Smartfish y Biodiversidad A.C. (COBI), solicitan un jefe de proyecto piloto para mejorar los procesos de producción, desarrollar con las cooperativas de Isla Natividad en el Pacifico Mexicano el estudio de factibilidad para mejorar las instalaciones de los equipos pesqueros y plantas de procesamiento para procesar pescado, realizar envíos piloto y registrar costos de producción necesarios para el desarrollo del plan de negocios; requisitos: ingeniero en pesquería o carrera afín, mínimo 3 años de experiencia, conocimientos generales de la pesca ribereña. Para mayor información ver documento.
Empleo para biologos. Bolsa de trabajo ciencias de la vida. ¿En que puede trabajar un biólogo?
lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013
Ingeniero ambiental
•Grupo Videsa, laboratorio de carácter ambiental solicita Ingeniero Ambiental o carreras afines, con conocimientos en Ingeniería Ambiental, Seguridad e Higiene o en Protección Civil, carrera terminada y experiencia de 2 años. Para mayor información y enviar currículo a su correo electrónico.
Especialista en Mercados y Finanzas región centro oriente .
El/la especialista en mercados y finanzas de la región centro oriente será responsable de
establecer estrategias regional esparael desarrollo de mercados de productos forestales certificados y para la articulación de Empresas Forestales Comunitarias (EFC) a dichos mercados certificados. Planificará sus actividades teniendo como base las condiciones de disponibilidad de productos certificados y mecanismos operativos que defina la dirección regional del centro oriente.
Será responsable de presentar ante la dirección del proyecto y el director regional del centro oriente un plan de trabajo de la región centro oriente (Puebla, Veracruz e Hidalgo) que concuerde con los objetivos y las metas establecidas en este proyecto.
Proyecto de investigación sobre monos aulladores- Veracruz
El Instituto de
Neuroetología, Universidad Veracruzana, solicita voluntarios para participar en
el proyecto de investigación sobre monos aulladores (Alouatta palliata) en el
estado de Veracruz, la convocatoria se cierra en diciembre. Para mayor
información con Pedro Américo D. Días , teléfono
(052)2288418900 ext.13617
Contribución de la regulación de la expresión genética y proteica en los efectos terapéuticos de la biotina y la silibina en las etapas de hígado graso no alcoholico
El Departamento de
Gastroenterologia, del Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutrición
“Salvador Zubiran”, te invita a realizar tu servicio social, tesis de
licenciatura o maestría en el proyecto “Contribución de la regulación de la
expresión genética y proteica en los efectos terapéuticos de la biotina y la
silibina en las etapas de hígado graso no alcoholico”. Para mayor información
con la Dra. Elena Larrieta, teléfono
5487-0900 ext.2711
MARENTER requiere biologos- Cancún
MARENTER, empresa que se
dedica a realizar proyectos u obras marinas en la Ciudad de Cancún Quintana
Roo, solicita Biólogo marinos que tenga experiencia en la redacción de
Manifestaciones de Impacto Ambiental y de diversos programas ambientales,
dominio de AutoCad, realizar actividades de buceo y conocimientos del idioma
ingles. Para mayor información con la M. en C. Abigail del Roció Martínez Rendis, celular
Climate Business Engagement Advisor
Climate Business Engagement Advisor
Position title: Climate Business Engagement Advisor
Reports to: Head of Climate Business Engagement
Location: Mexico (GCEI Hub)
Deadline for applications: September 15, 2013
I – Mission of the department
WWF sees climate change and the required shift to renewable energy as one of the key challenges we face on this planet. The Global Climate and Energy Initiative (GCEI) is WWF’s global network based initiative to address these challenges. Our vision is a safe and sustainable future for people, places and species, in an equitable low-carbon society that is resilient to climate change. The Climate Business Engagement Unit (CBE) is part of GCEI and is responsible for engaging with business and industry on these issues, including the driving of emission reductions, triggering the uptake of renewable energy, and developing new solutions and business models leading to a low carbon society.
II – Major functions
The Climate Business Engagement Advisor is responsible for delivering WWF’s ambitious strategy to drive businesses to adopt ambitious emission reduction and renewable energy targets in line with a 2°C decarbonisation pathway. At the global level, this translates into designing and implementing strategies to influence the largest global companies, with a special focus on carbon-intensive industries, to adopt best-in- class emission reduction and renewable energy targets in line with our vision on corporate climate responsibility ( At the regional level, the CBE Advisor will collaborate with national and program offices in priority countries in the development and implementation of strategies to drive the private sector (with a special focus on industry and business associations) towards a low-carbon development pathway. In addition, the CBE advisor will provide technical support for the development and advancement of the Climate Savers program (
III – Main duties and responsibilities
To lead and collaborate with like-minded organizations in the joint design and implementation of strategies to influence the largest global corporations in the adoption of ambitious emission reduction and renewable energy targets.
To support local offices across the network with the development and implementation of strategies intended to drive the private sector in the country through the process of setting emission reduction targets to support the low-emission development of the country.
To lead the establishment and management of strategic partnerships with other organizations working on business and climate globally and in WWF’s priority countries.
Carries out any such reasonable duties as delegated from the CBE Head.
IV – Profile
Required Qualifications
A minimum of 5 years of experience in climate change mitigation and renewable energy procurement within a corporate setting.
At least five years of experience working with climate certification schemes at the company, project or product level (e.g. Climate Savers, PAS 2050, ISO 14064, Gold Standard, etc.).
A technical and/or business advanced university degree in a relevant discipline.
Required Skills and Competencies
A clear understanding of climate science, climate economics, renewable energy and the business drivers and levers for climate change mitigation at the corporate level.
Extensive knowledge of power markets and regulatory frameworks.
Excellent communication, negotiation and diplomacy skills (at a high level).
Strong project management and interpersonal skills.
Excellent command of English and Spanish; other languages are an asset.
Strong organizational and interpersonal skills.
Adheres to WWF’s values, which are: Knowledgeable, Optimistic, Determined and Engaging.
Working relationships
Internal: Climate & Business Engagement team, Global Climate & Energy Initiative Core Team, WWF International Corporate Relations Unit; staff across the network, relevant staff in local offices, including staff working on Climate Savers and business engagement, climate and energy teams.
External: High-level contacts within like-minded organizations, high-level contacts within companies, business and industrial associations, relevant consultants.
Truly global: Female candidates and applicants from emerging economies are encouraged to apply to this position.
