilidad para residir en Mazatlán, Sinaloa
Las personas interesadas en aplicar para el puesto deberán enviar su Currículum vítae, tres cartas de recomendación con sus respectivos datos de referencia y un ensayo de dos páginas en el que exponga los motivos por los cuales se considera apto para el puesto, a la Directora Ejecutiva, MC. Sandra Guido
La convocatoria permanecerá abierta hasta el 20 de abril del 2015.
Los candidatos seleccionados recibirán un mensaje electrónico informándoles de su situación y las fechas posibles para una entrevista, personal o electrónica.
El salario mensual y beneficios sociales se establecerán en función de la experiencia del candidato.
Convocatoria del Concurso Nacional de Trabajos Universitarios 2015- CONAFOR
Convocatoria del Concurso Nacional de Trabajos Universitarios 2015
Convocatoria 2015Descripción: | Convocatoria del Concurso Nacional de Trabajos Universitarios 2015 |
Tema: | Concursos y Convocatorias / Concursos y Convocatorias 2015 |
Material: | |
Publicado: | 30/03/2015 |
Modificado: | 30/03/2015 |
Tamaño: | 918 KB |
Descargas: | 26 |
Convocatoria completa
Premio al merito ecológico 2015
El Premio al Mérito Ecológico ha sido el reconocimiento ambiental más importante en México.
Otorga en cada categoría un diploma, una presea y cien mil pesos, que se deben destinar al inicio o continuación de un proyecto ambiental.
Otorga en cada categoría un diploma, una presea y cien mil pesos, que se deben destinar al inicio o continuación de un proyecto ambiental.
El registro de candidaturas podrá realizarse hasta el lunes 20 de abril de 2015
Profesionales Chubutenses en las Ciencias del Mar
La Dirección de Coordinación
Institucional de la Secretaría de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación
Productiva (SCTeIP) del Chubut, impulsa la capacitación de profesionales
Chubutenses en las Ciencias del Mar con el fin de poner en valor y
fomentar la investigación, desarrollo y producción de los recursos
oceánicos. El programa de becas de formación de profesionales en el
exterior BEC.AR abrió
2 convocatorias referidas a los recursos oceánicos a desarrollarse en
la Universidad de Quebec y el Instituto de Ciencias del Mar de Rimouski
CANADÁ (con una duración de 12 meses con posibilidad de extensión a 24
duración de 4 meses). La SCTeIP está buscando posibles
interesados que reúnan las características/condiciones enumeradas
a fin de contactarnos con ellos y ayudarlos en el proceso de aplicación a
las becas mencionadas. Condiciones: aquellos que posean título de grado
de Biólogos, Ingenieros, Oceanógrafos, Geólogos interesados en los RR
Oceánicos, Lic. en Saneamiento Ambiental, Biotecnólogos y afines.
Profesionales que estén en Carrera de investigador de CONICET, hayan
finalizado su doctorado/ Msc, docentes en una Universidad, trabajadores
con cargo del estado (NO BECARIOS), otros postulantes que no posean beca
del estado. Cierre de ambas convocarorias: 25 de marzo. Bases y condiciones. Contacto SCTrIP
High School students in the Galapagos Islands.

This is a paid summer position to work with High School students in the Galapagos Islands. Must be available June - August. Must meet all qualifications.
In the GLA experience, bright students connect with accomplished mentors. This is because our staff are not chaperones; they’re experts and they work directly alongside our local counterparts as a unified team. International Director and Mentor positions are available in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Each program has 1 International Director (usually, American, Canadian or British) and 1 Local Program Director (from the host country). Program Directors work together to maintain the safety and health of each student, ensure the daily travel and program logistics are properly coordinated, and implement GLA’s service-learning leadership curriculum. Communication, teamwork, and flexibility are critical throughout this process. International Directors are also responsible for managing, supporting, and guiding Mentors in their roles. Local Directors are responsible for managing, supporting, and guiding local team members in their roles.
