Empleo para biologos. Bolsa de trabajo ciencias de la vida. ¿En que puede trabajar un biólogo?
jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010
Internados de campo
INTERNADOS DEL CAMPO (2) – Se necesita dos técnicos para buscar y monitorear los nidos de aves de pastizal en Soapstone Prairie Natural Area (SPNA) cerca de Fort Collins, Colorado, desde el 10 mayo hasta el 31 julio. SPNA contiene casi 20,000 acres de pradera de pastos cortos, con vistas magnificas de Las Montañas Rocosas. Especies en declive como Calamospiza melanocorys, Calcarius ornatus, Numenius americanus, Ammodramus savannarum, y Aimophila cassini son comunes aquí. El trabajo consiste en búsquedas de nidos por medio de arrastrar sogas y por la interpretación del comportamiento. Además, consiste en el monitoreo de los nidos. Deben levantarse y estar en sitio todos los días a la salida del sol. Otros requisitos incluyen la habilidad para registrar datos del campo con precisión, manejarlos cuidadosamente, y aguantar con buen humor días largos con mucho aire y sol. Se proveerá un estipendio pequeño. Su alojamiento podría ser provisto. Envié una carta de interés, su CV, e información de contacto para 3 referencias por correo electrónico a Loni Beyer (loni.beyer@rmbo.org). Por favor use “SPNA Intern Application 2010” por la línea de asunto. Se llenará los puestos cuando candidatos apropiados estén encontrados. Ya deben tener una visa si será requerida.
Asistente de campo.
Asistentes de campo de la biología. Buscamos 2 biólogos para ayudar en los estudios de comunidades de aves en las montañas de las Islas del Cielo de Sonora entre el 28 de abril y 15 de julio de 2010 y para ayudar a vigilar los nidos de los búhos pigmeos en el desierto de Sonora, entre el 5 de abril y el 10 de junio. En las Islas del Cielo, los asistentes ayudan a medir la estructura y la composición de la vegetación en los puntos de estudio de aves y pájaros registro detectan en el campo. En el desierto de Sonora, los asistentes búsqueda de nidos de búho y monitorear los resultados del nido utilizando una cámara de vídeo las microempresas. Los solicitantes con conocimientos de las plantas y las comunidades de aves en las montañas de las Islas del Cielo son alentados a aplicar, pero los internos serán capacitados en la planta y la identificación de aves y aprender sobre la historia natural y la ecología de estos sistemas. Los asistentes deben tener la capacidad para hablar Inglés básico y sentirse cómodo trabajando con biólogos Mexicanos y estadounidenses y los terratenientes locales en escenarios remotos. Los solicitantes seleccionados pasan largos días de caminatas y navegación en las montañas, y en las condiciones del desierto caliente, comenzar a trabajar antes del amanecer, y ser recompensado por algunos de los más pintorescos y menos conocidos lugares en el norte de México. Los solicitantes deberán estar en excelente condición física, tienen una actitud positiva y fuerte ética de trabajo, ser capaces de trabajar como parte de un equipo, estar dispuestos a ayudar en el campamento, y estar disponible durante 20-25 días por mes, comenzando en o alrededor del 1 de mayo . Los solicitantes deberán campamento en el campo cuando sea necesario y llevar una mochila con 1-2 días de las disposiciones en la ocasión. Pagar es de $400 a $500 USD por mes, más fondos para la alimentación y los viajes, y algunos equipos tales como casas de campaña también estarán disponibles. Algunos datos recogidos durante estos estudios estarán disponibles a los estudiantes para utilizarlos en sus proyectos de tesis de pregrado. Las posiciones están siendo financiados por Sky Island Alliance y por la Universidad de Arizona y la Universidad de Montana. Para aplicar, envíe una breve carta de presentación detallando su experiencia, un curriculum vitae, y los nombres y correos electrónicos de dos referencias a Aaron Flesch en aaron.flesch @ umconnect.umt.edu aviar o del Centro de Ciencias de la División de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad de Montana , 32 Campus Drive, HS-104, Missoula, MT 59812. Por favor llamar (406-243-2035) o preguntas por correo electrónico.
Pronatura Veracruz
URGE TÉCNICO DE CAMPO (1) – Pronatura Veracruz solicita un técnico de campo para monitorear aves neotropicales migratorias en la Sierra de Zongolica, Veracruz, desde el 01 de marzo hasta el 31 de mayo, en bosques de pino, pino-encino, encinares, bosque mesófilo, cafetales y selvas de esta zona montañosa del centro de Veracruz.
Especies en declive como Vireo belli, Vermivora chrysoptera, Vermivora peregrina, Dendroica chrysoparia, Dendroica cerulea, Oporornis philadelphia, Wilsonia canadensis, Regulus calendula, Hylocichla mustelina y Passerina ciris son focales del proyecto.
El trabajo consiste en la conducción diaria de conteos por puntos y transectos lineales en una zona de difícil acceso y pendiente, así como la colecta y captura de diversos datos ambientales en formatos computarizados. Otros requisitos esperados son: saber manejar y tener licencia vigente, tener conocimientos básicos de primeros auxilios, facilidad para caminar en campo y orientarse correctamente.
El pago es de $7,000.00 mensuales mas el alojamiento y el transporte en los sitios de monitoreo.
Envíe su CV, una carta de interés e información de contacto para 3 referencias por correo electrónico a Rafael Rodriguez Mesa (rrodriguez@ pronaturaveracru z.org). O comunicarse directamente conmigo.
Especies en declive como Vireo belli, Vermivora chrysoptera, Vermivora peregrina, Dendroica chrysoparia, Dendroica cerulea, Oporornis philadelphia, Wilsonia canadensis, Regulus calendula, Hylocichla mustelina y Passerina ciris son focales del proyecto.
El trabajo consiste en la conducción diaria de conteos por puntos y transectos lineales en una zona de difícil acceso y pendiente, así como la colecta y captura de diversos datos ambientales en formatos computarizados. Otros requisitos esperados son: saber manejar y tener licencia vigente, tener conocimientos básicos de primeros auxilios, facilidad para caminar en campo y orientarse correctamente.
El pago es de $7,000.00 mensuales mas el alojamiento y el transporte en los sitios de monitoreo.
Envíe su CV, una carta de interés e información de contacto para 3 referencias por correo electrónico a Rafael Rodriguez Mesa (rrodriguez@ pronaturaveracru z.org). O comunicarse directamente conmigo.
miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2010
Biologo/Agronomo Titulado
The Equilibrium Fund solicita biólogo/agrónomo titulado con experiencia en proyectos de cosecha sustentable de semillas de arboles tropicales. Manejo de ingles escrito es preferible. La duración del trabajo de cuatro a seis meses con posibilidad de extensión en Distrito Federal. Solicitar los términos de referencia por e-mail. Pida informes a Cynthia May: may_599@hotmail.com
Interinato de Profesor Investigador
El Instituto Tecnológico de Bahía de Banderas convoca a profesionistas, para cubrir un interinato de una plaza de profesor investigador de Tiempo Completo (40 horas) del 01 de marzo al 31 diciembre del 2010. El perfil que se busca es: Ingeniero Ambiental o áreas afines con experiencia en área ambiental con Maestría o Doctorado. Imparte clases: Tratamiento de aguas y energías alternas. Jefe de Laboratorio de Microbiología. Ubicación: Crucero Punta de Mita s/n, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Municipio de Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit (a 15 km de Puerto Vallarta). Fecha límite para entregar CV: 23 de febrero del 2010. Examen de oposición: 24 de febrero del 2010. Pida informes a Zenaida García: zeny_roma73@hotmail.com
domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010
Premio al Mérito Ecológico 2010
La Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, a través del Centro de Educación y Capacitación para el Desarrollo Sustentable (Cecadesu), dieron a conocer la Convocatoria del Premio al Mérito Ecológico 2010, reconocimiento que se otorga desde hace 17 años y es considerado el estímulo ambiental más importante en nuestro país.
Dentro de los propósitos del premio se encuentra reconocer y estimular a quienes realicen o hayan realizado acciones relevantes en materia de protección, conservación y mejoramiento del ambiente, así como en el manejo sustentable de los recursos naturales.
Los participantes podrán inscribirse dentro de las siguientes categorías: investigación, individual, social, educación ambiental formal, educación ambiental no formal y comunicación ambiental.
El monto que recibirán los participantes del Premio al Mérito Ecológico 2010 será de cien mil pesos y éste deberá destinarse al desarrollo o continuación de un proyecto en materia ambiental. Cabe destacar que el reconocimiento es otorgado por el Presidente de la República y se otorga en el marco de las celebraciones del Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente.
Los candidatos, que deben ser de nacionalidad mexicana, tendrán como fecha límite para la recepción y envío de propuestas el 9 de abril; los nombres de los ganadores se darán a conocer el 25 de mayo en periódicos de circulación nacional o en la página www.semarnat.gob.mx.
Es de resaltar que en 1993, primer año en que se lanzó la convocatoria, se contó con la suscripción de 52 participantes y debido a la amplia participación de la ciudadanía en los temas ambientales, en 2009 se registraron 133 candidatos; lo que refleja un interés por fomentar y difundir una cultura ambiental en las futuras generaciones.
El Premio al Mérito Ecológico asume un compromiso claro con el medio ambiente al optar por una difusión de la convocatoria a través de medios electrónicos y reducir así la impresión de carteles y trípticos. En el caso del jurado, éste contará con discos compactos para guardar la información y evitar así el uso de papel.