Applications should be addressed to Aurelio Ruiz ( with copy to Paola López de Arriaga (
This job description covers the main tasks and conveys the spirit of the sort of tasks that are anticipated proactively from staff. Other tasks may be assigned as necessary according to organizational needs.
Director Programa Golfo de California
Director Programa Golfo de California
Ubicación: La Paz, Baja California Sur
Reporta a: Director General, WWF-México/Sistema Arrecifal Mesoamericano (SAM)
Principales responsabilidades:
Es responsable de la planeación, supervisión y evaluación del portafolio de acciones de conservación de WWF de la ecorregión Golfo de California y de construir sinergias con los socios gubernamentales y no gubernamentales de WWF en la región y la red internacional de WWF. Asegura la concurrencia del trabajo de los programas de WWF en la ecorregión y la coordinación y supervisión financiera y administrativa del Programa. Lidera y coordina los equipos técnicos y administrativos en la ejecución efectiva y eficiente de los proyectos de campo; y supervisa el cumplimiento de las metas de desempeño de los programas y la adecuada ejecución presupuestaria. Es responsable del establecimiento de prioridades y de la recaudación de fondos, y de promover y coordinar la elaboración de propuestas de financiamiento. Se coordina con el Director de Conservación, la Directora de Cambio Climático, el Director de Agua, el Director de Finanzas y Administración y la Directora de Comunicación de de WWF-México/SAM para fortalecer las estrategias de conservación para la ecorregión; mantiene relaciones profesionales con donantes, instituciones gubernamentales, organizaciones de la sociedad civil y de investigación, y con el sector privado para facilitar la consecución de recursos financieros y el apoyo para impulsar el trabajo de WWF y sus socios en la región. Es miembro del Comité Técnico de WWF-Mexico/SAM.
Requisitos mínimos:
Estudios: Formación académica, a nivel de Maestría o Doctorado, técnicamente competente en el campo de la conservación de los recursos naturales.
Experiencia: Por lo menos 15 años de experiencia en temas de conservación enfocados en gerencia de proyectos, supervisión de personal y proyectos de campo en la región.
Habilidades: La experiencia en asuntos administrativos y gerenciales es esencial junto con excelentes habilidades diplomáticas y de comunicación. Deberá pensar creativamente en el diseño e instrumentación de proyectos en varios contextos.
Capacidad demostrada en la procuración de fondos y en el establecimiento de alianzas con los varios sectores.
Dominio del idioma inglés y español, tanto en forma verbal como escrita.
Disponibilidad para viajar entre 20% y 30% del tiempo.
Interesados, favor de enviar la siguiente información a Aurelio Ruiz, Gerente de Recursos Humanos de WWF-México/SAM al correo electrónico
Carta de intención de una página
Curriculum vitae (no mayor a tres páginas)
El nombre y datos de contacto de tres referencias profesionales
Seabird Habitat Restoration Interns (2), Channel Islands National Park, Ventura, California
Two technician positions to support seabird monitoring and habitat restoration are available in Channel Islands National Park. Habitat restoration work is being conducted to address impacts to seabird populations caused by marine contamination (primarily DDT and PCB) in the Southern California Bight ( This is a full time, field-based position with the majority of work conducted on Santa Barbara, Anacapa, and Santa Cruz Islands. A 6 month commitment is required.
Job duties during the fall and winter will support plant restoration efforts, including nursery propagation, weed removal (hand-weeding), plant surveys, and native outplanting work. Applicants should have a strong interest in island ecology and a desire to work with plant restoration projects. Enthusiasm for field work and for working in a variety of weather conditions is a must. Ability to work from small boats and on steep slopes is essential. Successful candidates must be able to work well independently as well as with a team, be willing to work long hours in the field, be able to make careful observations over long periods of time, maintain accurate field notes, possess excellent balance and agility, and be in excellent physical condition. As much work is conducted on small and remote islands, applicants must be able to get along well with others and be able to live and work in close quarters.
Preference may given to those who possess: 1) Bachelor’s degree in biological sciences or related discipline, 2) prior experience with plant restoration work, 3) knowledge of native California flora, 4) ability to move and lift equipment and materials up to 40lbs; 5) ability to hike in steep, unstable terrain; 6) ability to leap out of small boats onto slippery rocks; 7) desire to work in a remote field setting both independently and as part of a field crew; ) native plant propagation and survey experience, 10) superior observational and data collection skills, 11) excellent written and verbal communication skills.
The applicant must be comfortable with extensive boat travel and with living in a remote location for extended periods of time.
Employer and Position Duration: The position is a seasonal 6 month internship with the possibility to extend. Employment is with the nonprofit organization California Institute of Environmental Studies (CIES). Preferred start date is Oct 15th 2013.
Job Location and Wages: The position is based out of Ventura, CA with regular travel via boat or helicopter to the Channel Islands National Park out of Ventura, Oxnard, and Santa Barbara Harbors. Island travel ranges from day trips to multiple weeks on island; the schedule varies seasonal, with year-round fieldwork. Island housing is provided and consists of a shared bunkhouse with all amenities. Housing on the mainland is not provided. A stipend of $1,600 per month as well as field per diem is provided.
Contact Information:
Application Submission: Please email a cover letter, resume, and names and phone numbers of three professional references to:; final filing date is Oct 15th however, applications will be reviewed as they come in. -
Job duties during the fall and winter will support plant restoration efforts, including nursery propagation, weed removal (hand-weeding), plant surveys, and native outplanting work. Applicants should have a strong interest in island ecology and a desire to work with plant restoration projects. Enthusiasm for field work and for working in a variety of weather conditions is a must. Ability to work from small boats and on steep slopes is essential. Successful candidates must be able to work well independently as well as with a team, be willing to work long hours in the field, be able to make careful observations over long periods of time, maintain accurate field notes, possess excellent balance and agility, and be in excellent physical condition. As much work is conducted on small and remote islands, applicants must be able to get along well with others and be able to live and work in close quarters.
Preference may given to those who possess: 1) Bachelor’s degree in biological sciences or related discipline, 2) prior experience with plant restoration work, 3) knowledge of native California flora, 4) ability to move and lift equipment and materials up to 40lbs; 5) ability to hike in steep, unstable terrain; 6) ability to leap out of small boats onto slippery rocks; 7) desire to work in a remote field setting both independently and as part of a field crew; ) native plant propagation and survey experience, 10) superior observational and data collection skills, 11) excellent written and verbal communication skills.
The applicant must be comfortable with extensive boat travel and with living in a remote location for extended periods of time.
