GRUPEDSAC solicita perfil para asistente ejecutiva de ventas.
GRUPEDSAC es una asociación civil sin fines de lucro dedicada a la capacitación en tecnologías sustentables y a la educación ambiental. Cubre las áreas de agua, alimentos, vivienda, energía y salud ambiental.
GRUPEDSAC solicita asistente de tiempo completo, activa y ejecutiva para apoyar el área de ventas.
Edad: entre 20 y 40 años, con interés en temas sociales y ambientales.
* Disponibilidad de tiempo y flexibilidad de horario.
* Experiencia en ventas, promoción y relaciones públicas.
* Buena presencia y de fácil trato.Manejo de Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc) y habilidad para navegar Internet.
* Buena ortografíaPresentar al menos 2 cartas de recomendación verificables.
* Dominio del inglés en un 50%, suficiente para entender el contenido de un correo electrónico y contestarlo correctamente.
Enviar CV con foto, información de contacto y cartas de recomendación a Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spambots. Es necesario activar Javascript para visualizarla , Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spambots. Es necesario activar Javascript para visualizarla
TELÉFONO CELULAR: 044 - 55 - 39 39 48 77
Empleo para biologos. Bolsa de trabajo ciencias de la vida. ¿En que puede trabajar un biólogo?
domingo, 31 de enero de 2010
El Programa de becas Russell E. Train Education for Nature (EFN) de WWF para estudios de postgrado en conservación y medio ambiente, ofrece estas becas.
La convocatoria cierra el 28 de febrero del 2010
La solicitud y los documentos requeridos deberán ser escaneados y enviados por correo electrónico a: Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spambots. Es necesario activar Javascript para visualizarla
La solicitud e información adicional están disponibles en:
Mayores Informes:
María Teresa San Román
Directora Asociada
Institute of International Education Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spambots. Es necesario activar Javascript para visualizarla
La convocatoria cierra el 28 de febrero del 2010
La solicitud y los documentos requeridos deberán ser escaneados y enviados por correo electrónico a: Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spambots. Es necesario activar Javascript para visualizarla
La solicitud e información adicional están disponibles en:
Mayores Informes:
María Teresa San Román
Directora Asociada
Institute of International Education Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spambots. Es necesario activar Javascript para visualizarla
Subgerente Operativo Regional
Municipio Zapopan
Descripción del Puesto 1. Mantener comunicación permanente con el Gerente Regional y las áreas operativas, para asegurar el buen desempeño de las actividades y programas de la Comisión Nacional Forestal. 2. Supervisar la aplicación de las políticas, reglamentos, normas, reglas, lineamientos y disposiciones, hacia las áreas operativas en el sector forestal para obtener los mejores resultados en la aplicación de los beneficiarios que se canalizan al medio rural a través de los programas de la CONAFOR. 3. Supervisar avances de programas e identificar problemas y detalles de la operación que retrasan y/o impiden el funcionamiento de los programas y acciones a la dependencia. 4. Mantener informado al Gerente Regional de la operación de los programas forestales. 5. Supervisar y reportar avances de los programas operativos a la gerencia y supervisar el seguimiento del cumplimiento de las metas presidenciales así como las actividades encomendadas a la jefaturas bajo su mando con la finalidad de que éstas estén realizando su trabajo oportunamente. 6. Representar a la Gerencia Regional en las comisiones que sean encomendadas para tener la cobertura necesaria en todos los asuntos que competen a la CONAFOR en su multiplicación de las relaciones institucionales y públicas con el propósito de que se evalúen los proyectos asignados. 7. Participar en la definición y operación del plan estratégico para la promoción y difusión de los programas de la CONAFOR. 8. Participar en la elaboración de planes de organización del sector forestal en cooperación con diferentes unidades de la Gerencia Regional y de oficinas centrales de la Comisión Nacional Forestal. 9. Apoyar en la coordinación de capacitación interna y externa del personal a su cargo. 10. Supervisar la recepción, captura, dictaminación, publicación y entrega de apoyos a los beneficiarios de los programas forestales.
Requisitos Nivel Académico: Licenciatura Grado de avance: Titulado Carreras: Licenciatura en Ingeniería Forestal, Agronomía, Desarrollo Rural, Biología y carreras afines. Años de experiencia en el sector: 5 años Áreas generales de experiencia: En administración y operación de programas y actividades para el desarrollo forestal, así como recursos materiales, financieros y humanos. Capacidades Gerenciales: Visión estratégica, liderazgo y orientación a resultados. Capacidades técnicas: Conocimiento de la Administración Pública, Federal, conocimientos en materia forestal, administración de recursos materiales, financieros y humanos. Otros requerimientos: Dominio de programas de cómputo Microsoft office Disponibilidad para viajar: Si Saber manejar automóvil Con licencia de manejo vigente
Adscripción Gerencias Regionales
Nivel NA1 Tipo de Plaza Confianza
Periodo de la publicación Del 25 de enero al 08 de febrero del 2010 Vacantes 1
Sueldo mensual $ 25,254.76
Área general
de experiencia RECURSOS MATERIALES Descargar archivo de
Convocatoria 003/2010
Área específica
Contacto Lic. Jorge Luna
Municipio Zapopan
Descripción del Puesto 1. Mantener comunicación permanente con el Gerente Regional y las áreas operativas, para asegurar el buen desempeño de las actividades y programas de la Comisión Nacional Forestal. 2. Supervisar la aplicación de las políticas, reglamentos, normas, reglas, lineamientos y disposiciones, hacia las áreas operativas en el sector forestal para obtener los mejores resultados en la aplicación de los beneficiarios que se canalizan al medio rural a través de los programas de la CONAFOR. 3. Supervisar avances de programas e identificar problemas y detalles de la operación que retrasan y/o impiden el funcionamiento de los programas y acciones a la dependencia. 4. Mantener informado al Gerente Regional de la operación de los programas forestales. 5. Supervisar y reportar avances de los programas operativos a la gerencia y supervisar el seguimiento del cumplimiento de las metas presidenciales así como las actividades encomendadas a la jefaturas bajo su mando con la finalidad de que éstas estén realizando su trabajo oportunamente. 6. Representar a la Gerencia Regional en las comisiones que sean encomendadas para tener la cobertura necesaria en todos los asuntos que competen a la CONAFOR en su multiplicación de las relaciones institucionales y públicas con el propósito de que se evalúen los proyectos asignados. 7. Participar en la definición y operación del plan estratégico para la promoción y difusión de los programas de la CONAFOR. 8. Participar en la elaboración de planes de organización del sector forestal en cooperación con diferentes unidades de la Gerencia Regional y de oficinas centrales de la Comisión Nacional Forestal. 9. Apoyar en la coordinación de capacitación interna y externa del personal a su cargo. 10. Supervisar la recepción, captura, dictaminación, publicación y entrega de apoyos a los beneficiarios de los programas forestales.
Requisitos Nivel Académico: Licenciatura Grado de avance: Titulado Carreras: Licenciatura en Ingeniería Forestal, Agronomía, Desarrollo Rural, Biología y carreras afines. Años de experiencia en el sector: 5 años Áreas generales de experiencia: En administración y operación de programas y actividades para el desarrollo forestal, así como recursos materiales, financieros y humanos. Capacidades Gerenciales: Visión estratégica, liderazgo y orientación a resultados. Capacidades técnicas: Conocimiento de la Administración Pública, Federal, conocimientos en materia forestal, administración de recursos materiales, financieros y humanos. Otros requerimientos: Dominio de programas de cómputo Microsoft office Disponibilidad para viajar: Si Saber manejar automóvil Con licencia de manejo vigente
Adscripción Gerencias Regionales
Nivel NA1 Tipo de Plaza Confianza
Periodo de la publicación Del 25 de enero al 08 de febrero del 2010 Vacantes 1
Sueldo mensual $ 25,254.76
Área general
de experiencia RECURSOS MATERIALES Descargar archivo de
Convocatoria 003/2010
Área específica
Contacto Lic. Jorge Luna
Analista Tecnico de Suelos

Municipio Mexicali
Descripción del Puesto 1. Restaurar áreas degradadas y zonas críticas para incrementar la recarga de mantos acuíferos y detener la sedimentación y asolvamiento de cuerpos de agua. 2. Implementar la reconversión productiva para recuperar áreas degradadas o perturbadas para el uso forestal o agroforestal. 3. Realizar obras de protección, restauración y conservación de suelos para disminuir los impactos de desastres naturales y se recuperan la fertilidad y productividad de los suelos forestales degradados. 4. Conocer la zona donde se nos señalan las áreas prioritarias para identificar los puntos críticos donde la erosión es mas severa y produce cárcavas y/o destruye ciénegas. 5. Localizar y elaborar un levantamiento de la cuenca hidrológica que se va a restaurar proponer un proyecto integral para restaurar, conservar y prevenir erosiones en suelos forestales, mediante la creación de un sistema de bordos y presas para retención de azolves. 6. Concertar con los dueños de los predios dentro de las cuencas hidrológicas planes de acción elaborar expedientes técnicos y contratos de los proyectos a realizarse en el periodo a ejercer. 7. Elaborar los dictámenes de factibilidad de las solicitudes pro árbol, así como verificar en campo los finiquitos de obra.
Requisitos Nivel Académico: Licenciatura Grado de avance: Pasante Carreras: Ingeniero Forestal y carreras afines al puesto Años de Experiencia en el Área: 1 año Áreas Generales de experiencia: Operación de programas forestales o de conservación y restauración de suelos. Capacidades Gerenciales: Trabajo en equipo y Orientación a resultados Capacidades técnicas: Administración Pública Federal básica, Conservación y restauración de Suelos, Normatividad Forestal Otros requerimientos: Microsoft Office básico Disponibilidad para viajar: Sí
Adscripción Gerencias Regionales
Nivel PQ3 Tipo de Plaza Confianza
Periodo de la publicación Del 29 de enero al 12 de febrero del 2010 Vacantes 1
Sueldo mensual $ 10,577.20
Área general
de experiencia FORESTAL Descargar archivo de
Convocatoria 004/2010
Área específica
de experiencia SUELOS
Contacto Lic. Patricia Ortiz
martes, 26 de enero de 2010
Doctor en Ciencias
La Academia de Biología, Conservación y Manejo de Ecosistemas Terrestres (ABICMET) de la Universidad de Sonora, campus Hermosillo, tiene contemplada para este año la contratación de un Doctor en Ciencias con experiencia en las áreas de Biología, Conservación y/o Manejo de Ecosistemas Terrestres, para ocupar una plaza de Profesor-Investigador de Tiempo Completo. Previo a la publicación de la convocatoria oficial y con el propósito de prospectar la oferta de especialistas en las áreas mencionadas, se están recibiendo CV buscando establecer contacto con los posibles interesados.
Jesús Sánchez:
Jesús Sánchez:
Volunteer Opportunity
Submitted: 2010-01-24 12:40:41
Contact: Guido Saborio
WWW Link:
15 June-15 September 2010
10 September-15 December 2010
Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica.
Background Information
Friends of the Osa is a non-profit organization with a goal to preserve the Osa Peninsula’s globally significant biodiversity through research, conservation and education. Our Sea Turtle Conservation Program at Piro Beach has been in operation for more than 4 years, conserving and collecting scientific data of sea turtles nesting on this beach. There are two main species that visit our research site: the Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivaceae) and the Pacific Green Turtle or Black Turtle (Chelonia mydas agassizii). The Osa Peninsula, with 50% of Costa Rican species and the highest number of endemic species in the country, is an undeveloped paradise to enjoy solitary beaches and a stunning tropical forest.
The Research Field Assistants will be working with our Field Coordinator, a local person with more than 6 years of experience working with sea turtles on the Osa Peninsula. Night and early morning patrols are conducted on the beach as well as scientific data collection (number of turtles visiting the beach, following up nest history, turtle morphology, physical and chemical characteristics of the beach, along with other information useful in conservation work). The work requires lengthy walks on the beach and working almost all night long, depending on sea turtle activity. Also, the RFAs will be participating in educational activities and training and coordinating the work with volunteers. This season we are planning to have four people permanently on the beach: one field coordinator, and three research field assistants including a local person. This team will have the help of volunteers through our Volunteer Program.
1. Demonstrable experience working with sea turtles projects or vast experience working in scientific data collection projects with others taxonomy groups.
2. Conversational Spanish. Basic Spanish is required since the RFAs will be working with local people.
3. Be in good physical and medical condition (Patrols imply 5 to 8 km hikes; no severe eyesight problems or severe allergies to mosquito and sand flies bites).
4. Be willing to work hard in challenging conditions.
5. Have a personal insurance policy.
6. Be prepared to experience working in a remote place in the tropics
Research Field Assistantship (RFA) positions are voluntary and selected RFAs are expected to plan and finance their own travel to and from the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica.
