Empleo para biologos. Bolsa de trabajo ciencias de la vida. ¿En que puede trabajar un biólogo?
jueves, 25 de diciembre de 2008
Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute
lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2008
Voluntariado en Costa Rica
work will be on the importance of birds to tropical forest restoration.
At the Cloud Forest School in Monteverde, Costa Rica, students in grades
K to 11 have been reforesting abandoned pastures to restore the tropical
cloud forest. Because birds disperse seeds of many tropical plants and
also eat herbivorous insects, they are a critical component to tropical
forest restoration and regeneration. More frequent visits by birds in
the reforestation and naturally regenerating areas should increase the
rate of forest regeneration. I am seeking someone to assist with
monitoring the bird community in terms of diversity and abundance in the
reforestation areas for at least two to three months. The assistant must
have excellent bird identification skills, be willing to work very early
mornings, and work independently. Pay is not available, but this is an
ideal opportunity to develop an independent project or be co-author on a
publication. Starting in Jan, Feb or Mar 2009 are the best times, but
spring or summer 2009 are also possible. Contact: PATRICIA TOWNSEND (EM:
ptownsen AT u.washington.edu), Ph. D. Candidate, Department of Biology,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Asistentes de campo en Australia
color-banded population of purple-crowned fairy-wrens in the Kimberley,
Australia. Start date: anytime from Mar 2009. Time period: 3 months
minimum. Duties include regular censusing of color-banded birds,
searching for and monitoring nests, quantifying territory quality,
mist-netting, behavioral observations, and data entry. The study is
based at Mornington Wildlife Sanctuary in the remote tropical north of
Western Australia. Qualifications: experience monitoring color-banded
birds, nest-searching, and mist-netting. Must also be physically fit and
able to work in extremes of temperature and humidity, and enjoy isolated
and basic living conditions shared with diverse other people (and
potentially bugs, snakes, etc.). Stipend towards expenses:
AUD$750-1000/mo depending on experience plus cost of travel to the site
from Derby, Australia. Onsite accommodation in tents is provided, but
assistants cover their own food costs. For more information contact:
MICHELLE HALL (EM: hall AT orn.mpg.de) and ANNE PETERS (EM: peters AT
orn.mpg.de). To apply, please email a letter outlining previous field
research experience, a resume including names and contact information
for 3 referees, and dates of availability.
Paid Summer Ecology Internships for Undergraduates
Paid Summer Ecology Internships for Undergraduates
The Calder Summer Undergraduate Research (CSUR) Program - 2009The Louis Calder Center - Biological Field Station of Fordham University has a select number of paid research opportunities for undergraduate students in our Calder Summer Undergraduate Research (CSUR) program. The CSUR program will run from May 25th through August 15th, 2009.
- Students will work out of our field station, which is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories, which are in close proximity to forest, field and aquatic ecosystems.
- Some student projects will include collaborations with scientists at the Wildlife Conservation Society and the New York Botanical Garden.
- This year we will offer approximately ten awards to qualified undergraduates interested in conducting independent research.
- Stipends of $4,800 plus a travel reimbursement will be awarded to successful applicants, and rent at the field station is free.
- Limited funds are available to support research and local travel.
A sample of some of the potential student projects for 2006 includes:
- Acoustic and Visual Enrichment for Chilean Flamingoes
- Algal biodiversity in streams along an urban-to-rural land-use gradient
- Biological control of arthropods that transmit disease
- Bloom-forming cyanobacteria in lakes of Central Park, New York
- Climate change and gene flow in an annual plant
- Hoot Song Function in the Stripe-throated Wren
- Impact of an invasive species on local mosquito species
- The evolution of transposable elements in bacterial pathogens
- The cascading effects of an invasive plant
- The food web of temporary forest ponds
- Urbanization and habitat fragmentation influences on dynamics of wildlife disease
- Urbanization effects on plants, their symbionts, and ecosystem processes
Successful candidates will be matched with scientists with similar research interests. Core program activities include the design and execution of independent, closely mentored research projects, and participation in mini-courses and weekly seminars. Through these activities, students will learn the fundamentals of experimental design, use of the scientific literature, data collection and analysis, and oral presentation.