Employer and Position Duration: The position is a seasonal 6 month internship with the possibility to extend. Employment is with the nonprofit organization California Institute of Environmental Studies (CIES). Preferred start date is Oct 15th 2013.
Job Location and Wages: The position is based out of Ventura, CA with regular travel via boat or helicopter to the Channel Islands National Park out of Ventura, Oxnard, and Santa Barbara Harbors. Island travel ranges from day trips to multiple weeks on island; the schedule varies seasonal, with year-round fieldwork. Island housing is provided and consists of a shared bunkhouse with all amenities. Housing on the mainland is not provided. A stipend of $1,600 per month as well as field per diem is provided.
Contact Information:
Application Submission: Please email a cover letter, resume, and names and phone numbers of three professional references to:; final filing date is Oct 15th however, applications will be reviewed as they come in. -
Field assistants - Jamaica
Not looking forward to cold weather, 6 hours of light, and watching the bird feeder? We have the answer. Be a field assistant on research studying American Redstarts and Yellow Warblers in Jamaica. Project begins approximately January 10th and continues until mid-May. Assistants can expect long hours in the field, six days per week, walking in mangrove forests sometimes inhabited by crocodiles and maneuvering through dense and thorny second growth scrub. Being flexible with working conditions, schedule, and living situation is absolutely key to success at this position. Competitive applicants will be very self-motivated, have the ability to re-sight and follow small (6g) color-banded birds, and extract songbirds quickly and safely from mist nets. Experience collecting foraging behavioral data on small songbirds and banding and bleeding experience are all preferred, but not required. The majority of field work will involve mapping warbler territories, but will also include some mist net extraction, vegetation measurements, and data entry.
This is an all-expenses paid volunteer position (i.e. no salary, but travel to and from Jamaica as well as home-cooked Jamaican food and comfortable seaside lodging are provided). Our funding agency has encouraged us to promote "broadening participation in biology", so we encourage applicants from underrepresented groups (particularly Jamaican or Caribbean) to apply. Non-U.S. citizens may apply but we can only cover airfare from the U.S. (and possibly Canada) to Jamaica, or for Caribbean applicants, travel within the Caribbean. We are also considering hiring a crew leader who would receive a monthly stipend; if you feel you are particularly well qualified, please note your interest in the crew leader position.
Contact Information:
Send an email with the subject “Jamaican Field Assistant” or "Jamaican Crew Leader", a one page cover letter, resume/CV, and contact info for 3 references to Luke L. Powell ( by October 4th, 2013. -
This is an all-expenses paid volunteer position (i.e. no salary, but travel to and from Jamaica as well as home-cooked Jamaican food and comfortable seaside lodging are provided). Our funding agency has encouraged us to promote "broadening participation in biology", so we encourage applicants from underrepresented groups (particularly Jamaican or Caribbean) to apply. Non-U.S. citizens may apply but we can only cover airfare from the U.S. (and possibly Canada) to Jamaica, or for Caribbean applicants, travel within the Caribbean. We are also considering hiring a crew leader who would receive a monthly stipend; if you feel you are particularly well qualified, please note your interest in the crew leader position.
Contact Information:
Send an email with the subject “Jamaican Field Assistant” or "Jamaican Crew Leader", a one page cover letter, resume/CV, and contact info for 3 references to Luke L. Powell ( by October 4th, 2013. -
M.S. Assistantship-Radar Ornithology
The Aeroecology Program at the University of Delaware has available a two-year M.S. graduate research assistant position in Wildlife Ecology to begin spring semester 2014 (February 2014). However, we’d like to hire the candidate to begin work in October or ASAP as a technician for $11.75/hr until the spring semester. The position is to help conduct a study in collaboration with the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Laurel, MD to use weather radar observations to assess the response of migrating landbirds to Hurricane Sandy and to possible storm damage to stopover habitats. The candidate will be expected to develop a thesis project within the purview of the current study objectives. Experience with GIS, R statistics software, weather radars, and landbird migration biology is preferred. This position will involve little, if any, field work. Strong quantitative skills and a strong work ethic are essential. Salary is $22,424/year plus tuition waiver and reduced-cost health care benefits.
Contact Information:
Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Please send application materials (resume, copies of transcripts, GRE scores, and contact information for 3 references) to Dr. Jeffrey Buler (, Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, University of Delaware, 250 Townsend Hall, Newark, DE 19716. -
Contact Information:
Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Please send application materials (resume, copies of transcripts, GRE scores, and contact information for 3 references) to Dr. Jeffrey Buler (, Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, University of Delaware, 250 Townsend Hall, Newark, DE 19716. -
Development officer internship at the Toledo Institute for Development and Environment, Belize
Development officer internship at the Toledo Institute for Development and Environment, Belize
The Toledo Institute of Development and Environment (TIDE) is a Belizean NGO working to protect some of the most pristine coastal and marine ecosystems in Central America, including the healthiest coral reef in the whole Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System. TIDE works by building local capacity for conservation and fostering community participation in sustainable management of natural resources.
TIDE is one of the leading conservation organizations in the region and is pioneering new approaches, including the first implementation of a managed access fishery policy in the Mesoamerican Reef as well as an award-winning environmental education and sports competition, the “TIDE Freshwater Cup”.
An exciting opportunity has arisen for a volunteer development officer to join the development team at TIDE. This important role will involve the following duties:
- Designing conservation and sustainable development projects in collaboration with program staff, development team and stakeholders.
- Researching prospective funding opportunities.
- Writing funding proposals and securing funds from statutory funders, private foundations and individuals.
The successful candidate will possess the following skills and qualities:
- Excellent writing, organizational and inter-personal skills.
- A passion for the natural world and biodiversity conservation.
- A good quality bachelor’s degree in a relevant field.
- A sound understanding of environmental issues.
- Initiative, energy, enthusiasm and creativity.
- Willingness / ability to commit to a minimum of six months unpaid work.
The following would be desirable:
- Experience in a fundraising role.
- Postgraduate qualification in a relevant field.
- Experience living in a developing country and among people of other cultures.
The development officer volunteer will work alongside the development director. Training will be provided but the successful candidate will be proactive and self-sufficient. Benefits of volunteering for TIDE include:
- A chance to gain valuable experience.
- A chance to make a lasting, positive impact.
- Living and working in a beautiful, peaceful, multi-cultural Caribbean town.
- Being part of a friendly and dynamic team of committed individuals in a leading Belizean conservation NGO.
- Appreciation for your dedication and hard work.