Selected RFAs will receive food and board for the duration of their time working in the project. Travel between Piro Beach and Puerto Jiménez, the nearest town, will not be covered for the RFAs, unless it is part of an activity related with the project.
Volunteer Opportunity
Submitted: 2010-01-24 12:40:41
Contact: Guido Saborio
WWW Link:
15 June-15 September 2010
10 September-15 December 2010
Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica.
Background Information
Friends of the Osa is a non-profit organization with a goal to preserve the Osa Peninsula’s globally significant biodiversity through research, conservation and education. Our Sea Turtle Conservation Program at Piro Beach has been in operation for more than 4 years, conserving and collecting scientific data of sea turtles nesting on this beach. There are two main species that visit our research site: the Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivaceae) and the Pacific Green Turtle or Black Turtle (Chelonia mydas agassizii). The Osa Peninsula, with 50% of Costa Rican species and the highest number of endemic species in the country, is an undeveloped paradise to enjoy solitary beaches and a stunning tropical forest.
The Research Field Assistants will be working with our Field Coordinator, a local person with more than 6 years of experience working with sea turtles on the Osa Peninsula. Night and early morning patrols are conducted on the beach as well as scientific data collection (number of turtles visiting the beach, following up nest history, turtle morphology, physical and chemical characteristics of the beach, along with other information useful in conservation work). The work requires lengthy walks on the beach and working almost all night long, depending on sea turtle activity. Also, the RFAs will be participating in educational activities and training and coordinating the work with volunteers. This season we are planning to have four people permanently on the beach: one field coordinator, and three research field assistants including a local person. This team will have the help of volunteers through our Volunteer Program.
1. Demonstrable experience working with sea turtles projects or vast experience working in scientific data collection projects with others taxonomy groups.
2. Conversational Spanish. Basic Spanish is required since the RFAs will be working with local people.
3. Be in good physical and medical condition (Patrols imply 5 to 8 km hikes; no severe eyesight problems or severe allergies to mosquito and sand flies bites).
4. Be willing to work hard in challenging conditions.
5. Have a personal insurance policy.
6. Be prepared to experience working in a remote place in the tropics
Research Field Assistantship (RFA) positions are voluntary and selected RFAs are expected to plan and finance their own travel to and from the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica.
Selected RFAs will receive food and board for the duration of their time working in the project. Travel between Piro Beach and Puerto Jiménez, the nearest town, will not be covered for the RFAs, unless it is part of an activity related with the project.
Subgerente Operativo Regional JALISCO
Subgerente Operativo Regional Clave de la
Convocatoria 003/2010
Municipio Zapopan
Descripción del Puesto 1. Mantener comunicación permanente con el Gerente Regional y las áreas operativas, para asegurar el buen desempeño de las actividades y programas de la Comisión Nacional Forestal. 2. Supervisar la aplicación de las políticas, reglamentos, normas, reglas, lineamientos y disposiciones, hacia las áreas operativas en el sector forestal para obtener los mejores resultados en la aplicación de los beneficiarios que se canalizan al medio rural a través de los programas de la CONAFOR. 3. Supervisar avances de programas e identificar problemas y detalles de la operación que retrasan y/o impiden el funcionamiento de los programas y acciones a la dependencia. 4. Mantener informado al Gerente Regional de la operación de los programas forestales. 5. Supervisar y reportar avances de los programas operativos a la gerencia y supervisar el seguimiento del cumplimiento de las metas presidenciales así como las actividades encomendadas a la jefaturas bajo su mando con la finalidad de que éstas estén realizando su trabajo oportunamente. 6. Representar a la Gerencia Regional en las comisiones que sean encomendadas para tener la cobertura necesaria en todos los asuntos que competen a la CONAFOR en su multiplicación de las relaciones institucionales y públicas con el propósito de que se evalúen los proyectos asignados. 7. Participar en la definición y operación del plan estratégico para la promoción y difusión de los programas de la CONAFOR. 8. Participar en la elaboración de planes de organización del sector forestal en cooperación con diferentes unidades de la Gerencia Regional y de oficinas centrales de la Comisión Nacional Forestal. 9. Apoyar en la coordinación de capacitación interna y externa del personal a su cargo. 10. Supervisar la recepción, captura, dictaminación, publicación y entrega de apoyos a los beneficiarios de los programas forestales.
Requisitos Nivel Académico: Licenciatura Grado de avance: Titulado Carreras: Licenciatura en Ingeniería Forestal, Agronomía, Desarrollo Rural, Biología y carreras afines. Años de experiencia en el sector: 5 años Áreas generales de experiencia: En administración y operación de programas y actividades para el desarrollo forestal, así como recursos materiales, financieros y humanos. Capacidades Gerenciales: Visión estratégica, liderazgo y orientación a resultados. Capacidades técnicas: Conocimiento de la Administración Pública, Federal, conocimientos en materia forestal, administración de recursos materiales, financieros y humanos. Otros requerimientos: Dominio de programas de cómputo Microsoft office Disponibilidad para viajar: Si Saber manejar automóvil Con licencia de manejo vigente
Adscripción Gerencias Regionales
Nivel NA1 Tipo de Plaza Confianza
Periodo de la publicación Del 25 de enero al 08 de febrero del 2010 Vacantes 1
Sueldo mensual $ 25,254.76
Área general
de experiencia RECURSOS MATERIALES Descargar archivo de
Convocatoria 003/2010
Área específica
Contacto Lic. Jorge Luna
Convocatoria 003/2010
Municipio Zapopan
Descripción del Puesto 1. Mantener comunicación permanente con el Gerente Regional y las áreas operativas, para asegurar el buen desempeño de las actividades y programas de la Comisión Nacional Forestal. 2. Supervisar la aplicación de las políticas, reglamentos, normas, reglas, lineamientos y disposiciones, hacia las áreas operativas en el sector forestal para obtener los mejores resultados en la aplicación de los beneficiarios que se canalizan al medio rural a través de los programas de la CONAFOR. 3. Supervisar avances de programas e identificar problemas y detalles de la operación que retrasan y/o impiden el funcionamiento de los programas y acciones a la dependencia. 4. Mantener informado al Gerente Regional de la operación de los programas forestales. 5. Supervisar y reportar avances de los programas operativos a la gerencia y supervisar el seguimiento del cumplimiento de las metas presidenciales así como las actividades encomendadas a la jefaturas bajo su mando con la finalidad de que éstas estén realizando su trabajo oportunamente. 6. Representar a la Gerencia Regional en las comisiones que sean encomendadas para tener la cobertura necesaria en todos los asuntos que competen a la CONAFOR en su multiplicación de las relaciones institucionales y públicas con el propósito de que se evalúen los proyectos asignados. 7. Participar en la definición y operación del plan estratégico para la promoción y difusión de los programas de la CONAFOR. 8. Participar en la elaboración de planes de organización del sector forestal en cooperación con diferentes unidades de la Gerencia Regional y de oficinas centrales de la Comisión Nacional Forestal. 9. Apoyar en la coordinación de capacitación interna y externa del personal a su cargo. 10. Supervisar la recepción, captura, dictaminación, publicación y entrega de apoyos a los beneficiarios de los programas forestales.
Requisitos Nivel Académico: Licenciatura Grado de avance: Titulado Carreras: Licenciatura en Ingeniería Forestal, Agronomía, Desarrollo Rural, Biología y carreras afines. Años de experiencia en el sector: 5 años Áreas generales de experiencia: En administración y operación de programas y actividades para el desarrollo forestal, así como recursos materiales, financieros y humanos. Capacidades Gerenciales: Visión estratégica, liderazgo y orientación a resultados. Capacidades técnicas: Conocimiento de la Administración Pública, Federal, conocimientos en materia forestal, administración de recursos materiales, financieros y humanos. Otros requerimientos: Dominio de programas de cómputo Microsoft office Disponibilidad para viajar: Si Saber manejar automóvil Con licencia de manejo vigente
Adscripción Gerencias Regionales
Nivel NA1 Tipo de Plaza Confianza
Periodo de la publicación Del 25 de enero al 08 de febrero del 2010 Vacantes 1
Sueldo mensual $ 25,254.76
Área general
de experiencia RECURSOS MATERIALES Descargar archivo de
Convocatoria 003/2010
Área específica
Contacto Lic. Jorge Luna
lunes, 18 de enero de 2010
La Comisión Nacional Forestal convoca
1. Promotor de Desarrollo Forestal en Guerrero
2. Jefe del Departamento de Planeación e Informática en Chiapas
Para ver las convocatorias:
2. Jefe del Departamento de Planeación e Informática en Chiapas
Para ver las convocatorias:
Volunteer research experience in the Peruvian Amazon
We are pleased to announce volunteer placements with Fauna Forever Tambopata, a long-term eco-tourism and wildlife monitoring project based in and around Tambopata National Reserve, a biodiversity hotspot located at the base of the Andes in western Amazonia. This is a perfect experience for students taking a semester off, recent graduates, or anyone who would like to gain tropical field experience in mammal, avian, and insect research and monitoring.
The project operates in Phases, volunteers are invited to apply for one or more phases
Phase 3: January 24 - March 4
Phase 4: March 10 - April 18
Phase 5: April 24 - June 2
Phase 6: June 8 - July 17
Phase 7: July 23 - August 31
Please see or email for more information.
Ashley Anne Wick
Insect Team Coordinator
Fauna Forever Tambopata
For more info, contact:
Ashley Anne Wick
The project operates in Phases, volunteers are invited to apply for one or more phases
Phase 3: January 24 - March 4
Phase 4: March 10 - April 18
Phase 5: April 24 - June 2
Phase 6: June 8 - July 17
Phase 7: July 23 - August 31
Please see or email for more information.
Ashley Anne Wick
Insect Team Coordinator
Fauna Forever Tambopata
For more info, contact:
Ashley Anne Wick
Marine Mammal Internships 2010-2011
Marine Mammal Research Internships 2010-2011
(For a detailed description and application, please see our website at
The Whale Center of New England, located in Gloucester, MA, is a non-profit research organization involved with the study of the behavior, ecology, and natural history of the whales and dolphins found in the waters off of Massachusetts. The Whale Center is also heavily involved with habitat conservation and education programs. We are currently looking to fill research internships for the Summer (May 24 - August 20) and Fall (August 16 - December 17) semesters of 2010, and Spring (January 31 - May 27) semesters of 2011. Please note: All positions are filled in the spring of each year.
The Whale Center of New England internship provides experience needed to further pursue fields in marine biology and animal behavior. It is our goal to provide college students and recent graduates with the opportunity to collect valuable information important to the marine mammal field and to see how this information is used in management and conservation efforts in this area. Each internship session offers different experiences in marine mammal science that will depend on the season. These duties may include, but are not limited to: extensive photo-identification and computer work (training provided), field data collection aboard commercial whale watching vessels and our 42’ research vessel The Mysticete, attendance at necropsies (whale autopsies), marine mammal stranding response, harbor seal surveys and attendance at conferences and meetings.
The internship fee is $1250 and in return interns will receive housing in Gloucester within walking distance to the office and boats. A common apartment is used, where interns live together and share cooking and cleaning duties. Rooms are shared with one other person. A living arrangement such as this is conductive to open discussion and interaction between peers and home life is often a continuation of the day in the field. Also, college credit may be arranged by the student through their department or as an independent research program at their college or university. The Whale Center of New England encourages this, and will take whatever steps are required to facilitate such efforts.
Internship applicants should have the following:
* A background in biology, zoology, or related field
* Some knowledge of research methods and design
* An ability to work, live and communicate well with others
* Enthusiasm and dedication to work long days (sometimes 12 hours or more) in the field or office
* Completed their freshmen year at the time of application
In order to apply for an internship: please send a resume, a cover letter detailing your reason(s) for applying, one letter of reference, and an updated transcript. Once your application has been received, an interview will be arranged. In-person interviews are preferred, necessitating travel to Gloucester, MA, during one of two weekends in March 2010 (to be determined at a later date). All applications must be submitted by March 1, 2010. Applicants should note which semesters they are applying for (a single application may enter an applicant into the pool for more than one session, in case they are not selected for their first choice). All positions are highly competitive. Because of an increased work calendar during the summer session, volunteer positions are also available.
Application materials and questions regarding the internship should be directed to the intern coordinator: Jenn Tackaberry
For more info, contact:
Jennifer Tackaberry
P.O. Box 159
Gloucester, MA 01930
978-281-6351 (office)
978-281-5666 (fax)
(For a detailed description and application, please see our website at
The Whale Center of New England, located in Gloucester, MA, is a non-profit research organization involved with the study of the behavior, ecology, and natural history of the whales and dolphins found in the waters off of Massachusetts. The Whale Center is also heavily involved with habitat conservation and education programs. We are currently looking to fill research internships for the Summer (May 24 - August 20) and Fall (August 16 - December 17) semesters of 2010, and Spring (January 31 - May 27) semesters of 2011. Please note: All positions are filled in the spring of each year.