Participate fully in GLA Director Training including:
Read and prepare questions on all resources provided by GLA
Participate in introductory and planning calls with your Local Program Director
Attend in-person Director Training in San Diego (April 16-19, 2015)
Participate and/or lead introductory and planning calls with Mentors
Co-lead In-Country Training with Local Program Director
Work to establish positive team dynamic with Local *Program Director, Mentors, and all support staff
Support Mentors in their own professional development by conducting check ins, feedback, and goal setting sessions
Live alongside students; you have responsibility for the students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while programs are in operation
Protect the health and safety of students at all times
Facilitate the implementation of GLA’s service-learning leadership curriculum
Guide students through personal growth experiences
Resolve student discipline issues
Manage parent communications
Provide constructive feedback for further program and curriculum development
Bachelors degree
Minimum of three years of experience teaching in a classroom or alternative education setting with teens.
Extensive international travel experience
Strong interpersonal skills and cross-cultural awareness
Good physical health and ability to actively participate in all elements of the experience
Ability to motivate and energize students in a variety of settings and situations
Fluent in Spanish for (programs in Spanish speaking countries)
Red Cross CPR and First Aid Certification (candidates who are not Red Cross certified will be required to become certified at their own expense before programs begin).
*Note: GLA does not accept online CPR/First Aid Certifications.
International Directors must hold a Wilderness First Responder certification prior to their contract start date.
Masters degree in Education, International Development, Anthropology, or a related field
Extensive experience in the country or region where you are interested in working
Advanced language skills in a language of the country where you are interested in working
For Mentors - Wilderness First Responder and/or Open Water Lifeguard Certification
You must be available for the full range of dates to apply for a position within a program. The online application form lists the dates International Directors must be available. Mentors will arrive two days later. Departure dates will be the same for both Mentors and Directors.
Please read through and complete the application on our website: will be asked to upload your resume, cover letter, and references on the application. Your cover letter should highlight your experience in facilitating experiential education programs, youth development and leadership, and experience in the country or region where you are interested in working. Positions are competitive, so we recommend applying early.
2 cargos CONICET- Argentina
El Instituto de Biología Subtropical
(ISB) abre la convocatoria para cubrir 2 cargos en la carrera del
Personal de Apoyo a la Investigación y Desarrollo de CONICET. Apertura: 9
de marzo de 2015. Cierre: 6 de abril de 2015. Un (1) Cargo en la
categoría de Profesional para diseño experimental y de muestreo e
implementación de modelos estadísticos en ambos nodos del Instituto. Más información, requisitos y detalles de la presentación.
Un (1) cargo en la categoría de Técnico para tareas de campo y
recolección de muestras biológicas en el nodo Iguazú del Instituto. Más información, requisitos y detalles de la presentación.
Early Summer Permaculture & Research Internships in the Rainforest of Ecuador, With Optional PDC Course
Third Millennium Alliance is a non-profit dedicated to preserving the last remnants of Ecuador’s coastal Pacific Forest and to empower local communities to restore what has been lost. We own and operate the 1000+ acre Jama-Coaque Reserve in Manabi, Ecuador, and envision a culture in which local communities recognize both the practical and intrinsic benefits of forest stewardship and manage the land accordingly, creating both economic and environmental sustainability in the region.
Internship opportunity in the coastal forests of Ecuador, in conservation, permaculture, restoration, community outreach, scientific research, construction& environmental technology. Two-month duration, living off the grid at an ecological reserve, includes optional PDC course.