- Opportunities to visit the protected areas managed by TIDE and get involved in other aspects of TIDE’s work.
- Adventure in a country with pristine ecosystems, world-class snorkeling and SCUBA.
Contact Information:
Please see our website ( for more information about our programs and activities and our Facebook for the latest news. Questions may be addressed to Alexandra Smith,development officer intern, at To apply, please send your c.v. and a cover letter in an email with the title “TIDE development officer” to Dr. James Lord, development director at by Friday 4th October. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted to arrange a telephone interview by the following Friday.
The Toledo Institute of Development and Environment (TIDE) is a Belizean NGO working to protect some of the most pristine coastal and marine ecosystems in Central America, including the healthiest coral reef in the whole Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System. TIDE works by building local capacity for conservation and fostering community participation in sustainable management of natural resources.
TIDE is one of the leading conservation organizations in the region and is pioneering new approaches, including the first implementation of a managed access fishery policy in the Mesoamerican Reef as well as an award-winning environmental education and sports competition, the “TIDE Freshwater Cup”.
An exciting opportunity has arisen for a volunteer development officer to join the development team at TIDE. This important role will involve the following duties:
- Designing conservation and sustainable development projects in collaboration with program staff, development team and stakeholders.
- Researching prospective funding opportunities.
- Writing funding proposals and securing funds from statutory funders, private foundations and individuals.
The successful candidate will possess the following skills and qualities:
- Excellent writing, organizational and inter-personal skills.
- A passion for the natural world and biodiversity conservation.
- A good quality bachelor’s degree in a relevant field.
- A sound understanding of environmental issues.
- Initiative, energy, enthusiasm and creativity.
- Willingness / ability to commit to a minimum of six months unpaid work.
The following would be desirable:
- Experience in a fundraising role.
- Postgraduate qualification in a relevant field.
- Experience living in a developing country and among people of other cultures.
The development officer volunteer will work alongside the development director. Training will be provided but the successful candidate will be proactive and self-sufficient. Benefits of volunteering for TIDE include:
- A chance to gain valuable experience.
- A chance to make a lasting, positive impact.
- Living and working in a beautiful, peaceful, multi-cultural Caribbean town.
- Being part of a friendly and dynamic team of committed individuals in a leading Belizean conservation NGO.
- Appreciation for your dedication and hard work.
- Opportunities to visit the protected areas managed by TIDE and get involved in other aspects of TIDE’s work.
- Adventure in a country with pristine ecosystems, world-class snorkeling and SCUBA.
Contact Information:
Please see our website ( for more information about our programs and activities and our Facebook for the latest news. Questions may be addressed to Alexandra Smith,development officer intern, at To apply, please send your c.v. and a cover letter in an email with the title “TIDE development officer” to Dr. James Lord, development director at by Friday 4th October. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted to arrange a telephone interview by the following Friday.
Volunteers FieldWork- Canada
Our Landscape Ecology Lab is looking for volunteers to assist with fieldwork on a research project about the American marten. Fieldwork will take place on the following dates:
October 18-28
November 02-12
Work will involve (but will not be restricted to) capturing, radio-collaring, and monitoring American martens. Our study sites are located in the Reserve Fauniques des Laurentides region in Northern Quebec. This is a very work-intensive position; 16 hours of work per day are expected in any type of weather. Please do not apply if you believe you would be exhausted after a few days of very hard work. It is a good opportunity to acquire experience in radio telemetry, and a stipend of CAD$100 per week for food/personal expenses is provided.
Please send your CV, motivation letter and three references to:
October 18-28
November 02-12
Work will involve (but will not be restricted to) capturing, radio-collaring, and monitoring American martens. Our study sites are located in the Reserve Fauniques des Laurentides region in Northern Quebec. This is a very work-intensive position; 16 hours of work per day are expected in any type of weather. Please do not apply if you believe you would be exhausted after a few days of very hard work. It is a good opportunity to acquire experience in radio telemetry, and a stipend of CAD$100 per week for food/personal expenses is provided.
Please send your CV, motivation letter and three references to:
Programa de Movilidad en el Posgrado Red Macro Universidades de América Latina y el Caribe.
Programa de Movilidad en el Posgrado Red Macro Universidades de América Latina y el Caribe.
América Latina y el Caribe
Estudiantes de posgrado
Complementar su formación académica mediante la realización de estancias de investigación, cursos o seminarios de posgrado en alguna de las universidades integrantes de la Red durante el año de 2014 o iniciarla en ese mismo año.
Banco Santander
Área del conocimiento
Duración del programa
Duración mínima de tres meses y máxima de cinco meses de enero a diciembre del 2014.
Dependerá de la Universidad receptora.
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
La Red de Macro Universidades otorgará una beca con los recursos de Banco Santander por un monto mensual de $1,000.00 USD (un mil dólares) en su equivalente a la moneda nacional del país de origen, así como un monto máximo de $1,000.00 USD (un mil dólares) para gastos de transportación aérea, de acuerdo al costo del pasaje.
No existe una fecha fija para la entrega de los apoyos. Éstos están sujetos a disposiciones y procesos propios de las instituciones participantes y pueden ser entregados durante la movilidad por lo que los interesados deben contar con recursos económicos propios para el alojamiento, transportación, alimentación y/o gastos extras.
Requisitos mínimos
· Ser alumno regular de maestría o doctorado.
· Contar por lo menos con el 30 por ciento de los créditos de su posgrado o especialidad, al momento de presentar la solicitud.
· Para formalizar la inscripción a participar del PMP el estudiante deberá registrarse vía internet, en los portales de la Red mediante la carga en archivo PDF de la siguiente información (ver documentación requerida).
· El estudiante deberá acreditar un seguro de gastos médicos, así como un seguro de vida y repatriación de restos, antes de salir de su país de origen. En caso de requerir una atención médica especial, se deberá especificarlo.
· Contar con la visa cuando el país de destino la requiera.
· Una vez que el estudiante sea comunicado de haber recibido una beca, deberá abrir una cuenta de depósito bancario de dicha institución en el país de origen.
Concluida la estancia de movilidad, el alumno beneficiario se compromete a entregar los documentos (evaluación del tutor, así como una evaluación del propio estudiante, constancia de la institución receptora suscrita por quien corresponda) y el informe que acrediten que cumplieron con el objetivo académico para el cual se le otorgó la beca y regresar a completar sus estudios a la universidad de origen.