Para mayor información sobre esta convocatoria, puede visitar la página http://cecadesu.semarnat.gob.mx o llamar al número telefónico 5484-3500 ext. 20717, 15585 y 15599.
Dentro de los propósitos del premio se encuentra reconocer y estimular a quienes realicen o hayan realizado acciones relevantes en materia de protección, conservación y mejoramiento del ambiente, así como en el manejo sustentable de los recursos naturales.
Los participantes podrán inscribirse dentro de las siguientes categorías: investigación, individual, social, educación ambiental formal, educación ambiental no formal y comunicación ambiental.
El monto que recibirán los participantes del Premio al Mérito Ecológico 2010 será de cien mil pesos y éste deberá destinarse al desarrollo o continuación de un proyecto en materia ambiental. Cabe destacar que el reconocimiento es otorgado por el Presidente de la República y se otorga en el marco de las celebraciones del Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente.
Los candidatos, que deben ser de nacionalidad mexicana, tendrán como fecha límite para la recepción y envío de propuestas el 9 de abril; los nombres de los ganadores se darán a conocer el 25 de mayo en periódicos de circulación nacional o en la página www.semarnat.gob.mx.
Es de resaltar que en 1993, primer año en que se lanzó la convocatoria, se contó con la suscripción de 52 participantes y debido a la amplia participación de la ciudadanía en los temas ambientales, en 2009 se registraron 133 candidatos; lo que refleja un interés por fomentar y difundir una cultura ambiental en las futuras generaciones.
El Premio al Mérito Ecológico asume un compromiso claro con el medio ambiente al optar por una difusión de la convocatoria a través de medios electrónicos y reducir así la impresión de carteles y trípticos. En el caso del jurado, éste contará con discos compactos para guardar la información y evitar así el uso de papel.
Para mayor información sobre esta convocatoria, puede visitar la página http://cecadesu.semarnat.gob.mx o llamar al número telefónico 5484-3500 ext. 20717, 15585 y 15599.
Investigador Japon
El Instituto de Investigación de Obras Públicas (Public Works Research Institute, PWRI) de Japón busca un investigador a término fijo y tres investigadores especialistas quienes trabajarán para el Centro Internacional sobre la Gestión de Riesgos relacionados con el Agua (ICHARM), bajo el auspicio de la UNESCO. Para obtener más detalles de la oferta, lea la información respectiva en los sitios web publicados más bajo. La fecha límite para aplicar a ambos cargos es el 22 de Febrero de
Jefe de departamento de investigacion sobre politicas ambientales
Jefe de departamento de analisis de politicas ambientales
Subdirector de investigacion para la evaluacion de riesgos ambientales
Internships Farallon Island
Internships are offered year round on Southeast Farallon Island, during one of the three research seasons. The winter season (December – March) primarily involves research on breeding elephant seals, the spring / summer season (March – August) focuses on breeding seabird studies, and the fall season (August – December) focuses on migrant landbird research. All internships on Southeast Farallon Island are volunteer positions, though excellent food and housing are provided. Transportation to San Francisco is not provided. The minimum duration of internships is 6 weeks. While each season requires different duties, all interns are required to conduct rigorous fieldwork, often in poor weather. All interns will assist in maintenance of the field camp and data entry and proofing. For more information on Farallon Islands research see: /cms/157
Interested applicants should contact appropriate Farallon Biologists at least 4 months prior to their respective research season of interest. For information on winter internships contact Derek Lee (dlee at prbo dot org), for spring/summer positions contact Russ Bradley (rbradley at prbo dot org), and for fall positions contact Jim Tietz (jtietz at prbo dot org).
Internships are offered year round on Southeast Farallon Island, during one of the three research seasons. The winter season (December – March) primarily involves research on breeding elephant seals, the spring / summer season (March – August) focuses on breeding seabird studies, and the fall season (August – December) focuses on migrant landbird research. All internships on Southeast Farallon Island are volunteer positions, though excellent food and housing are provided. Transportation to San Francisco is not provided. The minimum duration of internships is 6 weeks. While each season requires different duties, all interns are required to conduct rigorous fieldwork, often in poor weather. All interns will assist in maintenance of the field camp and data entry and proofing. For more information on Farallon Islands research see: /cms/157
Interested applicants should contact appropriate Farallon Biologists at least 4 months prior to their respective research season of interest. For information on winter internships contact Derek Lee (dlee at prbo dot org), for spring/summer positions contact Russ Bradley (rbradley at prbo dot org), and for fall positions contact Jim Tietz (jtietz at prbo dot org).
Wetland Ecology/Hydrology Technician
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project investigates the recently declined wetland water levels in Yellowstone National Park. The project addresses watershed hydrology and geomorphology, wetland hydrology, wetland plant ecology, and soil characteristics with the goal of identifying mechanisms underlying wetland drawdown. This will be the second of two summers for a master’s thesis conducted through Colorado State University.
JOB DESCRIPTION: Position Duration: mid-May through mid-August. Applications reviewed on a rolling basis; position open until filled.
The technician will perform a variety of job tasks related to wetland hydrology. Primary tasks will include weekly visits to record water levels in wells at the 25 wetland sites (all sites are within 1 mile of the road). Also, installation of additional wells will be required. This is arduous work. Additional tasks may include: vegetation surveys, soil characterization, soil infiltration testing, topographic surveying, data entry, etc. The technician must be intellectually engaged in the project, ideally providing insight that will continue to improve the quality of this research throughout the summer.
The technician will work both alone and alongside the CSU researcher. Hours are subject to vary, but will average around 40-50 hours over 5-6 days/week. Housing will be provided in Gardiner, MT, a town of 800 residents adjacent to Yellowstone’s north entrance. The technician will live with 1-3 other researchers in a house or apartment, and must be adaptable to living alongside others.
• A sincere interest in the study question and field methods
• A BS/BA, or significant progress toward, in ecology, hydrology, environmental science, or a similar degree.
• Previous field experience
• Ability to endure long days in the field in hot, cold, or rainy conditions.
• Excellent physical conditioning and ability to carry >50 lbs of equipment
• Spatial competence (for orienteering toward and relocating off-trail sites)
• A sense of confidence and respect during encounters with bears, bison, elk, etc.
• Flexibility when dealing with weather and changing project demands
• Reliable personal vehicle to use on the job and on your days off (you must explore this gorgeous country!)
• Plant identification skills and experience a significant plus
• Great combination of a driven/hard working attitude with a laid back/flexible/fun demeanor.
For more info, contact:
To apply please email a cover letter, resume, and list of references to Derek Schook, MS student, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, dschook@warnercnr.colostate.edu
JOB DESCRIPTION: Position Duration: mid-May through mid-August. Applications reviewed on a rolling basis; position open until filled.
The technician will perform a variety of job tasks related to wetland hydrology. Primary tasks will include weekly visits to record water levels in wells at the 25 wetland sites (all sites are within 1 mile of the road). Also, installation of additional wells will be required. This is arduous work. Additional tasks may include: vegetation surveys, soil characterization, soil infiltration testing, topographic surveying, data entry, etc. The technician must be intellectually engaged in the project, ideally providing insight that will continue to improve the quality of this research throughout the summer.
The technician will work both alone and alongside the CSU researcher. Hours are subject to vary, but will average around 40-50 hours over 5-6 days/week. Housing will be provided in Gardiner, MT, a town of 800 residents adjacent to Yellowstone’s north entrance. The technician will live with 1-3 other researchers in a house or apartment, and must be adaptable to living alongside others.
• A sincere interest in the study question and field methods
• A BS/BA, or significant progress toward, in ecology, hydrology, environmental science, or a similar degree.
• Previous field experience
• Ability to endure long days in the field in hot, cold, or rainy conditions.
• Excellent physical conditioning and ability to carry >50 lbs of equipment
• Spatial competence (for orienteering toward and relocating off-trail sites)
• A sense of confidence and respect during encounters with bears, bison, elk, etc.
• Flexibility when dealing with weather and changing project demands
• Reliable personal vehicle to use on the job and on your days off (you must explore this gorgeous country!)
• Plant identification skills and experience a significant plus
• Great combination of a driven/hard working attitude with a laid back/flexible/fun demeanor.
For more info, contact:
To apply please email a cover letter, resume, and list of references to Derek Schook, MS student, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, dschook@warnercnr.colostate.edu
Fish Biological Technician
Agency: Burns Paiute Tribe
Title: Biological Technician
Closing Date: March 12, 2010
Anticipated Start Date: April 19, 2010
Position Duration: 6 months with possibility of extension and/or advancement to permanent position
The Burns Paiute Tribe in Burns, Oregon is filling a Biological Technician position in the Fisheries Division of the Natural Resources Department. The Biological Technician will be responsible for the systematic monitoring of water quality parameters at 25 – 35 sites in the Malheur River Subbasin using an established monitoring protocol. In addition, the Biological Technician will be engaged in duties included in the Fisheries Division’s 2010 statement of work. The position is guaranteed for six months with a possibility of extension based on workload, budget constraints, staffing needs and a satisfactory performance review. If the opportunity for advancement to a permanent position in the department after six months is granted, it comes with medical benefits, life insurance and a pay increase.