- For details on the program and a list of research areas available this summer for students, see:
- You can also contact us by email at: REUatCalder@fordham.edu, or by phone: 914-273-3078, ext. 10.
Field Assistants January 16-March 31, 2009 on Pacific coast of Costa Rica
Field Assistants January 16-March 31, 2009 on Pacific coast of Costa Rica
Volunteer Opportunity
Submitted: 2008-12-04 11:22:38
Contact: Alec Hutchinson ahutchinson@pretoma.org
WWW Link: http://www.pretoma.org
January 16-March 31, 2009
Playa Caletas, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Background Information
At each of PRETOMA’s projects, committed field staff in the form of Field Coordinators and Assistants are critical to the season’s success. Timeframes range from 2.5 to 5 months, depending on site, and each project has its own special points and challenges. Below you will find information pertaining to these Field Coordinator (FC) and Field Assistant (FA) positions.
Field Assistant (FAs):
FAs are being selected for our extremely remote project at Playa Caletas. Project personnel are usually the only people on the beach and project activities are based out of an encampment which consists of large communal tents, beds, a cooking area, solar panels, an outhouse, a well and a project hatchery. The camp is rustic and not for the faint of heart and FAs should be prepared to live a “Robinson Crusoe” lifestyle. It is crucial that selected FAs bring a positive attitude to the project, be adaptable to a variety of situations and be prepared to partake in ALL aspects of the project.
Sea turtle work includes conducting night patrols to identify, measure and tag all adult turtles, relocate nests into hatcheries or mark them in situ, daily early morning walks to count turtle tracks and check status of in situ nests, monitor hatcheries around the clock, release hatchlings and conduct post hatching nest excavations.
Beside sea turtle duties, FAs will need to partake in food administration and cooking duties, as well as camp/hatchery upkeep and construction, which can include carrying heavy logs, shoveling sand, hammering nails, plant control and other strenuous physical activities.
Having said all that, FAs can also expect to have a bed to sleep in, to work with a group of 6-8 diverse individuals from around the world, to live in an amazing camp right on a remote sea turtle nesting beach surrounded by diverse flora and fauna, to participate in the conservation of an endangered species, to gain biological research and leadership experience, and to make memories that will last a lifetime. Volunteering at Playa Caletas is truly a once in a lifetime experience.
FAs are expected to stay at the project site for the entire period for which they are selected.
Preference will be given to potential applicants that meet the following requirements:
* Independent, reliable and responsible.
* Motivated, positive and adaptable to unexpected situations.
* Ability to undertake physical labor during night and day in heat and rain.
* Comfortable in an isolated setting and working in a team setting.
* Previous experience working in the outdoors (especially with sea turtles).
* Strong interpersonal communication skills.
* Advanced student or recent graduate in biological sciences or related fields.
* Available for the duration of the position for which applying.
FAs have their food and lodging expenses covered while with the project, but are expected to plan and finance all travel to and from the project sites.
Additional Contact Information
Application ProcessTo apply, send an email which includes:
* Cover letter indicating:
o Time frame(s) you are applying for.
o Why you are interested in the position(s).
o Your personal strong points.
* CV/Resume
* Email addresses of two personal references
To: Alec Hutchinson
Nesting Beach Projects
Promotor de desarrollo forestal.
