Movilidad de estudiantes licenciatura y posgrado, bajo la supervisión de un profesor esloveno de una institución de educación superior de ese país. El candidato debe estar matriculado en una institución mexicana.
Alojamiento en las instalaciones del centro de estudiantes de la universidad receptora, siempre y cuando el estudiante lo pida al solicitar la beca.
Seguro médico básico.
Pago mensual para manutención.
Empleo para biologos. Bolsa de trabajo ciencias de la vida. ¿En que puede trabajar un biólogo?
lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015
Marine Interpreter / Educator at Whale Interpretive Centre (WIC) - British Columbia
The Whale Interpretive Centre
Seasonal position- one (1) position available
Project Description
The Whale Interpretive Centre (WIC) is an initiative of the Johnstone Strait Killer Whale Interpretive Centre Society (JSKWICS), a non-profit society.
The Whale Interpretive Centre (WIC) was established in Telegraph Cove, BC in 2002 and is committed to marine mammal education and conservation. It aspires to be a 'world class' interpretive centre that inspires and involves the local community as well as many international visitors.
The Whale Interpretive Centre is housed in a historical building on the boardwalk of Telegraph Cove and contains displays that feature the marine biodiversity of the local area, the importance of the Michael Bigg Ecological Reserve at Robson Bight, and marine conservation issues. The highlight of the museum is the articulated skeletons of marine and terrestrial mammals (killer whale, minke whale, Pacific white-sided dolphin, harbour seal, pygmy sperm whale, sea otter, river otter and Steller sea lion etc), including a 20m fin whale that is suspended from the ceiling of the building.
The museum is open from May through October each year. Staff deliver a variety of educational programs and provide interpretation to the visitors. Structured school programs that focus on marine interconnectedness, adaptations, and marine mammal biology are offered during May, June and September. Specialty tours, evening lectures and special events are also offered throughout the season. The WIC is perfectly situated to reach a large audience, as Telegraph Cove is the main launching point for kayak expeditions, whale watching tours, and is a popular day trip for many north island locals.
Interpreter Job Description
Interpreters are front-line staff at the WIC, providing engaging education to visitors about marine mammals and marine conservation. Their duties include:
• Meet and greet local and international visitors
• Deliver one-on-one interpretation of displays to visitors
• Provide structured presentations and tours to highly diverse audiences from around the world (groups of 30+)
• Maintain museum, displays and salt water aquarium
• Deliver programs to school groups (K-Grade 12)
• Clean and articulate skeletons (as needed)
• Facilitate evening events, lectures etc (as needed)
• Update websites and social media (Facebook, Twitter) for up to 2 hours a week
• Special projects and duties as required
Successful Candidates:
Are easily approachable, welcoming, and have excellent interpersonal skills
Are comfortable speaking to large groups
Are driven to deliver environmental education
Are practical, resourceful and self-motivated workers
Work well in a goal-oriented team environment
Possess knowledge of marine mammal biology and a strong conservation ethic
Are willing and able to participate in menial labour when required
Can tolerate cold, damp working conditions
A second language is an asset, as is formal training in interpretation or environmental education.
Candidates must be available from May 1 to September 30, 2015
• Nearest town with accommodation is in the community of Port McNeill – own vehicle is a necessity.
• The WIC is an un-insulated building above the water and is often drafty and cold.
• Physical and, at times, dirty work in addition to the academic.
• Need for great independence and initiative.
• Repetitive nature of interpretive tours.
• Invaluable "hands-on" learning potential and the opportunity to contribute to marine education.
• Spectacular location and opportunities to experience beautiful northern Vancouver Island.
PLEASE NOTE: This is not a research position
Starting Salary: $15/hour, dependent on qualifications and experience.
Application Procedure
Please submit your cover letter, resume and 3 references (2 of which must be work references) to Mary Borrowman by Friday, February 20th, 2015. Please be sure to indicate period of availability. Preferred that candidates apply via email.
Contact Information:
Mary Borrowman
JSKWICS - Whale Interpretive Centre
P.O. Box 2-3
Telegraph Cove, B.C.
V0N 3J0
Educación Ambiental - Cuba
IX Taller Internacional "La Educación Ambiental para el Desarrollo Sostenible". “Materias curriculares y proyectos de aprendizaje al servicio de la educación para la salud”, que la Universidad y la Facultad de Ciencias Pedagógicas, de la ciudad de Matanzas, Cuba, convoca a investigadores, educadores y estudiantes de los diferentes niveles educativos que enseñan y aprenden sobre la
Educación Ambiental y para la Salud, del 20 al 24 de octubre de 2015.
Este evento tiene como propósito compartir saberes del nivel de desarrollo de la Educación Ambiental y para la Salud. Como en ediciones anteriores, se celebrará, en un Hotel Acuazul de la
Playa de Varadero considerada por todos como una de las más lindas del mundo.
Si no resultará de su interés o se reitera la información, se le ofrece disculpas, pero en cualquier caso se le pide que colabore con nosotros divulgando esta convocatoria, entre posibles colegas
A los interesados en participar, se le agradece que al responder, consignen en el asunto del e mail el nombre del evento. Favor de escribir al e mail:
Para tener información sobre boletos de viaje, alojamiento y alimentación comunicarse con el receptivo oficial del evento que es CUBATUR EVENTOS al email La persona a contactar es:
Ing. Arlene Alvarez Especialista
Comercial Empresa Eventos e Incentivos
Agencia de Viajes Cubatur
Calle 0 #101A entre 1ª y 3ª,
Miramar, Playa. Teléf: (537) 2069808; 2069809 Fax: (537) 2069807
Con respeto y esperando que se anime en compartir saberes, le saluda desde Cuba,
Miembros del Comité Organizador.
Dr. C. Amado Hernández B y MSc. Raydel Valladares Rodríguez.

Este evento tiene como propósito compartir saberes del nivel de desarrollo de la Educación Ambiental y para la Salud. Como en ediciones anteriores, se celebrará, en un Hotel Acuazul de la
Playa de Varadero considerada por todos como una de las más lindas del mundo.
Si no resultará de su interés o se reitera la información, se le ofrece disculpas, pero en cualquier caso se le pide que colabore con nosotros divulgando esta convocatoria, entre posibles colegas
A los interesados en participar, se le agradece que al responder, consignen en el asunto del e mail el nombre del evento. Favor de escribir al e mail:
Para tener información sobre boletos de viaje, alojamiento y alimentación comunicarse con el receptivo oficial del evento que es CUBATUR EVENTOS al email La persona a contactar es:
Ing. Arlene Alvarez Especialista
Comercial Empresa Eventos e Incentivos
Agencia de Viajes Cubatur
Calle 0 #101A entre 1ª y 3ª,
Miramar, Playa. Teléf: (537) 2069808; 2069809 Fax: (537) 2069807
Con respeto y esperando que se anime en compartir saberes, le saluda desde Cuba,
Miembros del Comité Organizador.
Dr. C. Amado Hernández B y MSc. Raydel Valladares Rodríguez.
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