Duties include, but are not limited to:
- Make systematic visits to water quality monitoring sites during the field season to collect data on stream temperature, flow, discharge, DO, conductivity and pH
- Accurately enter data so information is current, organized and without error
- Assist with other projects in the department, i.e. redband trout electroshock sampling, bull trout trap and haul program, brook trout suppression activities, bull trout redd counts, fall fish salvage activities, and weir operations to capture and PIT-tag bull trout
- Other duties as assigned
Important Qualifications:
- A minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Fisheries, Natural Resources or related science
- Previous field experience working alone in adverse conditions to collect data
- Previous experience working cooperatively with state and federal agencies
- Proficiency with Microsoft Office, Garmin GPS, flow meters, multi-parameter probes, and electrofishing units
- Willingness to be involved in all facets of a research project
- Experience living in remote areas and a desire to live in a small community in southeast Oregon
- Willingness to step outside of position and occasionally provide support to other projects in the department when need arises
Other Considerations:
- GIS mapping skills
- Knowledge of statistical methods for data analysis techniques
- Previous experience writing reports and/or applying for grants
Incumbent Must Be:
- Able to work with a diverse group of individuals
- Physically fit to perform the duties of fieldwork
- Able to pass a pre-employment drug screening
- Willing to travel and camp out in the field on occasion
- A responsible driver with a valid driver’s license and prudent driving record
Compensation is at the rate of $12.79/hr and includes accrual of sick and vacation leave. Experience linked to many of the duties and important qualifications above is desirable, but we encourage all interested applicants of diverse professional backgrounds and/or varying levels of experience to apply.
Indian Preference:
Indian preference will be given to candidates showing proof of enrollment in a federally recognized tribe. With the exception of Indian preference, all applicants will receive full consideration without regard to race, sex, political preferences, sexual orientation, age, religion or national origin.
The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work to be performed by the individual assigned to this position.
For more info, contact:
Deadline to apply is March 12, 2010. Please submit résumé, cover letter and three references to:
Burns Paiute Tribe Human Resources Dept
100 Pasigo Street
Burns, OR 97720
Applications must be postmarked by March 12 to be considered. Application materials can be emailed to kerry.opie@burnspaiute-nsn.gov or faxed to 541/573.2323 by 5pm Pacific Time on the closing date. Note: Our department is not responsible for illegible or misprinted fax copies.
Questions about the position can be directed to Chad Abel at 541/573.1375 ext 1 or via email at chad.abel@burnspaiute-nsn.gov. Interviews will likely occur the week of March 22.
Agency: Burns Paiute Tribe
Title: Biological Technician
Closing Date: March 12, 2010
Anticipated Start Date: April 19, 2010
Position Duration: 6 months with possibility of extension and/or advancement to permanent position
The Burns Paiute Tribe in Burns, Oregon is filling a Biological Technician position in the Fisheries Division of the Natural Resources Department. The Biological Technician will be responsible for the systematic monitoring of water quality parameters at 25 – 35 sites in the Malheur River Subbasin using an established monitoring protocol. In addition, the Biological Technician will be engaged in duties included in the Fisheries Division’s 2010 statement of work. The position is guaranteed for six months with a possibility of extension based on workload, budget constraints, staffing needs and a satisfactory performance review. If the opportunity for advancement to a permanent position in the department after six months is granted, it comes with medical benefits, life insurance and a pay increase.
Duties include, but are not limited to:
- Make systematic visits to water quality monitoring sites during the field season to collect data on stream temperature, flow, discharge, DO, conductivity and pH
- Accurately enter data so information is current, organized and without error
- Assist with other projects in the department, i.e. redband trout electroshock sampling, bull trout trap and haul program, brook trout suppression activities, bull trout redd counts, fall fish salvage activities, and weir operations to capture and PIT-tag bull trout
- Other duties as assigned
Important Qualifications:
- A minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Fisheries, Natural Resources or related science
- Previous field experience working alone in adverse conditions to collect data
- Previous experience working cooperatively with state and federal agencies
- Proficiency with Microsoft Office, Garmin GPS, flow meters, multi-parameter probes, and electrofishing units
- Willingness to be involved in all facets of a research project
- Experience living in remote areas and a desire to live in a small community in southeast Oregon
- Willingness to step outside of position and occasionally provide support to other projects in the department when need arises
Other Considerations:
- GIS mapping skills
- Knowledge of statistical methods for data analysis techniques
- Previous experience writing reports and/or applying for grants
Incumbent Must Be:
- Able to work with a diverse group of individuals
- Physically fit to perform the duties of fieldwork
- Able to pass a pre-employment drug screening
- Willing to travel and camp out in the field on occasion
- A responsible driver with a valid driver’s license and prudent driving record
Compensation is at the rate of $12.79/hr and includes accrual of sick and vacation leave. Experience linked to many of the duties and important qualifications above is desirable, but we encourage all interested applicants of diverse professional backgrounds and/or varying levels of experience to apply.
Indian Preference:
Indian preference will be given to candidates showing proof of enrollment in a federally recognized tribe. With the exception of Indian preference, all applicants will receive full consideration without regard to race, sex, political preferences, sexual orientation, age, religion or national origin.
The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work to be performed by the individual assigned to this position.
For more info, contact:
Deadline to apply is March 12, 2010. Please submit résumé, cover letter and three references to:
Burns Paiute Tribe Human Resources Dept
100 Pasigo Street
Burns, OR 97720
Applications must be postmarked by March 12 to be considered. Application materials can be emailed to kerry.opie@burnspaiute-nsn.gov or faxed to 541/573.2323 by 5pm Pacific Time on the closing date. Note: Our department is not responsible for illegible or misprinted fax copies.
Questions about the position can be directed to Chad Abel at 541/573.1375 ext 1 or via email at chad.abel@burnspaiute-nsn.gov. Interviews will likely occur the week of March 22.
Mountain Plover Research Technician Nebraska
Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory
Kimball, Nebraska (southwestern panhandle near Cheyenne, WY and Fort Collins, CO)
Job Description:
Nebraska Prairie Partners, a partnership of the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, is seeking one qualified applicant to help conduct a Mountain Plover chick survival study in the southwestern panhandle of Nebraska. Position will begin the first week in May and will continue for 17 weeks into the middle of August, 2010.
Position Duties Include:
• Locating Mountain Plover Nests in Agricultural fields
• Tracking of Adult Mountain Plover with Radio Telemetry Equipment
• Tracking Plover Broods Using Radio Telemetry Equipment
• Ability to Use Optics to Determine Brood Sizes
• Familiarity with GPS units and Map Reading Skills
• Accurately Recording Data following Study Protocols
Other duties: Ability to operate a 4x4 Truck and ATV (both provided) on minimally maintained county (gravel) roads. Proficiency with Microsoft Office and ability to accurately enter data into large relational databases. Must possess communication skills for working with private landowners, as well as communicating and coordinating with other Nebraska Prairie Partner Biologists.
BS degree in biology, wildlife management or related field, or a junior/senior pursuing a degree in an applicable field. Radio telemetry experience is preferred but not required. Applicant should have good bird identification skills, good written and oral communication skills, and possess the ability to work alone with limited direct supervision. Applicant should have very good organizational skills, and must possess a valid state driver's license. The successful applicant should be in good physical condition, as working long irregular hours in hot and dry conditions will be expected.
$17 / hour plus free on-site housing, no benefits
How to Apply:
Send a cover letter (stating your qualifications in relation to the above duties), resume or CV, and 3 references to the below contact no later than March 12th, 2010
For more info, contact:
Bart Bly
204 S. Hudson Avenue
Alliance, NE 69301
E-mail: bart.bly@rmbo.org
Phone: 423-202-0052
Fax: 308-220-0053
Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory
Kimball, Nebraska (southwestern panhandle near Cheyenne, WY and Fort Collins, CO)
Job Description:
Nebraska Prairie Partners, a partnership of the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, is seeking one qualified applicant to help conduct a Mountain Plover chick survival study in the southwestern panhandle of Nebraska. Position will begin the first week in May and will continue for 17 weeks into the middle of August, 2010.
Position Duties Include:
• Locating Mountain Plover Nests in Agricultural fields
• Tracking of Adult Mountain Plover with Radio Telemetry Equipment
• Tracking Plover Broods Using Radio Telemetry Equipment
• Ability to Use Optics to Determine Brood Sizes
• Familiarity with GPS units and Map Reading Skills
• Accurately Recording Data following Study Protocols
Other duties: Ability to operate a 4x4 Truck and ATV (both provided) on minimally maintained county (gravel) roads. Proficiency with Microsoft Office and ability to accurately enter data into large relational databases. Must possess communication skills for working with private landowners, as well as communicating and coordinating with other Nebraska Prairie Partner Biologists.
BS degree in biology, wildlife management or related field, or a junior/senior pursuing a degree in an applicable field. Radio telemetry experience is preferred but not required. Applicant should have good bird identification skills, good written and oral communication skills, and possess the ability to work alone with limited direct supervision. Applicant should have very good organizational skills, and must possess a valid state driver's license. The successful applicant should be in good physical condition, as working long irregular hours in hot and dry conditions will be expected.
$17 / hour plus free on-site housing, no benefits
How to Apply:
Send a cover letter (stating your qualifications in relation to the above duties), resume or CV, and 3 references to the below contact no later than March 12th, 2010
For more info, contact:
Bart Bly
204 S. Hudson Avenue
Alliance, NE 69301
E-mail: bart.bly@rmbo.org
Phone: 423-202-0052
Fax: 308-220-0053
Habitat/Vegetation Technician WWF Cambodia
Habitat/ Vegetation Assessment Technicians will be responsible for shrub assessment, community mapping and providing management recommendations on the quality sagebrush, willow and aspen communities. Specific duties include large-scale vegetation community mapping (community assessment and GIS digitizing), detailed shrub monitoring using transects, photo documentation, GPS documentation and making management recommendations. Community mapping focuses on qualitative measurements of vegetation including species composition, condition, levels of herbivory and successional stage. Transect data includes detailed metrics on shrub age class, browse utilization and percent cover. Applicants should expect daily travel as well as possible overnights in the field. Experience with plant identification, navigation, GPS/GIS, data entry, data management and management recommendations are required. Applicants should possess a BS in Botany, Range Science, Ecology, Resource Management or related field, multiple seasons of technician experience and excellent physical condition required. The position demands extensive hiking in rugged terrain. Technicians will be supervised by an Ecologist based in Jackson, Wyoming and will be expected to work independently and as part of a field crew. Applicants must be able to start on May 24.