The Whale Center of New England internship provides experience needed to further pursue fields in marine biology and animal behavior. It is our goal to provide college students and recent graduates with the opportunity to collect valuable information important to the marine mammal field and to see how this information is used in management and conservation efforts in this area. Each internship session offers different experiences in marine mammal science that will depend on the season. These duties may include, but are not limited to: extensive photo-identification and computer work (training provided), field data collection aboard commercial whale watching vessels and our 42’ research vessel The Mysticete, attendance at necropsies (whale autopsies), marine mammal stranding response, harbor seal surveys and attendance at conferences and meetings.
The internship fee is $1250 and in return interns will receive housing in Gloucester within walking distance to the office and boats. A common apartment is used, where interns live together and share cooking and cleaning duties. Rooms are shared with one other person. A living arrangement such as this is conductive to open discussion and interaction between peers and home life is often a continuation of the day in the field. Also, college credit may be arranged by the student through their department or as an independent research program at their college or university. The Whale Center of New England encourages this, and will take whatever steps are required to facilitate such efforts.
Internship applicants should have the following:
* A background in biology, zoology, or related field
* Some knowledge of research methods and design
* An ability to work, live and communicate well with others
* Enthusiasm and dedication to work long days (sometimes 12 hours or more) in the field or office
* Completed their freshmen year at the time of application
In order to apply for an internship: please send a resume, a cover letter detailing your reason(s) for applying, one letter of reference, and an updated transcript. Once your application has been received, an interview will be arranged. In-person interviews are preferred, necessitating travel to Gloucester, MA, during one of two weekends in March 2010 (to be determined at a later date). All applications must be submitted by March 1, 2010. Applicants should note which semesters they are applying for (a single application may enter an applicant into the pool for more than one session, in case they are not selected for their first choice). All positions are highly competitive. Because of an increased work calendar during the summer session, volunteer positions are also available.
Application materials and questions regarding the internship should be directed to the intern coordinator: Jenn Tackaberry
For more info, contact:
Jennifer Tackaberry
P.O. Box 159
Gloucester, MA 01930
978-281-6351 (office)
978-281-5666 (fax)
Amphibian Ecology – Research Assistant
Job Description: I am a PhD student at Florida International University and my doctoral research is focused on the effects of landscape connectivity and fragmentation on amphibian community structure. I am looking for an assistant to help me with amphibian surveys within the La Selva property and in surrounding forest fragments. The work will largely consist of establishing transects and quadrats in forest habitat and conducting nighttime surveys to assess species composition at each site. Assistants will gain experience with the implementation of standardized biodiversity surveys, identification of local herpetofauna, techniques for marking animals and collecting tissue samples, use of scientific instruments for sampling the physical environment, and experience with data management and analysis.
I will provide food and accommodations at La Selva Biological Station or off-station accommodation.
Duration: 24 February 2010 – 15 July 2010 (with possibility for extension)
Must have or be working toward a B.S. in Biology or related field.
Spanish and GIS skills are a plus.
Must be willing to work 22 days per month in difficult field conditions.
For more info, contact:
Interested applicants should submit a cover letter detailing any relevant experience, a CV, and contact information for two references via email.
I will provide food and accommodations at La Selva Biological Station or off-station accommodation.
Duration: 24 February 2010 – 15 July 2010 (with possibility for extension)
Must have or be working toward a B.S. in Biology or related field.
Spanish and GIS skills are a plus.
Must be willing to work 22 days per month in difficult field conditions.
For more info, contact:
Interested applicants should submit a cover letter detailing any relevant experience, a CV, and contact information for two references via email.
viernes, 15 de enero de 2010
Ecosur Campeche
Asistente de Monitoreo y Evaluación
Para quienes esten interesados:
Una vacante en el PNUD-CONANP para el puesto de Asistente de Monitoreo y Evaluación, dicho puesto requiere: Manejo de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (ArcMap 9.2), desarrollo regional, manejo de bases de datos (Acces), identificación de cambios de uso de suelo y vegetación, manejo y generación de información. Familiarizado con la planeación por objetivos. Manejo de vehículos (licencia de conducir vigente), experiencia en trabajo de campo. Es indispenable saber conducir en carretera y terracería.
Es para radicar por lo menos 4 meses en el estado de Guerrero en el municipio de Tlapa.
Interesado favor de consultar el siguiente link a partir del día de mañana.
Cualquier duda o comentario favor de dirigirse a este correo.
Saludos cordiales
Juan José Patiño Islas
Monitoreo y Evaluación
Manejo Integrado de Ecosistemas
Programa de Las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD)
Daniel Soto No. 393, Int. 2 Col. Maria Luisa
68320 Tuxtepec, Oax.
Tel. 01 2878757821 01 2878757821
Cel. 044 (55) 1481 0960
Una vacante en el PNUD-CONANP para el puesto de Asistente de Monitoreo y Evaluación, dicho puesto requiere: Manejo de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (ArcMap 9.2), desarrollo regional, manejo de bases de datos (Acces), identificación de cambios de uso de suelo y vegetación, manejo y generación de información. Familiarizado con la planeación por objetivos. Manejo de vehículos (licencia de conducir vigente), experiencia en trabajo de campo. Es indispenable saber conducir en carretera y terracería.
Es para radicar por lo menos 4 meses en el estado de Guerrero en el municipio de Tlapa.
Interesado favor de consultar el siguiente link a partir del día de mañana.
Cualquier duda o comentario favor de dirigirse a este correo.
Saludos cordiales
Juan José Patiño Islas
Monitoreo y Evaluación
Manejo Integrado de Ecosistemas
Programa de Las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD)
Daniel Soto No. 393, Int. 2 Col. Maria Luisa
68320 Tuxtepec, Oax.
Tel. 01 2878757821 01 2878757821
Cel. 044 (55) 1481 0960
miércoles, 13 de enero de 2010
Programa de becas Fundación BBVA-Fundacion Carolina en Espacios
Naturales Protegidos.
- Ser nacional de algun pais de la Comunidad Iberoamericana de Naciones, excepto España.
- No tener la residencia en España.
- Estar en posesion de un titulo superior universitario.
- Tener alguna experiencia previa academica o profesional en el ambito de las areas protegidas.
- Disponer de una direccion de correo electronico.
Estas becas ya pueden solicitarse. EL PLAZO ACABA EL 1 DE MARZO DE 2010.
Toda la informacion y las solicitudes on-line estan en la web
(tambien puede accederse navegando desde la pagina general de la
Fundacion Carolina buscando
sucesivamente en becas, posgrados en medio ambiente y, finalmente,
Master en Espacios Naturales Protegidos).
Se ruega la difusion de esta informacion.
Programa de becas Fundación BBVA-Fundacion Carolina en Espacios
Naturales Protegidos.
- Ser nacional de algun pais de la Comunidad Iberoamericana de Naciones, excepto España.
- No tener la residencia en España.
- Estar en posesion de un titulo superior universitario.
- Tener alguna experiencia previa academica o profesional en el ambito de las areas protegidas.
- Disponer de una direccion de correo electronico.
Estas becas ya pueden solicitarse. EL PLAZO ACABA EL 1 DE MARZO DE 2010.
Toda la informacion y las solicitudes on-line estan en la web
(tambien puede accederse navegando desde la pagina general de la
Fundacion Carolina buscando
sucesivamente en becas, posgrados en medio ambiente y, finalmente,
Master en Espacios Naturales Protegidos).
Se ruega la difusion de esta informacion.
martes, 12 de enero de 2010
season–Each year we seek outgoing, enthusiastic, and hard-working people
to join us at Broome Bird Observatory in Western Australia as Assistant
Wardens from mid-Mar to the end of Oct. We are currently seeking
applicants for 2010. The role involves living at the Observatory and
working in a small team environment. Duties include: **Assisting
overnight guests and greeting day visitors; **Daily cleaning and
facility maintenance; **Running the small shop and taking accommodation
reservations & tour bookings ; **Conducting bird watching tours
(training provided); **Assisting with ongoing research. It is essential
that applicants hold a C class drivers license (or equivalent) with no
restrictions and be immediately eligible to apply for an F class
endorsement (requires a minimum of four years licensed driving
experience). The BBO has a Special Program status from the Department of
Immigration and Citizenship and can provide successful overseas
applicants with the opportunity to apply for visas to join the BBO
program. General terms and conditions include a small weekly stipend,
food allowance, furnished accommodation, annual leave and a contribution
to relocation if applicable. For further information about the
observatory and download further details of the post visit our website
(URL: or contact
the Warden, NIK WARD [EM: broomebirds AT, PH: (08) 9193
5600] for further details.
season–Each year we seek outgoing, enthusiastic, and hard-working people
to join us at Broome Bird Observatory in Western Australia as Assistant
Wardens from mid-Mar to the end of Oct. We are currently seeking
applicants for 2010. The role involves living at the Observatory and
working in a small team environment. Duties include: **Assisting
overnight guests and greeting day visitors; **Daily cleaning and
facility maintenance; **Running the small shop and taking accommodation
reservations & tour bookings ; **Conducting bird watching tours
(training provided); **Assisting with ongoing research. It is essential
that applicants hold a C class drivers license (or equivalent) with no
restrictions and be immediately eligible to apply for an F class
endorsement (requires a minimum of four years licensed driving
experience). The BBO has a Special Program status from the Department of
Immigration and Citizenship and can provide successful overseas
applicants with the opportunity to apply for visas to join the BBO
program. General terms and conditions include a small weekly stipend,
food allowance, furnished accommodation, annual leave and a contribution
to relocation if applicable. For further information about the
observatory and download further details of the post visit our website
(URL: or contact
the Warden, NIK WARD [EM: broomebirds AT, PH: (08) 9193
5600] for further details.
Asistente en Monteverde, Costa Rica
VOLUNTEER TROPICAL RESEARCH ASSISSTANT in Monteverde, Costa Rica. The work will be monitoring and assessment of reforestation areas at the Cloud Forest School, where students in grades K to 11 have been reforesting abandoned pastures to restore the tropical cloud forest. I am seeking someone to assist with tree measurements, counting seedlings, assessing ground cover, and data entry. The assistant will also work with and help mentor high school students on the project. There is also the opportunity to monitor the bird community in terms of diversity and abundance in the reforestation areas. The assistant must have field experience, bird identification skills, and be able to work independently. Pay is not available, but this is an ideal opportunity to develop an independent project or be a co-author on a publication. The assistant is needed in early to mid March for two to three months.
For more info, contact:
Patricia Townsend
Ph. D. Candidate
Department of Biology
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
For more info, contact:
Patricia Townsend
Ph. D. Candidate
Department of Biology
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Capuchin monkey internship
I am seeking to fill 6 one-year internships over the course of the next year, the first of which is available starting in late Feb/early March 2011. Details about the position and application instructions are found on my website: Please read the detailed guide about working conditions BEFORE applying. The Lomas Barbudal Monkey Project is currently starting its 20th year and monitors 10 habituated social groups of monkeys for which genetic relationships and social relationship histories are known. The primary focus of current research is male migration decisions and female counter-strategies to infanticide. Field interns will collect behavioral data and assist in the processing of fecal samples for genetic and hormonal analysis. There is a rolling deadline for applications, but the stiffest competition is for the positions opening in the summer. Please apply 3 months in advance of your first possible start date if possible. For further information, read the publications listed on the website, or read the semi-popular book about the research project: Manipulative Monkeys: The Capuchins of Lomas Barbudal.
For more info, contact:
Susan Perry
sperry (at)
Dept of Anthropology, 341 Haines Hall
375 Portola Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1553
For more info, contact:
Susan Perry
sperry (at)
Dept of Anthropology, 341 Haines Hall
375 Portola Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1553
Sierra Gorda
El Proyecto Sierra Gorda para un Jefe de Ecoturismo. Se busca una persona que tenga algunos años de experiencia no sólo en ecoturismo sino también en desarrollo de proyectos comunitarios, que hable inglés, que tenga vigente su licencia para manejar y la disponibilidad para vivir en la sierra gorda. Pida informes con Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda o al teléfono 01 441 2960242 con Mariana B Reyna F.
Oceanografia fisica
El Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería en Tampico tiene disponible un puesto en el Área de Oceanografía Física. Pueden solicitar información por e-mail con Sergio Jiménez en y ver los detalles en:
sábado, 9 de enero de 2010
Estimados Alumnos:
Por este conducto, les informó que requiero estudiante para prácticas profesionales en el área de la Neurobiología.
1. Le guste el área de la Neurobiología
2. Leer textos en Inglés
3. Promedio mínimo de 85
4. Comprometida (o) y responsable
1. Aprender técnicas en el área de la Neurobiología para incrementar CV
2. Participar en Congresos (Nacional o Internacional)
3. Realizar tu tesis durante las prácticas profesionales
4. Innovar la Metodología ya existente en el laboratorio
Interesados favor de comunicarse con:
Dra. Laura Guadalupe Medina Ceja
Profesor-Investigador Titular
Departamento de Biologia Celular y Molecular, Universidad de Guadalajara
Tel. +33 37771191 ext. 3201
Fax +33 37771171
Por este conducto, les informó que requiero estudiante para prácticas profesionales en el área de la Neurobiología.