Full description of internship: Third Millennium Alliance (TMA) was founded in 2007 with the purchase of 100 acres and the establishment of the Jama-Coaque Reserve (JCR) in the western province of Manabí, Ecuador, between the cities of Jama and Pedernales, and four kilometers inland. Now encompassing over 1,000 acres, the Jama-Coaque Reserve actively protects one of the last remaining fragments of Pacific Equatorial Forest, which is considered to be one of the most threatened tropical forests in the world. Learn more at
Internship Opportunities: Interns are to take on high-impact and dynamic projects in a variety of ecological and sustainable fields of focus. There is a tremendous amount of work to be done and experience to be gained – for interns and for us. Above all, creativity, innovation, and self-motivation are the fuel of our intern program. Immediately surrounding the house we are designing/growing/building a living laboratory of sustainable resource management (i.e. permaculture), which also serves as our field station for field biological research and forest monitoring.
Generally speaking, there are three categories of personal projects for interns to tackle during their internship: 1) conservation biology research, 2) sustainable food production, and 3) appropriate technology.
The following is a list of some of the projects we’re looking to tackle during the upcoming sessions. Some are new projects and others are ongoing and multi-year projects. Projects with stars next to them are of high interest and priority. When applying please prioritize three projects from the list below in the order of most interest.
Conservation Biology Research:
• *Native Seed Bank Nursery* (requires strong Spanish-speaking skills)
• *Water Quality Measurements* (knowledge of aquatic macrofauna is an advantage)
• *GIS Research* (mapping of the JCR, related mostly to another Flora & Fauna Research Project)
• Camera trap survey of wild felines (ocelot, jaguarondi, margay, etc)
• *Monkey Troop Demography & Behavioral Study (Mantled howler monkeys & critically endangered Ecuadorian white-fronted capuchins)
• *Herpetofauna survey* (reptile and amphibian diversity and abundance)
• Ornithology Survey - (ornithology experience and Spanish-speaking skills)
Sustainable Food Production:
• Seed Starting and Planting
• Garden Design and Development
• Raised Bed Construction
• Tree Maintenance and Brush Clearing
• Compost Production and other Fertility Management Practices
• Food Forest Design and Maintenance
• Production Zone Intensive – Focused on increasing food production, crop zonification & rotation, plant propagation, care/maintenance, integrated pest management and food preservation (ie, canning, drying)
• *Natural Building* – bamboo, adobe walls, enlarging our kitchen
• *GIS mapping of our irrigation systems and production zone*
Appropriate Technology:
•*Alternative Energy projects for the Bamboo House (solar & hydro)*
•*Build a compost dry-toilet
•Design and build a non-electrical refrigerator
We are also offering two optional short courses during this internship session:
1. Permaculture Design Certification Course (PDC) - to be taught throughout the two-month duration. The Permaculture Design Course is an opportunity to receive lecture based and hands on experience in Permaculture Design and Practice. Topics surrounding Sustainable Land Management and Water Use, Design Methods and Techniques, General Ecology, Aquaculture, and Appropriate Technology give our participants a well rounded introduction to Permaculture Design and its principles.
2. Introduction to GIS – to be taught during three full days of lecture and hands-on learning sessions as well as two months of practical use. The Intro to GIS course is an opportunity to become versed in the basics of GIS, spatial information, and field applications. The course will be taught by our GIS expert Wouter Hantson, who has years of experience teaching GIs to students in the fields of ecology and landscape analysis. The course will be based on the open source software Quantum GIS (QGIS), which is a freely available GIS software comparable to ArcGIS.
There is a difference in price based on whether you choose to take the PDC course or Intro to GIS courses. Please visit our website for more information:
Early Summer Internship Dates: June 1– July 28, 2015
Early Summer Application Deadline: Wednesday, April 1, 2015
To see a complete program description, please visit our “Internship” page on our website at Here you can download the application form and contact details, as well as other media, such as photos, video, and the program FAQ.
Please submit your application to Director of Administration Pamela Goldhagen and copy Ryan Lynch. The subject of your application email should read as follows: “APPLICATION – Season Year (Your Name)”. For example: “APPLICATION -Spring 2015 (John Doe)”. Don’t forget to attach the completed application form and “short answer” questions. Please be sure to include whether or not you are interested in taking the Permaculture Design Certification Course or the Introduction to GIS short course. Note: if you fill out the Application Form in PDF format, be sure that your written entries are saved to the document–for some reason, Adobe often times erases these entries and the form is saved blank.We look forward to working with you!