Qualifications & Skills:
• BS in Botany, Range Science, Ecology, Resource Management or related field
• Knowledge of plant identification in sagebrush, willow and aspen communities
• Demonstrated ability to navigate using aerial photos, topographical maps and GPS
• Experience digitizing with GIS
• Experience driving 4-wheel drive vehicles off-road
• Experience working independently and as part of a field crew
• Ability to hike for 8-10 hours/ day in rugged terrain
• Knowledge of ranch communities and operations a plus
• WFA & CPR certification (required prior to May 24)
Teton Science Schools’ Conservation Research Center was formed in response to the growing need in Jackson Hole and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem for responsible conservation and land stewardship. In our work, we seek a reasonable balance between wildlife and people to develop resource management strategies and models that other western communities can follow.
Teton Science Schools are an equal opportunity employer with a drug-free and smoke-free workplace. Successful applicant(s) will be required to pass a background check, driving check and drug screening.
For more info, contact:
Questions regarding the position should be directed to Megan Smith, Ecologist, phone: (307) 734-3786
Please submit a letter of interest, resume, and contact information for 3 references to Human Resources by email: employment@tetonscience.org before March 19, 2010. List “Habitat/ Vegetation Technician” in the email subject line.
Habitat/ Vegetation Assessment Technicians will be responsible for shrub assessment, community mapping and providing management recommendations on the quality sagebrush, willow and aspen communities. Specific duties include large-scale vegetation community mapping (community assessment and GIS digitizing), detailed shrub monitoring using transects, photo documentation, GPS documentation and making management recommendations. Community mapping focuses on qualitative measurements of vegetation including species composition, condition, levels of herbivory and successional stage. Transect data includes detailed metrics on shrub age class, browse utilization and percent cover. Applicants should expect daily travel as well as possible overnights in the field. Experience with plant identification, navigation, GPS/GIS, data entry, data management and management recommendations are required. Applicants should possess a BS in Botany, Range Science, Ecology, Resource Management or related field, multiple seasons of technician experience and excellent physical condition required. The position demands extensive hiking in rugged terrain. Technicians will be supervised by an Ecologist based in Jackson, Wyoming and will be expected to work independently and as part of a field crew. Applicants must be able to start on May 24.
Qualifications & Skills:
• BS in Botany, Range Science, Ecology, Resource Management or related field
• Knowledge of plant identification in sagebrush, willow and aspen communities
• Demonstrated ability to navigate using aerial photos, topographical maps and GPS
• Experience digitizing with GIS
• Experience driving 4-wheel drive vehicles off-road
• Experience working independently and as part of a field crew
• Ability to hike for 8-10 hours/ day in rugged terrain
• Knowledge of ranch communities and operations a plus
• WFA & CPR certification (required prior to May 24)
Teton Science Schools’ Conservation Research Center was formed in response to the growing need in Jackson Hole and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem for responsible conservation and land stewardship. In our work, we seek a reasonable balance between wildlife and people to develop resource management strategies and models that other western communities can follow.
Teton Science Schools are an equal opportunity employer with a drug-free and smoke-free workplace. Successful applicant(s) will be required to pass a background check, driving check and drug screening.
For more info, contact:
Questions regarding the position should be directed to Megan Smith, Ecologist, phone: (307) 734-3786
Please submit a letter of interest, resume, and contact information for 3 references to Human Resources by email: employment@tetonscience.org before March 19, 2010. List “Habitat/ Vegetation Technician” in the email subject line.
Volunteer Ecuador
Opportunity location: Las Tangaras Reserve - Mindo - west slope of Andes from Quito
Closing date (if specified): No date specified (will remain here for 90 days from posting date)
Opportunity Description:
Ecuador Cloud Forest Bird Expedition
Andes Mountains, South America: August 15-28, 2010
Become a Life Net Conservation Volunteer! Join Dr. Dusti Becker for an exciting 2- week research project focusing on birds in the Andes of western Ecuador. Dr. Becker, a well-known tropical avian ecologist with over 15 years of experience in Ecuador, will lead the expedition with help from experienced Ecuadorian field assistants, Pascual and MauricioTorres. Volunteers help with mist-netting of birds at Las Tangaras Reserve, Mindo, Ecuador to advance scientific understanding of a cloud forest avian community and species tolerances for deforestation and grazing. Your contribution of $1500 to the non-profit conservation organization Life Net is tax deductible and is used to sustain the reserve, while covering your transportation in Ecuador, meals, & lodging during the conservation research program.
Las Tangaras boasts more than 25 species of hummingbird, a cock-of-the-rock arena, and fabulous numbers of Choco and Andean endemic bird species. Volunteers help set up and monitor mist nets, extract birds from nets, carry birds from nets to a banding station, and record basic ecological data. Bilingual volunteers can contribute to environmental education and ecotourism training. Volunteers will have some afternoons free to explore and/or bird the Mindo area.
The expedition begins and ends in Quito. Contact Dusti Becker at dbecker@lifenetnature.org for further details. Experience with mist-netting is desirable, but not required. Visit the Volunteer page of www.lifenetnature.org for more details.
If you are bi-lingual and would like to help Pascual Torres with other mist-netting projects at Las Tangaras during 2010, contact Dr. Becker to arrange a volunteer opportunity that suits your schedule.
For more info, contact:
Dr. Dusti Becker
Closing date (if specified): No date specified (will remain here for 90 days from posting date)
Opportunity Description:
Ecuador Cloud Forest Bird Expedition
Andes Mountains, South America: August 15-28, 2010
Become a Life Net Conservation Volunteer! Join Dr. Dusti Becker for an exciting 2- week research project focusing on birds in the Andes of western Ecuador. Dr. Becker, a well-known tropical avian ecologist with over 15 years of experience in Ecuador, will lead the expedition with help from experienced Ecuadorian field assistants, Pascual and MauricioTorres. Volunteers help with mist-netting of birds at Las Tangaras Reserve, Mindo, Ecuador to advance scientific understanding of a cloud forest avian community and species tolerances for deforestation and grazing. Your contribution of $1500 to the non-profit conservation organization Life Net is tax deductible and is used to sustain the reserve, while covering your transportation in Ecuador, meals, & lodging during the conservation research program.
Las Tangaras boasts more than 25 species of hummingbird, a cock-of-the-rock arena, and fabulous numbers of Choco and Andean endemic bird species. Volunteers help set up and monitor mist nets, extract birds from nets, carry birds from nets to a banding station, and record basic ecological data. Bilingual volunteers can contribute to environmental education and ecotourism training. Volunteers will have some afternoons free to explore and/or bird the Mindo area.
The expedition begins and ends in Quito. Contact Dusti Becker at dbecker@lifenetnature.org for further details. Experience with mist-netting is desirable, but not required. Visit the Volunteer page of www.lifenetnature.org for more details.
If you are bi-lingual and would like to help Pascual Torres with other mist-netting projects at Las Tangaras during 2010, contact Dr. Becker to arrange a volunteer opportunity that suits your schedule.
For more info, contact:
Dr. Dusti Becker
Fundacion Tarahumara
La Fundación Tarahumara José A. Llaguno necesita apoyo de un ingeniero civil con experiencia en el diseño de obras hidráulicas, y dispuesto a trabajar en comunidades indígenas de la sierra. Por el tipo de los proyectos se solicita un compromiso mínimo de dos años. Las personas interesadas pueden enviar su solicitud de empleo y currículum vitae por e-mail. Pida informes a Mariel Ramírez mariel.ramirez@tarahumara.net
Técnico para el área en cómputo
El Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, B.C. (CICESE), convoca a los interesados a participar en la presente convocatoria interna y externa de la División de Oceanología, para ocupar el puesto de técnico para el área en cómputo del Departamento de Oceanografía Física del CICESE.
Pueden solicitar los requisitos por e-mail. Pida informes a Mario García mggomez@cicese.mx
Pueden solicitar los requisitos por e-mail. Pida informes a Mario García mggomez@cicese.mx
sábado, 13 de febrero de 2010
La Fundación ProAves con el apoyo de The Wetland Trust tiene el agrado de invitar al V CURSO DE ANILLAMIENTO CON ENFASIS EN AVES MIGRATORIAS Y AMENAZADAS con el objetivo de iniciar el proceso de entrenamiento en Anillamiento Científico de Aves, proporcionando bases sólidas para formar futuros anilladores que garanticen la calidad de la información y la seguridad de las aves que manipulan. Se hará una introducción a la sistematización de datos y el análisis de resultados enfocados a responder preguntas de interés para la conservación de las aves migratorias y endémicas. El curso contará con la presencia instructores de alto nivel de The Wetland Trust (Inglaterra) y la Fundación ProAves (Colombia).
27 de marzo al 4 de Abril de 2010
Reserva Natural de las Aves El Dorado
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta – Magdalena – COLOMBIA.