1. Le guste el área de la Neurobiología
2. Leer textos en Inglés
3. Promedio mínimo de 85
4. Comprometida (o) y responsable
1. Aprender técnicas en el área de la Neurobiología para incrementar CV
2. Participar en Congresos (Nacional o Internacional)
3. Realizar tu tesis durante las prácticas profesionales
4. Innovar la Metodología ya existente en el laboratorio
Interesados favor de comunicarse con:
Dra. Laura Guadalupe Medina Ceja
Profesor-Investigador Titular
Departamento de Biologia Celular y Molecular, Universidad de Guadalajara
Tel. +33 37771191 ext. 3201
Fax +33 37771171
4volunteers in St Lucia
Since the 1970’s Durrell has been working with the Saint Lucia Ministry of Agriculture’s Forestry Department on conservation of the island’s biodiversity. Durrell’s conservation approach is primarily species led and we focus on the monitoring, protection and management of rare, endemic and highly threatened species.
To achieve our conservation goals, we rely on the support that volunteers can provide to these long term projects. We are currently looking for four volunteers to commit to six months in St Lucia, starting in February 2010.
In the first half of 2010, volunteer activities will be focused around the following, with an emphasis on the first two:
• Implementing control techniques for removing alien invasive iguanas that have been inadvertently introduced into the wild in the South West of Saint Lucia and threaten the genetic integrity of Saint Lucia iguanas (in the North East of Saint Lucia) through hybridization and competition.
• Management of a translocated meta-population of Saint Lucia whiptail lizards.
• Monitoring the southern sub-population of the white-breasted thrasher on Saint Lucia.
• Examining gene flow and geographic structuring of DNA variation in the fragmented northern sub-population of the white-breasted thrasher.
Ideally, applicants will have a background in biological sciences (preferably at graduate level) and experience of working in the tropics. However, similar prior experience, a determination to work, under sometimes uncomfortable or frustrating conditions, combined with good physical fitness and careful attention to data recording are the most important attributes we look for. Volunteers will work alongside SLFD staff and local communities around our field sites.
We need you to cover your flight, vaccinations and personal equipment but we will cover your insurance and in-country costs for basic subsistence and accommodation. Personal equipment that you will need to cover are basic (work clothes, good boots, reliable watch, torch, etc) but we do also ask you to bring your own tent and sleeping mat.
This is the ideal opportunity for someone looking for practical conservation experience working with some of the world's most threatened species. However, this is also fulltime work that requires the volunteer to be independent and self-motivated. Working hours are typically long and usually for 6 days per week with one day off. But the opportunity to live and work in a tropical country on real conservation projects will be more than compensation for this for the right candidates.
Full details of work are available at from 1-8-2010
For more info, contact:
If you wish to apply, please ensure that you have read the longer job description first (the PDF at and then contact submitting each of the following: a 2 page CV (résumé), a cover letter, Durrell’s application form available at and email contact details for two references. The selection process will involve short-listing and a phone interview for the short listed candidates with our Eastern Caribbean Programme Manager, Matthew Morton.
To achieve our conservation goals, we rely on the support that volunteers can provide to these long term projects. We are currently looking for four volunteers to commit to six months in St Lucia, starting in February 2010.
In the first half of 2010, volunteer activities will be focused around the following, with an emphasis on the first two:
• Implementing control techniques for removing alien invasive iguanas that have been inadvertently introduced into the wild in the South West of Saint Lucia and threaten the genetic integrity of Saint Lucia iguanas (in the North East of Saint Lucia) through hybridization and competition.
• Management of a translocated meta-population of Saint Lucia whiptail lizards.
• Monitoring the southern sub-population of the white-breasted thrasher on Saint Lucia.
• Examining gene flow and geographic structuring of DNA variation in the fragmented northern sub-population of the white-breasted thrasher.
Ideally, applicants will have a background in biological sciences (preferably at graduate level) and experience of working in the tropics. However, similar prior experience, a determination to work, under sometimes uncomfortable or frustrating conditions, combined with good physical fitness and careful attention to data recording are the most important attributes we look for. Volunteers will work alongside SLFD staff and local communities around our field sites.
We need you to cover your flight, vaccinations and personal equipment but we will cover your insurance and in-country costs for basic subsistence and accommodation. Personal equipment that you will need to cover are basic (work clothes, good boots, reliable watch, torch, etc) but we do also ask you to bring your own tent and sleeping mat.
This is the ideal opportunity for someone looking for practical conservation experience working with some of the world's most threatened species. However, this is also fulltime work that requires the volunteer to be independent and self-motivated. Working hours are typically long and usually for 6 days per week with one day off. But the opportunity to live and work in a tropical country on real conservation projects will be more than compensation for this for the right candidates.
Full details of work are available at from 1-8-2010
For more info, contact:
If you wish to apply, please ensure that you have read the longer job description first (the PDF at and then contact submitting each of the following: a 2 page CV (résumé), a cover letter, Durrell’s application form available at and email contact details for two references. The selection process will involve short-listing and a phone interview for the short listed candidates with our Eastern Caribbean Programme Manager, Matthew Morton.
American Redstarts in Jamaica
FIELD ASSISTANT- Immediate Replacement Sought! One of our field assistants had to back out at the last minute and as a result we are seeking a field assistant for a project working with American Redstarts in Jamaica. Project begins ASAP and continues until May 15th. Departure dates to Jamaica could be as early as January 15. Applicants must already have a valid US Passport. Assistants can expect long hours in the field, at least six days per week, wading in mangrove swamps inhabited with crocodiles and maneuvering through dense second growth scrub. Competitive applicants will have experience in netting, banding, and bleeding birds and will have the ability to re-sight small active color-banded birds. Experience collecting foraging behavioral data on small songbirds is a plus, but not required. This is an all expenses paid volunteer position (i.e. no salary, but travel to and from Jamaica as well as good Jamaican food and comfortable sea-side lodging are provided). Send cover letter, CV, and phone numbers for 3 references to NATHAN COOPER as soon as possible (EM: nathanwands AT Please include “Jamaica Field Assistant” in the subject line.
Animal behavior Kenia
A research assistant is needed to conduct research on associations between host behavior and parasite infection in Grant’s gazelle in Kenya. The successful applicant will conduct behavioral observations on free-ranging Grant’s gazelles; collect and analyze fecal samples for parasites, hormones and nutrition; collate and enter data; and maintain and manage project equipment. The position requires 14 months residence at the Mpala Research Center ( located in central Kenya. The ideal candidate will have a B.A. or B.S. in biology, ecology, or a related field, and experience conducting independent research (e.g. undergraduate senior thesis or independent project). Previous experience collecting animal behavior data in the field is preferred. Independence, good communication skills, and a good attitude are key qualities in a successful applicant.
The position begins April 1, 2010 and ends June 30, 2011. The successful applicant will be based at the University of Montana, Missoula from April 1 to May 1, and will relocate to the field site in Kenya starting in May 2010. Room, board, a monthly stipend and one roundtrip airline ticket are provided. Interested individuals should submit a one-page cover letter outlining their interest in the position, and a CV including the names and contact information for three references to Vanessa Ezenwa ( Applications will be accepted until February 15th 2010.
The position begins April 1, 2010 and ends June 30, 2011. The successful applicant will be based at the University of Montana, Missoula from April 1 to May 1, and will relocate to the field site in Kenya starting in May 2010. Room, board, a monthly stipend and one roundtrip airline ticket are provided. Interested individuals should submit a one-page cover letter outlining their interest in the position, and a CV including the names and contact information for three references to Vanessa Ezenwa ( Applications will be accepted until February 15th 2010.
Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands
Following 5 years of highly successful community-driven marine resource management initiatives in the Indian Ocean Islands, C3 has developed a strong regional network of projects and now has four positions available for interns to work on an international placement at both our Comoros and Madagascar offices. This will provide a unique opportunity to gain insight into the reality of coastal and marine biodiversity management in two contrasting developing island nations. With the chance for hands-on socio-economic and ecological field research, capacity-building for local partner institutions, design and implementation of social marketing campaigns and a chance for keen writers to publish research findings, this internship provides a well-rounded and practical experience perfect for building a career in international marine conservation.
Candidates should send in a CV and brief cover letter to Patricia Davis :
Limited places are available from March 2010, year-round. See for more details and please read the Internship Brief before applying.
Candidates should send in a CV and brief cover letter to Patricia Davis :
Limited places are available from March 2010, year-round. See for more details and please read the Internship Brief before applying.
viernes, 1 de enero de 2010
Analista de Atención a Proveedores de Servicios Ambientales
Clave de la Convocatoria 127/2009
Municipio Zapopan
Descripción del Puesto 1. Asesorar a los proveedores de servicios ambientales sobre la información solicitada, para facilitar los procesos y el logro de objetivos. 2. Desarrollar el seguimiento en coordinación con los enlaces de las Gerencias Regionales de los proveedores de servicios ambientales beneficiados por el PSA nacional. 3. Integrar la información necesaria para atender las quejas e inconformidades de los conceptos de servicios ambientales. 4. Informar a los beneficiarios, del resultado de las verificaciones realizadas en campo, principalmente cuando se manifiesten irregularidades relacionados con compromisos adquiridos por el programa. 5. Impartir cursos de capacitación para que los proveedores de los servicios ambientales cuenten con bases más claras sobre los requerimientos necesarios para ingresar debidamente su solicitud de apoyo. 6. Diagnosticar la validez de la documentación legal y la propuesta técnica de los conceptos de Servicios Ambientales. 7. Diseñar en coordinación con el especialista en Estrategias Sociales y Organización, la implementación de acciones que permitan elaborar una guía, para identificar el grado de organización de los proveedores de servicios ambientales. 8. Atender en forma directa o con el apoyo de los promotores del programa, coordinadores de APROMSA o técnicos comunitarios, la asistencia técnica a los proveedores de servicios ambientales y profesionales técnicos que los apoyan, para resolver sus dudas, inconformidades o quejas. 9. En coordinación con el área de Estadística y Base de Datos, se deberán registrar las actualizaciones derivadas de las atenciones realizadas a los beneficiarios, con la finalidad de llevar un control de seguimiento confiable para que sea una adecuada herramienta o consulta.
Requisitos Nivel Académico: Licenciatura Grado de avance: Pasante Carreras: Forestal, Biología, Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Años de Experiencia en el Área: 2 años Áreas Generales de experiencia: Preferentemente en el Ámbito Forestal Capacidades Gerenciales: Orientación a Resultados y Trabajo en Equipo. Capacidades técnicas: Nociones Generales de la Administración Pública Federal, Conocimiento de la Ley de Desarrollo Forestal Sustentable y su Reglamento, Conocimientos en Conservación, Restauración y Manejo Forestal, Nociones Generales sobre economía y valoración de recursos naturales. Otros requerimientos: Word, Excel y Power Point Disponibilidad para viajar: Sí
Adscripción Gerencia de Servicios Ambientales del Bosque
Nivel PA1 Tipo de Plaza Confianza
Periodo de la publicación Del 28 de diciembre al 11 de enero del 2010 Vacantes 1
Sueldo mensual $ 14,297.37
Área general de experiencia FORESTAL
Área específica de experiencia CONSERVACIÓN
Contacto Lic. Rocío Flores
Jefe del Departamento de Incendios
Clave de la Convocatoria 126/2009
Municipio Pabellon de Arteaga
Descripción del Puesto 1. En lo que corresponde a Presupresión: Planeación basada en el Método de Áreas Prioritarias, elaboración del Programa de Manejo del Fuego y su Programa Operativo Anual, preparación y entrega de uniformes y herramienta tradicional y/o especializada, mantenimiento vehicular y equipo de radiocomunicación, así como la gestión de los recursos financieros asignados al ejercicio del programa. 2. En lo que respecta a Prevención las funciones consisten en la ejecución de las actividades plasmadas en el Programa Operativo Anual sobre Prevención física: Apertura y/o relimpia de brechas cortafuego, establecimiento de Líneas negras, quemas prescritas, mantenimiento de brechas de acceso, dando preferencia a las zonas criticas de cada región. Impulso ala Prevención Cultural y reforzamiento de la Prevención Legal. 3. En los que corresponde a Detección y Combate de incendios: Operar la estructura de recursos humanos: Coordinadores Regionales, torreros, radio operadores, jefes de brigada, choferes, auxiliares operativos, Coordinador Aéreo, Coordinador de Maquinaria pesada, Capitán de Carro Motobomba, Operadores de Motobombas portátiles, de gabinete, etc., para la pronta detección y combate de un incendio. 4. Gestión con las instancias que integran los Comités Estatales y Regionales, para difundir el Programa Operativo Anual, avances en atención a reportes de incendios, cierre de la temporada de incendios y propiciar la participación proactiva en cada una de las etapas del Programa mencionado. 5. Supervisar la elaboración y envío de informes estadísticos diarios, en materia de ocurrencia de incendios forestales. 6. Supervisar e instruir al personal con el fin de que se atiendan los reportes y se de seguimiento a la detección y combate de los incendios forestales. 7. Analizar los reportes de campo diarios del personal combatiente y en caso de reportarse tiempo extraordinario y apoyo de alimentación, elaborar de manera oportuna el informe correspondiente, a fin de que les sea retribuido adecuadamente. 8. Capacitación y asesoría técnica a productores, brigadistas de CONAFOR, otras dependencias, Comunidades y/o Ejidos en materia de prevención y combate de incendios forestales, el uso del fuego y la seguridad en el combate. 9. Mantener un programa de acondicionamiento físico del personal oficial y un programa de refresco de conocimientos anual con el fin de mantener un clima de trabajo seguro durante las operaciones.