1. Promover el ordenamiento forestal y la planeación regional en la unidad o unidades de manejo forestal (UMAFOR). 2. Promover el fortalecimiento y consolidar la integración de las organizaciones de silvicultores, mediante acciones de gestión y capacitación que induzca a la capacidad autogestiva 3. Promover los programas de la CONAFOR en la UMAFOR para dar a conocer los beneficios de los programas, así como los trámites y requisitos para acceder al apoyo. 4. Fortalecer la atención y servicios a los silvicultores, mediante acciones de asesoría, gestión y promoción de organizaciones en el ámbito territorial de las Unidades de Manejo Forestal. 5. Apoyar el seguimiento a los trámites de entrega de apoyos de los programas de la CONAFOR hasta la entrega de los mismos. 6. Elaborar el Programa Operativo Anual de la promotoría para las Unidades de Manejo Forestal bajo su responsabilidad para informar y coordinar las actividades con la Subgerencia Operativa Estatal 7. Controlar los recursos de papelería y material de promoción de la Promotoría de Desarrollo Forestal para asegurar el buen uso y aprovechamiento de los mismos. 8. Mantener informada a la Subgerencia Operativa Estatal sobre los avances cualitativos y cuantitativos de la Promotoría Forestal 9. Administrar los recursos, personal y equipos a cargo de la Promotoría de Desarrollo Forestal para asegurar su buen uso y aprovechamiento | |||
Requisitos | Nivel Académico: Licenciatura y/o Técnico Forestal Grado de avance: Pasante Carreras: Forestal, Agronomía, Sociología Rural, Ambiental, Agroecología, Desarrollo Comunitario, Ciencias Biológicas y afines Años de Experiencia en el Área: 1 año Áreas Generales de experiencia: Manejo de grupos de trabajo, participación comunitaria, técnicas de enseñanza, planeación regional y desarrollo forestal sustentable. Capacidades Gerenciales: Orientación a Resultados y Trabajo en Equipo Capacidades técnicas: Nociones Generales de la Administración Pública Federal; desarrollo comunitario y silvicultura comunitaria y manejo de programas forestales Otros requerimientos: Microsoft Office, Internet Disponibilidad para viajar: Sí | ||
Adscripción | Gerencias Regionales | ||
Nivel | PQ3 | Tipo de Plaza | Confianza |
Sueldo mensual $ | 10,577.20 | ||
Área general de experiencia | FORESTAL | Descargar archivo de Convocatoria 136/2008 | |
Área específica de experiencia | PRODUCTOS | ||
Contacto | Lic. Patricia Ortiz |
Técnicos de campo, Tabasco.
Los Programas de Monitoreo de Fauna Silvestre y Rescate |
Asistente de Evaluación de Campo, La Paz, BCS
Fundación Cántaro Azul es una organización civil sin fines de lucro dedicada al diseño e implementación de soluciones en los temas de agua e higiene en comunidades rurales. En colaboración con la Universidad de California en Berkeley y la Sociedad de Historia Natural Niparajá, Fundación Cántaro Azul pone en marcha el proyecto Agua Limpia en tus Manos con el objetivo de resolver el problema de consumo de agua contaminada en 600 familias que habitan en comunidades rurales de los municipios de La Paz y Los Cabos, en Baja California Sur.
De enero de 2009 al verano de 2010, se llevará a cabo un monitoreo continuo para evaluar rigurosamente el impacto del proyecto a través de la documentación del uso del sistema de desinfección de agua, la medición de la calidad del agua utilizada para consumo humano y la valoración de la salud de las familias participantes.
RESPONSABILIDADES: El Asistente de Evaluación de Campo realizará visitas de monitoreo semanalmente, en las cuales entrevistará a los participantes del proyecto, inspeccionará los sistemas de desinfección y recolectará y analizará muestras de calidad de agua. Así mismo, el asistente de evaluación supervisará la labor de dos técnicos de evaluación, planeará la logística de campo, redactará el reporte de salida y mantendrá actualizada la base de datos con la información obtenida semanalmente.
PERFIL: Capacidad de realizar labores metódicamente con objetividad y precisión. Disposición y voluntad de trabajar en comunidades rurales de la región cuatro días a la semana. Tener un mínimo de dos años de experiencia en trabajo de campo y/o laboratorio. Capacidad y experiencia en manejo de personal y trabajo en equipo. Habilidad en redacción de reportes y uso de programas de computación Word y Excel. Interés en adquirir nuevas habilidades y desarrollarse profesionalmente como parte de una organización dinámica e innovadora. Solicitud abierta a mujeres y hombres, ya que busca formar un equipo de evaluación mixto.