Requisitos para los participantes:
Estudiantes, o profesionales, preferiblemente con experiencia en investigación de aves migratorias y/o endémicas o con intención de trabajar con este grupo de aves en el futuro cercano. Cupo limitado para 20 personas. Al finalizar el curso dos de los participantes serán seleccionados para asistir a una capacitación intensiva en métodos de anillamiento de aves ofrecida por The Wetland Trust en Inglaterra durante seis semanas (Jul-Ago de 2010).
Enviar hoja de vida actualizada y carta de intención a: Marisol Escaño mescano@proaves.org especificando las razones para tomar el curso y como serán aplicados los conocimientos a futuro. Especificar en el asunto: curso de anillamiento.
Hasta el Viernes 05 de Marzo de 2010 ($250 USD)
A partir del 06 de Marzo de 2010 ($400 USD)
*El valor incluye: inscripción, alojamiento: nueves (9) días, ocho (8) noches en la RNA El Dorado (Santa Marta – Magdalena), en habitación de 4-6 personas. Alimentación completa durante el Curso. Transporte terrestre: Santa Marta – RNA El Dorado – Santa Marta. No Incluye transporte hasta Santa Marta.
Mayores informes: Marisol Escaño: mescano@proaves.org. Fundación ProAves.
27 de marzo al 4 de Abril de 2010
Reserva Natural de las Aves El Dorado
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta – Magdalena – COLOMBIA.
Requisitos para los participantes:
Estudiantes, o profesionales, preferiblemente con experiencia en investigación de aves migratorias y/o endémicas o con intención de trabajar con este grupo de aves en el futuro cercano. Cupo limitado para 20 personas. Al finalizar el curso dos de los participantes serán seleccionados para asistir a una capacitación intensiva en métodos de anillamiento de aves ofrecida por The Wetland Trust en Inglaterra durante seis semanas (Jul-Ago de 2010).
Enviar hoja de vida actualizada y carta de intención a: Marisol Escaño mescano@proaves.org especificando las razones para tomar el curso y como serán aplicados los conocimientos a futuro. Especificar en el asunto: curso de anillamiento.
Hasta el Viernes 05 de Marzo de 2010 ($250 USD)
A partir del 06 de Marzo de 2010 ($400 USD)
*El valor incluye: inscripción, alojamiento: nueves (9) días, ocho (8) noches en la RNA El Dorado (Santa Marta – Magdalena), en habitación de 4-6 personas. Alimentación completa durante el Curso. Transporte terrestre: Santa Marta – RNA El Dorado – Santa Marta. No Incluye transporte hasta Santa Marta.
Mayores informes: Marisol Escaño: mescano@proaves.org. Fundación ProAves.
Jefe del Departamento de Incendios
Clave de la Convocatoria 006/2010
Municipio Pabellon de Arteaga
Descripción del Puesto 1. En lo que corresponde a Presupresión: Planeación basada en el Método de Áreas Prioritarias, elaboración del Programa de Manejo del Fuego y su Programa Operativo Anual, preparación y entrega de uniformes y herramienta tradicional y/o especializada, mantenimiento vehicular y equipo de radiocomunicación, así como la gestión de los recursos financieros asignados al ejercicio del programa. 2. En lo que respecta a Prevención las funciones consisten en la ejecución de las actividades plasmadas en el Programa Operativo Anual sobre Prevención física: Apertura y/o relimpia de brechas cortafuego, establecimiento de Líneas negras, quemas prescritas, mantenimiento de brechas de acceso, dando preferencia a las zonas criticas de cada región. Impulso ala Prevención Cultural y reforzamiento de la Prevención Legal. 3. En los que corresponde a Detección y Combate de incendios: Operar la estructura de recursos humanos: Coordinadores Regionales, torreros, radio operadores, jefes de brigada, choferes, auxiliares operativos, Coordinador Aéreo, Coordinador de Maquinaria pesada, Capitán de Carro Motobomba, Operadores de Motobombas portátiles, de gabinete, etc., para la pronta detección y combate de un incendio. 4. Gestión con las instancias que integran los Comités Estatales y Regionales, para difundir el Programa Operativo Anual, avances en atención a reportes de incendios, cierre de la temporada de incendios y propiciar la participación proactiva en cada una de las etapas del Programa mencionado. 5. Supervisar la elaboración y envío de informes estadísticos diarios, en materia de ocurrencia de incendios forestales. 6. Supervisar e instruir al personal con el fin de que se atiendan los reportes y se de seguimiento a la detección y combate de los incendios forestales. 7. Analizar los reportes de campo diarios del personal combatiente y en caso de reportarse tiempo extraordinario y apoyo de alimentación, elaborar de manera oportuna el informe correspondiente, a fin de que les sea retribuido adecuadamente. 8. Capacitación y asesoría técnica a productores, brigadistas de CONAFOR, otras dependencias, Comunidades y/o Ejidos en materia de prevención y combate de incendios forestales, el uso del fuego y la seguridad en el combate. 9. Mantener un programa de acondicionamiento físico del personal oficial y un programa de refresco de conocimientos anual con el fin de mantener un clima de trabajo seguro durante las operaciones.
Requisitos Nivel Académico: Licenciatura Grado de avance: Titulado Carreras: Forestal Años de Experiencia en el Área: 3 años Áreas Generales de experiencia: Área forestal y manejo de fuego Capacidades Gerenciales: Liderazgo y Trabajo en Equipo. Capacidades técnicas: Nociones Generales de la Administración Pública Federal, Técnicas de Combate de Incendios, Manejo de Herramientas de Combate de Incendios, Coordinación de Grupos de Trabajo. Otros requerimientos: Word, Excel y Power Point Disponibilidad para viajar: Sí
Adscripción Gerencias Regionales
Nivel OA1 Tipo de Plaza Confianza
Periodo de la publicación Del 10 al 23 de Febrero del 2010 Vacantes 1
Sueldo mensual $ 17,046.25
Área general
de experiencia FORESTAL Descargar archivo de
Convocatoria 006/2010
Área específica
de experiencia CONSERVACIÓN
Contacto Lic. Jorge Luna
Municipio Pabellon de Arteaga
Descripción del Puesto 1. En lo que corresponde a Presupresión: Planeación basada en el Método de Áreas Prioritarias, elaboración del Programa de Manejo del Fuego y su Programa Operativo Anual, preparación y entrega de uniformes y herramienta tradicional y/o especializada, mantenimiento vehicular y equipo de radiocomunicación, así como la gestión de los recursos financieros asignados al ejercicio del programa. 2. En lo que respecta a Prevención las funciones consisten en la ejecución de las actividades plasmadas en el Programa Operativo Anual sobre Prevención física: Apertura y/o relimpia de brechas cortafuego, establecimiento de Líneas negras, quemas prescritas, mantenimiento de brechas de acceso, dando preferencia a las zonas criticas de cada región. Impulso ala Prevención Cultural y reforzamiento de la Prevención Legal. 3. En los que corresponde a Detección y Combate de incendios: Operar la estructura de recursos humanos: Coordinadores Regionales, torreros, radio operadores, jefes de brigada, choferes, auxiliares operativos, Coordinador Aéreo, Coordinador de Maquinaria pesada, Capitán de Carro Motobomba, Operadores de Motobombas portátiles, de gabinete, etc., para la pronta detección y combate de un incendio. 4. Gestión con las instancias que integran los Comités Estatales y Regionales, para difundir el Programa Operativo Anual, avances en atención a reportes de incendios, cierre de la temporada de incendios y propiciar la participación proactiva en cada una de las etapas del Programa mencionado. 5. Supervisar la elaboración y envío de informes estadísticos diarios, en materia de ocurrencia de incendios forestales. 6. Supervisar e instruir al personal con el fin de que se atiendan los reportes y se de seguimiento a la detección y combate de los incendios forestales. 7. Analizar los reportes de campo diarios del personal combatiente y en caso de reportarse tiempo extraordinario y apoyo de alimentación, elaborar de manera oportuna el informe correspondiente, a fin de que les sea retribuido adecuadamente. 8. Capacitación y asesoría técnica a productores, brigadistas de CONAFOR, otras dependencias, Comunidades y/o Ejidos en materia de prevención y combate de incendios forestales, el uso del fuego y la seguridad en el combate. 9. Mantener un programa de acondicionamiento físico del personal oficial y un programa de refresco de conocimientos anual con el fin de mantener un clima de trabajo seguro durante las operaciones.
Requisitos Nivel Académico: Licenciatura Grado de avance: Titulado Carreras: Forestal Años de Experiencia en el Área: 3 años Áreas Generales de experiencia: Área forestal y manejo de fuego Capacidades Gerenciales: Liderazgo y Trabajo en Equipo. Capacidades técnicas: Nociones Generales de la Administración Pública Federal, Técnicas de Combate de Incendios, Manejo de Herramientas de Combate de Incendios, Coordinación de Grupos de Trabajo. Otros requerimientos: Word, Excel y Power Point Disponibilidad para viajar: Sí
Adscripción Gerencias Regionales
Nivel OA1 Tipo de Plaza Confianza
Periodo de la publicación Del 10 al 23 de Febrero del 2010 Vacantes 1
Sueldo mensual $ 17,046.25
Área general
de experiencia FORESTAL Descargar archivo de
Convocatoria 006/2010
Área específica
de experiencia CONSERVACIÓN
Contacto Lic. Jorge Luna
El IMNC tiene como objetivo para 2010 certificar 500 empresas para el esquema de igualdad laboral, misión para lo cual se requiere de auditores para hacer las evaluaciones a las empresas del cumplimiento de dicha norma.