Internship opportunity in the coastal forests of Ecuador, in conservation, permaculture, restoration, community outreach, scientific research, construction& environmental technology. Two-month duration, living off the grid at an ecological reserve, includes optional PDC course.
Full description of internship: Third Millennium Alliance (TMA) was founded in 2007 with the purchase of 100 acres and the establishment of the Jama-Coaque Reserve (JCR) in the western province of Manabí, Ecuador, between the cities of Jama and Pedernales, and four kilometers inland. Now encompassing over 1,000 acres, the Jama-Coaque Reserve actively protects one of the last remaining fragments of Pacific Equatorial Forest, which is considered to be one of the most threatened tropical forests in the world. Learn more at
Internship Opportunities: Interns are to take on high-impact and dynamic projects in a variety of ecological and sustainable fields of focus. There is a tremendous amount of work to be done and experience to be gained – for interns and for us. Above all, creativity, innovation, and self-motivation are the fuel of our intern program. Immediately surrounding the house we are designing/growing/building a living laboratory of sustainable resource management (i.e. permaculture), which also serves as our field station for field biological research and forest monitoring.
Generally speaking, there are three categories of personal projects for interns to tackle during their internship: 1) conservation biology research, 2) sustainable food production, and 3) appropriate technology.
The following is a list of some of the projects we’re looking to tackle during the upcoming sessions. Some are new projects and others are ongoing and multi-year projects. Projects with stars next to them are of high interest and priority. When applying please prioritize three projects from the list below in the order of most interest.
Conservation Biology Research:
• *Native Seed Bank Nursery* (requires strong Spanish-speaking skills)
• *Water Quality Measurements* (knowledge of aquatic macrofauna is an advantage)
• *GIS Research* (mapping of the JCR, related mostly to another Flora & Fauna Research Project)
• Camera trap survey of wild felines (ocelot, jaguarondi, margay, etc)
• *Monkey Troop Demography & Behavioral Study (Mantled howler monkeys & critically endangered Ecuadorian white-fronted capuchins)
• *Herpetofauna survey* (reptile and amphibian diversity and abundance)
• Ornithology Survey - (ornithology experience and Spanish-speaking skills)
Sustainable Food Production:
• Seed Starting and Planting
• Garden Design and Development
• Raised Bed Construction
• Tree Maintenance and Brush Clearing
• Compost Production and other Fertility Management Practices
• Food Forest Design and Maintenance
• Production Zone Intensive – Focused on increasing food production, crop zonification & rotation, plant propagation, care/maintenance, integrated pest management and food preservation (ie, canning, drying)
• *Natural Building* – bamboo, adobe walls, enlarging our kitchen
• *GIS mapping of our irrigation systems and production zone*
Appropriate Technology:
•*Alternative Energy projects for the Bamboo House (solar & hydro)*
•*Build a compost dry-toilet
•Design and build a non-electrical refrigerator
We are also offering two optional short courses during this internship session:
1. Permaculture Design Certification Course (PDC) - to be taught throughout the two-month duration. The Permaculture Design Course is an opportunity to receive lecture based and hands on experience in Permaculture Design and Practice. Topics surrounding Sustainable Land Management and Water Use, Design Methods and Techniques, General Ecology, Aquaculture, and Appropriate Technology give our participants a well rounded introduction to Permaculture Design and its principles.
2. Introduction to GIS – to be taught during three full days of lecture and hands-on learning sessions as well as two months of practical use. The Intro to GIS course is an opportunity to become versed in the basics of GIS, spatial information, and field applications. The course will be taught by our GIS expert Wouter Hantson, who has years of experience teaching GIs to students in the fields of ecology and landscape analysis. The course will be based on the open source software Quantum GIS (QGIS), which is a freely available GIS software comparable to ArcGIS.