Requisitos Nivel Académico: Licenciatura Grado de avance: Titulado Carreras: Forestal Años de Experiencia en el Área: 3 años Áreas Generales de experiencia: Área forestal y manejo de fuego Capacidades Gerenciales: Liderazgo y Trabajo en Equipo. Capacidades técnicas: Nociones Generales de la Administración Pública Federal, Técnicas de Combate de Incendios, Manejo de Herramientas de Combate de Incendios, Coordinación de Grupos de Trabajo. Otros requerimientos: Word, Excel y Power Point Disponibilidad para viajar: Sí
Adscripción Gerencias Regionales
Nivel OA1 Tipo de Plaza Confianza
Periodo de la publicación Del 28 de diciembre al 11 de enero del 2010 Vacantes 1
Sueldo mensual $ 17,046.25
Área general de experiencia FORESTAL
Área específica de experiencia PROTECCIÓN
Contacto Lic. Jorge Luna
Subgerente de Evaluación y Seguimiento
Clave de la Convocatoria 125/2009
Municipio Zapopan
Descripción del Puesto 1. Realizar el monitoreo y la evaluación de desempeño, así como la revisión y adecuación de los instrumentos operativos, con el objeto de detectar posibles riesgos que pueden afectar el logro de los objetivos planteados. 2. Diseñar instrumentos para que los ejidos y comunidades evalúen los servicios técnicos y profesionales que contraten en cada ejercicio fiscal, así como apoyar a las regiones para evaluar técnicamente los productos finales de las actividades apoyadas con recursos del Programa. 3. Supervisar la actualización de las bases de datos que generan la información estadística del Programa con el objeto de preparar la información que será utilizada para difundir los resultados. 4. Apoyar la definición e instrumentación de los procesos de validación social de solicitudes presentadas por los beneficiarios en los espacios de participación social empleados por el Programa y participar en las evaluaciones de las propuestas técnicas que respaldan las solicitudes. 5. Coordinar la elaboración de criterios de evaluación y su aplicación en los subproyectos de Inversión, con la finalidad de apoyar a ejidos y comunidades de los estados participantes con proyectos productivos que contribuyan a la generación de ingresos y empleo.
Requisitos Nivel Académico: Licenciatura Grado de avance: Titulado Carreras: Ciencias Forestales, Agropecuarias, Biológicas y Económicas. Años de Experiencia en el Área: 5 años Áreas Generales de experiencia: En la Administración Pública, que incluya la participación en monitoreo y evaluación de Programas de desarrollo rural, en particular con el sector forestal y con organizaciones municipales, ejidales y comunales preferentemente. Capacidades Gerenciales: Visión Estratégica y Liderazgo Capacidades técnicas: Nociones Generales de Administración Pública, Evaluación y monitoreo de proyectos de inversión, Operación de proyectos de desarrollo comunitario basado en el uso de los recursos naturales, Programas de Desarrollo Rural. Otros requerimientos: Office Disponibilidad para viajar: Si, frecuentemente
Adscripción Gerencia de Silvicultura Comunitaria
Nivel NA2 Tipo de Plaza Confianza
Periodo de la publicación Del 24 de diciembre al 8 de enero del 2010 Vacantes 1
Sueldo mensual $ 28,664.15
Área general de experiencia FORESTAL
Área específica de experiencia TÉCNICAS DE CULTIVO
Contacto Lic. Rocío Flores
Municipio Zapopan
Descripción del Puesto 1. Realizar el monitoreo y la evaluación de desempeño, así como la revisión y adecuación de los instrumentos operativos, con el objeto de detectar posibles riesgos que pueden afectar el logro de los objetivos planteados. 2. Diseñar instrumentos para que los ejidos y comunidades evalúen los servicios técnicos y profesionales que contraten en cada ejercicio fiscal, así como apoyar a las regiones para evaluar técnicamente los productos finales de las actividades apoyadas con recursos del Programa. 3. Supervisar la actualización de las bases de datos que generan la información estadística del Programa con el objeto de preparar la información que será utilizada para difundir los resultados. 4. Apoyar la definición e instrumentación de los procesos de validación social de solicitudes presentadas por los beneficiarios en los espacios de participación social empleados por el Programa y participar en las evaluaciones de las propuestas técnicas que respaldan las solicitudes. 5. Coordinar la elaboración de criterios de evaluación y su aplicación en los subproyectos de Inversión, con la finalidad de apoyar a ejidos y comunidades de los estados participantes con proyectos productivos que contribuyan a la generación de ingresos y empleo.
Requisitos Nivel Académico: Licenciatura Grado de avance: Titulado Carreras: Ciencias Forestales, Agropecuarias, Biológicas y Económicas. Años de Experiencia en el Área: 5 años Áreas Generales de experiencia: En la Administración Pública, que incluya la participación en monitoreo y evaluación de Programas de desarrollo rural, en particular con el sector forestal y con organizaciones municipales, ejidales y comunales preferentemente. Capacidades Gerenciales: Visión Estratégica y Liderazgo Capacidades técnicas: Nociones Generales de Administración Pública, Evaluación y monitoreo de proyectos de inversión, Operación de proyectos de desarrollo comunitario basado en el uso de los recursos naturales, Programas de Desarrollo Rural. Otros requerimientos: Office Disponibilidad para viajar: Si, frecuentemente
Adscripción Gerencia de Silvicultura Comunitaria
Nivel NA2 Tipo de Plaza Confianza
Periodo de la publicación Del 24 de diciembre al 8 de enero del 2010 Vacantes 1
Sueldo mensual $ 28,664.15
Área general de experiencia FORESTAL
Área específica de experiencia TÉCNICAS DE CULTIVO
Contacto Lic. Rocío Flores
Seabird Island
SEABIRD ISLAND SUPERVISORS, INTERNS and VOLUNTEERS needed for several Audubon-managed Maine coast sanctuaries. · We operate seven island research stations that include active and former restoration sites now managed for Atlantic Puffins, Black Guillemots, Razorbills, Arctic, Common, Least and Roseate Terns, Laughing Gulls, Common Eiders, Leach's Storm-Petrels and wading birds. Current work includes, but is not limited to: seabird diet studies, productivity monitoring, chick growth, seabird survival, recruitment and dispersal studies and predator management. DETAILS: Positions require primitive camping and working on offshore islands. Full-summer Volunteers and Rotating interns will move between 2 field sites throughout the summer. Island research teams are comprised of 2 to 6 people and are determined by island size, seabird colony composition and workload. · Days are long (0600 to 2000 hrs) and include a minimum of two 3-hour observation stints each day in a small wooden blind, weather permitting. All participants live in or near the bird colonies in rustic conditions (no electricity or running water; composting toilet only) and work 7 days/week. FOOD provided for all positions. Worker's compensation insurance for Supervisors and Interns only. Volunteers should have their own insurance coverage. All staff must provide their own binoculars, sleeping bag, sleeping pad and 2-person tent. SUPERVISOR responsibilities include: managing multiple concurrent seabird studies, drafting a daily work and staff schedule, training staff on essential field and computer skills, overseeing data collection and management, conducting visitor education, protecting the site from human disturbance and predator management. · Supervisors should expect to stay at their assigned island for the duration of the field season. · Applicants for the position should have an M.S. in natural resources (or a B.S. with similar experience). · Hunting and trapping experience is desirable. · Bird banding and small boat handling experience is required. Availability should be from early May through 15 Aug. Stipend: $325 or $425/wk depending on assigned location.
* INTERNS will participate in all aspects of seabird research, monitoring and management and may work on more than one island over the course of the field season. Interns will spend a minimum of 21 days at a field station before returning to the mainland, where showers and laundry facilities are available. · Most internships begin on 23 May and end on 15 Aug (two or more interns are needed beginning May 1). Applicants should have field research experience and be an undergraduate in a related field or have a B.S. in biology, natural resources or the equivalent. Stipend: $255/week.
* VOLUNTEERS will assist with field studies on puffins, terns and other species. · Must be over 18 years old and available for a minimum of two weeks between 1 Jun and 30 Jul with exact dates to be negotiated depending on schedule openings. · Volunteers contributing $1500 or more will receive preference for available openings.
Visit for further details. All applicants must submit a resume and the application form posted on our website (click on the "Get Involved" link). · Applications now being accepted for stipend positions through 15 Jan 2010 with decisions being made by 15 Feb 2010. Volunteers applications accepted from 1 Jan through 1 Mar 2010. (EM: rborzik AT or mail to: ROSALIE BORZIK, Audubon - Dept BJL, Seabird Restoration Program,159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca NY 14850.
* INTERNS will participate in all aspects of seabird research, monitoring and management and may work on more than one island over the course of the field season. Interns will spend a minimum of 21 days at a field station before returning to the mainland, where showers and laundry facilities are available. · Most internships begin on 23 May and end on 15 Aug (two or more interns are needed beginning May 1). Applicants should have field research experience and be an undergraduate in a related field or have a B.S. in biology, natural resources or the equivalent. Stipend: $255/week.
* VOLUNTEERS will assist with field studies on puffins, terns and other species. · Must be over 18 years old and available for a minimum of two weeks between 1 Jun and 30 Jul with exact dates to be negotiated depending on schedule openings. · Volunteers contributing $1500 or more will receive preference for available openings.
Visit for further details. All applicants must submit a resume and the application form posted on our website (click on the "Get Involved" link). · Applications now being accepted for stipend positions through 15 Jan 2010 with decisions being made by 15 Feb 2010. Volunteers applications accepted from 1 Jan through 1 Mar 2010. (EM: rborzik AT or mail to: ROSALIE BORZIK, Audubon - Dept BJL, Seabird Restoration Program,159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca NY 14850.
Crew Leader Mountain Plovers
CREW LEADER (1 position) needed for a study examining chick mortality and potential factors influencing recruitment of Mountain Plovers on private lands in eastern Colorado (near the rural towns of Karval and Haswell). This is a collaborative study with the Colorado Division of Wildlife and Colorado State University. The position runs from Mar 2010 through Jun/Jul 2010, possibly extending into Aug/Sep. Major duties include assistance with contacting private landowners; locating and monitoring Mountain Plover nests; capture, handling and banding adult and chicks; attaching radio transmitters to adult and chicks; monitoring bird movements using radio telemetry; determining cause of chick mortality; navigation with maps and GPS units; assist with training other individuals in the field crew; data entry and proofing; and assist with all pre- and post-logistics of field work. Good organizational skills, the ability to work independently and within a team, and a willingness to travel and work an unusual schedule in isolated shortgrass prairie habitats are essential. Field work is conducted by foot, vehicle, and All-terrain vehicles (ATVs); experience with ATVs is desired, and valid driver's license is necessary. Applicants with a B.S. in Wildlife Biology or closely related field are preferred. Pay rate is equivalent to $2300-$2500/month, and is dependent on experience and qualifications. Housing during the field season (Apr-Jul/Aug) at the study area (near the towns of Karval and Haswell, CO) is provided, private quarters are not guaranteed. Assistance with logistics prior (Mar-Apr) and post (Jul/Sep) field season will be conducted in Fort Collins, CO; housing is NOT provided. Applications received prior to 1 Jan 2010 will be considered. Please send cover letter including a statement of interests and qualifications, resume/CV, and contact information, including email and phone number, for 3 references to MARGARET (MAGGIE) RIORDAN, Colorado Division of Wildlife, 317 West Prospect Road, Fort Collins CO 80526 (EM: Maggie.Riordan AT ). Emailed applications will be accepted as attached PDF or Word documents. For further information about the project, please email: (EM: Maggie.Riordan AT
Field assistants-Malasya
FIELD ASSISTANTS, particularly NEST SEARCHERS, needed for a project examining the effects of climate change on montane bird communities in Malaysia from May-Jul 2010. Room and board will be covered but research assistants will need to make their way to Malaysia. The field work will be in mega-diverse submontane forests. Applicants with tropical research experience, especially with nest searching and point counts are preferred. Please send an initial very brief inquiry and I'll let you know more about the field site and project. BERT HARRIS (EM: bert.harris AT
Research Technician - Lesser Prairie Chicken
Agency: CKWRI - Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute
Location: Trapping - TX panhandle, summer - TAMUK campus
Job Description: February 24 through July 2010, Starting date is somewhat flexible
Review of application will begin January 15, 2010 however Open Until Filled
Summary: Assist with trapping lesser prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) at several locations in the Texas panhandle region. Duties preformed will largely consist of locating trapping locations, trapping, banding, collecting feather samples, blood samples, and radio marking lesser prairie-chickens. As part of cooperative research, duties may include assisting with locating radio marked prairie-chickens greater than or equal to 3 times per week. Summer months involve genetic lab work on TAMUK campus in Kingsville, Texas. Housing included during field season.