Interesados dirigirse con Isabel Reyes a: mireyes@imnc.org.mx
Interesados dirigirse con Isabel Reyes a: mireyes@imnc.org.mx
Tecnico para el Laboratorio de Geocronología
El Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, B. C. (CICESE) solicita candidatos para cubrir una plaza de técnico para el Laboratorio de
Geocronología del Departamento de Geología, en la División de Ciencias de la Tierra. Los requisitos de formación académica, experiencia, documentación, etc., pueden solicitarlos por e-mail. Las solicitudes serán recibidas del 03 al 23 de febrero del 2010, de 8:00 a 14:00 horas. Pida informes a Mario García mggomez@cicese.mx
Geocronología del Departamento de Geología, en la División de Ciencias de la Tierra. Los requisitos de formación académica, experiencia, documentación, etc., pueden solicitarlos por e-mail. Las solicitudes serán recibidas del 03 al 23 de febrero del 2010, de 8:00 a 14:00 horas. Pida informes a Mario García mggomez@cicese.mx
Bioestadístico con experiencia en ecosistemas acuáticos
El Departamento de Hidrobiología de la División de Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) Unidad Iztapalapa, requiere de un Bioestadístico con experiencia en ecosistemas acuáticos, con grado de Doctor y publicaciones que avalen su experiencia en esta especialidad.
Pida informes a Margarito Tapia-García mtg@xanum.uam.mx
Pida informes a Margarito Tapia-García mtg@xanum.uam.mx
"Coordinador(a) del Parque Nacional Sierra de San Pedro Mártir"
La Secretaría de Protección al Ambiente del Gobierno del Estado de Baja California y la Comisión Nacional de Aéreas Naturales Protegidas informan que se encuentra abierta la convocatoria para ocupar el puesto de "Coordinador(a) del Parque Nacional Sierra de San Pedro Mártir". El cierre de la convocatoria es el 10 de febrero del 2010. Pida informes a Jesús Zatarain jzataraing@baja.gob.mx y vea los detalles en http://www.bajacalifornia.gob.mx/spa/
sábado, 6 de febrero de 2010
La Universidad de Chile, ubicada en Santiago de Chile, está efectuando un llamado de posición laboral para profesionales biotecnológos.
Se necesita un profesional con amplia y documentada experiencia en técnicas de biología molecular. Las técnicas requeridas incluyen: clonación, mutagénesis, expresión, purificación y ensayos enzimáticos de proteínas recombinantes. Además se requiere conocimientos en mantención y manipulacion de cultivos celulares.
El profesional se incorporará a trabajar en un proyecto de investigación asociado a la regulación de la replicacion del genoma del HCV.
Puedes enviar tu postulación vía “on line”, registrándote en RedCiencia.
Se necesita un profesional con amplia y documentada experiencia en técnicas de biología molecular. Las técnicas requeridas incluyen: clonación, mutagénesis, expresión, purificación y ensayos enzimáticos de proteínas recombinantes. Además se requiere conocimientos en mantención y manipulacion de cultivos celulares.
El profesional se incorporará a trabajar en un proyecto de investigación asociado a la regulación de la replicacion del genoma del HCV.
Puedes enviar tu postulación vía “on line”, registrándote en RedCiencia.
Agrobiodiversidad: lecciones para la conservación y el desarrollo
La Sociedad para la Botánica Económica (SEB) los invita a su reunión anual 2010 con el tema "Agrobiodiversidad: lecciones para la conservación y el desarrollo", que se realizará del 6 al 10 de junio del 2010, en Xalapa (Veracruz). Pida informes a Valentina Martínez: valmar_75@hotmail.com y vea los detalles en: http://www.econbot.org/_organization_/index.php?sm=07|meetings_by_year/2010#espanol
Taller de Sistemas de Información Geográfica
Taller de Sistemas de Información Geográfica
Del 22 al 26 de febrero, México D.F.
Atenta invitación a nuestro próximo curso de capacitación.
El taller esta dirigido a profesionales en ciencias de la tierra, agricultura, catastro, medio ambiente, planeación y negocios.
Se desarrollará en entorno del software MapInfo Professional 10.0
Se cubrirán distintas aplicaciones de los SIG como georeferenciación, creación de cartografía digital, mapas temáticos, presentaciones, bases de datos espaciales, integración con imágenes raster, Google Earth Link, análisis y consultas geográficas, entre otras.
Para mayores informes:
L. C. Lourdes Ocegueda
Directora General
Tel: 52 (33) 3824-5253 Tel/Fax: 3823-2146
Llame sin costo: 01-800-831-2323
Del 22 al 26 de febrero, México D.F.
Atenta invitación a nuestro próximo curso de capacitación.
El taller esta dirigido a profesionales en ciencias de la tierra, agricultura, catastro, medio ambiente, planeación y negocios.
Se desarrollará en entorno del software MapInfo Professional 10.0
Se cubrirán distintas aplicaciones de los SIG como georeferenciación, creación de cartografía digital, mapas temáticos, presentaciones, bases de datos espaciales, integración con imágenes raster, Google Earth Link, análisis y consultas geográficas, entre otras.
Para mayores informes:
L. C. Lourdes Ocegueda
Directora General
Tel: 52 (33) 3824-5253 Tel/Fax: 3823-2146
Llame sin costo: 01-800-831-2323
Maestría en Ciencias Recursos Bióticos
Maestría en Ciencias Recursos Bióticos
Generación 2010-2012
(Calificado por CONACYT como Programa Nacional de Posgrados de Calidad)
DIRIGIDA a: Profesionistas y egresados de las licenciaturas de Biología, Veterinaria, Ecología, y otras carreras relacionadas con la generación de conocimientos y uso racional de los recursos bióticos. Los estudiantes seleccionados podrán aspirar a becas CONACYT, tiempo completo.
Para ver los requisitos y más información: http://www.uaq.mx/FCN/rbmd_pres.htm
Fecha límite de inscripción: 11 de junio de 2010
Dr. Robert W. Jones
Coordinador del Posgrado en Recursos Bióticos-Maestría
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales
Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro,
Avenida de las Ciencias, s/n
Juriquilla, Delegación Sta. Rosa Jáuregui
C.P. 76230, QRO, MEXICO
Tel.: (442) 192-1200, Ext: 5371
Email : posgrado.mrb@uaq.mx
Generación 2010-2012
(Calificado por CONACYT como Programa Nacional de Posgrados de Calidad)
DIRIGIDA a: Profesionistas y egresados de las licenciaturas de Biología, Veterinaria, Ecología, y otras carreras relacionadas con la generación de conocimientos y uso racional de los recursos bióticos. Los estudiantes seleccionados podrán aspirar a becas CONACYT, tiempo completo.
Para ver los requisitos y más información: http://www.uaq.mx/FCN/rbmd_pres.htm
Fecha límite de inscripción: 11 de junio de 2010
Dr. Robert W. Jones
Coordinador del Posgrado en Recursos Bióticos-Maestría
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales
Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro,
Avenida de las Ciencias, s/n
Juriquilla, Delegación Sta. Rosa Jáuregui
C.P. 76230, QRO, MEXICO
Tel.: (442) 192-1200, Ext: 5371
Email : posgrado.mrb@uaq.mx
Shorebird Technician
SHOREBIRD TECHNICIAN – 1 April (start date flexible) – 31 July 2010. Assist in research activities related to human impacts on coastal barrier habitat and its shorebird inhabitants at Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base (MCBCL) in North Carolina. Human impacts include amphibious beach training exercises, recreational use, and the introduction of non-native predators. The objective of this research is to analyze how human activities influence habitat quality and use, and shorebird survival and productivity at MCBCL.
Duties will include, but are not limited to: shorebird surveys, nest searching and monitoring, resighting of color-banded birds, behavioral and foraging observations, and data entry. Training will be provided, but much of the work will be conducted independently. Work hours will be long and may include Saturdays or Sundays. The weather along the beach can vary from cool, breezy or rainy conditions to high temperatures and humidity. The successful candidate will walk 6 to 10 miles of beachfront and/or kayak 3-5 miles each day to conduct field activities.
Qualifications: B.S. in Wildlife Science, Environmental Science, Biology, or related field - experience with band resighting – shorebird identification is a preferred skill. A valid driver’s license is required and experience driving a 4WD vehicle is desired. Boating experience is a plus and candidate must be able to swim and work confidently on the water. Applicant must pass a criminal background check in order to work on the military base.
$400-480 / week depending on experience and housing provided.
Position open until filled.
Send resume including academic background, work experience, overall and major GPA, and contact info for 3 references to: Dr. Sarah Karpanty, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, Virginia Tech, 100 Cheatham Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0321, karpanty@vt.edu. (Electronic applications preferred). Virginia Tech is an EO/AA employer.
Duties will include, but are not limited to: shorebird surveys, nest searching and monitoring, resighting of color-banded birds, behavioral and foraging observations, and data entry. Training will be provided, but much of the work will be conducted independently. Work hours will be long and may include Saturdays or Sundays. The weather along the beach can vary from cool, breezy or rainy conditions to high temperatures and humidity. The successful candidate will walk 6 to 10 miles of beachfront and/or kayak 3-5 miles each day to conduct field activities.
Qualifications: B.S. in Wildlife Science, Environmental Science, Biology, or related field - experience with band resighting – shorebird identification is a preferred skill. A valid driver’s license is required and experience driving a 4WD vehicle is desired. Boating experience is a plus and candidate must be able to swim and work confidently on the water. Applicant must pass a criminal background check in order to work on the military base.
$400-480 / week depending on experience and housing provided.
Position open until filled.