América Latina y el Caribe
Estudiantes de posgrado
Complementar su formación académica mediante la realización de estancias de investigación, cursos o seminarios de posgrado en alguna de las universidades integrantes de la Red durante el año de 2014 o iniciarla en ese mismo año.
Banco Santander
Área del conocimiento
Duración del programa
Duración mínima de tres meses y máxima de cinco meses de enero a diciembre del 2014.
Dependerá de la Universidad receptora.
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
La Red de Macro Universidades otorgará una beca con los recursos de Banco Santander por un monto mensual de $1,000.00 USD (un mil dólares) en su equivalente a la moneda nacional del país de origen, así como un monto máximo de $1,000.00 USD (un mil dólares) para gastos de transportación aérea, de acuerdo al costo del pasaje.
No existe una fecha fija para la entrega de los apoyos. Éstos están sujetos a disposiciones y procesos propios de las instituciones participantes y pueden ser entregados durante la movilidad por lo que los interesados deben contar con recursos económicos propios para el alojamiento, transportación, alimentación y/o gastos extras.
Requisitos mínimos
· Ser alumno regular de maestría o doctorado.
· Contar por lo menos con el 30 por ciento de los créditos de su posgrado o especialidad, al momento de presentar la solicitud.
· Para formalizar la inscripción a participar del PMP el estudiante deberá registrarse vía internet, en los portales de la Red mediante la carga en archivo PDF de la siguiente información (ver documentación requerida).
· El estudiante deberá acreditar un seguro de gastos médicos, así como un seguro de vida y repatriación de restos, antes de salir de su país de origen. En caso de requerir una atención médica especial, se deberá especificarlo.
· Contar con la visa cuando el país de destino la requiera.
· Una vez que el estudiante sea comunicado de haber recibido una beca, deberá abrir una cuenta de depósito bancario de dicha institución en el país de origen.
Concluida la estancia de movilidad, el alumno beneficiario se compromete a entregar los documentos (evaluación del tutor, así como una evaluación del propio estudiante, constancia de la institución receptora suscrita por quien corresponda) y el informe que acrediten que cumplieron con el objetivo académico para el cual se le otorgó la beca y regresar a completar sus estudios a la universidad de origen.
Vulture and Large Water Bird Coordinator - Cambodia
Volunteer position
The Angkor Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity (ACCB) at Kbal Spean in Cambodia has a diverse field of bird conservation activities both ex situ and in situ. As partner of the Cambodia Vulture Conservation Project, we are responsible for a so-called vulture restaurant located on the Seasan river in North East Cambodia. Furthermore, we are planning monitored release projects for large water birds in some areas in the north of Cambodia while at the ACCB care and rehabilitation of rescued birds as well as breeding of endangered species take place.
We are looking for a coordinator for the two field programmes (who also may assist our ex situ conservation work when at the ACCB). Duties will include the operation of 13 vulture restaurants a year and an associated nest protection scheme at this site, evaluation of the logistics, options for (financial) sustainability and future adaption for a Khmer person to run with that position as well as monitoring of released birds.
- University degree (e.g. conservation, zoology, biology and environment or similar related field).
Requirements and skills:
The candidate must have practical experience in bird conservation, preferably with experience of release projects using telemetry/ satellite tracking. Added experience of large water birds (especially storks) and vultures would be welcome. Furthermore, the candidate should:
- Be comfortable with basic forms of travel and basic accommodation in the field.
- Be comfortable with working with local staff (often resulting in language barriers).
- Able to build programs up from the ground following the criteria given by the superiors.
- Have good organisational skills, reliability and ability to multi-task.
- Be physically fit and able to live in a hot and humid climate.
Positive attitude, flexible, patient, and a sense of humour do not hurt either!
Starting date/ duration:
As soon as possible. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. The duration of this contract would be until the end of 2014.
The contract will be offered on a compensatory volunteer basis, social insurance contributions will not be covered.
To apply, please send a cover letter indicating your interest, detailing your suitability for this opportunity and stating your salary expectations as well as the earliest start date along with a CV and the names and contact details of at least two referees via email to
Please also mention in your cover letter where you saw the job advertised.
Contact Information:
David Ware, Project Manager ACCB,
PhD assistantship opportunity- Lousiana State University fieldwork in Brazil
PhD assistantship opportunity-
I have an opportunity available for a student to work on a PhD at Louisiana State University, with fieldwork to be conducted at the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project (BDFFP), near Manaus, Brazil.
The student will be involved in ongoing bird research at the BDFFP, especially spot-mapping, mist netting, and following flocks in continuous forest, fragments, and second growth.
The student will also be expected to develop an independent project on some aspect of ecology of birds in fragmented landscapes.
The ideal candidate will be prepared to learn the avifauna of the site and willing to develop a creative dissertation topic that fits into the existing bird research program.
Base-level funding is in place, but the student may need to pursue additional support depending on his or her research.
The BDFFP handles infrastructure and logistics of fieldwork at the field sites (see The BDFFP is based at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), providing students with the opportunity for lab work and interaction with INPA researchers and students, including an active ornithology program.
Several other faculty and students at LSU are also involved with the BDFFP, and many more work elsewhere in the Neotropics, making LSU an excellent place to study tropical biology (Baton Rouge also has a climate like Amazonia for much of the year).
The ideal candidate will have an MS by fall of 2013 and will have previous tropical experience. I’m especially interested in Brazilian or other South American students. The position will be available beginning in January of 2014, although the student could begin in summer 2014. For more information about the project, see elsewhere on this website, then contact me. Do not apply directly to LSU. Note that the GRE and TOEFL will need to be done before any application can be made.
I have an opportunity available for a student to work on a PhD at Louisiana State University, with fieldwork to be conducted at the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project (BDFFP), near Manaus, Brazil.
The student will be involved in ongoing bird research at the BDFFP, especially spot-mapping, mist netting, and following flocks in continuous forest, fragments, and second growth.
The student will also be expected to develop an independent project on some aspect of ecology of birds in fragmented landscapes.
The ideal candidate will be prepared to learn the avifauna of the site and willing to develop a creative dissertation topic that fits into the existing bird research program.
Base-level funding is in place, but the student may need to pursue additional support depending on his or her research.
The BDFFP handles infrastructure and logistics of fieldwork at the field sites (see The BDFFP is based at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), providing students with the opportunity for lab work and interaction with INPA researchers and students, including an active ornithology program.
Several other faculty and students at LSU are also involved with the BDFFP, and many more work elsewhere in the Neotropics, making LSU an excellent place to study tropical biology (Baton Rouge also has a climate like Amazonia for much of the year).