1. Locate trap sites, trap, collect feathers and blood, attach leg band and radio transmitter to trapped prairie-chickens.
2. Assist with DNA extraction and amplification.
3. Locate radio marked prairie chickens greater than or equal to 3 times per week.
4. Enter data into computer.
5. Other duties as assigned.
Trapping activities will require early mornings, late evenings, tolerance of extreme temperatures, and physical fitness (run 80 yards, lift 50 pounds).
Qualifications: Minimum Qualifications Upperclassman pursuing a B.S. in Wildlife Ecology and Management or closely related field. Knowledge and experience with wildlife and radio telemetry, ability to work independently with little supervision, and skill in collecting data. Must be able to closely follow directions. Ability to multi-task and work cooperatively with others.
Preferred Qualifications B.S. in Wildlife Ecology and Management or closely related field from a regionally accredited institution or university. One year wildlife related work. Texas Drivers License. Experience working with private landowners is a plus.
To apply send cover letter, resume/CV, and contact information for three references to or apply at
Selected candidate must pass a pre-employment background investigation to be hired for this position.
Notes: The above duties may not be performed in every position with this title and the above functions may not include all related duties that might be performed. Requires physical activities supportive of the above job duties. Reasonable accommodations will be made as necessary.
If you are a male age 18 through 25, you must be properly registered with the Selective Service System to be eligible for hire.
Texas A&M University Kingsville is committed to excellence; the University invites applications from all qualified applicants.
Salary: Salary Commensurate with qualifications
Last Date to apply: January 15, 2010
Contact: Mr. Kelly Corman
Location: Trapping - TX panhandle, summer - TAMUK campus
Job Description: February 24 through July 2010, Starting date is somewhat flexible
Review of application will begin January 15, 2010 however Open Until Filled
Summary: Assist with trapping lesser prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) at several locations in the Texas panhandle region. Duties preformed will largely consist of locating trapping locations, trapping, banding, collecting feather samples, blood samples, and radio marking lesser prairie-chickens. As part of cooperative research, duties may include assisting with locating radio marked prairie-chickens greater than or equal to 3 times per week. Summer months involve genetic lab work on TAMUK campus in Kingsville, Texas. Housing included during field season.
1. Locate trap sites, trap, collect feathers and blood, attach leg band and radio transmitter to trapped prairie-chickens.
2. Assist with DNA extraction and amplification.
3. Locate radio marked prairie chickens greater than or equal to 3 times per week.
4. Enter data into computer.
5. Other duties as assigned.
Trapping activities will require early mornings, late evenings, tolerance of extreme temperatures, and physical fitness (run 80 yards, lift 50 pounds).
Qualifications: Minimum Qualifications Upperclassman pursuing a B.S. in Wildlife Ecology and Management or closely related field. Knowledge and experience with wildlife and radio telemetry, ability to work independently with little supervision, and skill in collecting data. Must be able to closely follow directions. Ability to multi-task and work cooperatively with others.
Preferred Qualifications B.S. in Wildlife Ecology and Management or closely related field from a regionally accredited institution or university. One year wildlife related work. Texas Drivers License. Experience working with private landowners is a plus.
To apply send cover letter, resume/CV, and contact information for three references to or apply at
Selected candidate must pass a pre-employment background investigation to be hired for this position.
Notes: The above duties may not be performed in every position with this title and the above functions may not include all related duties that might be performed. Requires physical activities supportive of the above job duties. Reasonable accommodations will be made as necessary.
If you are a male age 18 through 25, you must be properly registered with the Selective Service System to be eligible for hire.
Texas A&M University Kingsville is committed to excellence; the University invites applications from all qualified applicants.
Salary: Salary Commensurate with qualifications
Last Date to apply: January 15, 2010
Contact: Mr. Kelly Corman
Research Technician-Wetland Biodiversity
Agency: Dept. Biol. Wildl.
Location: Univ. Alaska Fairbanks
Job Description: 8 Research Technicians to assist with field data collection for studies of the influence of climate and wetland characteristics on biodiversity in Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska.The University of Alaska Fairbanks is an equal opportunity employer. Contact Brad Griffith, USGS, Alaska Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, University of Alaska Fairbanks, on email only ( through 28 December 2009 or by email or phone (907-474-5067) thereafter for further information and application instructions.
Qualifications: Preference will be given to persons with demonstrated capacities/abilities to 1) identify sub-arctic breeding passerine and water birds by sight and sound on standard transects; 2) identify subarctic mammals, plant species, and aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates; 3) work collaboratively and effectively as a member of a field research team; 4) work effectively with intermittent supervision in remote field camp settings in sometimes extreme conditions for extended periods of time; 5) ensure legible and consistent data entry and integrity; and, 6) enter data electronically using computer software programs such as spreadsheets and databases. Travel among research sites will be via helicopter, floatplane, and riverboat. Periods of work will be late May through June and August, 2010. Two years, or equivalent combination, of training, experience and education at the undergraduate, graduate or field tech level is preferred; volunteer experience is acceptable.
Salary: >$18/hr depending on experience and training
Last Date to apply: March 1, 2010
Contact: Brad Griffith
Phone: 907-474-5067
Location: Univ. Alaska Fairbanks
Job Description: 8 Research Technicians to assist with field data collection for studies of the influence of climate and wetland characteristics on biodiversity in Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska.The University of Alaska Fairbanks is an equal opportunity employer. Contact Brad Griffith, USGS, Alaska Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, University of Alaska Fairbanks, on email only ( through 28 December 2009 or by email or phone (907-474-5067) thereafter for further information and application instructions.
Qualifications: Preference will be given to persons with demonstrated capacities/abilities to 1) identify sub-arctic breeding passerine and water birds by sight and sound on standard transects; 2) identify subarctic mammals, plant species, and aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates; 3) work collaboratively and effectively as a member of a field research team; 4) work effectively with intermittent supervision in remote field camp settings in sometimes extreme conditions for extended periods of time; 5) ensure legible and consistent data entry and integrity; and, 6) enter data electronically using computer software programs such as spreadsheets and databases. Travel among research sites will be via helicopter, floatplane, and riverboat. Periods of work will be late May through June and August, 2010. Two years, or equivalent combination, of training, experience and education at the undergraduate, graduate or field tech level is preferred; volunteer experience is acceptable.
Salary: >$18/hr depending on experience and training
Last Date to apply: March 1, 2010
Contact: Brad Griffith
Phone: 907-474-5067
Camp Director
Agency: El Ranchito Summer Camp
Location: Austin, TX
Job Description: Camp Description
El Ranchitos mission is to connect children with the natural world by providing an extraordinarily fun nature-immersion camping experience. Campers intimately experience the land, its plants and animals, its creeks, and the starry night sky. A primitive tent camp, where staff and campers sleep, makes experiencing the natural world fun and safe for the campers. The camp site is located on the Shield Ranch, just 20 miles southwest of Austin. El Ranchito is a project of the Shield Ranch Foundation in collaboration with El Buen Samaritano Episcopal Mission and Westcave Preserve.
Position Description
The camp director will direct and evaluate a residential nature immersion summer camp for underserved children entering 4th through 9th grades. The camp director will provide essential leadership to encourage conservation values on the part of staff and campers and will cultivate effective working relationships with and among staff, volunteers and camp participants. Responsibilities include:
Recruit, interview, and hire assistant camp director, counselors, and cook in consultation with supervisor.
Assist in development and review of camp programming and curriculum.
Assist in planning camp layout and setting up/taking down camp facilities at the Shield Ranch.
Fully review camp staff manual and curriculum manual no later than April 20 to be posted on El Ranchito website by May 1, 2010.
Develop basic staff training schedule and facilitate staff training.
Fully participate in 8 hours of Directors Training (one day).
Coordinate directorship in areas of overlap with Conservation Corps Camp Director.
Direct all activities during the camp program including curriculum delivery, food service, transportation, safety awareness, emergency response, camper health, and staff supervision.
Serve as a healthy role model, teacher, and guide providing insight, direction, nurture and support for campers.
Coordinate full evaluation of camp and prepare evaluation reports and recommendations for future camp sessions. Evaluations will include: individual staff performance reviews, camper and parent evaluations of camp, camper interview during camp, weekly staff evaluations of camp (individual and group), invited presenters evaluations, and Directors report per provided outline.
Approximately 6 weeks full time: May 29-July 8, 2010, including staff training and evaluation. (Additional salary hours needed to recruit/hire staff, recruit campers, review manuals, and prepare training schedule.) Must be in residence June 5-July 2 with scheduled time off.
Qualifications: Qualification Requirements
Experience in working with children in outdoor and organized residential camp settings
Demonstrated competence in youth camp administration and teaching or counseling
College degree with a concentration in education, natural resource protection, natural science or recreation
Spanish fluency strongly preferred
Experience with and knowledge of natural settings and wilderness activities
Willing to accept supervision, work independently, lead a team, and perform as part of a team
Willing to live in a tent camp setting without running water, air conditioning and use of electronics
Competent use of information technology
CPR and First Aid Certification (as part of training)
Completion of a sexual misconduct prevention course (as part of training)
Background check required. Any candidate with a felony conviction will be automatically disqualified.
No tobacco, drugs, alcohol or weapons are permitted at El Ranchito.
Salary: $6000 plus hourly wage for additional prepartion w
Last Date to apply: January 8, 2010
Contact: Connie Randolph
Location: Austin, TX
Job Description: Camp Description
El Ranchitos mission is to connect children with the natural world by providing an extraordinarily fun nature-immersion camping experience. Campers intimately experience the land, its plants and animals, its creeks, and the starry night sky. A primitive tent camp, where staff and campers sleep, makes experiencing the natural world fun and safe for the campers. The camp site is located on the Shield Ranch, just 20 miles southwest of Austin. El Ranchito is a project of the Shield Ranch Foundation in collaboration with El Buen Samaritano Episcopal Mission and Westcave Preserve.
Position Description
The camp director will direct and evaluate a residential nature immersion summer camp for underserved children entering 4th through 9th grades. The camp director will provide essential leadership to encourage conservation values on the part of staff and campers and will cultivate effective working relationships with and among staff, volunteers and camp participants. Responsibilities include:
Recruit, interview, and hire assistant camp director, counselors, and cook in consultation with supervisor.
Assist in development and review of camp programming and curriculum.
Assist in planning camp layout and setting up/taking down camp facilities at the Shield Ranch.
Fully review camp staff manual and curriculum manual no later than April 20 to be posted on El Ranchito website by May 1, 2010.
Develop basic staff training schedule and facilitate staff training.
Fully participate in 8 hours of Directors Training (one day).
Coordinate directorship in areas of overlap with Conservation Corps Camp Director.
Direct all activities during the camp program including curriculum delivery, food service, transportation, safety awareness, emergency response, camper health, and staff supervision.
Serve as a healthy role model, teacher, and guide providing insight, direction, nurture and support for campers.
Coordinate full evaluation of camp and prepare evaluation reports and recommendations for future camp sessions. Evaluations will include: individual staff performance reviews, camper and parent evaluations of camp, camper interview during camp, weekly staff evaluations of camp (individual and group), invited presenters evaluations, and Directors report per provided outline.
Approximately 6 weeks full time: May 29-July 8, 2010, including staff training and evaluation. (Additional salary hours needed to recruit/hire staff, recruit campers, review manuals, and prepare training schedule.) Must be in residence June 5-July 2 with scheduled time off.
Qualifications: Qualification Requirements
Experience in working with children in outdoor and organized residential camp settings
Demonstrated competence in youth camp administration and teaching or counseling
College degree with a concentration in education, natural resource protection, natural science or recreation
Spanish fluency strongly preferred
Experience with and knowledge of natural settings and wilderness activities
Willing to accept supervision, work independently, lead a team, and perform as part of a team
Willing to live in a tent camp setting without running water, air conditioning and use of electronics
Competent use of information technology
CPR and First Aid Certification (as part of training)
Completion of a sexual misconduct prevention course (as part of training)
Background check required. Any candidate with a felony conviction will be automatically disqualified.