Send resume including academic background, work experience, overall and major GPA, and contact info for 3 references to: Dr. Sarah Karpanty, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, Virginia Tech, 100 Cheatham Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0321, karpanty@vt.edu. (Electronic applications preferred). Virginia Tech is an EO/AA employer.
Harvesting Forester Associate

KOMAZA is a social enterprise working to permanently end rural poverty by developing sustainable economic opportunities for smallholder farmers living in East Africa's unfertile and drought-prone regions. Founded in 2006 and based in Kenya, the organization's innovative grassroots model dramatically boosts household income and wealth for rural families by equipping them with resources, knowledge and market linkages to produce high-value crops on their previous degraded land. Working through a village-based extension network, KOMAZA reduces start-up costs and barriers to market entry by providing poor farmers with crop inputs and tools on credit, ongoing training and support, as well as complete vertically integrated value chain services and market access opportunities. KOMAZA is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization in the United States and is incorporated in the State of California. Learn more at www.komaza.org
The Area: Value capture
The value capture team takes our farmers’ raw tree logs, processes them into high-value products that are demanded in the marketplace, and coordinates sales. The team will also pursue contracts, coordinate logistics, and design, build, and manage processing infrastructure. The value capture team’s goal is to sell tree products to maximize per-farm profitability, while planning for a scaled supply of wood from tens of thousands of farmers. The team is currently undertaking challenges such as:
? Uncovering the most desirable wood product markets, both domestically and abroad – and understanding the product specifications and how to manage any barriers to entry
? Determining the best processing techniques to capture the most revenue potential, through research and testing
? Designing the operational blueprint to manage processing, logistics, and sales of tens of thousands of trees – and building this operational infrastructure
? Evaluating the cost-benefit tradeoffs among all operational decisions, to maximize profitability
? Mitigating risk by pursuing multiple product lines and diversified revenue streams and customer bases
? Coordinating logistics – from farm to processing facility and facility to buyer
The Role: Harvesting Forester Associate
As harvesting forester, you will be responsible for designing and executing KOMAZA’s first harvest among its rural farmer stands of eucalyptus trees. You will ensure sustainable forestry management and maximize the per-tree profit while minimizing waste. You will provide effective leadership and hands-on management of harvesting operations – from hiring a team to acquiring the equipment necessary for operations to solving logistical challenges. You will:
Monitoring and Evaluation
• Supervise forest stand mapping: collaborate with GIS Associate and Crop Production team to collect forest stand data and create maps for effective and efficient harvesting operations
• Oversee operational monitoring and evaluation: execute pre- and post-harvest inventories (including pre-selection of trees for felling), manage permanent sample plot surveys, oversee data capture and analysis, estimate harvest volumes over time to enable revenue projections
• Ensure accurate record keeping: both on-site (e.g. labeling of logs for tracking) and remotely in databases (e.g. growth projections)
• Design thinning and harvesting plans: collaborate with rest of value capture team to design the scheduling, logistics, equipment, and cost management of harvest operations
• Supervise harvest operations: supervise operations on-site to ensure proper health and safety procedures are followed, quality is protected (directional felling, pre-processing activities), environmental impact is minimized, and rural farmers are involved with and informed about the plans and execution
• Manage transportation logistics to storage and processing facilities: coordinate the cost efficient transportation of raw and processed logs to selected destinations
• Operate and oversee maintenance of chainsaws, portable sawmills, vehicles, and other equipment
• Manage diverse operations team while understanding and responding to their professional development needs: hire, train, and supervise field staff and harvesting laborers
Environment, Health, and Safety
• Ensure full compliance with all Kenyan safety, forestry, harvesting, and environmental regulations: learn rules and regulations and maintain partnerships with regulatory bodies to stay current on any changes, manage fire prevention plans and execution
• Protect health and safety: implement international-caliber health and safety standards, making safety top priority.Minimize environmental impact: ensure proper post-harvest clean-up of eucalyptus stands, follow relevant laws and minimize environmental impact on land
• Prepare an environmental management system/plan and manage any environmental impact statements, resulting from timber harvesting operations
This role, while based in the Kilifi town office, will have a significant field component – which can be challenging and difficult but highly rewarding. This work will involve: long dirty and uncomfortable bus/motorcycle rides, basic rustic facilities, work in areas far from any infrastructure (stores, electricity, paved roads), extensive time outside in the sun and heat. Field work will likely include research trips to regional processing facilities to gather best practices. KOMAZA will soon commence construction on its first dedicated field operations office in Ganze, which will facilitate any field work.
? Education: Bachelor of Science in forestry or natural resource management.
? Relevant work experience:
o 4yrs of experience in professional forestry work
o At least two years in a supervisory and/or program management or leadership capacity - proven track record in managing a harvesting or forestry operation and designing harvesting plans
o Extensive knowledge of forest ecology, silvicultural practices, watershed and environmental management, wildlife management; knowledge of wood industries and wood processing technologies and techniques
? Strong leader and manager: highly organized; self-managing; managing multiple projects and deadlines; taking ownership over independent projects; budgeting; developing work plan, goals, and deadlines
? Problem-solver – at a high- and granular- level: Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills and impeccable business judgment; ability to think “big picture” and dig into details
? Strong and proactive communicator: personable yet persistent; building consensus and influencing Director decision-making; adapting to local cultural norms and communication styles; developing detailed and high-quality written materials
? High-quality execution: executing projects/tasks and implement recommendations – quickly and with flawless accuracy, with great systematic attention to detail
? Patience and a sense of humor: please see KOMAZA recruiting website for a more detailed description of important “fit” criteria
? Preferred but not required:
o Kiswahili
o Work/volunteer experience in a developing country
Compensation and benefits
KOMAZA Associates – who are one 1+ year contracts - receive modest compensation and benefits for their pioneering work. The cost of living in Kilifi is very low (e.g. a Coca-Cola costs 20KSH, or ~$0.25USD), and many fun activities are free (e.g. swimming in the Indian Ocean, walking distance from town).
For Associates, KOMAZA covers basic needs for a comfortable standard of living in Kilifi, and provides an allowance which is sufficient for a modest but enjoyable experience:
- Modest stipend
- Room and board (comfortable middle-class house for ex-pat staff housing, with excellent security, full-time cook and house staff; 6 dinner-time meals per week)
- One return airfare per year (from place of residence to Mombasa)
- Comprehensive international health insurance (including USA coverage for Americans)
- Basic immunizations, visas
For applicants applying through a fellowship or third party grant, compensation and benefits are arranged directly with the organization. Together, the fellowship and KOMAZA ensure that the above are covered.
For Kenyan applicants, compensation and benefits will be adjusted such that the total value remains the same if certain benefits are not required (such as return airfare, health insurance).
Significant opportunities exist for career advancement for employees who exhibit extraordinary job performance, as KOMAZA continues to grow.
For more info, contact:
To apply, please visit www.komaza.org/recruiting
Seasonal Botanist / Plant Ecologist
H. T. Harvey & Associates is an ecological consulting firm based in Northern and Central California with offices in Los Gatos, Fresno, Davis and Arcata. For over 35 years, H. T. Harvey & Associates has provided outstanding scientific ecological and design expertise to develop successful ecological solutions for our clients.
We are seeking botanists experienced with the flora of central California, to assist our full-time staff of plant ecologists conduct springtime floristic surveys in diverse habitats of the Carrizo Plain. The survey period is expected to begin in early March and continue into April, depending on weather and rainfall. Surveys may be physically demanding and will require working in a wide range of adverse weather and field conditions. The positions may be based out of either our Los Gatos or Fresno offices and will be seasonal positions. It is anticipated that fieldwork will typically be conducted during the work week, involving accommodations at local hotels, with weekends off.
Minimum educational requirements include a Bachelors degree in plant sciences or a related field; graduate-level education and at least 1-2 years of field experience preferred. Required qualifications include education and experience in plant taxonomy and in conducting botanical surveys. Experience with the flora of central and southern California strongly preferred. GIS and GPS experience a plus. Salary dependent upon experience.
For more information about H. T. Harvey & Associates and our areas of expertise, log on to http://www.harveyecology.com.
H. T. Harvey & Associates is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities strongly encouraged to apply.
For more info, contact:
To apply for this position, please e-mail your resume and references to personnel@harveyecology.com or mail/fax to H. T. Harvey & Associates, Attn: Personnel, 983 University Ave., Bldg D, Los Gatos, CA 95032; Fax (408) 458-3210. Please also reference the position that you are applying for and any office preferences.
We are seeking botanists experienced with the flora of central California, to assist our full-time staff of plant ecologists conduct springtime floristic surveys in diverse habitats of the Carrizo Plain. The survey period is expected to begin in early March and continue into April, depending on weather and rainfall. Surveys may be physically demanding and will require working in a wide range of adverse weather and field conditions. The positions may be based out of either our Los Gatos or Fresno offices and will be seasonal positions. It is anticipated that fieldwork will typically be conducted during the work week, involving accommodations at local hotels, with weekends off.
Minimum educational requirements include a Bachelors degree in plant sciences or a related field; graduate-level education and at least 1-2 years of field experience preferred. Required qualifications include education and experience in plant taxonomy and in conducting botanical surveys. Experience with the flora of central and southern California strongly preferred. GIS and GPS experience a plus. Salary dependent upon experience.
For more information about H. T. Harvey & Associates and our areas of expertise, log on to http://www.harveyecology.com.