The ideal candidate will have an MS by fall of 2013 and will have previous tropical experience. I’m especially interested in Brazilian or other South American students. The position will be available beginning in January of 2014, although the student could begin in summer 2014. For more information about the project, see elsewhere on this website, then contact me. Do not apply directly to LSU. Note that the GRE and TOEFL will need to be done before any application can be made.
POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE in Avian Parasitology / Toxicology
POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE in Avian Parasitology / Toxicology
at The Institute of Environmental and Human Health, Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas
Salary: Competitive.
Start Date: 11/01/2013.
Description: We desire a post-doctoral research associate that has experience with avian parasitology and possibly toxicology to assist us in a large-scale project to evaluate the role of contaminants and/or parasitic infections on avian populations. The individual selected should have outstanding credentials in interdisciplinary research and the ability to work in the field and laboratory on avian research issues. Desired would be strong analytical skills, field and laboratory skills with avian wildlife, a strong desire and ability for publication, and the willingness to work in an interdisciplinary team in a very aggressive mode of operation to address a complex environmental issue.
To Apply:
Contact Person: RONALD J. KENDALL, Ph.D. (PH: 806.834.4552, EM:
Ph.D. in parasitology/wildlife biology/biology or environmental science.
Experience in field and laboratory research, particularly involving birds.
Strong analytical and computer skills, laboratory and field experience in wildlife biology, parasitology and/or environmental toxicology.
Strong publication skills and the ability to work with the research team to develop new research proposals as the research continues to unfold with new discoveries.
at The Institute of Environmental and Human Health, Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas
Salary: Competitive.
Start Date: 11/01/2013.
Description: We desire a post-doctoral research associate that has experience with avian parasitology and possibly toxicology to assist us in a large-scale project to evaluate the role of contaminants and/or parasitic infections on avian populations. The individual selected should have outstanding credentials in interdisciplinary research and the ability to work in the field and laboratory on avian research issues. Desired would be strong analytical skills, field and laboratory skills with avian wildlife, a strong desire and ability for publication, and the willingness to work in an interdisciplinary team in a very aggressive mode of operation to address a complex environmental issue.
To Apply:
Contact Person: RONALD J. KENDALL, Ph.D. (PH: 806.834.4552, EM:
Ph.D. in parasitology/wildlife biology/biology or environmental science.
Experience in field and laboratory research, particularly involving birds.
Strong analytical and computer skills, laboratory and field experience in wildlife biology, parasitology and/or environmental toxicology.
Strong publication skills and the ability to work with the research team to develop new research proposals as the research continues to unfold with new discoveries.
Volunteer research assistants for in-water survey of marine turtle populations in Mexico
In-water surveying being conducted within the Banco Chinchorro Biosphere Reserve over a five year period. Volunteers are asked to volunteer for 3 months (12 weeks) as a research assistant. The first research phase will commence on 12th January to the 6th April 2014 and we will be conducting 4 research phases per year (please see website for full dates).
Located within the Banco Chinchorro Biosphere Reserve; a coral reef atoll about 40km offshore from Quintana Roo, Mexico, nearing the border of Belize.
Come and explore the beautiful reefs and over 200 ancient shipwrecks throughout the Banco Chinchorro Biosphere Reserve in Mexico! This is Littlefeet Environmental's very first grassroots conservation project and we are excited to start collecting data and working with locals to learn more about the marine turtle populations that surround the largest coral reef atoll in the Northern hemisphere!
We are in search of dedicated and passionate volunteers that are willing to commit themselves to a 12 week study project working with Green, Loggerhead and Hawksbill marine turtles.
Conduct in-water surveys including manta tow, seine netting and Scuba/snorkel transects collecting data of a previously unstudied population of marine turtles. Turtles will be tagged and photo identified and a small skin biopsy taken for DNA. Research assistants will also help to compile information into our database.
- Minimum age of 18 years.
To partake in the full range of methodologies including Scuba Surveys, it will be necessary to be qualified to PADI Rescue Diver or higher. Littlefeet Environmental offer discounted training to achieve these qualifications in association with XTC Dive Center in Xcalak, Mexico. However, if you choose not to partake in Scuba Surveys, you will still be able to participate in non-diving methodologies.
12 week volunteer research assistant fees/costs:
£2,950.00 / $4,450.00 to help cover all food, accommodation, transfers, project running costs and expenditures.
*Please be advised that PADI qualifications and international flights NOT included in the overall price.
Additional Contact Information
Please email ( if you are interested in becoming a volunteer and research assistant. For more information about volunteer opportunities in Mexico, please visit our website at (
Located within the Banco Chinchorro Biosphere Reserve; a coral reef atoll about 40km offshore from Quintana Roo, Mexico, nearing the border of Belize.
Come and explore the beautiful reefs and over 200 ancient shipwrecks throughout the Banco Chinchorro Biosphere Reserve in Mexico! This is Littlefeet Environmental's very first grassroots conservation project and we are excited to start collecting data and working with locals to learn more about the marine turtle populations that surround the largest coral reef atoll in the Northern hemisphere!
We are in search of dedicated and passionate volunteers that are willing to commit themselves to a 12 week study project working with Green, Loggerhead and Hawksbill marine turtles.
Conduct in-water surveys including manta tow, seine netting and Scuba/snorkel transects collecting data of a previously unstudied population of marine turtles. Turtles will be tagged and photo identified and a small skin biopsy taken for DNA. Research assistants will also help to compile information into our database.
- Minimum age of 18 years.
To partake in the full range of methodologies including Scuba Surveys, it will be necessary to be qualified to PADI Rescue Diver or higher. Littlefeet Environmental offer discounted training to achieve these qualifications in association with XTC Dive Center in Xcalak, Mexico. However, if you choose not to partake in Scuba Surveys, you will still be able to participate in non-diving methodologies.
12 week volunteer research assistant fees/costs:
£2,950.00 / $4,450.00 to help cover all food, accommodation, transfers, project running costs and expenditures.
*Please be advised that PADI qualifications and international flights NOT included in the overall price.
Additional Contact Information
Please email ( if you are interested in becoming a volunteer and research assistant. For more information about volunteer opportunities in Mexico, please visit our website at (
Costa Rica Field Instructor
Costa Rica Field Instructor
Application period closes October 11th, 2013
Ecology Project International (EPI), a nonprofit organization, is hiring instructors to teach outdoor environmental/conservation education in Costa Rica on the Caribbean slope.