No tobacco, drugs, alcohol or weapons are permitted at El Ranchito.
Salary: $6000 plus hourly wage for additional prepartion w
Last Date to apply: January 8, 2010
Contact: Connie Randolph
Spotted Owl Research Technician
Agency: University of Minnesota Dept. FWCB
Location: Sierra Nevada, CA
Job Description: Job Description: 6 - 8 research assistants are needed for a long-term population and habitat ecology study of the California Spotted Owl in the Sierra Nevada, CA. Three positions begin April 5, and 5 positions begin May 3. All positions will last until August 23, 2010. The pay rate is $11.50-$12.50/hr (depending on experience) with a typical workweek of 40 hours. Field housing will be provided, but frequent camping out is required during the work week. Successful applicants will assist in monitoring, banding, and resighting spotted owls, as well as conducting vegetation surveys for ongoing research projects.
Qualifications: Applicants must be physically fit (i.e., able to walk long distances in steep terrain), take detailed field notes, be able to work at night off-trail, have excellent hearing, be able to identify colors on bird bands, and be able to operate 4-wheel-drive vehicles. Assistants may be required to work on related projects as needed. Applicants with a B.S. in wildlife, biology, or related fields and/or related experience are preferred. The application deadline is Feb. 5, 2010. Please e-mail a cover letter and a resume with at least three references to Vince Berigan ( The University of Minnesota is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Salary: $11.50-$12.50/hr
Last Date to apply: February 5, 2010
Contact: Vince Berigan
Phone: 612-624-7709
Location: Sierra Nevada, CA
Job Description: Job Description: 6 - 8 research assistants are needed for a long-term population and habitat ecology study of the California Spotted Owl in the Sierra Nevada, CA. Three positions begin April 5, and 5 positions begin May 3. All positions will last until August 23, 2010. The pay rate is $11.50-$12.50/hr (depending on experience) with a typical workweek of 40 hours. Field housing will be provided, but frequent camping out is required during the work week. Successful applicants will assist in monitoring, banding, and resighting spotted owls, as well as conducting vegetation surveys for ongoing research projects.
Qualifications: Applicants must be physically fit (i.e., able to walk long distances in steep terrain), take detailed field notes, be able to work at night off-trail, have excellent hearing, be able to identify colors on bird bands, and be able to operate 4-wheel-drive vehicles. Assistants may be required to work on related projects as needed. Applicants with a B.S. in wildlife, biology, or related fields and/or related experience are preferred. The application deadline is Feb. 5, 2010. Please e-mail a cover letter and a resume with at least three references to Vince Berigan ( The University of Minnesota is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Salary: $11.50-$12.50/hr
Last Date to apply: February 5, 2010
Contact: Vince Berigan
Phone: 612-624-7709
Wildlife Biologist Aides
Agency: PA Game Commission
Location: Pennsylvania
Job Description: SEASONAL WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST AIDES. The Pennsylvania Game Commission is seeking 2 wildlife biologist aides from January to September 2010 for a wild turkey study. Primary duties will include locating wild turkey flocks and capturing wild turkeys using rocket nets and attaching transmitters and leg bands.
Salary is $11.66 per hour and includes state retirement benefits. State vehicle provided.
Trapping will occur from January through March and August through September. Depending on qualifications applicants might also work on a grassland songbird study from May through July with Penn State University at a similar salary.
Research will occur on 2 study areas: 1) south central and southwestern Pennsylvania, in Wildlife Management Units 2C, 2E, 4A, 4B and 4D; and 2) north central Pennsylvania, in Wildlife Management Units 2F and 2G. A map may be viewed at
Send cover letter stating interest in this position and study area preference, resume, copy of transcripts, and contact information for 3 references to: Mary Jo Casalena, Pennsylvania Game Commission, 342 Station Road, Bedford, PA 15522, or via E-mail to Position to begin as early as January 9, 2009. Apply as soon as possible.
Qualifications: Long hours and weekend work will be expected in all types of field conditions. Employees must be able to lift 50lbs. and carry it for 100 meters. Successful applicants will be adaptable, detail-oriented, enthusiastic and able to work independently. A valid drivers license is required.
Salary: $11.66/hr plus benefits
Last Date to apply: January 9, 2010
Contact: Mary Jo Casalena
Phone: 814-624-0020
Location: Pennsylvania
Job Description: SEASONAL WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST AIDES. The Pennsylvania Game Commission is seeking 2 wildlife biologist aides from January to September 2010 for a wild turkey study. Primary duties will include locating wild turkey flocks and capturing wild turkeys using rocket nets and attaching transmitters and leg bands.
Salary is $11.66 per hour and includes state retirement benefits. State vehicle provided.
Trapping will occur from January through March and August through September. Depending on qualifications applicants might also work on a grassland songbird study from May through July with Penn State University at a similar salary.
Research will occur on 2 study areas: 1) south central and southwestern Pennsylvania, in Wildlife Management Units 2C, 2E, 4A, 4B and 4D; and 2) north central Pennsylvania, in Wildlife Management Units 2F and 2G. A map may be viewed at
Send cover letter stating interest in this position and study area preference, resume, copy of transcripts, and contact information for 3 references to: Mary Jo Casalena, Pennsylvania Game Commission, 342 Station Road, Bedford, PA 15522, or via E-mail to Position to begin as early as January 9, 2009. Apply as soon as possible.
Qualifications: Long hours and weekend work will be expected in all types of field conditions. Employees must be able to lift 50lbs. and carry it for 100 meters. Successful applicants will be adaptable, detail-oriented, enthusiastic and able to work independently. A valid drivers license is required.
Salary: $11.66/hr plus benefits
Last Date to apply: January 9, 2010
Contact: Mary Jo Casalena
Phone: 814-624-0020
Visitor Services (EE and Interpretation)
Agency: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Location: Sag Harbor, NY
Job Description: The Visitor Service Intern will be responsible for operating a visitor contact station at the Morton NWR in Sag Harbor, NY as well as at nearby Amagansett NWR in Amagansett, NY. In addition, the intern will develop and conduct environment educational programs targeted for students and interpretive programs for the general public including special events such as Pollinator Day and Plover and Friends Day. Intern will also develop and/or update written informative and interpretive material. The interns will be responsible for drafting and developing outreach media to the local community to advertise program opportunities available at the refuge. These duties provide interns with the opportunity to reach diverse groups of people living in neighboring communities as well as opportunities to connect daily visitors to Long Island. The intern is encouraged to participate in resource management such as endangered species management of threatened piping plovers and least terns and invasive species control. The intern is expected to work independently and must have initiative to self-start assignments. The intern will work 5 days a week, including weekends, for a total of 40 hours/week with minimal supervision. Shifts will be limited to 8 hours per day, but must be flexible, sometimes beginning at 6 am and sometimes ending at 8 pm. A government vehicle is provided for work tasks and a valid drivers license is required. START and END DATES ARE NEGOTIABLE!
Qualifications: A recent graduate or student (Junior or Senior status preferred) in wildlife biology or ecology, environmental science, outdoor rec. management, natural resources management, recreation, environmental education, interpretation or related communication field; communication skills, writing skills, desire to work with people, and valid driver's license.
B. Desired Background: Experience speaking in front of groups, general principles of interpretation and environmental education, natural resource management concepts and biological systems.
Salary: Stipend $246/week plus free housing
Last Date to apply: January 30, 2010
Contact: Ann Bell
Phone: 631-286-0485 ext. 157
Location: Sag Harbor, NY
Job Description: The Visitor Service Intern will be responsible for operating a visitor contact station at the Morton NWR in Sag Harbor, NY as well as at nearby Amagansett NWR in Amagansett, NY. In addition, the intern will develop and conduct environment educational programs targeted for students and interpretive programs for the general public including special events such as Pollinator Day and Plover and Friends Day. Intern will also develop and/or update written informative and interpretive material. The interns will be responsible for drafting and developing outreach media to the local community to advertise program opportunities available at the refuge. These duties provide interns with the opportunity to reach diverse groups of people living in neighboring communities as well as opportunities to connect daily visitors to Long Island. The intern is encouraged to participate in resource management such as endangered species management of threatened piping plovers and least terns and invasive species control. The intern is expected to work independently and must have initiative to self-start assignments. The intern will work 5 days a week, including weekends, for a total of 40 hours/week with minimal supervision. Shifts will be limited to 8 hours per day, but must be flexible, sometimes beginning at 6 am and sometimes ending at 8 pm. A government vehicle is provided for work tasks and a valid drivers license is required. START and END DATES ARE NEGOTIABLE!
Qualifications: A recent graduate or student (Junior or Senior status preferred) in wildlife biology or ecology, environmental science, outdoor rec. management, natural resources management, recreation, environmental education, interpretation or related communication field; communication skills, writing skills, desire to work with people, and valid driver's license.
B. Desired Background: Experience speaking in front of groups, general principles of interpretation and environmental education, natural resource management concepts and biological systems.
Salary: Stipend $246/week plus free housing
Last Date to apply: January 30, 2010
Contact: Ann Bell
Phone: 631-286-0485 ext. 157
Avian Field Technicians
Agency: University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Location: Montague, Massachusetts
Job Description: Field technicians needed May 1 to July 30 (dates are somewhat flexible) to assist with a study on the ecology and conservation of scrub-shrub birds (primarily Prairie Warblers) in an actively managed pitch pine-scrub oak ecosystem located in Montague, Massachusetts. Tasks will include searching for and monitoring nests, territory mapping and re-sighting color marked birds, and conducting vegetation surveys. Technicians will also have the chance to assist in target mist-netting and banding adults and nestlings. Work schedule will be 5-6 days a week; possibly 6 days a week during peak nesting. Housing is not provided, however housing can be found in the Umass, Amherst area (20 minutes from study site). Please send a cover letter, resume/CV, and contact information (name, phone number, and email address) for 3 references. Applications will be accepted March 1 2010 or until positions are filled.
Qualifications: Although we prefer applicants that have previous passerine nest searching experience, we are also looking for enthusiastic applicants willing to learn new techniques. Other desired traits are mist-netting experience and the ability to map and re-sight color marked birds. Applicants must have a strong work ethic, be able to work independently, be in good physical condition, and be able to carry heavy equipment in the field. Applicants must be willing to work in very dense, shrubby vegetation.
Salary: Approximately $1600/month
Last Date to apply: March 1, 2010
Contact: Mike Akresh
E-mail: mike.akresh AT
Location: Montague, Massachusetts
Job Description: Field technicians needed May 1 to July 30 (dates are somewhat flexible) to assist with a study on the ecology and conservation of scrub-shrub birds (primarily Prairie Warblers) in an actively managed pitch pine-scrub oak ecosystem located in Montague, Massachusetts. Tasks will include searching for and monitoring nests, territory mapping and re-sighting color marked birds, and conducting vegetation surveys. Technicians will also have the chance to assist in target mist-netting and banding adults and nestlings. Work schedule will be 5-6 days a week; possibly 6 days a week during peak nesting. Housing is not provided, however housing can be found in the Umass, Amherst area (20 minutes from study site). Please send a cover letter, resume/CV, and contact information (name, phone number, and email address) for 3 references. Applications will be accepted March 1 2010 or until positions are filled.
Qualifications: Although we prefer applicants that have previous passerine nest searching experience, we are also looking for enthusiastic applicants willing to learn new techniques. Other desired traits are mist-netting experience and the ability to map and re-sight color marked birds. Applicants must have a strong work ethic, be able to work independently, be in good physical condition, and be able to carry heavy equipment in the field. Applicants must be willing to work in very dense, shrubby vegetation.
Salary: Approximately $1600/month
Last Date to apply: March 1, 2010
Contact: Mike Akresh
E-mail: mike.akresh AT
Burn Crew Member
Agency: The Nature Conservancy
Location: Western MN, Eastern SD, Central ND
Job Description: The Burn Crew Member (BCM) will serve on one of five crews. Each crew travel throughout one of the following five landscapes/projects: Tallgrass Aspen Parklands (northwestern MN and southern Manitoba); Agassiz Beach Ridges (western-central MN); Glacial Ridge Project (western MN); Missiouri Coteau (central ND) and Prairie Coteau (eastern SD). These crews are responsible for preparation and implementation of prescribed fire at various nature preserves in these landscapes. Under the direction of a Prescribed Burn Leader, the BCM will assist with controlled burns. In addition, the BCM will assist with preserve management tasks such as boundary posting, firebreak preparation, fencing, tree clearing, brush cutting, and equipment maintenance when conditions are not conducive to burning. This position requires irregular hours and travel on short notice, with working weekends a strong possibility. Housing facilities are provided and groceries will be provided during the work schedule. Transportation from The Nature Conservancy office to the various preserves will be provided by The Nature Conservancy. Occasional overnight camping and/or extended periods away from base office MAY be required. This is a seasonal position from April 5 to May 28, 2010.