There is a difference in price based on whether you choose to take the PDC course or Intro to GIS courses. Please visit our website for more information:
Early Summer Internship Dates: June 1– July 28, 2015
Early Summer Application Deadline: Wednesday, April 1, 2015
To see a complete program description, please visit our “Internship” page on our website at Here you can download the application form and contact details, as well as other media, such as photos, video, and the program FAQ.
Please submit your application to Director of Administration Pamela Goldhagen and copy Ryan Lynch. The subject of your application email should read as follows: “APPLICATION – Season Year (Your Name)”. For example: “APPLICATION -Spring 2015 (John Doe)”. Don’t forget to attach the completed application form and “short answer” questions. Please be sure to include whether or not you are interested in taking the Permaculture Design Certification Course or the Introduction to GIS short course. Note: if you fill out the Application Form in PDF format, be sure that your written entries are saved to the document–for some reason, Adobe often times erases these entries and the form is saved blank.We look forward to working with you!
Beca Doctoral Toxicidad de nanocerámicos- Argentina
Oportunidad beca doctoral asociada
al proyecto Agencia PICT 245-2013: Toxicidad de nanocerámicos de base
gamma alúmina sobre algas.¨. La nanotecnología, dedicada al desarrollo
de la materia a nanoescala, ofrece muchas, novedosas y muy útiles
aplicaciones para múltiples sectores de la sociedad. Sin embargo, la
creciente producción y uso de nanomateriales podría llevar a su
acumulación en el ambiente, ya que son liberados en suelos, atmósfera y
sistemas acuáticos, con efectos bastante desconocidos para la salud
ambiental y humana. La nanoecotoxicología puede contribuir al
conocimiento y comprensión de los efectos adversos que pueden tener
algunos nanomateriales sobre los ecosistemas, y ese mismo conocimiento
puede servir para evitar dichos efectos y prevenir los riesgos de esta
tecnología, en pro de la sustentabilidad del medio ambiente. En este
contexto, los bioensayos con algas son muy útiles para evaluar la
toxicidad de distintas matrices, en este caso nanocerámicos de base
gamma alúmina (NCs-Al) En el marco mundial del alerta de la necesidad de
realizar estudios vinculados a la nanotecnología, el Ministerio de
Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva de la Nación lo ha incluido
como tema estratégico en el Plan Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e
Innovación “Argentina Innovadora 2020”. Lugar de trabajo: Instituto de
Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental (3iA) UNSAM. Habrá también una
formación intensiva en técnicas de caracterización del nanomaterial en
CNEA Bariloche a través de estadías cortas. Requisitos: Título de grado
en carreras de Biología, Análisis Ambiental, Ingeniería Ambiental, o
afines. Especial interés en la investigación científica, el trabajo en
laboratorio y desarrollo de tesis doctoral. Menor a 30 años.
Interesados enviar CV y experiencia en trabajo con algas o microbiología
a la Dra. Cristina Pérez Coll.
Beca Doctorado Argentina
Candidato para presentación a Beca
de Doctorado de CONICET con lugar de trabajo en CADIC (Ushuaia). Temas:
Ecología de arroyos, macroinvertebrados acuáticos, servicios
ecosistémicos, sistemas socio-ecológicos. Desde 2000, se han realizado
estudios sobre ecología dulceacuícola en el archipiélago fueguino,
incluyendo estudios de la comunidad bentónica, la función ecosistémica y
relaciones con la sociedad, analizando además factores de perturbación
como la urbanización, las especies invasoras (e.g., castores) y el uso
del suelo (e.g., aprovechamiento forestal). Interesados enviar CV y
carta de interés por email (asunto “Beca Arroyos”), explicando
motivaciones y experiencias previas relevantes al Dr. Christopher Anderson.
viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015
Programa de Monitoreo Biológico en Áreas Naturales Protegidas (PROMOBI)
Programa de Monitoreo Biológico en Áreas Naturales Protegidas (PROMOBI)
Convocatoria abierta:
Convocatoria abierta:
Fisheries Seabird Liaison Officer- New Zeland.