EPI offers experiential educational programs to students in a variety of outdoor settings (beach and rainforest). Our mission is to improve and inspire science education and conservation through field based student-scientist partnerships.
EPI offers field-based science/conservation educational programs for high school and university students. Our programs are experiential; involving inquiry-based field science through curricula and hands on participation in real conservation/research projects. We promote a deeper understanding of natural systems and the importance of research and conservation for the long term sustainability of life on planet Earth. We work with local Costa Ricans and foreign students between 15-19 years old mainly. Field programs are 4 to 12 days in length.
Our Costa Rica program has an emphasis on sea turtle and tropical rainforest ecology. During the turtle portion of the program our students visit a turtle station (we work with a number of different field stations) on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica where leatherbacks, green and hawksbill turtles nest. At these sites students participate in: night patrols, nest excavations, habitat restoration activities, hikes in the forest and develop research projects. Instructors lead field activities and facilitate the learning experience based on EPI curricula that promotes knowledge of science, along with developing the skills necessary to become an active leader in conservation efforts worldwide.
At the rainforest sites students have opportunities to learn about ongoing research projects and explore the rainforest to learn about ecology and biodiversity.
For visiting foreign students the program’s itinerary includes a cultural exchange which is an amazing opportunity to visit a local high school and spend time with Costa Rican students or visit a rural community to play a game of soccer. There is also an adventure trip included with the possibility of either white-water rafting or a zip-line canopy trip.
In addition to the typical program courses instructor will visit local schools to run short activities with students, promote outreach activities for local participants and may lead short educational trips for adults or companies.
• Provide and lead a positive experience for EPI participants in the field.
• Promote and ensure a safe learning/living environment.
• Plan, lead, and instruct quality experiential science/conservation education programs to a diverse group of high school students in both English and Spanish. Plan, lead, and instruct courses based on the group’s expectations.
• Be sensitive to the health and welfare of all participants and meet their developmental needs.
• Understand, model, monitor and enforce EPI policies and protocols.
• Participate in all EPI staff development sessions throughout the season, including staff training, staff meetings, staff retreats, and complete feedback and evaluation forms.
• Oversee and/or lead research activities with accordance to local research protocols.
• Establish and maintain clear communication with teachers, chaperones, participants, partners, co- instructor(s), and EPI staff.
• Effectively manage logistical challenges during emergencies on course.
• Promptly complete and file paperwork associated with each course.
• Mentor EPI interns in the developing their skills and completing their expectations.
• Help with course logistics while on courses
• Help photo-documenting the experience of EPI participants
• Write a local student experience for Costa Rica newsletter at the end of the season
• Show and maintain a positive attitude.
• Desire to promote leaders in conservation through our program
• More than one year teaching environmental/conservation education
• More than one year leading outdoor experiences for young adults;
• Experience leading trips in remote areas;
• Spanish and English fluency;
• Physically and mentally fit enough to lead courses up to 12 days/24 hours a day with a co-instructor;
• Bachelor’s degree in environmental education, biology, ecology, natural sciences or related field;
• Field research experience;
• Current Wilderness First Responder & CPR certifications; individuals not certified at time of applying must be willing to complete this certification before staff training;
• Available to work from mid-February through end of July.
• Master’s degree in environmental education;
• Experience in science inquiry-based learning programs;
• Experience living or studying in Latin American settings;
• Knowledge and familiarity with Costa Rica, especially the Caribbean slope;
• Research experience with sea turtles and/or rainforest ecology;
• Rafting or canopy experience.
Compensation: Lodging in Heredia during field season for non-Costa Rica residents, room and board while on course, work related in-country travel, and $65-103/day. Wages are based on EPI experience/past experience. All newly hired instructors will be given the opportunity to submit documentation demonstrating past relevant experience.
Dates: The program season is from early March through end July 2013. Selected Instructors will participate in a 10-12 day required unpaid training (room/board provided) to be held mid-February in Costa Rica. They will also be required to participate in staff retreats and a closing event at the end of the season.
Click here to complete you application and submit your cover letter and resume, in order to be considered all applications must be submitted through this link.
Latin American Fisheries Fellows Program
Latin American Fisheries Fellows Program
Fellowship Support for the Master of Environmental Science and Management Degree
Call for Applicants
The Bren School is now accepting applications for the Latin American Fisheries Fellowship program! This fellowship offers full funding for the two-year Master of Environmental Science and Management degree at the Bren School. It includes a living stipend as well as intensive English language training (if needed), summer funding, and airfare for two international trips to and from Latin America per year. Applications are due January 3rd, 2014. Note that all applicants must study for and take the GRE and TOEFL exams before applying and must apply to the Bren School in addition to the LAFF program. Follow this link for complete information and to access the LAFF supplemental application.
Made possible by the generous support of the Walton Foundation, the LAFF Fellows program provides full fellowship support for up to four highly qualified students who are pursuing a two-year Master of Environmental Science and Management (MESM) degree with a concentration in Coastal Marine Resources Management and are dedicated to pursuing a related career in Latin America.
The LAFF program builds upon the the Bren School's mission, which is to play a leading role in researching environmental issues, training scientists and environmental management professionals, and identifying and solving environmental problems around the world. The Bren MESM program is an interdisciplinary, solution-oriented curriculum that includes rigorous coursework, a capstone-thesis Group Project or Eco-Entrepreneurship Project, training in communications and career placement assistance.
Where the Fellows Work
The Latin American Fisheries Fellowship program has sponsored over a dozen fellows from eight countries. While at the Bren School, the fellows have worked on thesis projects ranging from vaquita conservation in the Gulf of California, to artisanal anchoveta fleet management options in Peru and using eco-tourism in Colombia to mitigate negative marine impacts. Additionally, fellows have used their funding to develop a variety of summer internships that include examining stakeholder uses of the Galápagos Marine Reserve, Latin American trawling policy with the United National Food and Agriculture Organization. See the map below for more details about the fellows and their projects; or click here for their bios.
Fellowship Support for the Master of Environmental Science and Management Degree
Call for Applicants
The Bren School is now accepting applications for the Latin American Fisheries Fellowship program! This fellowship offers full funding for the two-year Master of Environmental Science and Management degree at the Bren School. It includes a living stipend as well as intensive English language training (if needed), summer funding, and airfare for two international trips to and from Latin America per year. Applications are due January 3rd, 2014. Note that all applicants must study for and take the GRE and TOEFL exams before applying and must apply to the Bren School in addition to the LAFF program. Follow this link for complete information and to access the LAFF supplemental application.