" High school diploma and 0-1 years of experience.
" Prescribed and/or wildland fire experience preferred, but not mandatory. Qualified as or able to meet qualifications for FFT2, including Introduction to ICS (I-100), Human Factors on the Fireline (L-180), Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior (S-190), Firefighting Training (S-130), and one training burn serving under the supervision of a qualified FFT2. Candidates lacking elements of this training may be considered and training opportunities afforded if selected for one of the crews.
" Technicians will be required to attend and pass TNC sponsored fire and equipment training during the first full week of employment. Training time is paid at normal salary rate.
" Excellent physical condition, including the ability to carry a 45 pound pack over 3 miles of level terrain in 45 minutes or less.
" Ability to work well with a wide variety of people in stressful conditions and to follow assignments closely.
" Excellent verbal communication skills.
" Ability to perform hard physical work for extended and irregular periods, under adverse conditions and in all extremes of weather and darkness.
" Must have valid drivers license, safe driving record to operate a TNC vehicle.
" Ability to safely operate an ATV and manual transmission vehicle preferred.
" General vehicle/equipment maintenance experience preferred.
The Burn Crew Member participates in wildland fire operations which include ignition, control, mop-up, suppression, monitoring, etc. All TNC staff actively participating on a prescribed burn must be qualified as a FFT2. The Burn Crew Member will participate in preparing fire lines, maintaining equipment, post-burn monitoring and other tasks. May perform other preserve management duties when conditions are not conducive to prescribed fire. This is a short-term job (6 months or less).
" High school diploma and 0-1 year of related experience.
" Qualified as or able to meet qualifications for Fire Fighter Type 2.
" Experience operating various types of equipment.
The Burn Crew Member may work in variable weather conditions, at remote locations, on difficult and hazardous terrain and under physically demanding circumstances. These conditions:
" require considerable physical exertion and/or muscular strain
" present frequent possibility of injury
" require long hours in isolated settings
Salary: $9.00 to $12.50/hour DOE
Last Date to apply: January 22, 2010
Contact: Sonia Winter
Phone: 218-498-2679
Location: Western MN, Eastern SD, Central ND
Job Description: The Burn Crew Member (BCM) will serve on one of five crews. Each crew travel throughout one of the following five landscapes/projects: Tallgrass Aspen Parklands (northwestern MN and southern Manitoba); Agassiz Beach Ridges (western-central MN); Glacial Ridge Project (western MN); Missiouri Coteau (central ND) and Prairie Coteau (eastern SD). These crews are responsible for preparation and implementation of prescribed fire at various nature preserves in these landscapes. Under the direction of a Prescribed Burn Leader, the BCM will assist with controlled burns. In addition, the BCM will assist with preserve management tasks such as boundary posting, firebreak preparation, fencing, tree clearing, brush cutting, and equipment maintenance when conditions are not conducive to burning. This position requires irregular hours and travel on short notice, with working weekends a strong possibility. Housing facilities are provided and groceries will be provided during the work schedule. Transportation from The Nature Conservancy office to the various preserves will be provided by The Nature Conservancy. Occasional overnight camping and/or extended periods away from base office MAY be required. This is a seasonal position from April 5 to May 28, 2010.
" High school diploma and 0-1 years of experience.
" Prescribed and/or wildland fire experience preferred, but not mandatory. Qualified as or able to meet qualifications for FFT2, including Introduction to ICS (I-100), Human Factors on the Fireline (L-180), Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior (S-190), Firefighting Training (S-130), and one training burn serving under the supervision of a qualified FFT2. Candidates lacking elements of this training may be considered and training opportunities afforded if selected for one of the crews.
" Technicians will be required to attend and pass TNC sponsored fire and equipment training during the first full week of employment. Training time is paid at normal salary rate.
" Excellent physical condition, including the ability to carry a 45 pound pack over 3 miles of level terrain in 45 minutes or less.
" Ability to work well with a wide variety of people in stressful conditions and to follow assignments closely.
" Excellent verbal communication skills.
" Ability to perform hard physical work for extended and irregular periods, under adverse conditions and in all extremes of weather and darkness.
" Must have valid drivers license, safe driving record to operate a TNC vehicle.
" Ability to safely operate an ATV and manual transmission vehicle preferred.
" General vehicle/equipment maintenance experience preferred.
The Burn Crew Member participates in wildland fire operations which include ignition, control, mop-up, suppression, monitoring, etc. All TNC staff actively participating on a prescribed burn must be qualified as a FFT2. The Burn Crew Member will participate in preparing fire lines, maintaining equipment, post-burn monitoring and other tasks. May perform other preserve management duties when conditions are not conducive to prescribed fire. This is a short-term job (6 months or less).
" High school diploma and 0-1 year of related experience.
" Qualified as or able to meet qualifications for Fire Fighter Type 2.
" Experience operating various types of equipment.
The Burn Crew Member may work in variable weather conditions, at remote locations, on difficult and hazardous terrain and under physically demanding circumstances. These conditions:
" require considerable physical exertion and/or muscular strain
" present frequent possibility of injury
" require long hours in isolated settings
Salary: $9.00 to $12.50/hour DOE
Last Date to apply: January 22, 2010
Contact: Sonia Winter
Phone: 218-498-2679
Applied Conservation-Restoration Ecology
Agency: USFWS-Seney NWR
Location: Seney, MI
Job Description: Seney National Wildlife Refuge (Seney NWR) in Michigans Upper Peninsula was established in 1935 by Executive Order for the protection and production of migratory birds and other wildlife. At nearly 96,000 acres, Seney NWR is one of the larger National Wildlife Refuges east of the Mississippi River and is exceptionally diverse in both the number of ecosystem types present and the number of wildlife species using these habitats. Seney NWR also administers island refuges in Lakes Superior, Michigan, and Huron, as well as Kirtlands Warbler Wildlife Management Area in the northern Lower Peninsula. For more information see:
During the summer of 2010, Seney NWR will offer two (2) Applied Conservation-Restoration Ecology internships. These positions will last for up to 12 weeks, with some flexibility in starting and ending dates. The duties assigned to the successful applicants would be wide-ranging and should prepare the applicant for a future career in natural resources management and/or graduate school. Assigned duties may include 1) assisting with general biological and ecological assessments and inventories (e.g., forest stand assessments and inventories, ecosystem mapping, bird surveys and censuses, frog and toad surveys, colonial waterbird surveys); 2) assisting with habitat management (e.g., forest management, exotic species management, colonial waterbird habitat management); and 3) assisting with on-going Refuge research projects.
Interns are compensated at a rate of $150/week for a 40-hour work week that may include working some weekends and evenings. The Refuge will provide dorm-style housing, laundry facilities, and a vehicle.
To apply, the following must be received by 4 PM ET, Monday, 15 February 2010:
1. a 1-page cover letter describing personal background and interests and integrating both with Seneys 2009 Comprehensive Conservation Plan (see URL link, above);
2. a detailed resume describing education, experiences, and skills;
3. unofficial copies of all college transcripts;
4. two (2) Letters of Recommendation that must include the name, affiliation, address, telephone number, and email address of each person writing a letter;
5. proof of full-time college enrollment for fall 2010.
All information should be sent to:
Dr. Greg Corace
Seney National Wildlife Refuge
1674 Refuge Entrance Rd.
Seney, MI 49883
Incomplete (or late) applications may not receive full consideration.
Qualifications: Interested applicants should be currently enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student, have a GPA >3.0, be inquisitive, be physically fit, be able to work independently or in small groups, have excellent verbal and writing skills, have a valid drivers license, and have a background in biology, botany, forestry, zoology, ecology, or a related field. Preference will be given to those who have demonstrated competence in conducting field work.
Salary: $150/wk plus housing
Last Date to apply: February 15, 2010
Contact: Dr. Greg Corace
Phone: 906.586.9851x14
Location: Seney, MI
Job Description: Seney National Wildlife Refuge (Seney NWR) in Michigans Upper Peninsula was established in 1935 by Executive Order for the protection and production of migratory birds and other wildlife. At nearly 96,000 acres, Seney NWR is one of the larger National Wildlife Refuges east of the Mississippi River and is exceptionally diverse in both the number of ecosystem types present and the number of wildlife species using these habitats. Seney NWR also administers island refuges in Lakes Superior, Michigan, and Huron, as well as Kirtlands Warbler Wildlife Management Area in the northern Lower Peninsula. For more information see:
During the summer of 2010, Seney NWR will offer two (2) Applied Conservation-Restoration Ecology internships. These positions will last for up to 12 weeks, with some flexibility in starting and ending dates. The duties assigned to the successful applicants would be wide-ranging and should prepare the applicant for a future career in natural resources management and/or graduate school. Assigned duties may include 1) assisting with general biological and ecological assessments and inventories (e.g., forest stand assessments and inventories, ecosystem mapping, bird surveys and censuses, frog and toad surveys, colonial waterbird surveys); 2) assisting with habitat management (e.g., forest management, exotic species management, colonial waterbird habitat management); and 3) assisting with on-going Refuge research projects.
Interns are compensated at a rate of $150/week for a 40-hour work week that may include working some weekends and evenings. The Refuge will provide dorm-style housing, laundry facilities, and a vehicle.
To apply, the following must be received by 4 PM ET, Monday, 15 February 2010:
1. a 1-page cover letter describing personal background and interests and integrating both with Seneys 2009 Comprehensive Conservation Plan (see URL link, above);
2. a detailed resume describing education, experiences, and skills;
3. unofficial copies of all college transcripts;
4. two (2) Letters of Recommendation that must include the name, affiliation, address, telephone number, and email address of each person writing a letter;
5. proof of full-time college enrollment for fall 2010.
All information should be sent to:
Dr. Greg Corace
Seney National Wildlife Refuge
1674 Refuge Entrance Rd.
Seney, MI 49883
Incomplete (or late) applications may not receive full consideration.
Qualifications: Interested applicants should be currently enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student, have a GPA >3.0, be inquisitive, be physically fit, be able to work independently or in small groups, have excellent verbal and writing skills, have a valid drivers license, and have a background in biology, botany, forestry, zoology, ecology, or a related field. Preference will be given to those who have demonstrated competence in conducting field work.
Salary: $150/wk plus housing
Last Date to apply: February 15, 2010
Contact: Dr. Greg Corace
Phone: 906.586.9851x14
Wildlife Technicians
Agency: Humboldt State University Sponsored Programs Foundation
Location: Central California coast
Job Description:
Three to four wildlife technicians (contingent on funding) are being sought to work on a seabird restoration and monitoring project for Common Murres (Uria aalge) and other seabirds along the central California coast, pending available funding. Two types of positions will be filled: Site Supervisor; and Biotech. This project is conducted cooperatively by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex) Humboldt State University, and other public and private organizations. The purpose of the restoration project is to aid in restoring murre colonies that have suffered damage from oil spills, human disturbance, and other anthropogenic factors.
Successful applicants must be willing to work long hours, on weekends, and in inclement weather. Main job duties will include conducting population and productivity surveys on Common Murres, Brandts Cormorants and other species, documenting human and natural disturbances to seabirds, database entry, data analysis, and preparation of reports. Other duties may include counting seabirds from aerial photographs, deploying and removing seabird restoration equipment on offshore rocks, or other tasks as assigned. Preference may be given to applicants with prior field experience with seabird or other wildlife monitoring techniques or census techniques. Additional evaluation may be based on the applicants knowledge and experience with computer use, databases, and report preparation. Applicants for Site Supervisors need to demonstrate evidence of their ability to work independently and abilities to provide leadership.
Duration: Approx. April to August 2009 (Biotech) or April to September 2009 (Site Supervisor)
Wages: Approx. $2940-$3640/month depending on experience and responsibilities
Housing may be provided at field sites during the period mid-April to late July.
Employer: Humboldt State University Sponsored Programs Foundation
Send to: Lisa Eigner
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
9500 Thornton Ave.
Newark, CA 94560 U.S.A.
*No email applications will be accepted.
Qualifications: Requirements: 1) Bachelors degree in wildlife, biological sciences, or related discipline with an interest in wildlife biology, restoration, or behavior; 2) current drivers license with good driving record; 3) ability to sufficiently move and lift equipment up to 40 lbs; and 4) ability to hike or bike to certain field sites.
Applicants must submit: 1) a signed cover letter; 2) résumé; and 3) names and phone numbers of two professional references. For further information, contact Lisa Eigner at (510) 792 0717 ext. 225 or email at . Applicants must indicate the position(s) they are applying for (Site Supervisor, Biotech, or both).
*No email applications will be accepted.
Salary: Approx. $2940-$3640/month depending on experience
Last Date to apply: January 30, 2010
Contact: Lisa Eigner
Phone: (510) 792 0717 ext. 225
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