Fisheries Seabird Liaison Officer - Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc.
Forest & Bird has been a voice for New Zealand wildlife and wild places for over 90 years. We are an independent incorporated society that campaigns for the protection of our natural history and co-ordinates community-based restoration projects.
We are seeking a Liaison Officer who has knowledge and experience of seabirds and recreational fishing to work with our Campaigns and Advocacy Seabird Advocate to provide information, advice and support to recreational charter boat operators on how to manage and prevent fishing interactions with seabirds. The role will be responsible for developing seabird by catch prevention protocols building on existing ideas developed by F&B and Southern Seabirds Solutions and developing resources and effective methods for provision of advice and support to Charter boat operators. This role will also be responsible for developing messaging and advice to recreational fishers generally. The position will be a half time contract role (0.5FTE) for 1 year.
The successful candidate will have:
Positive interpersonal skills and the ability to work with colleagues and relate to people at all levels and all backgrounds in the community.
Excellent written and spoken communication skills.
Ability to prepare and execute public presentations.
Drivers licence and own car
Personal organisation and self-discipline.
Experience in Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and other common office software.
Ability to work as part of and contribute to multi-disciplinary teams.
Good knowledge of NZ Seabirds
Reasonable knowledge of fishing in NZ
Ability to relate to and influence recreational fishers and boaties
An understanding and knowledge of conservation and related issues.
Forest & Bird gives you the chance to work for New Zealand’s nature.
If this sounds like you, apply now via the link below.
A position description and application form are available from or for specific questions about this position please contact Karen Baird (09) 422 6868, or
The closing date for applications is 5pm Sunday, 15th March 2015.
Forest & Bird has been a voice for New Zealand wildlife and wild places for over 90 years. We are an independent incorporated society that campaigns for the protection of our natural history and co-ordinates community-based restoration projects.
We are seeking a Liaison Officer who has knowledge and experience of seabirds and recreational fishing to work with our Campaigns and Advocacy Seabird Advocate to provide information, advice and support to recreational charter boat operators on how to manage and prevent fishing interactions with seabirds. The role will be responsible for developing seabird by catch prevention protocols building on existing ideas developed by F&B and Southern Seabirds Solutions and developing resources and effective methods for provision of advice and support to Charter boat operators. This role will also be responsible for developing messaging and advice to recreational fishers generally. The position will be a half time contract role (0.5FTE) for 1 year.
The successful candidate will have:
Positive interpersonal skills and the ability to work with colleagues and relate to people at all levels and all backgrounds in the community.
Excellent written and spoken communication skills.
Ability to prepare and execute public presentations.
Drivers licence and own car
Personal organisation and self-discipline.
Experience in Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and other common office software.
Ability to work as part of and contribute to multi-disciplinary teams.
Good knowledge of NZ Seabirds
Reasonable knowledge of fishing in NZ
Ability to relate to and influence recreational fishers and boaties
An understanding and knowledge of conservation and related issues.
Forest & Bird gives you the chance to work for New Zealand’s nature.
If this sounds like you, apply now via the link below.
A position description and application form are available from or for specific questions about this position please contact Karen Baird (09) 422 6868, or
The closing date for applications is 5pm Sunday, 15th March 2015.
Técnico de operaciones. Proaves Colombia.
La fundación ProAves de Colombia abre convocatoria laboral para el cargo de Técnico de Operaciones.
Experiencia: 1 año en área técnica y operativa
Actividades: recibo de proveedores, logística y coordinación de envíos.
Disponibilidad para viajar
Enviar hoja de vida y aspiración salarial al correo electrónico indicando en el asunto: Técnico de operaciones.
Fecha límite de aplicación: Marzo 16
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