Made possible by the generous support of the Walton Foundation, the LAFF Fellows program provides full fellowship support for up to four highly qualified students who are pursuing a two-year Master of Environmental Science and Management (MESM) degree with a concentration in Coastal Marine Resources Management and are dedicated to pursuing a related career in Latin America.
The LAFF program builds upon the the Bren School's mission, which is to play a leading role in researching environmental issues, training scientists and environmental management professionals, and identifying and solving environmental problems around the world. The Bren MESM program is an interdisciplinary, solution-oriented curriculum that includes rigorous coursework, a capstone-thesis Group Project or Eco-Entrepreneurship Project, training in communications and career placement assistance.
Where the Fellows Work
The Latin American Fisheries Fellowship program has sponsored over a dozen fellows from eight countries. While at the Bren School, the fellows have worked on thesis projects ranging from vaquita conservation in the Gulf of California, to artisanal anchoveta fleet management options in Peru and using eco-tourism in Colombia to mitigate negative marine impacts. Additionally, fellows have used their funding to develop a variety of summer internships that include examining stakeholder uses of the Galápagos Marine Reserve, Latin American trawling policy with the United National Food and Agriculture Organization. See the map below for more details about the fellows and their projects; or click here for their bios.
Convocatoria de Imágenes
Biólogos Colegiados de Jalisco AC se complace en invitarles a colaborar en el 21 Aniversario de su fundación por medio de imágenes que nos ilustren el Libro-agenda conmemorativo a publicarse y presentarse este diciembre 2013.
Pueden participar todas las personas que tengan imágenes propias y deseen verlas publicadas.
Los tópicos para colaborar son los siguientes:
Biología y Ciencias Biológicas (anatomía, histología, embriología, etc.)
Naturistas y biólogos sobresalientes como: Aristóteles, Linneo, Darwin, Spallanzani, entre muchos.
Documentos históricos
Expediciones científicas: históricas y actuales
Experimentos biológicos: trasplantes, clones, secuenciaciones de ADN o ARN, etc.
Pruebas paleontológicas y antropológicas: Fósiles, líneas del tiempo,
Procesos biológicos, como: fotosíntesis, fecundación, ciclos
Calentamiento global
Ecosistemas: terrestres (tipos de vegetación, cuevas), marinos, acuáticos, aéreo
Universo, la Tierra
Deriva continental, tectónica de placas
Clasificaciones: taxonómicas tradicionales, evolucionistas, filogenéticas, fenéticas
Colecciones biológicas: museos, herbarios, jardines botánicos
Grupos biológicos: Bacterias, Protozoarios, Hongos, Plantas, Animales
ADN, genes, cromosomas, células, tejidos, órganos (cerebro), etc.
Grupos indigenas,
Educacion ambiental,
Ordenamiento territorial,
Impacto ambiental, contaminacion: ruido, agua, aire, visual,
Acuaponia e Hidroponia.
El formato para enviar sus imágenes es *.jpg o *.gif o *.zip *.rar y deben tener asignado tu nombre y un título corto descriptivo (Ej. VanessaGP-Crepusculo.jpg, no uses acentos) al correo: con asunto Convocatoria imágenes. Además adjuntar la autorización firmada para el uso de las imágenes.
El límite para recibir sus participaciones es 15 de octubre del 2013.
Pueden participar todas las personas que tengan imágenes propias y deseen verlas publicadas.
Los tópicos para colaborar son los siguientes:
Biología y Ciencias Biológicas (anatomía, histología, embriología, etc.)
Naturistas y biólogos sobresalientes como: Aristóteles, Linneo, Darwin, Spallanzani, entre muchos.
Documentos históricos
Expediciones científicas: históricas y actuales
Experimentos biológicos: trasplantes, clones, secuenciaciones de ADN o ARN, etc.
Pruebas paleontológicas y antropológicas: Fósiles, líneas del tiempo,
Procesos biológicos, como: fotosíntesis, fecundación, ciclos
Calentamiento global
Ecosistemas: terrestres (tipos de vegetación, cuevas), marinos, acuáticos, aéreo
Universo, la Tierra
Deriva continental, tectónica de placas
Clasificaciones: taxonómicas tradicionales, evolucionistas, filogenéticas, fenéticas
Colecciones biológicas: museos, herbarios, jardines botánicos
Grupos biológicos: Bacterias, Protozoarios, Hongos, Plantas, Animales
ADN, genes, cromosomas, células, tejidos, órganos (cerebro), etc.
Grupos indigenas,
Educacion ambiental,
Ordenamiento territorial,
Impacto ambiental, contaminacion: ruido, agua, aire, visual,
Acuaponia e Hidroponia.
El formato para enviar sus imágenes es *.jpg o *.gif o *.zip *.rar y deben tener asignado tu nombre y un título corto descriptivo (Ej. VanessaGP-Crepusculo.jpg, no uses acentos) al correo: con asunto Convocatoria imágenes. Además adjuntar la autorización firmada para el uso de las imágenes.
El límite para recibir sus participaciones es 15 de octubre del 2013.
Chevening in Mexico
Applications for 2014-2015 Chevening Scholarships in Mexico are now open and will close on 8 November 2013.
The Scholarships not only offer financial support to study for a Master’s degree at the UK’s leading universities, but the opportunity to become part of an influential and highly regarded global network.
We aim to attract talented professionals who are potential future leaders, decision-makers and opinion formers. We accept applications from a wide range of subject areas, however, we particularly welcome applications in the following fields:
§ Prosperity – To encourage greater cooperation on education and defence and to strengthen work on governance and promote public sector and economic reform;
§ Climate change and sustainable development
§ Security and justice
§ Human rights
§ Mexican & International Institutions – To encourage the cooperation, development and strengthening of efficient Mexican and international organisms
Last year, 28 Chevening Scholars from Mexico studied in the UK.
A Chevening Scholarship in Mexico includes: a monthly stipend, travel to and from your country via an approved route, an arrival and excess baggage allowance, a thesis or dissertation grant, the cost of an entry clearance visa and tuition fees. Tuition fee payments for Master's in Business Administration (MBA) courses have an upper limit of £12,000 in all countries. If you study for an MBA you will be expected to fund any difference above this sum.
Do you have the potential to be a future leader and a desire to study in the UK? If you would like to enhance your leadership skills and become part of the growing Chevening network, read about how to apply for a Chevening Scholarship in Mexico.
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