Interesad@s favor de contactarnos a la brevedad posible para adquirir el formato de solicitud de empleo:
Fermín Reygadas Robles Gil, Co-Fundador
(612) 148-0841, oficina 7am-3pm
(612) 156-3322, celular
fermin@cantaroazul.org Misión de la Purísima 292, Fracc. Misiones
La Paz, B.C.S. CP 23083
miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2008
Plan de becas WILD9
Con la finalidad de promover la igualdad de oportunidades para las comunidades y los delegados de países en vías de desarrollo, The WILD Foundation y Unidos para la Conservación están trabajando para establecer el Plan de Becas de WILD9. El Comité Ejecutivo de WILD9 otorgará apoyos parciales a profesionistas, científicos, líderes indígenas, representantes comunitarios y aquellas personas comprometidas con la conservación de las tierras silvestres que así lo requieran. Las becas se otorgarán en base a las necesidades y capacidad de cada uno, su grado de participación en WILD9, referencias sólidas y situación personal. Todas las becas están sujetas a los recursos disponibles en el fondo y no incluirán viáticos. Para mayores informes sobre el Plan de Becas de WILD9, y los criterios de selección, ver la convocatoria completa. Emily LooseDirector, CommunicationsThe WILD Foundationwww.wild.orgwww.wild9.org
Coordinador Ambiental para el Chaco, Bolivia.
Vacante en The Nature Conservancy, Bolivia | | | |
Convocatoria: The Nature Conservancy busca contratar un Coordinaor Ambiental para el Chaco.
Fechas: Los interesados deben aplicar antes del 10 de diciembre de 2008.
Información: apratesi@tnc.org
The Chaco Environmental Coordinator provides technical and policy leadership to TNC and partners to increase the area under effective conservation in the Chaco ecoregion. The main objective of the Chaco Coordinator is to increase the acreage of public protected areas (national, provincial, municipal) and consolidating existing ones. The candidate may also be required to provide support to indigenous communities to improve the management of indigenous lands. We are looking for a candidate that is capable of working with non-traditional approaches to conservation such as designing and improving financial and legal instruments aimed to achieve conservation at scale and establish private-public partnerships for the creation and management of protected areas. The candidate is expected to coordinate the implementation of the Regional Public Goods (RPG) project that is being implemented by a consortium of partners in Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina. Thi s RPG project is financed by the Inter-American Development Bank and the Chaco Coordinator will be the primary point of contact with the Bank on TNC’s behalf. It is paramount that the candidate demonstrate the ability to successfully fundraise with multi-laterals, bi-laterals, governments and the private sector. The Chaco Coordinator will report to the Director of the Central Savannas Conservation Program and will work closely with the External Affairs Team.
Convocatoria para Director General de SIMAGAL
El sistema intermuncipal del agua, El Grullo, Autlán y el Limón (SIMAGAL) organismo descentralizado con personalidad jurídica y patrimonio propios, autonomía técnica y administrativa; encargado de prestar los servicios públicos de agua potable, alcantarillado, tratamiento y disposición final de aguas residuales en los territorios de los municipios que lo integran, teniendo como sede el Municipio de Autlán de Navarro, Jalisco, tiene a bien: Convocar a todos los interesados en concursar en el proceso de selección para la contratación de Director General del SIMAGAL. |
Estancia postdoctoral Biologia Molecular.
Patricia Len patricia@ibt.unam.mx
Director Administrativo
areas protegidas.
Energético y profesional para dar dirección y crecimiento a la organización en México. Manejará las operaciones de COSTASALVAjE, A.C., incluyendo recursos humanos, asuntos financieros, todo tipo de contratos y la operación diaria de la oficina de Ensenada, Baja California.
Prestadoras de servicios profesionales
Pida informes a:
Araceli Díaz
Profesor investigador Laboratio de Ecologia del paisaje.
Victor Bravo