H. T. Harvey & Associates is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities strongly encouraged to apply.
For more info, contact:
To apply for this position, please e-mail your resume and references to personnel@harveyecology.com or mail/fax to H. T. Harvey & Associates, Attn: Personnel, 983 University Ave., Bldg D, Los Gatos, CA 95032; Fax (408) 458-3210. Please also reference the position that you are applying for and any office preferences.
Veterinaria en Primates
Opportunity Description:
Organisation: The Aspinall Foundation / Project Of protection for Gorillas
The Project in a few words...
Projet Protection des Gorilles (PPG) is a joint collaboration between the Republic of Congo government and the UK-charity ‘The Aspinall Foundation’. The aim of this initiative is to protect endangered species in the Republic of Congo, notably the western lowland gorilla. Within the framework of the PPG-project, which focuses on raising awareness and the care and rehabilitation of orphaned gorilla infants, a complimentary project was initiated that seeks to restore a region of the Batéké Plateau ecosystem and return gorillas to their former habitat, located within a protected area. This project, also called Projet Lésio-Louna is a western lowland gorilla reintroduction/protected area management project based in the Lesio-Louna Reserve northwest of Brazzaville, Republic of Congo.
See our Website: http://www.ppgcongo.org
Tasks and responsibilities:
(This position is essentially administrative. Vet aspects are casual.)
a. Responsibility for the health and welfare of the gorillas under the care of the project
b. Writing the financial and administrative reports
c. Budget planning
d. Support to the Coordination Assistant about Project accounts
e. Monitoring the administrative aspects relative to the team and to the project
f. Fundraising
The project Administrator-Vet should be a qualified veterinarian, with some experience in tropical environments and ideally with Primates.
The candidate should be highly fluent in French with a solid background in written and spoken English.
The successful candidate should be physically able to withstand the rigours of life in an isolated region and tropical climate and should demonstrate a capacity to effectively direct project staff.
Finally, it is necessary that the project administrator be aware and respectful of the project hierarchy, both with regards to Congolese staff as well as expatriates.
The position is based both within the Lésio-Louna Reserve, as well as in Brazzaville (particularly for the accounts monitoring).
To be discussed with the TAF Overseas Project Director. An additional food allowance of 10,000 XAF per day (= 15 euros) will be paid weekly whilst in country and one return plane ticket will be provided annually.
Term of Appointment:
Duration of contract: 24 months, with a 3-month probation period. Contract extensions are possible.
For more info, contact:
Charles Beaufrere, Coordinator PLL
E-mail: chbeaufrere@yahoo.fr
Organisation: The Aspinall Foundation / Project Of protection for Gorillas
The Project in a few words...
Projet Protection des Gorilles (PPG) is a joint collaboration between the Republic of Congo government and the UK-charity ‘The Aspinall Foundation’. The aim of this initiative is to protect endangered species in the Republic of Congo, notably the western lowland gorilla. Within the framework of the PPG-project, which focuses on raising awareness and the care and rehabilitation of orphaned gorilla infants, a complimentary project was initiated that seeks to restore a region of the Batéké Plateau ecosystem and return gorillas to their former habitat, located within a protected area. This project, also called Projet Lésio-Louna is a western lowland gorilla reintroduction/protected area management project based in the Lesio-Louna Reserve northwest of Brazzaville, Republic of Congo.
See our Website: http://www.ppgcongo.org
Tasks and responsibilities:
(This position is essentially administrative. Vet aspects are casual.)
a. Responsibility for the health and welfare of the gorillas under the care of the project
b. Writing the financial and administrative reports
c. Budget planning
d. Support to the Coordination Assistant about Project accounts
e. Monitoring the administrative aspects relative to the team and to the project
f. Fundraising
The project Administrator-Vet should be a qualified veterinarian, with some experience in tropical environments and ideally with Primates.
The candidate should be highly fluent in French with a solid background in written and spoken English.
The successful candidate should be physically able to withstand the rigours of life in an isolated region and tropical climate and should demonstrate a capacity to effectively direct project staff.
Finally, it is necessary that the project administrator be aware and respectful of the project hierarchy, both with regards to Congolese staff as well as expatriates.
The position is based both within the Lésio-Louna Reserve, as well as in Brazzaville (particularly for the accounts monitoring).
To be discussed with the TAF Overseas Project Director. An additional food allowance of 10,000 XAF per day (= 15 euros) will be paid weekly whilst in country and one return plane ticket will be provided annually.
Term of Appointment:
Duration of contract: 24 months, with a 3-month probation period. Contract extensions are possible.
For more info, contact:
Charles Beaufrere, Coordinator PLL
E-mail: chbeaufrere@yahoo.fr
Avian Field Technician
One technician needed to perform avian point counts, nest searching, and habitat assessments around South Lake Tahoe, CA from May through July 2010. Project is an investigation of avian community response to fuel management treatments and wildfire. Applicant must have prior birding experience and ability to identify Western forest birds by sight and sound. Previous point count experience required. Technician must be in good physical condition and able to hike long distances, navigate with GPS, and work well individually or in a team. Position begins the first week of May.
Qualifications: Required: degree or experience in wildlife, ecology, natural resources or related field; ability to work long days with early morning hours while maintaining enthusiasm and positive attitude; valid driver's license and the ability to operate 4x4 vehicles in off-road conditions; ability to collect and record detailed and accurate field data; physically fit with the ability to hike long distances; ability to follow directions and work independently without direct supervision; good communication skills; experience identifying Western forest birds by sight and sound; and point count experience. Preferred: Experience nest searching and conducting habitat assessments and/or vegetation sampling.
Salary: $10-15/hr, depending on experience. Housing will be provided in South Lake Tahoe at reduced rent. Field vehicles are provided.
Application: Please submit a cover letter with your interest in the project and relevant skills, a copy of your resume or CV, and 2 references to Gina Tarbill (gtarbill@gmail.com) by March 1, 2010. Please use "Tahoe avian field technician" as subject.
Qualifications: Required: degree or experience in wildlife, ecology, natural resources or related field; ability to work long days with early morning hours while maintaining enthusiasm and positive attitude; valid driver's license and the ability to operate 4x4 vehicles in off-road conditions; ability to collect and record detailed and accurate field data; physically fit with the ability to hike long distances; ability to follow directions and work independently without direct supervision; good communication skills; experience identifying Western forest birds by sight and sound; and point count experience. Preferred: Experience nest searching and conducting habitat assessments and/or vegetation sampling.
Salary: $10-15/hr, depending on experience. Housing will be provided in South Lake Tahoe at reduced rent. Field vehicles are provided.
Application: Please submit a cover letter with your interest in the project and relevant skills, a copy of your resume or CV, and 2 references to Gina Tarbill (gtarbill@gmail.com) by March 1, 2010. Please use "Tahoe avian field technician" as subject.
Estudiantes para investigación de licenciatura y maestría
Se buscan estudiantes de licenciatura y maestría para realizar tesis en el Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) estación El Carmen (Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche). Se trata de un proyecto acerca de contaminantes y conducta en Sterna maxima.
Pida informes a Adriana Vallarino en avallarinom@gmail.com
Pida informes a Adriana Vallarino en avallarinom@gmail.com
Subgerente de Evaluación y Seguimiento

Subgerente de Evaluación y Seguimiento Clave de la
Convocatoria 005/2010
Municipio Zapopan
Descripción del Puesto 1. Realizar el monitoreo y la evaluación de desempeño, así como la revisión y adecuación de los instrumentos operativos, con el objeto de detectar posibles riesgos que pueden afectar el logro de los objetivos planteados. 2. Diseñar instrumentos para que los ejidos y comunidades evalúen los servicios técnicos y profesionales que contraten en cada ejercicio fiscal, así como apoyar a las regiones para evaluar técnicamente los productos finales de las actividades apoyadas con recursos del Programa. 3. Supervisar la actualización de las bases de datos que generan la información estadística del Programa con el objeto de preparar la información que será utilizada para difundir los resultados. 4. Apoyar la definición e instrumentación de los procesos de validación social de solicitudes presentadas por los beneficiarios en los espacios de participación social empleados por el Programa y participar en las evaluaciones de las propuestas técnicas que respaldan las solicitudes. 5. Coordinar la elaboración de criterios de evaluación y su aplicación en los subproyectos de Inversión, con la finalidad de apoyar a ejidos y comunidades de los estados participantes con proyectos productivos que contribuyan a la generación de ingresos y empleo.
Requisitos Nivel Académico: Licenciatura Grado de avance: Titulado Carreras: Ciencias Forestales, Agropecuarias, Biológicas y Económicas. Años de Experiencia en el Área: 5 años Áreas Generales de experiencia: En la Administración Pública, que incluya la participación en monitoreo y evaluación de Programas de desarrollo rural, en particular con el sector forestal y con organizaciones municipales, ejidales y comunales preferentemente. Capacidades Gerenciales: Visión Estratégica y Liderazgo Capacidades técnicas: Nociones Generales de Administración Pública, Evaluación y monitoreo de proyectos de inversión, Operación de proyectos de desarrollo comunitario basado en el uso de los recursos naturales, Programas de Desarrollo Rural. Otros requerimientos: Office Disponibilidad para viajar: Si, frecuentemente.
Adscripción Gerencia de Silvicultura Comunitaria
Nivel NA2 Tipo de Plaza Confianza
Periodo de la publicación Del 02 de Febrero al 15 de febrero del 2010 Vacantes 1
Sueldo mensual $ 28,664.15
Área general
de experiencia FORESTAL Descargar archivo de
Convocatoria 005/2010
Área específica
de experiencia PROTECCIÓN
Contacto Lic. Rocío Flores
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